Xealot's Protecting your Home - Pathfinder PbP OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2
Venedictos wrote:
I must confess my interest is waning, but I feel somewhat obligated to continue this for awhile, seeing as how my character keeps screwing up the combat opportunities for everybody else!

I don't really mind ^^ I do like how things are goign lol feels almos like a kingmaker sort of campaign

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

I want to be clear, there is no animosity here. I'll agree with Venedictos, and continue to monitor thread for another week. Like I said before, Life Happens. Not looking for excuses/reasons just status.


Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

I want to be clear, there is no animosity here. I'll agree with Venedictos, and continue to monitor thread for another week. Like I said before, Life Happens. Not looking for excuses/reasons just status.


Yeah I agree. I'll keep watching it and perhaps use Denis later for something else.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I go where the story goes, Ven. That is why I like ttrpgs (table top role playing games) instead of computer ones. The freedom to change the story and make it your own.

Smerg wrote:
I go where the story goes, Ven. That is why I like ttrpgs (table top role playing games) instead of computer ones. The freedom to change the story and make it your own.

Agreed! I have actually heard from someone who made his own top 10 list online that there was this old PC game where you had total freedom. You could if you wanted go into a dungeon and spend your life grinding or go with the story. You had unlimited options from the sound of it and with Fallout 2 you could do whatever the hell you wanted after the game was completed and even though there was a main story, you could go about it any way. There's no mission I found for freeing the slaves in it, however I saved them anyway because I like being a good guy and saving them.

Seems that video games have been taking steps back, but Bioware have been trying to take them back forward with great story lines and gameplay. Been recently playing a old PC game, Planescape:Torment. Certainly pretty powerful in this game, more so than in Baldur's gate.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I recently got a copy of the original Planescape box set from a friend that was clearing his shelves from some of his older stuff.

While I haven't played much in Sigil, I've always liked the idea.

A couple of years ago waiting for 4e, I had started to plan out a possible 4e campaign. Of course, that was before I knew how radically different 4e was going to be from prior editions.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Smerg wrote:

I recently got a copy of the original Planescape box set from a friend that was clearing his shelves from some of his older stuff.

While I haven't played much in Sigil, I've always liked the idea.

A couple of years ago waiting for 4e, I had started to plan out a possible 4e campaign. Of course, that was before I knew how radically different 4e was going to be from prior editions.

Yeah that is the majority of complaints that it's VERY different and simplistic. I found it fun as a game, though monsters were pretty damn powerful.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I found with 4e that it shone best at the low levels of play. Combats lacked enough of the encounter and daily abilities compared to the amount of hit points of the monsters to effectively take them down in a reasonable amount of time.

The game was supposedly designed around doing four combats over four hours but we were seeing many combats dragging on for several hours.

We had some really fun battles but it really took too long to play out a game session for our own group's liking.

I've noticed that several 'house rules' on the net from active 4e groups have increased the damage of the monsters and reduced the monster's hit points to fix this problem.

There has also been an effort by these groups to fix problems with Solo monsters getting stun locked for several turns as usually several characters have some sort of stun or modifier ability. The result being that five players putting one or two of these abilities down on a solo in order leaves the creature pretty emasculated for the term 'solo'.


Okay, it's been a week since I prompted Xealot for an update on what the Kobolds were doing. That along with his previous mentions of working double shifts suggests to me that he has decided to abandon the game without the courtesy of even letting us know what he is doing.

(insert explitive here)

So, we have some great role-players here. Do we forge ahead with the story with Denis DM, start something new with Denis DM, or sign off in this thread saying we are going to look on the gamer wanting threads for something else?

Me? I'm for starting something new with Denis as DM since he's offered.

Max HP: 16 | Current Hp: 16 | AC 13, T 10, FF 13 | CMD 9 | F 3, R 2, W 6 | Init +1 | Perc +7

Well, for myself, I'm in way too many games at the moment as it is, and only really put in for this one to get a chance to play with Brev's player, as we wanted to do a PbP together. We've since found another game that's running along smoothly, so I think at this point, I shall bow out, even if Xealot does choose to return. I bear no ill will to anyone, but I believe that if you are in a position where your work schedule prevents you from posting consistently, you have no business trying to DM a PbP game. Once in a while is fine, but this was getting ridiculous.

Good luck with your new game, though, and thanks for the memories.

Sorry I screwed up your chances to kill things.

Male Gnome Sorcerer (fey bloodline) 1

Yeah, I think I'm going to bow out at this time too. I hope everyone has fun with whatever new games you start up! Take care all!

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

Meh. Kiptera has a long memory. I am sure if she crosses paths with Venedictos, there is a chance for some meta-playing retribution. ;-)

I'll attempt to GM a RL PFS game at FLGS here. Bunch of idle players making due with Magic and board games during game day/night. Been monitoring several PBP games. I aspire to be as creative and passionate storyteller as them.


Edited: Smerg, I read one of your posts regarding your location. Granted I am on the US side of the Bridge, got a passport?
he he.

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

Yup, gotta have a passport.

The only way to visit my Bro's, nephews, and niece. Though, they're being spread on both coasts of the US makes it pretty hard to afford seeing both in the same year.

email contact:

david _ j _ rowe at hotmail dot com (broke it up to avoid bot readers)

Send me an email if you want to talk further on the topic.

Female Human Oracle 1

I suppose I could also run some sort of game if you guys would be interested. I figure I've learned nigh all that I needed to about running online, save that I don't have to be completely prepared for all scenarios as I can take my time with responding.

That, and less maps to be drawn...

Well , It is a pity . For once , we had the occasion to do something different than just bashing monsters . Too bad

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:

I suppose I could also run some sort of game if you guys would be interested. I figure I've learned nigh all that I needed to about running online, save that I don't have to be completely prepared for all scenarios as I can take my time with responding.

That, and less maps to be drawn...

I'd be willing to join something like this. When you decide on what specification you want for character submissions, please let me know.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

I'll join! Most of the games I was playing died out or something so tell me when you are ready and what setting and character specs.

I'd personally like to hear more. If Tieflings are allowed I'll use Denis, if not, I have many others to use.

Female Human Oracle 1
Denis Dubosc wrote:
I'd personally like to hear more. If Tieflings are allowed I'll use Denis, if not, I have many others to use.

I imagine it will be allowed.

I just have to sit down and think something out.

Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Denis Dubosc wrote:
I'd personally like to hear more. If Tieflings are allowed I'll use Denis, if not, I have many others to use.

I imagine it will be allowed.

I just have to sit down and think something out.

Definantly sounds interesting. I suggest going for a published adventure and adhoc the stuff that isn't mentioned, like my group having a druid that managed to get friendly with a Shark.

Female Human Oracle 1
Denis Dubosc wrote:
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Denis Dubosc wrote:
I'd personally like to hear more. If Tieflings are allowed I'll use Denis, if not, I have many others to use.

I imagine it will be allowed.

I just have to sit down and think something out.

Definantly sounds interesting. I suggest going for a published adventure and adhoc the stuff that isn't mentioned, like my group having a druid that managed to get friendly with a Shark.

Good idea. I'll page through some of the module descriptions and see if I find one I like. After that, it's just a matter of editing, I suppose.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Denis Dubosc wrote:
Mercy Ülricsdottir wrote:
Denis Dubosc wrote:
I'd personally like to hear more. If Tieflings are allowed I'll use Denis, if not, I have many others to use.

I imagine it will be allowed.

I just have to sit down and think something out.

Definantly sounds interesting. I suggest going for a published adventure and adhoc the stuff that isn't mentioned, like my group having a druid that managed to get friendly with a Shark.
Good idea. I'll page through some of the module descriptions and see if I find one I like. After that, it's just a matter of editing, I suppose.

Yeah, things like CotCT are made for the old 3.5 before they had the pathfinder characters so powerful and adventures assume they're 15 point buy. What I learnt was that you can run about 5 people at 20 point buy, giving them the experience as if 6 people were in the group (since they're more powerful than D&D 3.5 classes) and so some encounters will need to be a little buffed.

The Exchange

Female Dwarf Wizard 1

I agree with your observation DM Aron. A lot of my older modules would be a cakewalk due to Permament Buff Creep. +1 here +2 there, trying to compensate for lack of tactics/strategy on the part of players. Not venting, just observation.

Every encounter is a puzzle, a +15 Hackmaster Sword is not always the solution, as Venedictos showed thru his "Nat 20" diplomancy rolls and derailed the planned encounter of Xealot. he he.

Female Human Oracle 1

Am I right in assuming that the hangers on in the thread will be remaining in the group if I run? I'm fine with making a recruitment thread, I just don't want to if I can just as easily pull all four of you out of this and into my own. Much less hassle.

EDIT: Found a good module. Has anyone here played Carrion Hill? If so, I should probably re-pick.

Male Human Sorcerer 5 (draconic bloodline - gold)

I'd be happy to rejoin too.

Female Human Oracle 1

Well, I'll just post up the OOC thread I wrote up and see who signs on.

IT's Carrion Hill OOC

Kiptera Stiresong wrote:

I agree with your observation DM Aron. A lot of my older modules would be a cakewalk due to Permament Buff Creep. +1 here +2 there, trying to compensate for lack of tactics/strategy on the part of players. Not venting, just observation.

Every encounter is a puzzle, a +15 Hackmaster Sword is not always the solution, as Venedictos showed thru his "Nat 20" diplomancy rolls and derailed the planned encounter of Xealot. he he.

heh, used my DM profile lol. Well anyway, that is true though you can't get critical fails or success on skills. Plus what would've been more fo a way to win would be with trickery where you say you arn't here to cause problems, but you actually have a harm spell charged in your hands and when they get close, you touch them and they die. Well...you'd hope they would die since Harm deals 10points a level damage and by the time you get it, it should deal over 100 damage.

Female Human Oracle 1

After making that post I've reconsidered. Should I run a level one game? I'd like people to tell me what they'd like me to do if they want to play in the game.

I'll just re-make a thread if that's so.

Male Human (Teldrua) Modern Hero (Soldier) 2

I don't mind the level ;) and never played carrion hill

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

I'd prefer 1st level, but I never played Carrion Hill and am game for that.

Lantern Lodge

Okay, cool. I reckon I'll just keep it as is, then, since I kind of like Carrion Hill and think it'll work well as a PbP.

May need to pull in one or two people, which shouldn't be difficult...

Male Half Orc Cleric 2 Fighter 2

I'm fine with the concept and level. I'll dot the new thread.

I'll have to see what fifth level characters I can convert from 3.5 .

Xealot and overfiend_87, are y'all still interested in my Kingmaker PBP? [/end threadjack]

Can't speak for Xealot since he has dissappeared but I'll have to decline. The game had us overpowered and the encounters hadn't been altered and there were far too many people in the group to have any fun and it made waiting for my turn and when I woke the next day there were several people waiting for my turn. Not to mention the single ability point every 2 levels and feat every level made us all too powerful. Sorry if I sound like I'm being rough, but you also need to spend more time with the roleplaying so I became instantly bored with no real conversation with Oleg and Svetlana. I knew nothing about why we were even there and had very little to motivate my character for even being here. I suggest looking at DM Alex K's kingmaker and you'll see what I mean.

overfiend_87 wrote:
Can't speak for Xealot since he has dissappeared but I'll have to decline. The game had us overpowered and the encounters hadn't been altered and there were far too many people in the group to have any fun and it made waiting for my turn and when I woke the next day there were several people waiting for my turn. Not to mention the single ability point every 2 levels and feat every level made us all too powerful. Sorry if I sound like I'm being rough, but you also need to spend more time with the roleplaying so I became instantly bored with no real conversation with Oleg and Svetlana. I knew nothing about why we were even there and had very little to motivate my character for even being here. I suggest looking at DM Alex K's kingmaker and you'll see what I mean.

Thanks for the info, all comments are welcome. Enjoy your games.

Master of Gaming and Grognardia Current map
Black Fang wrote:
overfiend_87 wrote:
Can't speak for Xealot since he has dissappeared but I'll have to decline. The game had us overpowered and the encounters hadn't been altered and there were far too many people in the group to have any fun and it made waiting for my turn and when I woke the next day there were several people waiting for my turn. Not to mention the single ability point every 2 levels and feat every level made us all too powerful. Sorry if I sound like I'm being rough, but you also need to spend more time with the roleplaying so I became instantly bored with no real conversation with Oleg and Svetlana. I knew nothing about why we were even there and had very little to motivate my character for even being here. I suggest looking at DM Alex K's kingmaker and you'll see what I mean.
Thanks for the info, all comments are welcome. Enjoy your games.

Eitherway, I appologise for not fowarding earlier to tell you this.

here's the thread I mentioned DM AK's Kingmaker

I hope what I've mentioned does help though.

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