Michael Wadden |

As the Title says, what are your favorite magic items, weapons, armor, artifacts, etc.
Mine is the Deck of many things, a player of mine once drew 45 cards from the deck, which resulted in many fun events, which lead to the rest of the character to draw at least 10 or more. There were wraiths, deaths, wishes, imprisonment, gold, keeps, followers, etc. was alot of fun and a great way to let the players entertain themselves if you have nothing planned

Lathiira |

Rings of sustenance are a perennial favorite of mine. Rods of smiting if I'm in melee. Bags of holding and other assorted items of holding more stuff are also a fave.
Least favorite: Ioun stones. I like the effects, but every time I try to imagine someone with them, I keep thinking the user looks absolutely silly. And few magic items blatantly scream 'hey, I'm magic' like a crystal that orbits your head.

Lazurin Arborlon |

Always wanted and never been able to have a ring of TK...way more money than gets handed out in our games until like level 15 and never ever have I seen it as a drop, but my mind boggles at all the creative uses I could squeeze out if I got my hands on one.
A Rod of force is high on my list of attainable goals for my Warlock its a combo lightsaber, lazergun and wall maker, what more could you want.
Favorite toy in recent memory - Had a Sorcerer who dual wielded wands of Magic Missle like Six Guns.

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The Handy Haversack- Sure, it's not exactly a Bag of Holding but having just what you need at easy access is always useful.
Wand of Cure Light Wounds- When you've got a bard, an oracle, a paladin of Iomedae, and a ranger in the same party, a little extra healing can go a long way. (Particularly if the paladin and ranger don't have spells yet.)
The Deck of Many Things- Fun for all involved! Disclaimer: The Pantheon of Golarion, as an individual or whole, shall not be held responsible for any of the following as a result of drawing from the Deck, entertaining as they may be: Individual or mutual unconsciousness, brutal death, amputation of no fewer than three limbs, or the general tearing-asunder of one or more adventurers. Expeditions to recover adventurers as a result of drawing the Dungeon or Void Cards are mounted solely at players' expense and/or whim. For further details of how to claim your castle as bequeathed by the Throne Card, consult your local cleric of Iomedae.
Folding Boat- Not terribly useful, but, c'mon! It's a boat in a box!
Holy Avenger- I once planned on making a Paladin who dual-wielded a Holy Avenger and a Sunblade. I don't know why either.

Ainslan |

I'm a Sunblade afficionado myself.
I also just love the Instant Fortress, always tough it was a pretty darn cool item.
Ioun Stones, but only with alternate means of using them (Pathfinder did great, and back in 2nd E one of my wizards wore a magical channeling gauntlet where he could insert Ioun stones and they'd work normally. Replaced all low cost spell components too).

FallingIcicle |

Here are some of my favorites:
Ring of Telekinesis: telekinesis is one of the most versatile and fun spells in the game, and this ring gives it at-will! My gnome wizard plands to get a huge spiked metal ball and permanency shrink item on it. That way he'll always have a nasty weapon to violent thrust at enemies when he doesn't want to waste spells on them. ;)
Ring of Sustenance: never have to eat or drink, and you only need 2 hours of rest per night? Sign me up!
Mithral Buckler: Yeah, it's a shield. So why do I include a shield in my list? Because spellcasters (wizards, sorcerer's, bards, etc) can use it and it has NO arcane spell failure! Likewise, they suffer no penalty for being non-proficient with it, since it has no armor check penalty!
Handy Haversack: despite holding alot less than a bag of holding, I far prefer this item, since it makes all of your stored items readily retrievable.
Carpet of Flying: Next to the ring of telekinesis, this is my gnome wizard's favorite possession. The ability to fly at-will is valuable for reasons that shouldn't need to be stated.
Rod of Metal and Mineral Detection: This often overlooked item is incredibly useful. Aside from its obvious use in finding hidden treasure, it can also locate most mechanical traps, since they usually have metal components. Even more usefully, it can find invisible enemies if they are wearing or carrying absolutely any metal at all. Think about it, even those who eschew metal armor will likely be wearing a belt buckle or be carrying a few coins in their pouch!
Quall's Feather Token (Tree): This cheap, basic item can be alot of fun. Need a ladder to get over that wall or up a sheer cliff? Boom! Instant tree to climb! It's also very amusing when a huge oak tree instantly grows right underneath a boss monster. It's guaranteed to get a very memorable reaction from the DM!

pain4gains |
ummovable rod is just sweet. 2 of them is an endless ladder, bridge, and hiding spot(climb to the ceiling then use them to hang above a patrol).
Use it to hold that door shut. Get your super duper magic glue, and stick the rod to things. Enemies epic greatsword...boom, immobile. The enemies head...boom, fixed in space. Feed the rogue to that dragon, he hits the button and leaves the dragon with a hard choice. Stand in the same spot, or rip himself a new set of holes.

Khuldar |

Tursic wrote:Healing Belt and Eternal Wands.Where are these found?
Both in 3.5's magic item compendium. Eternal wands are originally form the eberron campaign setting, and act like a wand that can be used twice a day. Very nice, not terribly game breaking. I have no idea where the healing belt is from originally, but is a dirt cheep (750gp) magic item with 3 charges a day of cure spells. MASSIVELY underpriced for what it does, but it does get some healing out to those who don't normally have it.
I used to like the runestaves, as I think wizards should use staves and the regular ones were overpriced for what you got. But I like the pathfinder staff rules better.
I'm overly fond of the ring of force shield, but 9 times out of 10 you are better off with a mithril buckler. If you can get your GM to let you enchant it as a magic shield, it's a lot of fun.
Sunblades are full of awesome.

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Rings of sustenance are a perennial favorite of mine. Rods of smiting if I'm in melee. Bags of holding and other assorted items of holding more stuff are also a fave.
Least favorite: Ioun stones. I like the effects, but every time I try to imagine someone with them, I keep thinking the user looks absolutely silly. And few magic items blatantly scream 'hey, I'm magic' like a crystal that orbits your head.
Actually being an adventurer that looks anything beyond the wet behind the ears noodle screams "you're magic". Down the big fighter? what's the first thing that people call out before healing? I'm sure it's something along the lines. "I detect magic on his stuff".

Lathiira |

Lathiira wrote:Actually being an adventurer that looks anything beyond the wet behind the ears noodle screams "you're magic". Down the big fighter? what's the first thing that people call out before healing? I'm sure it's something along the lines. "I detect magic on his stuff".Rings of sustenance are a perennial favorite of mine. Rods of smiting if I'm in melee. Bags of holding and other assorted items of holding more stuff are also a fave.
Least favorite: Ioun stones. I like the effects, but every time I try to imagine someone with them, I keep thinking the user looks absolutely silly. And few magic items blatantly scream 'hey, I'm magic' like a crystal that orbits your head.
Some magic items have distinct appearances that say "yes, I'm magic". Helms of brilliance have gems, ioun stones, etc. I want someone to at least have to cast detect magic to know it's magical. An ioun stone is something someone like a 1st level commoner can guess about.

HalfOrcHeavyMetal |

Orc-Blood Falchion and Ring of Tongues from the Savage Species manual, made my Half-Orc Barbarian much better at talking the villagers out of running him out of town and helped make his rages better.
Horned Helm from that old 3.0 Arms and Equipment guide, the helmet every Dwarven Battlerager should have. Doubled their base speed and granted a 1d8 piercing damage with a +2 enhancement bonus. In the Dwarves case I removed the Stag Horns and gave them Ram or Goat horns instead. Most people run screaming from a Dwarven Barbarian with one of these. 50 feet per round and you turn that into a charge attack with a few hundred pounds of Dwarf fairly flying into the middle of a Kobold formation and you have a lot of reptilian-subtype Kobolds to scrape off said Dwarf's helmet.
Phylactery of Change from the same manual as the Horned Helmet, made Monstrous PCs much more manageable in 'civilised' areas, since aforementioned villagers wouldn't immediately run for their torches and pitchforks.
+5 Keen Vorpal Adamantite Falchion .... up until Pazio nerfed my beloved Vorpal to make it a natural 20 or nada enchantment. The poor bastards who'd had to DM against my Barbarian(s) wielding aforementioned Sword of Numerous Decapitations all danced in a circle, however. Bastiges.

Caineach |

Rods of Wonder... For some reason these always roll up when 1 player is rolling random treasure. He made a glove out of them so he could shoot 5 at a time.
Immovable Rods... We buy them up whenever we can.
Robe of Usefull items... I absolutely love these.
Feather tokens. Any of them. They are all awesome and extremely usefull. I love making barbarians charge into trees with readied actions.

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Rods of Wonder... For some reason these always roll up when 1 player is rolling random treasure. He made a glove out of them so he could shoot 5 at a time.
Activating one rod is a standard action. You can't use one standard action to activate multiple items no matter how you carry them.

ProfessorCirno |

+5 Keen Vorpal Adamantite Falchion .... up until Pazio nerfed my beloved Vorpal to make it a natural 20 or nada enchantment. The poor bastards who'd had to DM against my Barbarian(s) wielding aforementioned Sword of Numerous Decapitations all danced in a circle, however. Bastiges.
It was 3.5 that changed it, not Pathfinder ;)

Gilfalas |

HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:+5 Keen Vorpal Adamantite Falchion .... up until Pazio nerfed my beloved Vorpal to make it a natural 20 or nada enchantment. The poor bastards who'd had to DM against my Barbarian(s) wielding aforementioned Sword of Numerous Decapitations all danced in a circle, however. Bastiges.It was 3.5 that changed it, not Pathfinder ;)
Actually if you REALLY want to go back it was 3.0 that changed it. It was Pathfinder that set it back to what it originally was in it's first incarnation.

Ramarren |

ProfessorCirno wrote:Actually if you REALLY want to go back it was 3.0 that changed it. It was Pathfinder that set it back to what it originally was in it's first incarnation.HalfOrcHeavyMetal wrote:+5 Keen Vorpal Adamantite Falchion .... up until Pazio nerfed my beloved Vorpal to make it a natural 20 or nada enchantment. The poor bastards who'd had to DM against my Barbarian(s) wielding aforementioned Sword of Numerous Decapitations all danced in a circle, however. Bastiges.It was 3.5 that changed it, not Pathfinder ;)
The earliest incarnation I remember (DMG with the Efreet on the cover) decapitated normal creatures on a 17-20 (and was a +3 weapon).

Caineach |

Caineach wrote:Activating one rod is a standard action. You can't use one standard action to activate multiple items no matter how you carry them.Rods of Wonder... For some reason these always roll up when 1 player is rolling random treasure. He made a glove out of them so he could shoot 5 at a time.
You can if the GM lets you. The GM loves them just as much as the player, and he almost always seems to hose us with at least a couple of them, so it ballances out.

Elghinn Lightbringer |

Some of my favorites have been:
+3 (or better) glamered greater shadow mithral shirt (rogues)
+3 (or better) called heavy fortification mithral full plate (paladins, fighters)
+3 (or better) adamantine called keen vorpal holy avenger greatsword (paladin)
+3 (or better) adamantine keen speed longsword (fighter)
+3 (or better) adamantine keen rapier of puncturing and subtlety (rogue)
freedom of movement
protection (+3 or better)
immovable (a pair)
bag of holding (any)
belt of many pockets (Complete Arcane)
boots of levitation
bracers of armor (+5 or better)
cloak of resistance (+3 or better)
decanter of endless water
figurine of wondrous power (warhorse)
gauntlet of rust
gloves of storing (a pair)
handy haversack
helm of teleportation
horseshoes of speed
instant fortress
mantle of spell resistance
periapt of wound closure
portable hole

Kyle Schmaing |

Marvelous Pigments. I mean come on, you paint a picture and BAM! instant item or door or silly statue of the annoying cleric or fuzzy hat... just about anything that you can think of and roll a good enough craft/profession painting check. (note I am not sure which it is craft or prof.) I know that mages can do the same thing with a single spell but how about the fighter who just happens to dabble in painting and yatta! he can now make items like a relaxing chair by the campfire, or an extra bedroll. I think I love it just for the amount of randomly useful/ and sometimes not useful things you can think up and make.

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One not mentioned.
The hat that allows you to appear as anything you want.
This ability is just golden.
Fighter that looks like a wizard (to be a target).
Wizard that looks like a fighter not to be.
Look like the character that you're supposed to safe guard.
Not look like you when you break the law.
The uses are darn near endless.