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Im not sure if im in the proper location or not. Im not looking for players for an online game but rather a in house game. My current group has lost several player and Im looking for one or two players to replace them. If this isn't the right place to look for players could you please direct me to one.
Thank you for your time, Greg ![]()
Chaotic Neutral is not the problem it's the player. No matter what you play you need to remember it is not the "insert your name"'s game. The game involves all the players and the GM. Does a CN character act unusual? Sure. Might the character cause some trouble from time to time? Some times. But that is the key, some times. If you are acting up and players are complaining and rolling their eyes. Your doing something wrong.
As a DM I find in fights you simply need to play an encounter to your players strengths and not try to outsmart them.
The crossbow actually has some of its own advantages.
I don't know if this makes them equal but pretty close? ![]()
I perfer the change. For the most part a target of equal level takes enough damage to kill it, with the exception of a warrior type character that has a Con boosting item and even then only maybe. Anyone else is tost.
Well I surrvied my first two game sessions without any problems. I believe the god of trickery is on my side. All of the other characters have been introduced. A half-orc barbarian, a half-orc cleric of Pharasma, a human paladin of sarenrae, an elven wizard, a human elemental sorcerer, and me a human paladin of asmodeus. After my chosen patron was made clear everyone preceded to make their knowledge religion rolls. 5, 5, 8 not a single double digit. However one of the NPC's rolled a little higher and informed one of the players to "keep an eye on me". So far it's been fun not only playing the paladin but playing such a dim wit.
RotRL spoiler:
Falling for the oldest trick in the book when the butchers daugher tries to get me to "help with goblin troubles". Slaming my fists on the table and marching off to help. The worst part is I ran the first adventure in the RotRL adventure path and I know all of what is in store durring that adventure. Playing the fool when you know everything is realy fun. Thankfully though the other group dispanded and after the first adventure I'll be clueless for real. Sadly though it looks like we will be taking a month break being that my wife's, two of my friend's, and my birthday are all in the week of the next game session that one will most likely be missed. And the game session after that my friends and I are doing our anual non-hunting cabin trip (Cabin Con). Should be a lot of fun but yet another game session will be missed. ![]()
I'm favor the new system over 3.5's. It is much easier than the old one just divide the XP for the monster by the number of players. Although I will probally not allow XP awards for encounters that are going to be way to easy. Otherwise you might have an awful lot of evil wizards fireballing towns for their next level. (2,000 people X 100 xp each = 200,000 xp.) As far as the catching up, gaining a lower level cost less xp than gaining a higher level. Therefore you will gain levels faster and catch up. The difference is now you will never be able to completely catch up. This is a good thing in my oppionion because it means there is a negative aspect of missing game sessions. ![]()
I use to go to a local game store for years. I never purchased anything online due to fear of fraud or identity theft. I put up with a lot of crap. When a new store came into town I started going there. Of corse that owner had to loose his mind and snap infront of several customers. So he closed his doors and I had to go back. I eventually started using the internet to purchase all my gaming materials. If a new local game store ever moved in I wouldn't hesitate to shop there. I like the atmosphere of a game store much more than the anomous clicking online. ![]()
Caedwyr wrote:
I will try to locate some art that could be used. ![]()
Kohl McClash wrote: You played for half a session so the DM must have talked to you about your character before allowing it in the game...what was the result of that conversation? How's he going to DM your character into the game? We talked about the character and it was given the ok before I even started this thread. It didn't take much convincing. I gave him the base concept of a paladin that worshiped Asmodeus. Then explained several ways I thought this could happen. I also told his it was ultimately his choice and I would accept any decision he made. My only requirement was the character was in fact a pinical of good type person who was just taught at a very early age that Asmodeus was a good god. He was very clear that due to this it was very likely people from both sides of the aile would be after me. He was also clear that my character might have to go through atonement or retrain as a fighter or other class. I think in the end it was an easy sell because I let him make the decision as to where the power comes from and because the final BBEG in his last epic campain and it is still fresh in there mind who also happened to be Asmodeus. ![]()
inkedmsd wrote:
I have tried to use a spell point system several times and the only thing I found worked is limit the number of points available in a given encounter. Use a point system but limit the number of points available in a combat encounter to 1/3 your maximum. This limits the amount of high level spells used in a single encounter. Hope this helps. ![]()
James Jacobs wrote:
1- Levels 1-8 2- I find these are the best for me mainly because you don't deal with as many uber spells. Teleport is not available so travel from one location to the next is not just a snap of the fingers. Death is also a much more real threat without a high level cleric nearby. Though my view might be because I have yet to play in a campain that took a character past that level bracket. 3- My favorite adventure was a short Dungeon adventure I believe was called the Swan Street Slicer. It was a blast to run because the players suspected everybody and ran around with their heads cut off trying to find who was responsible. I'm not sure but I think it was a 1st level adventure. ![]()
Montalve wrote:
Our first game is this Saturday. I will let everyone who is interested in how it goes, and if he lives through the first game. ![]()
I would like to bring up the reasons I gave for the paladin recieving his powers were just that, ideas. I gave my DM several ideas as to the source of the power. The only thing I didn't waver on was the character backstory (what the character knows). I trust my DM to ultimately decide where the power comes from and what the implications might be. I want to be as surprised about where the power comes from as the other players will be when they find out my characters religous choice. Our DM is very creative and I can't imagine I could even guess what's in store. ![]()
Thank you for your input even if you hated the idea. Please refrain from stating RAW. I could care less since it is not a Pathfinder society game and the DM is the only law. I would like to ask thoughs who seem to want to beat it into everyones head that playing a character like this would most likely result in the character loosing all faith (and paladin abilities), be force to change his god, or become something similar to a Blackguard. My questioin is - And? What is the problem with this. If done right this could give the DM material for an entire campain or material for a new one after the current one is over. If things go bad I may have to hand over the character to be placed in the NPC pile. If that is what happens so be it. I love to make character and ingrain them in the campain but I more enjoy helping to make a great stroy. If I wanted to make a carbon copy paladin I could. This was an idea of mine to make a paladin with more complexity. As it stands I am the only player allowed to make an evil aligned character in our group. (A group that usually plays good characters) This is because dispite how odd or extream my characters tend to be I make sure to share the spotlight and play them according to the concept and alignment. Alignment is more than two letters in a box to me. I once even played a LE assassian in a group of all good characters. At one point we even had a paladin. (Thank you ring of undetectable alignment). It wasn't revieled until near the end of the campain at which point the character became an NPC working against the group. I simply enjoy playing complex characters that have a lot of story building quality. ![]()
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Thankyou for such an informative answer. ![]()
SunshineGrrrl wrote: One thing I would suggest is coming up with a full explanation as to where his beliefs came from. This paladin is pretty unobservant and dimwitted to come up with an entire belief system on his own. Especially one so off kilter to the original. That said, a cleric/rogue of some sort that has been fleecing your family for years, might make for a good start, or whatever. Just have fun with it, but having that will help everyone else by not instantly taking them out of the setting. Otherwise, there isn't any reason it couldn't be done. At least not by the rules, strictly read. As I had stated in a previous post his father, and only parental figure from age 4 to 20 (The character is now 20) was quite insane. I'm not sure the exact name of illness but he simply sees the world the same as everyone else does except one part that he completely distorts. His father has pounded this belief into his son's head for years. And due to rural living and seeing very few if anyone else he has grown to believe this to be true. ![]()
dulsin wrote: I am just curious on how the Hellknights fit into your character's world view. He has no memory of cheliax (left when he was 4) and grew up in rural Varisia he goes with what he was taught. The Hellknights are the highest order of Asmodeuse's Paladins. Only if he becomes an exceptional Paladin can he hope of joining their ranks. ![]()
Carnivorous_Bean wrote: Because it's in their nature to harm, destroy, corrupt, and blight. Negative energy does all those things. Positive energy heals and protects -- so why on Earth would an evil god want to do things that are contrary to evil? Evil gods to provide their clerics with the ability to heal the sick and dying. Cure wounds spells, cure disease, heal, etc. Why on earth would they not want to. Like I mentioned those that choose to live in the Shadow Plane makes sense. But for gods like Asmodeus channeling positive energy can draw in more followers. Not to mention the Outer Planes where some evil gods reside are closer connected to the Positive energy plane as apposed to Negative energy plane. And as far as evil gods wanting to harm, destroy, etc. why is it then neutral clerics can choose either negative or positive energy? Neutral gods nature is not to harm, destroy, etc. but they can channel negative energy. ![]()
Just to help those who think Im playing a Paladin following Asmodeus as he truly is below is part of his faith and what he believes Asmodeus represents. The Five Point Star: Represents the five aspects a paladin should be a beakon of.
Colors of Asmodeus
What Asmodeus has done for humanity:
The philosophy of Asmodeus is “The strong shall protect the weak”. Asmodeus is often referred to as “The Lonely One”. ![]()
Frostflame wrote: It could work with any other class but the paladin. The paladin knows the difference between right and wrong and lives by high ethical and moral standings thus he gains his powers. He is ethical and moral upholding his Lawful Good alinment. His faith is a perversion of the real faith of Asmodeus. He practices a faith with a mix of Iomedae and Sarenrae. He just believes this is the true path of Asmodeus. Also he was born in Cheliax and lived there until the age of 4. Having completely forgoten his home country he believes it to be a land of justice and good. Should his travels ever take him there things could get very difficult. ![]()
I always woundered why this was. I can understand why clerics of Zon-kuthon and other Gods residing in the Shadow Plane channel negative energy, but why do evil gods residing in the Outer Sphere, which appears to be closer connected to the Positive Energy Plane as apposed to the Negative Energy Plane. And considering both the Positive Energy Plane and the Negative Energy Plane are not considered to have no alignment. Why is it then all evil clerics channel negative energy and good clerics channel positive energy? ![]()
The idea is she hopes it will. like an individual that buys a lottery ticket because its at 350 million dollars. It might be 1 in several billion chance but it doesn't stop them from trying. What is Sarenrae realy out if it doesn't work. One less paladin (dollar) spreading her good word. Im not saying paladins grow on trees but my guss is she has some to spare. Besides how often would such a situation come up.
The character is not crazy. Very dense yes (7 Intelligence, 7 Wisdom). He stays with his faith because he believes it to be true. Others of Asmodeuse's faith that he encounters are mislead or choose to pervert the faith and he must smite them down with his patrons true might!
I was woundering what everyone thinks of my character concept for a Paladin of Asmodeus. The idea is my character lost his mother at a very early age. This left him to be raised by his father who was loosing his mind. He was raised to believe Asmodeus is a Lawful Good God all about self-sacrifice and protecting the weak. The idea was either Asmodeus was allowing him to do this for reasons unknown or Sarenrae is encourging this in the hopes the paladin might provide some inspiration for Asmodeus to change his ways and turn good. Let me know what you think. Greg ![]()
I found that working with the DM to shrink the list can help a great deal. The following is one I have used in the past and it works very well to make the favored enemy ability see more use. Aberation (This would include some Monstrous Humanoids)
This provides you with 10 different favored enemy choices instead of 32. You will now be much more likely to make use of the ability and some choices that almost never see the light of day now might get used. (I'm talking to you Oozes and Vermin.) |