Kingmaker Obituaries


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Name: Jaekah, General of Iomrall
Race: Juvenile Magma Dragon
Classes/Levels: Barbarian [True Primitive] 4/Cavalier [Honor Guard] 7, Mythic Champion 1

Adventure: Interlude between Rivers Run Red and Varnhold Vanishing
Location: The Talonquake (southern Narlmarches)
Catalyst: The King of the Forest
The gory details: The PCs finally decided to take care of the King of the Forest in the southern Narlmarches over the past three sessions. After making their way into the dragon's fungal lair and slaying his plant-based minions, they eventually retreated after defeating the King's three half-dragon Hobgoblin children and capturing one alive for questioning.

Later that night, the King - Nuozelas, a Mature Adult Forest Dragon - and his consort - a Green Dragon of the same age - pursued the party and attacked in the dark of just after midnight. The party quickly took out the Green, and then started ganging up on Nuozelas, including a lucky pair of criticals: first by Lilith, which reduced the King's movement speeds, and a second by Jaekah, whose adamantine axe cut straight through his DR and left a nasty gash across the right side of his face.

Furious, the King began a barrage of attacks on Jaekah. Had he not been mythic, the King would likely have ignored him after his first attack dropped Jaekah to negatives, leaving the unconscious general to fall to the ground below and turning the rest of his attacks on the equally-nearby Takeshi. However, Jaekah now had the Mythic ability that allowed him to stay conscious in negatives - so Nuozelas kept battering at him, expending an entire full-attack of bite, claw, claw, gore, and tail slap on the general, reducing him to exactly negative Jaekah's-Constitution-times-three.

As Duchess Elegy was out of 5th-level spells for the day, she was unable to breath of life him back to life quickly; instead he'll have to wait to be raised the following morning. Thankfully the party already has a diamond on hand.

Dark Archive

Name: Lissi
Race: sylph
Classes/Levels: gestalt witch/gunslinger 1
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Thorn River Bandit Camp
Catalyst: failed Stealth check
Details: Rebuilt Kressle as a shadow assassin with shuriken style. Killed Lissi in one round. But, it's okay, she got better due to having the Extra-Lives Horrifically Overpowered feat.

Name: Jillian Medwin
Race: human
Classes/Levels: gestalt monk/rogue 3 (with Horrifically Overpowered feat Gestalt giving her level 1 Aegis [psionic class] abilities)
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: Same hex as the Thorn River Bandit Camp
Catalyst: Failed Will save
Details: An evil faerie dragon, named Pikkin, working for the BBEG has been traveling with the group since 1st level, spying and reporting on them from time to time. After some time travelers showed up and told the party she is evil, Jillian has been actively speaking against Pikkin, the faerie dragon, which naturally started Pikkin to plotting Jillian's eventual death. During a random encounter with 5 bandits, Pikkin made her move. She put Jillian to sleep after she was out of sight of the rest of the group, and then ripped her throat out.

Name: Kronug of Numeria
Race: human (mostly)
Classes/Levels: gestalt bestial druid (KQ 15)/mighty godling 3
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: roughly 5 hours west of Oleg's
Catalyst: bad luck
Details: The exploration party got attacked by a will-o'-wisp, the same one a second time. It killed Kronug, his animal companion, and two NPC allies. Due to attendance issues, Kronug actually died 5 days before Jillian.

Name: Alana
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Druid 7
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Lair
Catalyst: Overconfidence in newfound Saurian Shaman awesomeness.
Details: Raptor form druid rampaging over trolls but kept charging every round and eating AoOs, ending up charging a troll and dropping it, but left at 6 hp with Nagrundi a 5 foot step away from unleashing a full attack, all 4 attacks hit and the rend for a -70 hp very dead druid.

Name: Remus
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Fighter 2 / Cleric 5
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Lair
Catalyst: Megaton Bomb Hargulka
Details: Party encounters Hargulka who was prepared for them from hearing the scuffle with the rock troll. He starts the surprise round off with his biggest fireball bead. Our Alchemist and Cavalier fail their saves and take big damage. Our Alchemist immediately counters with a bomb for Hargulka's audacity. Hargulka passes his reflex save and is on fire. On his turn he charges the alchemist, passes his reflex save for the fire with a nat 20. Mel and Remus move in to deal some damage. The Alchemist's turn comes back around, runs away and unleashes another bomb. Hargulka fails this one, along with his necklace and the room is full of fire, smoke, and death. The alchemist feels very guilty.

Name: Mel
Race: Human
Classes/Levels: Fighter 2 / Cavalier 5
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Troll Lair
Catalyst: Megaton Bomb Hargulka
Details: Party encounters Hargulka who was prepared for them from hearing the scuffle with the rock troll. He starts the surprise round off with his biggest fireball bead. Our Alchemist and Cavalier fail their saves and take big damage. Our Alchemist immediately counters with a bomb for Hargulka's audacity. Hargulka passes his reflex save and is on fire. On his turn he charges the alchemist, passes his reflex save for the fire with a nat 20. Mel and Remus move in to deal some damage. The Alchemist's turn comes back around, runs away and unleashes another bomb. Hargulka fails this one, along with his necklace and the room is full of fire, smoke, and death. The alchemist feels very guilty.

Name: Jack Guildweave
Race: Gnome
Classes/levels: Bard 8
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Vordakai's Tomb
Catalyst: Phantasmal Killer from Vordakai
The Gory Details: So after surviving a very tense fight with the cyclops lich and two dread zombie cyclopes warriors, we chase Vordakai to his throne room for the big final battle. Overall we are low on spells and relying on buffs we had from the last fight so our only hope is my buffing music and my level 6 barbarian cohort with a 3+ sword.

Things get complicated when we are trapped between Vordakai and his evil bathtub water elemental, but we are holding out why my barbarian just beats him up. However he suddenly focuses on me and using Phantasmal Killer, making Nyrissa show up to me. I fail my will and fort save...resulting in Guildweave screaming out in terror as he is strangled by the illusion. Lucky we had breath of life on one person to bring me back to save on a res spell...but still counts as a death!

Still would have been funny if I saved since I had a helm of telepathy, although I'm sure the spell would not affect the lich in the end.

Name: King Yurigo(myself)
Race: human
Classes/levels: Gestalt Fighter(two handed)/ Artificer, lvl 17

Adventure: 'post' War of the River Kings
Location: the late Irovetti's Throne Room
Catalyst: Given the party and King Yurigo's actions in the past, they have managed to dredge up a number of enemies most people wouldn't have to worry about. Some of these people they have either crossed or gone out of their way to anger. Some, such as the leader of Brevoy and the Technic League of Numeria were worried more about their ungodly acquisition of territory and growing armies. Others, like the Old Cults, were simply mad for being ousted from the country. So, some of these enemies pooled a bit of money to hire killers.

Gory Details:

they were shadowed into the castle by hired killers, a lvl 18 rogue(with two brilliant Daggers), lvl 18 antipaladin, a lvl 18 Cavalier, and a lvl 18 Wizard. These three individuals waited patently for the party to expend all they could fighting irrovetti's guards(of which, were augmented from what was in the book) and waited until the players thought they had won. Once they killed Irovetti and let their guard down, the assassins sprung into action, materializing seemingly out of thin air, spells and abilities at the ready.

Going first for the heavy hitter, the King, the rogue landed a series of grievous injuries upon King Yurigo, but he still stood standing until the mage cast Disintegrate, rolling unluckily for maximum damage, which was more then sufficient to ash the king and all his equipment. The mage then cast a quickened spell on the group, the cavalier getting a lucky crit on the other melee'er with a x4 weapon, and the antipaladin did his evil channeling, and forced the group to break. After that the rest of the group regrouped and dispatched the assassins with no small measure of difficulty, getting a break when the enemy wizard prismatic-spray'd everyone and accidentally Stoned the Cavalier.

After the fight, only one seemed to suffer any loss for the dead king. one character, Stephania, even remarked on how it was a good day when two dictators die.(Stephania was quickly becoming an up and coming aggressor, secretly rallying forces for a civil war. Stephania believes that Yurigo will become the stardard evil-bastard dictator later in life if 'allowed to live'). Immediately there was squabbling over who had the throne, given they had all forgotten about his queen.

Much to their surprise, and my own, one player in the group remembered something only casually brought up months ago, something everyone had forgotten: Yurigo and Beriku(the spymaster) had teamed up and paid heavy bags of money for Clone Spells for the both of them around 2 years(in game) ago, 'just in case' as the both of them were the moneymakers and tended to take near lethal amounts of damage regularly.

Many notes were sifted until the transaction was sure enough found. So, as they came back to the Capital, the party was slack jawed at their King, sitting(bereft of all the hard earned items) sitting upon his throne. Now, the only truly loyal person, the royal assassin, secretly informed yurigo of the comments and squabble for the throne, and he is immediately beginning to lay plans for disposing half of the country's council within the next month. He is going so far as to hire several high level assassins from Daggermark, and plans on providing 'maintenance' on all of the dissidents' equipment.

However, the royal assassin, a gunslinger/rogue(sniper) with greater called shot who just so happens to be a heart-shot enthusiast might not wait for his plans to come to fruition before taking out his increasingly aggressive competition, as she has requested a brand new +4 rifle with the Distance, bane:human, and speed qualities out of the blue, and blood crystal greater burrowing bullets 'just in case'. So who knows, there might be a list of dead sometime in the next month due to heart-obliterating gunshots. Vordecai is also siding with yurigo, as the other half of the party wants him dead as well, and their General, Sootscale, and their warden Akiros owe not only their position, but their lives to Yurigo for sparing them the blade, as he was the only one to consider them worth the risk of keeping alive.

Ironically, this was the last segment I was running before finishing the war and handing it back off to the last player for GMing the 6th book(they spent most of the time while I ran War of the River Kings restructuring the fights on book 6), and I assassinate my own character. As a note, they actually managed to spark a war with Brevoy at the same time as Pitax, given their dealings with Restov. They hammered through as much of pitax as fast as they could, but half of brevoy still marches into the boarders as we speak, but Brevoy has been skillfully manipulated by the spymaster to collapse into a full blown civil war, tearing the country in half.

Name: Larran
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Fighter 11

Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: In the tomb

In toe-to-toe combat with Armag - who gets two good crits and a solid hit on his third attack and delivers well over 100 points of damage in a round.

Fortunately Robert the Cleric, who was standing immediately behind the fallen elf, managed to get Breath of Life scroll off while the skeletons missed with their attacks of opportunity ....

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Name: Roland
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Magus 11
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: The Tomb
Catalyst: Skeletal Champions.
The Gory Details: The monk and the magus went into the room, leaving the paladin and wizard behind in the hallway while they searched. The monk made his perception check to spot the skeletons but the magus failed by 1. When initiative rolled the magus rolled low, and after taking a couple of arrows int the surprise round he was down some HP. Once regular combat started, the monk made his way out of the room, but the skeletons acted before the magus and with only one target left they filled him with arrows. 5 arrows struck home including one critical hit, totaling 90 some damage and taking the wounded magus to -23 HP.

Name: Lilith of the Wyld Wood, Spymistress of Iomrall
Race: Leanbh-dubh (Homebrew Race)
Classes/levels: Hunter 11/Mythic Trickster 1
Adventure: Interlude between RRR and VV - Eranex's quest from Dragons Unleashed
Location: Lair of Silverstep, Lake Silverstep, Varnhold territory
Catalyst: Low Will Save and Non-Evil alignment
The Gory Details: Aiding the feytouched silver dragon Eranex in her quest to rid her father's lair of the ankou Orsig and his shadowy compatriots, the group battled their way to the ringleader and his right-hand sorceress Herrketta without much difficulty; defeating Orsig and most of their minions convinced Herrketta to shadow walk back to their home realm to escape with her life, taking some of their minions with her. She did not, however, take along the Fetchling cleric Ebana, and the group soon later found her in her reclusive little corner of the cavern... along with the Dread Skeleton of Silverstep, raised by her as a sentinel, and the Shae trio known as the Glimmer Sisters.

Ebana opened the battle with a blasphemy, which rolled harmlessly off the colony's Magister Errol and, while it injured Eranex and General Jaekah, the two dragons were immune to the most lethal part of the spell, its paralysis side-effect. Viscountess Elegy and Warden Takeshi were held for a short time, but Lilith's poor will save and unlucky roll had her held in place for the next several minutes, and no one had anti-paralysis spells on-hand at the time. When moments later Silverstep's skeleton unleashed its breath weapon, there was no way for the paralyzed Lilith to make use of her legendary agility to evade, and the blast of frost drove her deep into negative HP.

She was revived - and thus thankfully rid of her paralysis - by Elegy moments later via breath of life, but in the chaos of the battle no time could be spared to do much more than keep her alive but unconscious, and she didn't wake until the battle was already over - Silverstep's skeleton shattered by Eranex, Takeshi, and Jaekah's repeated blows and Errol's relentless magic, and Ebana snatched up in Eranex's jaws and bitten in two.

My dice apparently don't kill PCs, but the big monsters go down like chumps.

Race: Scythe Tree
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: His home turf
Catalyst: Tricked-out cavalier
The Gory Details: Player who critted while charging with a lance. The damage was so high, it took the tree past negative Con in one shot.

Race: Tendriculous
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: His home turf
Catalyst: Tricked-out cavalier
The Gory Details: Player who didn't crit while charging with a lance, but still rolled really well. Half the party lured it to the edge of the mudpit with arrows, and he polished it off.

Name: Howl of the North Wind
Race: Winter wolf (advanced)
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: His home turf
Catalyst: Tricked-out cavalier
The Gory Details: Player who critted while charging with a lance.

It was a long night last Saturday for the monsters. The barbarian at least got in a few licks, the inquisitor's player is switching to a ranger, in hopes that he might get to do something in a fight.

This is the group that yawns at owlbears, I think they've killed 3 so far, so the Big One may not scare them much.

Some of this is some kind of karmic injustice; my PC in Savage Tide got swallowed or killed every time we fought a plant in that campaign, we thought it was a curse by a druid. If you guessed that the DM of that game is the cavalier's player, you've spotted the imbalance.

Heh, my group had the exact same problem in STAP. The Mother-of-All ate the bard, and the optional super-Shambling Mound on the Isle of Dread crushed the ninja.

Name : Maleos Surtova
Race : Human
Class : Ranger (Scout) 9
Location : Halls of the Corrupted, bellow Candlemere Tower.
Catalyst : Powerful 2 attacks + smite from a corrupted Anti-Paladin Graveknight.

Details : Set out to find missing fishermen, Maleos, along with his 2 friends and allies Duke Grant and Elven Alchemist Adalien set out to Candlemere, source of the kidnappings. Early on after finding a millenia old Azruverda who kept guard on the horrors below, they went out to deal with the problem, as the monstrous beetle creature could not go face the problem itself after the creation of the tower, centuries ago. While at first facing the town's gnome alchemist now turned feral and insane, they quickly dispatched the old acquaintance and set out bellow, hundreds of feet under the earth.

Surrounded by dozens upons dozens of corpses, some thousands of years old, they fought the last 2 champions who, centuries ago defeated the horror living here. Now faced with a half orc monk and a human anti-paladin, they battled on, but as the monk exploded from the alchemists explosive onslaught, Maleos fell to the foul burning sword of the paladin.

The duke reacted quickly and dimension doored everyone back outside. Leaving Akiros to bring back Maleos's body back to the city, the Duke and Adalian both used 1 hero point to fuel a big dimension door, going back down to face the Anti-Paladin with the Azruverda, after which they held back a Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath from summoning a Shoggoth trough sacrifice.

2 weeks later, Maleos would come back to life in Restov, courtesy of the High Priest of the city via Raise Dead, giving everyone a new perspective on religion.

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
CommandoDude wrote:

Name: Duke Basque Garess

Race: Human
Classes/levels: 6 Cavalier/7 Battle Herald
Can I ask how this character took Battle Herald levels without having the Inspire Courage class feature?

Because the GM was feeling generous that day and let him.

Honestly when the player asked if he could take the Prestige Class, I asked if he met prerequisites...he said yes (we both missed the required class feature). Honest mistake and we are not PFS so…no biggie. I didn't feel like making the player rebuild when we discovered the error a month or two later. Now a year or so past, it hasn't proved to be a huge unbalance so it stands a testament to GMs who should read pre-requisites more closely. We are nearly done with Kingmaker (book 6!) and there is enough there to kill good King Basque and his able companions. Perhaps those 7 levels of battle herald will make the difference.

Oh and also:

Race: Amos the Gnome Rogue
Adventure: War of The River Kings
Location: Irrovetti’s Palace (Rezetha’s Lair)
Catalyst: Being unexpectedly within range of a great axe
The Gory Details: The witch slept a flying giant that was added as Rezetha’s Keeper ( the GM does not like solos :-) ) the giant fell and was awakened by the fall (or maybe it was bleed damage? I don’t recall). He conveniently landed right next to the gnome. The crit landed even with the penalties from prone. Poor Amos was mourned for a few minutes before the party cleric brought him back to life.

Name : Ineda
Race : Half-orc
Class : Paladin 2
Location : Inside the Kamelands
Catalyst : An increase in wandering monsters

Poor Ineda, paladin of Iomedae. She and her fellows have accomplished much. They humiliated Chief Grabbles. They created peace among the Sootscale Kobolds. They banished Tartuk. They slew the fearsome Tuskgutter.

Alas, Ineda met her end at the claws of a wandering owlbear.

Name: Walker
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 2, Cleric 10
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: Irovetti's palace
Catalyst: Irovetti
The Gory Details: (optional): Walker was standing in front of the throne, protecting another PC from General Avinash Jurrg's rage. Irovetti dim doors in (predetermined time and square) and Walker is sandwiched in between Jurrg and Irovetti, but stays just one more round to protect the other PC. Next round, Irovetti hits four times including one crit x3. Walker is a sliced and diced to about negative 50. A few rounds later, the party has to teleport out, leaving Walker's body and gear behind. Wrong place, wrong time. The True Res to bring Walker back required taking money from the kingdom's treasury. A nat 1 on the stability roll lead to anarchy.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Name: Corinth Hastings
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter (Aldori Swordlord) 2
Adventure: The Stolen Lands
Location: The Old Sycamore
Catalyst: “Let’s just burn it down”
The Gory Details: (optional):

Corinth and party (witch, bard, and rogue) discovered the Old Sycamore and a bunch of mite footprints, but failed to find the entrance to the mite hive and decided to move on. The next morning the party found mite prints in their camp and decided to go back and put the little blue menaces down.

The party returned to the tree and managed to find the entrance and head down. After hearing the mites playing with catapults, they shouted and insult and fled up the tunnel, where they gathered around the entrance to butcher anything that came out. The mites sent the three monstrous centipedes after them, which the party easily butchered. The party waited for more enemies but none were forthcoming, so they began making Molotov cocktails out of the alcohol from the Thorn River camp and rags and throwing them down the entrance shaft. After a half-dozen of these, the fires grew big enough that most of the dungeon’s inhabitants fled to the surface with the giant whiptail centipede leading the charge. I gave each of the inhabitants a save to avoid the fire and smoke damage, but 14 or so failed and died in the flames along with the kobold prisoner.

The battle outside was intense, with Corinth tanking the giant tick while the bard and rouge tried to hold off the remaining 6 mites. The witch was flinging slumber and misfortune hexes from the back while the giant whiptail centipede loomed over the battle making bites and whips at random.

After a few rounds, Corinth was knocked out by bites from the tick and centipedes, but the rouge took an attack of opportunity to put a cure light wounds potion down Corinth’s throat to stabilize him. The tick started attacking the rogue, and while it was botching grapple checks every round it was still doing a fair amount of damage. The party minus Corinth retreated a few feet to regroup and one of the mites coup de graced the unconscious Swordlord in retaliation for burning down their home. The battered party beat a hasty retreat back to Oleg’s, where they held a kegger in Corinth’s memory.

Name: Erin
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Witch (11)
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Armag's Tomb
Catalyst: Greatsword wielding Skeleton Champ
The Gory Details:
The party made good progress through the tomb, but spent a lot of ressources on the fights against the Iron Golem, the Bloody Skeleton Champions and Zorek. So, they were a bit worn out, but still had a couple of mighty spells, more than enough rounds of Rage and even some points in their arcane pool left.
As they opened the battle against Armag and the skeleton champions I rolled really low for Initiave and so all the heroes were able to act before their opponents. The Magus of the group threw a fireball into the room and Erin just passed the door, so that she can make the most out of her cone of cold. These two spells alone killed three of the skeletons and left 4 in the lower two digits hp region. But finally the skeletons were able to react and three went to meet the witch, which was not only the closest target but also the one which caused the most damage!
A couple of hits later, Erin was already badly wounded (and would have been unconsious if it wasn't for her false life). She took a 5 foot step and healed herself with her healing hex. The druids companion held off one skeleton while someone else destroyed another one. But one skeletel chapion were able to reach Erin with a five foot step and two more hits later she was almost down to single digits. She took another five foot step (while the rest were fighting the remainig two skeletons and Armag, who knocked the paladin into negative hp) and cast a lightning bolt. Unfortunatly, the champion before her had not only received no damage this fight but also made his reflex save and so he was able to take another 5 foot step and attack the witch two times. The first hit brought her down into negative hp and the second one sealed her fate... Soon after that the rest of the party finished off Armag and the rest of the skeletons.

Luckily for her, Erin still had two hero points, so she could cheat death. Still, she now leads the "scoreboard" in our Kingmaker campaign as this was the second time she cheated death.

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Name: Valten Garess, High Chancellor of Narnia
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 11th/Cavelier 1st
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: The Silent Cistern

Name: Jillian Garnelgold, Grand Diplomat of Narnia
Race: Halfling
Classes/levels: Paladin 12th
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: The Silent Cistern

Name: Garain the Seer, Magister of Narnia
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Wizard 12th
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: The Silent Cistern

Name: Mikaila Dunrova, Warden of Narnia
Race: Half-Elf
Classes/levels: Ranger 12th
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: The Silent Cistern

Name: Andragor Leavy, High Priest of Narnia
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cleric of Erastil 12th
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: The Silent Cistern

Gory Details: Well, my players simply fell apart under the Gardeners onslaught. Andragor was panicked and quickly captured by the Gardeners black tentacles spell. Makaila was grievously wounded by the scorching the will-o-wisps put on her. Valten broke free of the black tentacles only to succumb to the will-o-wisps unrelenting surges of punishing electricity. Jillian, upon freeing herself from the black tentacles, unwisely charged the Gardener ignoring the wisps and, already burned by their blasts, collapsed as soon as the Gardener touched her. With only Andragor left relatively unhurt, the Gardener turned his attention on him and touched the priest, destroying his mortal coil and sending him to his god. Mikaila tried to flee, but to no avail. The Gardener caught her in short order and she too fell to the ghosts wicked caresses.

Not quite a TPK. One of my players was not present this session. Long live Brynndolf Arnandyr, High Chancellor of Narnia!

Name: Naimil Bannitlarn
Race: Elf
Class: Ranger 1
Adventure: Stolen Landds (well... barely)
Location: Oleg's
Catalyst: Bandits Raid

The Gory Details:
The players eagerly roll their first initiative of the entire campaign. They can't wait to try their new characters in combat.

Happs Bydon, the bandit, wins the initiative. He smirks when he sees an elf (his favored enemy as written, I swear I didn't fudge that!). He gets a crit. He confirms it. He almost gets maximum damage (+ 3x str on his composite bow... + 3x his favored enemy bonus...).

The poor ranger took enough damage to died outright. He haven't rolled a single attack.

(Don't worry... The oracle used Stabilize on him on his first action and succeded on a tough caster level check. The ranger stabilized on the brink of death and suffered serious wounds. He also became very ill (infection), and only moon radishes and the help of Bokken could save him...)

Name: Zstelian Jamir
Race: Halfling
Class: Pistolero/Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger 12
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing and twice in War of the River Kings
Location: Somewhere in the swamps, always the swamps
Catalyst: Wandering monsters with swallow whole

The Gory Details:
Everything, and I do mean everything was out to eat my poor little halfling glass cannon. The only reason that the party lived was because we had all the money in the world and every time a lvl 8 scroll hit the marketplace we bought up the scrolls of clone. I think my halfling was eaten 3 times, of those 3 times 1 of them he shot his way out of. Our king died 3 times as well. The best part. We had a secret mass grave for all of the "dead" pc's we had been compiling. We brought a new player in and the first time somebody died and he saw the crazy scheme we had going we all said in near unison "This is the greatest secret of our lands. You shall not whisper a word of what you have seen here to anyone or else."

Name: Corril
Race: Let's call it a miniature kitsune, as I forget what the custom race's name was called.
Class: Wizard
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Mud Bowl
Catalyst: Tendriculous with Swallow Whole

The Gory Details:
One of my players, who would later leave the campaign altogether, played this small, over-impulsive fey fox thing. Ridiculous int bonus, small sized, 40-foot movement speed. Honestly regretted allowing it to come into play. At any rate, Corril got overly curious and got near the mud pool where the Tendriculous awaited. She failed her fort save and became nauseated. Rather than turn back to puke her guts until she had gotten acclimated to the scent, she continued as if nothing. Queue the Tendriculous rising up and swallowing her whole. She couldn't even attempt to escape because being nauseated removed her standard action.

The party was forced to retreat, leaving Corril to become fertilizer.

Never facepalmed so hard in my life.

Name: Chastity Mother F#ckin' Jones
Race: Human
Class: Cavalier, Order of the Penitent
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: On the snow-covered road leading to the capital city of Mercy
Catalyst: Kingdom Event - Bandit Attack

The Gory Details
Ten, rather prosperous but uneventful, months into the first year of the nation of Erlosung, banditry reared its ugly head again. Exactly a year since they first came to the Stolen Lands, our intrepid group of adventurers and settlers strode out to meet the brigands. Admittedly, most of the players were a little bored after a couple of hours of setting up their new nation, and wanted to get their d20's rolling. What they met was a group of mutated and diseased gnolls led by an enormous ogre wielding a massive ogre hook and what looked to be a small balista strapped to his back. The gnolls snarled out a hollow "we're appointed by the rulers to collect tolls on this road", which made the actual king burst into laughter. Combat erupts, the gunslinger and wizard start making easy work of the gnolls while the rogue, warpriest, and Chastity headed towards the ogre king. The ogre manages to get some pot shots off with his massive longbow, only to bull rush the warpriest into the crude barricade the gnolls had across the road, knocked the preist of Gorum to negatives. Spending a Hero Point, Chastity charged the ogre with her ranseur, pole-vaulted up and over the beast, landed next to the fallen warpriest and then dumped a potion of cure serious wounds down his throat. Sadly, the ogre king took this opportunity to lay into Chastity, hitting critically and dealing 70 points of damage to the level 5 cavalier and striking her stone dead. They remainder of the party prevailed and carried Chastity's remains back to Mercy. A state funeral was held and monument erected in her honor, and the holiday of Founder's Day was renamed to Chastity Day. She will be missed.

Holy crap, in my years of DM'ing this was my first full on PC death. Kinda feel bad because it was a random fight, but things like this happen. Chastity's player already has a dwarven barbarian taking form to set up a brewery in Mercy.

Daaaaaang. That's a pretty epic way to go out. I'm kind of surprised the rest of the party didn't try to scrounge up the funds for a raise or at least reincarnate after that display.

Orthos wrote:
Daaaaaang. That's a pretty epic way to go out. I'm kind of surprised the rest of the party didn't try to scrounge up the funds for a raise or at least reincarnate after that display.

We would have, but Chastity's player had actually already been thinking about changing her character, and this just made it convenient. She's going to be bringing in a Dwarven Barbarian next, I believe.

Liberty's Edge

Name: Never Asked
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Ftr 4/Barbarian 11
Adventure: Thousand Voice
Location: Flying Owl Bear Lair

The crit card from the owlbear's beak attack read "Double Damage and Death, Fort Negates"...a DC 44 Fort check didn't happen.....

Name: Vriska Arachnisdottir
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Barbarian 6
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: R8- Troll Lair
Catalyst: Trio of trolls, using tactics
The Gory Details: As mentioned above, my 6-player party has been chewing through the single outdoor monsters like popcorn. This time, it was more than one critter, on ground of their choosing. I've been using the 6-player upgrade, and in this case, I added a little more magic to Hargulka: an item that can cast Fog Cloud 3/day (as well as some other spells that don't matter in this account).

Per Dudemeister's wonderful addition, the night began with a short mass battle, in which 2 of 3 human armies and 2 of 3 troll armies wiped each other out with high Offense rolls (n.b. Medium, Small, and Tiny armies are vulnerable to one-shot kills) in one round. The troll leadership and bodyguards fled into the tower, and the fight was on.

The combat-leaders in my party are a cavalier and this barbarian, and they proceeded to chop things up all over. The two rangers, rogue, and oracle played clean-up squad, holding the torches until the trolls and trollhounds got knocked into negative hit points. Note no arcane caster, no magical fire, limited amounts of alchemical fire or acid. Vriska was averaging 20+ points of damage per swing, using rage powers and the late Kundal's greateaxe.

When they got to the T-intersection between R7 and R8, the cavalier and barbarian went right, the rest stayed in the center to watch. That's when Hargulka dumped the Fog Cloud on the intersection, which meant the archers couldn't support anyone, and were quickly at melee range with Nagrundi.

In hindsight, this is when the PCs should have pulled back, so that they only had to face one troll at a time, but the blood was up, and it was a slugfest. Vriska survived being flanked by two of the trolls in the main hall, taking one of them down while taking some hits, and the cavalier whittled down the third. But, the one in the middle recovered enough hp to gnaw on Vriska's ankle while the first troll connected with multiple blows, and down she went, all the way past negative Con,* wiping out the first troll at the same time. Meanwhile, Nagrundi had done the same to the rogue (who was using a lightning bolt wand, while the rangers were eating big chunks of damage), until we ran a more careful count of her hit points. Bad math can cost lives.*

At this point, everyone started a withdrawal, but not before finishing off the 3rd troll in the main hall, and Nagrundi finally bought it, too. Fire was quickly dispensed*, and then they beat feet. A night's spells and rest put them back at full spells** and hit points, and they went back in for whoever was left.

Name: Volkha
Race: Winter wolf, animal companion to the Oracle of the winter goddess
Classes/levels: 6 HD, Medium size
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: R8 Troll Lair
Catalyst: Trolls can be tough
The Gory Details: On the 2nd pass into the Troll Lair, they went to the same intersection, got hit with the same Fog Cloud, but this time, more of the party passed through the Cloud to engage both Hargulka and Kargadd. One of Hargulka's fireballs led the way, though, which hurt Volkha (cold creature, vulnerable to fire). The oracle decided not to heal her, for whatever reason. Her frost breath attracted the attention of Kargadd, who killed her with two blows.

Aftermath: The Oracle will go and pray for another winter wolf companion, which will be granted by Karesha. Vriska's body is being rushed to a cleric in Restov (the player tells me she really wants her back, so I say there will be a properly-leveled one there), where she will be Raised as a 4th level barbarian among a now-7th level party. There was agreement that some more money should also be set aside to get her armor magicked up by swamp witch Olga. So far, she had been wearing only Dovan's MW studded leather.

* these are points at which I could easily have sent in Hargulka, a fireball, and/or the rock troll, but I refrained.*** A TPK at this point could have killed the campaign, and I'd really like to get to Book 6.

** One ranger ignored her spell list all night, and the oracle had left the papers with her spell list at home. She could only cast the spells anyone could remember that she had done before.

*** I actually had the thought, "Wow, this is going badly, I could wipe them out," immediately followed by, "Yeah, do it!" But I resisted temptation.

Hopefully the party can scrape together the money to get those negative levels scraped off ASAP.

You can do that? Pray, go on...


Thanks, forgot about that. Wonder if they'd care to lay out that kind of cash? We'll have to see if that's on the oracle's spell list yet.

Apologies for the length. I have not put up previous deaths so I decided to do all of them (thus far) at once.

Name: Zinnia
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Druid/2
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: The Old Sycamore
Catalyst: Tickleback

The Gory Details:
The party fought their way down to the war room of the mite lair, but were running low on resources. They decided to press on, entering the war room to find a group of mites and one giant tick. They quickly decided to pull back down the hallway to funnel the mites. Then Gobi (gnome monk/rogue) charged. Then Jose (half-orc samurai) charged. Zinnia, Zoltan (elf witch), and Cain (human oracle of metal) followed after much befuddlement. The mites were able to do much besides get in the way. The party was having a night of bad rolls so they couldn't put the mites down. Tickleback knock Jose into the negatives. Zinnia rushed forward and healed the samurai, but made a target of herself in the process. Tickleback drained her of her blood and proceeded to lay waste to the party. Eventually all of the mites were dead and the rest of the party was in the negatives except for Zoltan, who had fled around the time Zinnia went down.

Jose and Gobi awoke sometime later to find that the tick had gorged so much it was essentially in a food coma. They quickly slew the beast. They then tried to complete the TPK-1 when they spotted the captive kobold across the gorge and started to cross. Only Gobi's keen eyesight picked up the giant centipede.

The survivors left the lair, buried Zinnia under the tree and returned to Oleg's to nurse their wounds.

Name: General Gobi
Race: Gnome
Classes/levels: Monk/1, Rogue/3
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Narthropple Expedition
Catalyst: Diplomatic Incident

The Gory Details:
The party left New Zinnia (formerly known as the Stag Lord's Fort) headed west after some trolls that had attacked farms on the outskirts of town. They came across some gnomes in trouble by the river. They realized this was probably the Narthropple Expedition, which they knew had been missing for some time. They saved the wagon before it could be swept away. Some unfortunate actions later, one of the expedition gnomes lay dead and another unconscious by stable. Jubilost was also heavily wounded. Gobi surrendered himself to Jubilost as penance for his actions. He was not the one to kill the gnome but had attacked Jubilost.

Name: Warden Rupert
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter/5


Name: OzKar (replacement for Gobi)
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Inquisitor (Sin-Eater)/5

Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Near Hargulka's Fort
Catalyst: Nagrundi and extended discussion while being tracked

The Gory Details:
Despite the departure of their general, the party continued their troll hunt. They tracked the trolls all the way to the way to their base. The party made camp at the base of a path that leads to the fort in the hills. When they attacked the fort the following day, they initially infiltrated through the tower. They killed the troll there as well as the two in the barbican. They lured the troll and hounds in the main hall onto the stairs between the main hall and the barbican. That troll did not last long, just long enough to get a warning shout to Nagrundi. After killing the troll and his dogs, the party heard something else approaching. Lacking resources as they're set up for 15-minute working days, they retreated out of the fort. Robert (human inquisitor/Zinnia's replacement) set an alarm over the entrance of the fort and the party headed back to their camp.

Before they could get a mile away, Robert heard three creatures pass through the alarm. Knowing they were being chased, the group worked out their strategy while jogging back to camp. After arriving at their camp, Zoltan flew off almost immediately. The others proceeded to talk, discuss, and argue. Eventually, Nagrundi, another troll, and a trollhound caught up to them. Robert was already on horseback and Cain was able to mount in short order. OzKar attempted to mount, but the hound bit the horse in half and the half-orc went tumbling to the ground. Rupert attempted to secure Cain's escape as he is the baron of Riverdale. Unfortunately, Rupert got the worse of it when trading blows with Nagrundi and the other troll. Cain's and Robert's last images of Rupert and OzKar were the sight of their bodies being slung over the trolls' shoulders.

Rupert and OzKar awoke later in the troll fort. OzKar was treated well due to his similarities to the trolls. Rupert was tortured for information by Tartuk, who has temporarily allied with the trolls against Riverdale. Both were eventually released, but Rupert was geas'd by the kobold to kill Cain when he saw him (He failed). Yes, there was some GM handwaving here. OzKar's player wanted him to return. I wanted a way to keep the kobold in the mix and Rupert's player was okay with it.

Name: General Rupert
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Fighter/5
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Lair of the Lizard King
Catalyst: "You do what?"

The Gory Details:
A couple of months after the Nagrundi incident, Rupert has done from Warden to General, replacing the departed Gobi. The Council of Riverdale received word of a missing boy, Tig Tannersen. Baron Cain dispatched General Rupert and a handful of militia to track down the boy. Rupert and four (level 1) rangers found the boys tracks by Tuskwater Lake. They also found the lizardfolk tracks indicating the boy had been taken. Rupert dispatched two rangers back to New Zinnia with a request for reinforcements while he continue on with the two remaining rangers. They followed the tracks all the way to the lizardfolk island.

Rupert saw the palisade and a couple of guards watching atop the walls. He attempted communication with a guard, but as he spoke no Draconic and the guard no Common, there was limited success. Leaving one ranger on the shore, Rupert decided to swim out to the fort and try negotiating at a shorter distance. These negotiations had the same result as before and with negotiations at a standstill, he fell back on what he does best. He intimidated the guard into opening the gate.

Once inside, Rupert saw a number of lizardfolk going about their evening and one human boy suspended in a wooden cage over a pit of angry caimans. Still communicating in Common, the fighter walked purposefully toward the boy.

Vesket exited his home and when he saw the human walking towards the boy, he quickly objected and a fight erupted. Rupert was able to down four lizardfolk before succumbing to the king's trident.

Name: Royal Enforcer OzKar
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Inquisitor (Sin-Eater)/5
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: Lair of the Lizard King
Catalyst: Caiman fodder

The Gory Details:
Baron Cain dispatched Treasurer Zoltan and a half-dozen militia in response to General Rupert's request for reinforcements. When they arrived at the lizardfolk, they found the lone ranger Rupert left on the riverbank. He relayed the situation. In response, Zoltan flew over the palisade while invisible. Zoltan saw the bodies of one lizardfolk and one human being butchered. He recognized the human as being one of the rangers. He saw no sign of General Rupert, but he was able to rescue the boy by himself.

Zoltan and his party returned to New Zinnia and relayed the situation. It was decided to take all of the surviving PCs (Cain, Zoltan, and OzKar; Robert has not been able to play the last few sessions) to find out what happened. Under the guise of a diplomatic alliance, or at least peace treaty, they actually made peaceful contact with the lizardfolk. After the kobold situation in the Stolen Lands, some of the PC's took the time to become fluent in Draconic so they were able to communicate with Vesket. Vesket invited them into his home for a meal while they negotiated; he only requested that they leave their weapons outside the fort. And the party agreed!

Once escorted into the king's home, what do they find roasting over the fire? The body of General Rupert, of course! Zoltan and Cain refused to partake of the meal, but OzKar dug in with enthusiasm. Several tense minutes of negotiation later, there was a rough agreement that the lizardfolk will try to leave the kingdom alone so long as the party brought a troll that Vesket could use as a 'sacrifice' to their ancestral spirits.

That brought the discussion around to those spirits. The party correctly surmised that it was a will-o-wisp. After Vesket had left to commune with the spirit, the party decided to fight their way out. Zoltan put two lizardfolk braves, who were guarding the door to hut, to sleep. OzKar tangled with Vesket's pet caimans to secure Cain's escape. Cain ran out the door, followed shortly after by Zoltan. Vesket got in position to intercept Zoltan the following round but OzKar ran up to the large lizardfolk, absorbing the AoO. The caimans followed the half-orc and dropped him. Zoltan was able to turn invisible and run away. Cain's superior speed got him out of the fort. All of the other lizardfolk were so confused they did not continue pursuit.

OzKar will probably be served for breakfast.

Name: Munguk (yes, THAT Munguk. With skilled diplomacy rolls, they managed to get him to join the party and made him the kingdom's Royal Assassin).
Race: Hill Giant from Rivers Run Red
Classes/levels: Fighter/1 (that's as far as he got)
Adventure: The Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Traveling south of the Dunsward towards the Tors of Levines
Catalyst: Random encounter - Greater Cyclops
The Gory Details: Traveling south towards the Valley of the Dead, the party encounters a greater Cyclops that begins throwing rocks at them. The party's ranger and the hill giant, who have become fast friends, split in attempt to flank the Cyclops. The hill giant arrives first, and proceeds to get pounded into pulp in rapid succession of three attacks. There was little left to bury or burn on pyre.

Adventure:Stolen Lands
Location:PC Camp on the way back to Oleg.
Catalyst:4 consecutive bad perception rolls + Happs revenge.

The Gory Details::
Previously IMC Happs was taken first unconscious and then prisoner because of Rolas sneak attack, and so the bandit officer could not use his favored enemy (elf) in the first fight. Happs offered himself to guide the PCs to the Thorn River Camp, and so he did, but the PC where ambushed in the forest by the bandits on their way to the camp (random encounter: bandit!), and in the commotion Happs escaped and so I decided he meet with his old friend Falgrim Sneeg (IMC a Human Fighter 2) instead of going back to Kressle.
10 days after i rolled another random encounter: bandits. I stated that Happs, Falgrim and two other bandits tracked down the party, and find them camped, and so they hide waiting for the elf guard turn for Happs revenge.
Ironically Rolas's player quit the game the session before, and since the party was on the way back to Oleg I had decided to have the rogue quit the party too once they arrived there. He wasn't suppose to die, only to became a NPC stationing near Oleg, and a probable spymaster candidate for the future Kingdom.
But the dice decided an other fate for him:
- First turn of guard the half elf summoner pc and his eidolon both failed the perception againsts stealth of the bandit group.
- Second turn the Catfolk Ranger failed the perception too (rolling a 2 on the dice).
- Third turn, it's Rolas guard, Rolas failed the perception (rolling a 3 on the dice) - surprise round Falgrim hit him first, then Happs hit him, scoring a critical, and putting Rolas to -13, just one below his 12 con.
So after this I asked the other 3 sleeping PCs to make a perception roll. 19, 20, 19... They hear the fight, wake up, and then killed Happs and the 3 bandits, put Falgrim unconscious and bring him alive to Kesten, and they leveled up too!

Shadow Lodge

Name: !Kunot
Race: Human (Mwangi)
Class & Level: Druid (Wolf Shaman) 2/Monk (Sensei) 1
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Near Elise Barkot & Son's
Catalyst: Selfless recklessness
The Gory Details: We happened upon Mrs. Barkot's to find that her son was being chased by Large spiders! The child had climbed up a tree, but as we ran toward it, the spiders followed him upwards.

The alchemist threw a bomb straight upward, only to have it fall back down upon him (rolled a 1). Meanwhile, the two with bows fired upon the spiders while the wizard tried to make the trunk slippery enough to cause a spider to slip. !Kunot, in a burst of body hair, turned partway into a wolf and started up the tree after one of the spiders. His attempt to stun the spider failed; it turned around, bit him for nearly all of his HP, and caused him to let go of the tree.

He was dead as soon as he hit the ground.

The Worst Part:
The character had joined the group earlier that day at the beginning of that session; his previous character, after realizing that he hadn't worked his way into the plot and had no reason to actually map the place out, left at Oleg's. He'd been inspired to try a new guy who would be based around buffing the rest of the group.

The child survived unharmed, the spiders were crushed, and so far (by the end of this post), the alchemist had caught everyone in his group in splash damage at least once each.

The very next day...

Name: Haela
Race: Secretly a Changeling
Class & Level: Homebrew Chaotic Paladin 1/Inquisitor (both of Milani) 2
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: A way's off from Elise Barkot & Son's
Catalyst: The demands of the Everbloom
The Gory Details: When the ogre rushed in to attack, she (even her player) knew how this would end, but decided to do it gracefully. She intercepted the ogre, declaring a smite attempt; the ogre attacked and almost dropped her. Then, the ogre got blinded, injured, and flanked, then swung down wildly.

It was somehow precisely on target. Haela merely bowed her head, content that she had protected the closest thing to revolution the Stolen Lands would undergo.

(The wizard demanded the ogre stabilized so that he could charm him. The GM won't let anyone be the ogre. In related news, our exploration team no longer has any Good members; two falsely believe themselves to be "Lawful Good" and "Chaotic Neutral", and another has thought of making his next one Chaotic Evil. Fortunately, everyone is ready with backup character ideas. Unfortunately, we might not be able to build a backup nation later on)

Shadow Lodge

Hot on the heels of the last one (the very next session, in fact, and later that day in game time)...

Name: Sigurd, Paladin of Nethys
Race/Class: Human Spellblade Magus 3
Adventure: Stolen Land
Location: The Honey Queen's Hive
Catalyst: Everyone Screwed Up
The Gory Details: The GM wanted to add a third party thing to gradually introduce Mythicality. He tried re-working everything in it, managing to under- and over-estimate us at the same time.

So we were rescuing a child from a Preservationist alchemist who turned out to be a giant, talking queen bee. Turning the tables on us mammals, she flew upwards and threw down nauseating smoke bombs while we clumped up into small groups for her, despite one person repeatedly shouting at us not to. Two people couldn't roll a single attack roll over 7, and almost every spell slot had been used up in prior scuffles.

Sigurd wanted to negotiate with her at first, then to shout, "Smite Evil!" at her to make his sword glow; instead, he spent most of the fight either nauseated or on fire. Three of our number managed to lure the queen into a small passage in the hive, with Sigurd cutting off her escape. Since he never bothered to put himself out and nobody was in a position to help him with that, he was eventually scratched by her stinger and burned to death.

We failed the side-quest, we burned down the second dead, hollowed-out tree we'd explored, we lost our first opportunity for Mythic Ascension, and Sigurd's player got to be the ogre after I pointed out that Charm Person actually lasted hour/level, not day/level.

Every character and player went to bed ashamed that night, as well as the GM himself.

I'm beginning to worry that I'll have an addition for this thread soon. At level 1 my two players (an Arcanist and a Shaman with a fighter joining soon) encountered an owlbear just after leaving Oleg's for the first time. After a couple will saves and no dead owlbear I suggested running, to which the arcanist refused and somehow managed to kite it on horseback with his measly +2 to attack rolls and many less bolts than it should've taken.

At level 2, just last session, they managed to sandwich themselves between a large centipede, five mites and a giant tick (effectively an APL+4 encounter). One sleep, an entangle, obscuring mist, and four burning hands later they somehow won.

Hope this doesn't give them the idea that they're invincible.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Name: Latricia Rezbin
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Ranger 13
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: Greater Shadows are cheap munchkinry and no GM should be allowed to use them.
Catalyst: Perception check failed by 1 point!
The Gory Details: (optional)

While exploring the lair of the Nightskitter, our heroes were ambushed by a Greater Shadow. Surprise round 8 strength damage. Round 1, GS wins initiative, hits again: 6 Str damage. Latricia dies and rises as a shadow. Positive energy from heals and positive energy elementals end the shadows decisively. Players collect Latricia's gear and take the long way around. They'll come back with clerics and scrolls of daylight.

Name: Erin
Race: Elf
Classes/levels: Witch 12
Adventure: War of the River Kings
Location: Whiterose Abbey
Catalyst: Invisible Wardens, bad Initiative rolls and an untimely Crit.
The Gory Details:
So, it is poor Erin again. My players where exploring the Whiterose Abbey (looking for some specific horn, or at least the creators of it) as they went into the chapel, Gaetane and his soldiers lying (invisible) in ambush. When they saw the alchemical tools in a corner of the room, Erin and Argus (the Magus of the group) went there to examine them, whie the rest went to have a look at the rest of the room (and the Barbarian guarding the door). That was the moment when the trap sprung: In the surprise round Erin already got some damage from one of the two Wardens standing next to her. Then I rolled a 20 for the Initiative of the Wardens and Erin, normally the first to act in combat, due to her high Ini-modifier, rolled quiet low (as did the rest of the party). So the Wardens were first to act in round 1 and one of them critically hit the witch with his Greatsword, which resulted in enough damage to kill her.
The rest of the battle wasn't that hard, even if Gaetane almost succeded in taking down the paladin. But a flying Magus, the druid, which likes to fight as an Earth Elemental (and were therefore able to move through the walls up to roof) and the quiet acrobatic Barbarian managed to defeat him once they were in close range.

Luckily Erin had two hero points left and were able to cheat death (for the thrd time in this campaign!). The worst thing was: The player4 of Erin wasn't at the table that day! Her husband played her character during her absence. He told us that she kissed him goodbye that morning with the words: "And don't let me die!" :D

Dark Archive

Four deaths, but two got better. Gory details are all the same, so listed at the end.

Name: Lissi (PC)
Race: Sylph
Classes/Levels: Horrifically Overpowered and gestalt variant witch/gunslinger 4
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Temple of the Elk (modified)
Catalyst: mythic flame strike

Name: Nugget (NPC)
Race: Mite
Classes/Levels: Horrifically Overpowered and gestalt rogue 2/fighter 3

Name: Orn (NPC)
Race: Taurian (from In the Company of Minotaurs by Rite Publishing)
Classes/Levels: Horrifically Overpowered and gestalt ranger/inquisitor 3

Name: Ragnar (NPC)
Race: Jotun (from In the Company of Giants by Rite Publishing)
Template: Restless Soul (also from Rite Publishing)
Classes/Levels: Horrifically Overpowered and gestalt jotun paragon/barbarian 3

Gory Details: They had cleared out everything except the lowest level of the ruined temple of Erastil, so rested up one last time before tackling it.
The fight is massive, mostly due to all the NPCs accompanying the group. The total part was 5 PCs plus 7 NPCs, and the eidolon of one PC.
They faced a mythic totenmaske, 5 mythic and HD advanced huecuva, a mythic shambling mound, and a mythic worshiper of Cyth-V'sug who was effectively a divine guardian of the ruins. Oh, and four pathetic skeleton which didn't do anything except take one hit each to drop, even from the non-bludgeoners.
Fight is happening, all other foes have fallen, leaving only the insane cultist. On her next to last turn, she casts a mythic flame strike on everyone in the chamber, including herself. This is what kills Lissi, Nugget, Orn, and Ragnar, and nearly kills half the rest of the party. Pai (the cultist) drops shortly thereafter, those still active become mythic (the rest after waking/returning to life), and then another mythic shambling mound explodes from her corpse (like the think in the first Hellboy movie), and nearly kills the so far nearly unkillable dwarf. If not for the mythic, he'd have died.

So, four deaths, but Lissi and Nugget have the Extra-Lives Horrifically Overpowered feat (from Rogue Genius Games), so they got better. The group is now mythic, and everyone gained a level.

Dark Archive

Name: Aiden
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Rogue 2
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Temple of the Elk
Catalyst: That stupid bear...
The Gory Details: Aiden slipped around the far side of the pool to try and flank the bear. He failed his stealth check and the bear charged him. The rest of the party couldn't get to him before he was mauled to death.

Why do all my favorite characters have to die?!?

Name: Lilith of the Wyld Wood, Spymistress of Iomrall
Race: Leanbh-dubh (Homebrew Race)
Classes/levels: Hunter 13/Mythic Trickster 2
Adventure: The Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Vordakai's Tomb
Catalyst: Bombing Two Fort Saves in a Row
The Gory Details: Lilith just had bad luck.

The party has finally made its way down through Big V's tomb and engaged the lich in his throne room. Vordakai (in my game Wizard [Necromancer] 15/Archmage 4, a CR20 opponent) was not alone - accompanying him was the golem-like undead Haru Anon (from Enemies of NeoExodus: Folding Circle - the CR20 version). Thankfully Haru's presence was not a blindside to the party, having been informed that Vordakai had a "soul golem" by Maestro Pendrod earlier. The party had divvied up tactics while they buffed: Lilith and Jaekah would pound Haru Anon full of damage and take the undead/construct out as quickly as possible, while Takeshi and the two casters would focus on Vordakai.

No plan however survives contact with the enemy.

Lilith, as usual, went first, and did exactly what she said she was going to do: punch Haru full of holes. Haru took a bunch of damage but was still kicking. For giggles, she even burned a point of mythic power to get an extra attack and launched one of her arrows with the glass arrowhead filled with elixir of improbability at the floor at Vordakai's feet. It exploded into a big ol' blast of force damage that just barely missed hitting Lilith herself, and she probably would have Evasion'd her way out of it if it had. So no biggies there; her turn went exactly as planned.

The problem was, Vordakai went second. And opened with horrid wilting.

Which is nasty enough on its own. But because of their hybrid nature, despite being statistically Fey, Leanai-dubh are also considered Plant types for the purposes of spells and effects. And horrid wilting does extra damage to things of the Plant type and [Water] subtypes. Combine that with bombing the save and Lilith was hurting. She would have possibly survived, though, especially if she could go into stealth mode and get out of V's line of sight before he could cast again.

The rest of initiative played out. Takeshi rushed Vordakai, Jaekah rushed Haru and dealt a ton of damage with a Power Attacking greataxe, Elegy and Errol lit off some spells. Haru Anon had the last initiative of all, and by the time its turn came up, it was hurting pretty badly; after its turn Initiative would loop back to the top, and Lilith could probably kill it in one shot.

Except Haru used its Spirit Blast, trying to harm as many people as possible in a single attack and get some healing.

And Lilith bombed her save again.

On top of that, the higher-level versions of Haru Anon have this nasty little special ability that if anything within 60' of him gets dropped to 0 HP or lower, its soul gets sucked into the Haru gestalt immediately, no save, and can't be restored until Haru is destroyed. So despite being Mythic and having a much larger-than-usual negative HP pool, Lilith was out of the fight as soon as she hit 0, which Haru's blast was more than enough to do thanks to the failed save.

Combine that with the damage he managed to do to Jaekah, Errol, Elegy, and Elegy's summoned Hound Archon (which also died from the damage, though it was just a summon so nothing for Haru to absorb there), the construct healed enough that it managed to last a whole extra round before Jaekah and Errol reduced it to scrap.

Luckily, once Haru was gone, Lilith's pre-prepared clone activated. So while the rest of the party was finishing off Vordakai, Lilith was digging herself out of the Summer Queen's garden, chasing down some clothes, and getting caught up by Puck on what she missed while the party was away in Varnhold.

Excellent example of Rocket Tag in action. Having back-up clones is probably standard MO as well as pulled teeth for Ressurection/Reincarnation.

Dark Archive

Name: Gyatso
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Hungry Ghost Monk lvl1
Adventure: Stolen Land
Location: Thorp River Camp
Catalyst: After capturing, torturing and killing Happs (yes, they are not a LG party... you should see how they are carrying the kingdom now), they novice party decided to attack Kressle Camp before they knew there were new contestants around. Soon after, they were retreating being chased by Kressle, having killed a few bandits.
Kressle successfully ambushed the party, and got into melee with Chester the Wizard. Mithras, the Gnome Summoner decided his wolf-eilodon was in serious danger of dying, son he didn't send him, which forced Gyatso the Monk to charge and then make a flurry of Disarms to get this lady to stop hurting his friend. At Kressle turn, armed with only one handaxe, she decided to attack the most dangerous looking enemy, scoring a critical hit (which she wouldn't have confirmed if she was dual-wielding both handaxes). Then a lvl1 human received a critical handaxe hit (×3) made by a ranger with humans as a favored enemy.
Two levels after, the party allied with the Sootscale tribe to spam the forest with low quality traps, decimating the bandist's hitpoints and will to live, and Makaan the Figther (Gyatso's spiritual succesor) killed mostly unaided the remaining bandits. Kressle managed to escape, only to be briefly seen at the hot springs of the Frog Pond.

Name: Duro! (Exclamation sign not compelling but usual)
Race: Half Orc
Classes/levels: Barbarian lvl 3
Adventure: Stolen Land
Location: The Old Sycamore, Centipede Chasm
Catalyst: After spending his Orc Ferocity to quaff a healing potion (he charged Tickleback before the party Alchemist threw his bombs), Duro the Barbarian, Chester the Wizard, Makaan the Figther and Kelendor the Alchemist got together at the War Room (R5) to decide how to continue. They didn't see or hear the mites nor the kobolds from the Common Room (R6) and only knew that there were two possible ways; crossing the chasm or going back and around. Duro, a man orc that would never go backwards, decided to cross the chasm despite his comrades suggestions not to, and the DM clearly mentioning how dark and ominous the chasm was. The Centiped got a critical bite.
Nowadays, everytime something ominous is described, the players know that blood will run. They even ask if their actions seem ominous, as a way of doublechecking bad decisions.

Names: Joshua (magister), Dorin (spymaster), Wilma (duchess)
Races: elf, dwarf, human
Classes: magus, gunslinger, oracle
Location: Armag's tomb
Details: We stumble upon Armag moments after he has awakened, and he stands amidst the butchered bodies of those who revived him. The four of us battle Armag and his undead soldiers, with Noe (my half-orc barbarian) at the forefront. We madly exchange raging power-attacks but he hits way harder, and Noe has to be healed a few times. The heroes and enemies each fall dead one by one, until only the two barbarians remain. Noe has but a few hit points left when he is finally able to land the killing blow on Armag. After drinking almost every potion his party members own, he explores the burial chamber and finds a greater treasure horde than he has ever seen. He loads all treasure and dead allies into a portable hole, and unsuccessfully looks for a way out of the tomb. He finally grows weary and falls asleep with his nifty new greatsword. He awakens outside, where it seems he has unwittingly slaughtered dozens of men, women, and children from the Tiger Lord barbarian tribe. The party's horses have fled, along with their horseshoes of speed. Noe walks for weeks to make it back to Tatzleford, where the high priest raises the fallen Lords of Tuskland.

Name: Wilma (duchess)
Race: human
Class: oracle
Location:: Fort Drelev
Details: During the liberation of Drelev, the party stalks the empty streets at night, hunting the giants and ambushing them one or two at a time. They are ready to pounce on the next one, and combat will begin when Wilma casts a buff spell on Noe. Noe is possessed by the spirit of Armag within the greatsword, and believes this spell is an attack on him. It takes only a few swings, and he has slaughtered his duchess. Now his two remaining allies must fight both Noe and the giant, but Noe mostly fights the giant. The two allies are victorious. They confiscate the cursed sword of Armag, revive the unconscious Noe, and use a scroll to raise Wilma from the dead. Things were tense for a while.

Dark Archive

Name: Black Fang's Horrifically Mythically Overpower Kingmaker
Race: Black Dragon
Class: GM
Location: Earth
Details: Due to pesky adventurer's taking up my time, I no longer have the time to prepare my game, so it has ended. I'm now running my group through The Dragon's Demand with simple PFRPG characters. We're all having fun.

Name: Kurssuk
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Barbarian 14
Adventure: Sound of a Thousand Screams
Location: a farm outside from Drelev
Catalyst: Full round flurry of arrows from the Horned Hunter
The Gory Details: The party investigated some reports of a dozen rampaging Ettins in the area of Drelev. With good hope to get another key to Nyrissas realm Erin (the party's witch, maybe you recognize her from earlier obituaries of my group) teleported the party to Drelev and they began to serach the Ettins. They found them not long afterwards in the ruins of a destroyed farm. 10 Ettins were standing, eating, pillaging there and the party got them with full surprise: Fireball, Killing Cloud and Confusion prepared the Ettins for the charge of the Melee characters. All but Erin the Witch, Verbena the Druid and General Kurssuk were already charging the Ettins, as the Horned Hunter stepped out of the undergrowth and made a full-round attack against Kurrsuk (who is wearing Briar). four hits and a critical later the Satyr dropped the mighty barbarian from full HP to dead (because he wasn't in rage at that time). Kurrsuk just had two hero points which he used to cheat death.
Erin then healed him with a Healing Hex and Kendra, the Paladin of the group activated her Boots of Speed to engage the Satyr (and was quiet surprised when her Smite Evil didn't do anything...).
One of the Ettins threatened Kurssuk, who was still lying on the ground and the last two Ettins charged out of the undergrowth in which the Satyr hid and were flanking Kendra. The rest of the group made short work of that Ettin and rushed to Kendras help. Kurssuk, now in rage seeked vengeance against this fey creature (which he hates from the depth of his heart!).
Despite all tricks he had up his sleeve (including teleportation from his helm) the Horned Hunter and his Ettins wasn't able to drop Kurssuk again to get his hands on Briar. He was slain shortly after by the same Barbarian, he sought to kill.

Terrivar wrote:

Why do all my favorite characters have to die?!?

Because you are crunchy and taste good with mustard. Dragons don't do ketchup.

What about barbeque sauce?

Turin the Mad wrote:
Because you are crunchy and taste good with mustard. Dragons don't do ketchup.

Heh heh heh...crunchy...

Name: Vesket
Race: Gnoll (reskinned from lizardman for my campaign)
Adventure: Rivers Run Red
Location: home village
Catalyst: Named NPCs go down like chumps in my game
The Gory Details: The party, having defeated Hargulka and his trolls, decided it was time to wipe out their gnoll allies at home.

The breakdown rolls on the gates were poor, so the gnolls had just enough time to gather around the inside of the gates and ready to fight. As the party broke through, Vesket successfully intimidated the barbarian. And that was the last thing he did right.

One of the rangers hit him with an arrow, 1 hp.
Vesket swung at the raging barbarian (AC 13) and rolled a 1.
The barbarian and one ranger moved up to him and knocked him down to 1 hp left. The other ranger shot him again, to knock him out. The oracle casts ice slick all around him, and the two gnolls nearest him slip and fall.

One of these 2 gnolls (wounded a little) is able to right himself and pick up Vesket's cure potion, but that's all. The oracle casts murderous something-or-other spell, so he gulps V's potion for himself, and attacks his buddy. Vesket's stabilized, and there's no healing left anywhere, but the cavalier reaches over the barbarian and ranger with his lance, and drives Vesket well past negative Con. Twice.

In the rest of the fight, the rest of the gnolls were able to grind the barbarian down to single-digit hp twice, and the melee ranger was KO'd, but no PC deaths today.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Name: Feyla, Queen of Britland
Race: Aasimar
Class/Levels: Paladin of Sarenrae 9
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Throne of Bones (Vordakai's Throne Room)
Catalyst: Cyclopean Graveknight Antipaladin
The Gory Details:

I have a party of 6 players, so I use the excellent 6 player conversions available on these very forums. Despite this, my party tends to steamroll through a lot of encounters. Through clever sleight of hand, I actually managed to make them scared enough of Vordakai and his minions that they didn't notice they were mostly steamrollering this dungeon as well, with the exception of when Feyla was drained to 1 wisdom by a trap followed by soul eaters. The party managed to repair that damage by barricading themselves in a stairwell overnight while the Wizard teleported himself and Feyla home for healing.

So when they reached Vordakai's room, they were properly terrified that they would be killed. They buffed themselves thoroughly and headed in. The 6 player conversion suggests putting a Graveknight Antipaladin with Vordakai, so I did just that. The Wizard put up a Wall of Force to separate big V from the fight, and the lich was arrogant enough to sit and watch for a few rounds (his casual attitude towards the wall probably scared my players more than any spell he could have cast). The Graveknight started by attacking the rogue, since she was the first into the room, but then Feyla charged in and layed down the smiting. The Graveknight's next turn consisted of smite good plus a full attack on Feyla. Only one attack hit, but it was a critical. 110 points of damage later, Feyla was packing her bags to visit Sarenrae. The party's bard was lucky enough to be carrying a scroll of Breath of Life, though, so Feyla lived to fight another day.

This is my first PC death in a very long time, so I think I accomplished my goal of making the Vordakai fight feel like a major accomplishment. The funny thing is, I actually forgot to apply the smite bonuses and the additional fire damage from the Graveknight's weapon. If I had remembered those, Breath of Life might not have been sufficient for her to become conscious again.

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