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![]() Hello Joan, thanks for your help! Yes, I know which codes. The specific bundle I bought is the "HUMBLE EXTRA LIFE BUNDLE 2017", I got the 15 $ tier precisely during Nov 2, 2017. I never redeemed any of those, although right now the relevants are the ones belonging to the 2nd tier. I'm pretty sure eventually I may need the las one. And, IIRC, I have already redeemed the ones at the 1$ tier. ![]()
![]() Bottom line up: Can I redeem old humblebundle redemption codes? Long version: I've been playing Pathfinder since the beginning of the first edition and used to buy the digital content through Humblebundle promotions (as well of some of the physical books & stuff by non relevant means). Some of the codes were redeemed because they had a book I mean to peruse, some were not.
Obviously the codes are not working when I enter them at https://paizo.com/paizo/account/redemptions I am fully aware Paizo has no obligation to provide that content; some of the codes are 3 years old and I'm sure somewhere was mentioned that they had an expiration date.
![]() Galeazzo wrote: Thank you, I still did not read it but it looks well done. A quick question: does the pdf summarize all the changes Dudemeister did in this thread or are they an addition to the original posts? I included every change mentioned. I also moved the information snippets into the Trust Scores descriptions (since it made more sense to find them all together) and tweaked the order of the Areas and events of the Climbing of the Talon Peak so they were ordered into an ascending Climb DC.I also changed the name of "Scaling Talon Peak" into "Climbing Talon Peak" so not to confuse it with the "Scaling the adventure" terminology. Finally, I added the legalese so it was "Paizo Inc. Community Use Policy" compliant. I'm quite sure it was properly done (the OGL was a bit more difficult to implement). Anyway, Dudemeister is the actual author; he has veto power over any modification/addition/edition included. I really like his approach, ideas and systems :))) ![]()
![]() @Spudster: Read carefully the links; you can download the pdf without installing anything. It's one of the four directly below the picture, the left one in my GF's computer. However, you need to associate an account (Facebook, twitter, G+ or such), which may be discouraging anyway... No odd permissions involved.
![]() While meeting Bokken, they were asked for the Fangberries (bear in mind we are a Spanish speaking group; but we dive into English seamlessly when needed).
Fast forward to the day they found the Fangberries; they whole party was enthusiastic about it (and I didn't understand why, and they were rushing to them, so no Perception checks).
![]() Ok, the elf tower can be turned into an observatory without any explanation of why it could be useful... and there's no explanation about how to descend from the Talon Peak.
![]() Ok, good people, here is nice a compilation of the modifications Dudemeister proposed to areas Areas K, N, F and M; the Kankerata Run, the Talon Peak Ascencion, the Trust Scores and several NPCs included. There's a little of reorganization and a bit of rephrasing (i.e. Danide doesn't refer to the impertinent bipeds as "PCs") and a lot of formatting. The PDF won't use too much ink if printed, but I indulged myself with a custom background. I reckon there are some mistakes, but while perusing the document, I rendered them invisible to my eyes. Link:
![]() I assume everybody has a non-standard set of players which insist in confronting every encounter/event/situation with preposterous solutions and expect us DMs to react instantly and unfazed. Which we do.
Quote: tl;dr: My players recruited the Mad Hermit (Bokken's brother) as a member of the city watch. I'm looking for a (free!) urban module that involves a serial killer, built for a competent 8th lvl party (figther, arcane trickster, bard and summoner). Explanation:Following Necro_y2k's advice, my players met the Mad Hermit on top of a tree being fake-attacked by Cat. Cat failed a Will save, fell asleep, and the old man (What's his name? Erhm... his name is ... ¿Nekkob? Nekkob!) saw his puma waking up, attacking a serpentine eilodon with claws and getting promptly killed. Then, the players tied Nekkob, forced out of him the location of the Lizardfolks, and carried him to the riverside to witness the Lizardslaugther (Manslaugther applied to intelligent reptilians) that ensued after a half-hearted diplomacy attempt (aided by Invisibility, Disguise Self, Ventriloquism and NOT Diplomacy). After such activity, they decided that Nekkob was a good enough guy, so they thrusted him into the Watch of Stagfall, the capital of the Prozor Kingdom, despite his sincere protests. Now they abandoned the city and Nekkob has a very suitable position to silence the voices that living in a city arises. I'm trying to carry the evolution of events as logically as possible, but I don't want to punish the players for making an uninformed choice. They just thought that the Hermit's mumbling and strange behavior was due to his reclusiveness (and now makes sense as just a NPC signature, as many others, such as Svetlana's blushings, Oleg's rude jokes or Jhod raspy voice). ![]()
![]() Allow me to mention my experience with Carnival of Tears.
I introduced it without changes a few months after founding the kingdom. Since the module is designed for level 5 characters, the insertion must be done quite near the beggining of Kingmaker 2. The Capital city was rather small (every campaing will have between 200 and 500 inhabitants, depending in how the players manage the improvements the first couple of months available). Then, this Carnival arrives. The adventure unfolds and the tragedy begins. My players were excited at the beggining of the adventure (they thought it was going to be a murder/detective adventure involving evil clowns or something similar). Now, a year later in-game, they refer to the events as "the Carnival of cannibal Carnage", or "the cruent and cruel carnival" both in English and Spanish (our mothertongue).It's plain mean to involve a nascent city with such a deadly adventure, knowing that a large percentage of the population will die even in the best case scenario. In order to diminish the impact, you have to change most of the key scenes, or change death for maiming... It's not a bad module, and I don't regret using it; but I know that if I had thought it deeper, I wouldn't have chosen this particular module. On the other hand, now the Stagfall city, capital of the Prozor Kingdom, has Gradzaal "Raúl" the Minotaur as the Executioner, the rogue got Whisper and Shadow, the Summoner got Wyvernsting and the party could apply their newfound knowledge about quicklings (Rigg Gargadilly) in order to capture, imprison and execute a jumpy Prig. ![]()
![]() Name: Gyatso
Name: Duro! (Exclamation sign not compelling but usual)
![]() Pinky's Brain wrote:
AFAIK, it's better to have many primary attacks rather than a weapon and many secondary attacks. If we consider, let's say, a lvl7 Eilodon with a +14/+14/+14/+14 attack with full STR bonus damage versus a +14/+9/+9/+9/+9/+9/ with half STR bonus to damage (and a Greataxe).I looked for the differences between investing Evolution points in
The damage per turn is consistently better with the primary natural attacks (ranging from no difference against AC16 to 15 more points of damage per turn vs AC29).
![]() As far as I understand, if I have an Eilodon with the following evolutions:
If the eilodon wields a weapon, he foregoes a claw attack (or both, if he is using a two-handed weapon), attacking with it at full BAB + Str (and possibly receiving additional attacks due to high BAB) but reducing every natural attack to secondary (usually -5 to BAB and 1/2 Str bonus). You can also enhance all the natural Attacks at the same time with any amount of Energy Attacks; there's no limit besides Evolution points. Note to minimaxers: focusing solely on offensive powers renders your Eilodon a Glass Cannon. Don't. ![]()
![]() Here's my campaign. EpicWorld's Prozor Maker The kingdom of my kingmaker campaign is called Prozor -Prozor means "Window" in croatian, since while describing Nettle's Crossing, I mentioned a window and somehow omitted the rest of the ruined house; thus my players declared to see a floating window... The campaign main languaje is Spanish, but strongly lean in English, has a healthy collection of NPCs (from the AP and homebrew) and quite a few local traditions documented in the wiki. For example, one of the national holidays is "The day of the biscuits (El día del Bizcocho)", where every prozonian remembers the first months of citybuilding when they fed solely in (increasingly stale) biscuits. ![]()
![]() At my campaign, the magic items are a touchy subject. The rules we are using are the following: 1) There's a 100% of having an available non-magic item below the settlement Base Value.
5) There's a 0% (zero, none, nil, the nada, void) chance of having an available magic item above the settlement Base Value. One of characters -2nd lvl Arcane trickster- is burning his feats into item creation ones; he can create quite intresting Wondrous Items. Since they make them very specific (to lower the price), the items won't sell to the masses, due to their particular requirements. The intresting bit is that, needing enchanted weapons and armor, they sent the money and commisioned a sword from Varnhold, after reading that it was way closer than Restov or Pitax. Heh... ![]()
![]() At the uncommon Races main page, in the Racial Archetypes subsection, there's a mistake at the svirfneblin Deep Bomber's link.
Svirfneblin: Deep bomber (alchemist) ---> http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/uncommonRaces/svirfneb lin.html#_deep-bomber-(alchemist) Should be http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/uncommonRaces/svirfneb lins.html#_deep-bomber-(alchemist) ![]()
![]() Golden Needle of Unavoidable Reaction