Ellington |
In the spirit of Christmas, what feats would you like to see in the Advanced Player's Guide?
I'd like to see something like this:
Dual Strike
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +6
Benefit: You get an attack with your off-hand weapon when making an attack as a standard action, as a part of a charge or when making attacks of opportunity.
I realize that this is a bit much for a single feat, but it's something I think should have been a base part of dual wielding to begin with for it to compare with two-handed weapons.
I'd also like to see feats that require you to have a high constitution. Currently, there are no feats that require any constitution at all, and even though it's a very valuable attribute, I'd like it to be have a few more options. Something like:
Tough Hide
Prerequisites: Con 15, Toughness
Benefit: You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to your AC.
And improved and greater variants requiring 17 Con and +6 base attack and 19 Con and +11 base attack each. These feats would be very powerful, but it's a pretty hefty investment, and AC for tank types is lacking at higher levels.
Mosaic |
I'd love a way to feint as a free or swift action, or as part of a move action.
Also, something that builds on Two-Weapon Defense so that it can become something more that just +1 forever. Maybe something that allows the magic weapons to add their bonus to the AC too (though I think this ought to be standard).
Dilvish the Danged |
Dual Strike
Prerequisites: Dex 17, Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Base Attack Bonus +6Benefit: You get an attack with your off-hand weapon when making an attack as a standard action, as a part of a charge or when making attacks of opportunity.
I second this, and I also wouldn't mind seeing a feat that allows wielding a one handed melee weappon in the off hand as if it were a light weapon (for all the Drizzt wannabes).
Ellington |
Step Down
Prerequisites: Dex 15
Benefit: Whenever a an adjacent foe makes a melee attack against you and does not hit, you may make a 5-foot step as an immediate action. If you take this step, you cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn. If you take an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 feet from your total movement.
This is another feat I'd like to see which could greatly improve the survival rate of my rogues.
Swiftbrook |
In the spirit of Christmas, what feats would you like to see in the Advanced Player's Guide?
1) Improved Animal Companion. Gives access to better/exotic animal companions. Rangers can get the full Druid list. Paladins can get Lion/Hipogriff/Young Dragon.
2) Improved Rapid Shot. No penalties.
3) Improved Many Shot. Standard Action (maybe add additional arrows)
4) Improved Favorite Enemy. +3 to all Fav Enemy bonuses.
sunshadow21 |
I'd love to see feats (and/or equipment) that:
a) provides for the creation of higher level alchemical items; as it stands right now, after a few levels the stuff in the core book doesn't hold up, and with a class that highlights alchemical items, this could be problematic.
b) increase the range of alchemical items; the 10 ft range increment, while it is a touch attack, is still going to be very limiting to a class built around alchemical items
Hunterofthedusk |
Well, far shot doubles the range of thrown weapons (unless for some stupid reason it doesn't extend to alchemical items), and they could always make some sort of a sling specifically designed to launch flasks at the same range increment as the normal sling.
I would love to see some sort of rules for masterwork alchemy items, or even just a more comprehensive list of alchemical items. The list from the core books is just disheartening when one thinks of making an Alchemist.
I would personally like to see some new and interesting Metamagic feats, and some more feats to use channel energy in fun new ways (something like the Domain feats from Complete Champion)
Disciple of Sakura |
Well, far shot doubles the range of thrown weapons (unless for some stupid reason it doesn't extend to alchemical items), and they could always make some sort of a sling specifically designed to launch flasks at the same range increment as the normal sling.
Actually, for whatever reason, Far Shot only halves the range penalty, rather than doubling range increments in Pathfinder. I can't say I understand this change, or that I'll actually be following it for my games, but it's even worse for thrown weapon characters than it used to be.
Northend |
I agree with adding more spellcasting feats. Personally I'd like a few more interesting and unique metamagic feats, like 3.5's Energy Admixture, which doubled the damage dice of an energy-based spell, or shape spell, which allowed you to turn burning hands into a mini-fireball or other AOE shapes.
Pathfinder has already shown that it can give a new twist to old feats (read: Deadly Aim and the like), so if it can do the same with classic spellcasting feats, it would round out the feat-choice as a whole quite nicely.
Goblins Eighty-Five |
Swiftbrook wrote:Yes Paladins arent strong enough, rofl.
1) Improved Animal Companion. Gives access to better/exotic animal companions. Rangers can get the full Druid list. Paladins can get Lion/Hipogriff/Young Dragon.
While I may or may not agree with you sir, I think such a feat should have some wording making it clear that sidekick creatures that are in a similar vein to the paladin's mount (I.E., magical creatures, so also familiars) could not benefit from such a feat.
I would like some more skill-based feats, beyond +# to skill(s) checks
Mosaic |
On skill feats, one avenue that I've never seen explored would be a feat that allows you to exceed the normal level cap. I.e., normally you can't have more ranks in a skill than your level, but what if there were a feat that allowed you to buy level+3 ranks in a certain skill? Skill Focus and all the +2/+2 feats give you bonuses but not ranks. With this feat, you would get actual ranks, but you'd have to buy them with your existing skill point pool. You'd end up pretty limited in the variety of your skills, but REALLY good at one. (I first imagined this as a class feature for Experts, so they could actually be better than non-Experts in their chosen crafts and professions.)
Kadeity |
Spear combat feats, maybe spear and shield, or spear and net. Crossbow combat feats. Maybe a combat style for spears.
I think a feat that would let a paladin prepare abjuration spells from the sor/wiz list in his paladin feat slots would be sweet. Especially if it required a spellbook, or special prayerbook.
Id also like to see some alternative class features to make a couple classes spell-less.
Maybe a feat to let, say a rogue take hexes as rogue special abilities. That would be AWESOME.
Dessic |
Skill Supremacy
You have become supremely adept at a given skill.
Prerequisite: Skill Mastery
Benefit: You may take 10 with the selected skill even when immediate danger or distractions would normally prevent it.
Normal: You may take 10 only when your character is not in immediate danger or distracted.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it must apply to a new skill with which you already have Skill Mastery.
Disciple of Sakura |
Skill Supremacy
You have become supremely adept at a given skill.Prerequisite: Skill Mastery
Benefit: You may take 10 with the selected skill even when immediate danger or distractions would normally prevent it.
Normal: You may take 10 only when your character is not in immediate danger or distracted.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it must apply to a new skill with which you already have Skill Mastery.
Isn't that what skill mastery already does?
Aelryinth RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16 |
The importance of skill ranks has always been that there is a cap on them, and it's natural to want to push that cap.
But really, between skill focus at +2, Skill affinity at 2/2, Skill learning at class skill/+2, Skill devotion at multiple class skills, and skill talent at +4/level 1, exactly how many more skill boosting feats do you need?
I've attached a lot of importance to the very nature of skill ranks. Ranks represent learned knowledge, and because of that, can form hard limits on what you can and cannot do. For instance, if you put a 7 rank limit on any form of metal crafting to learn use of Mithral, then it doesn't matter how many bonuses you get...you have to spend the skill points to be able to do x feat. Sure, you can do the lesser stuff really really well with your +30 of (purchased) bonuses, but you don't KNOW what those higher ranks entail.
This keeps mithral and adamantine forging in the hands of higher level characters, and makes it a mite harder for mages with fabricate to just whip up armor at a moment's notice with their int bonus.
Of course, I changed Fabricate to just be an 'instant' skill check for a day's labor, but that's neither here nor there.
Tim4488 |
Dessic wrote:Isn't that what skill mastery already does?Skill Supremacy
You have become supremely adept at a given skill.Prerequisite: Skill Mastery
Benefit: You may take 10 with the selected skill even when immediate danger or distractions would normally prevent it.
Normal: You may take 10 only when your character is not in immediate danger or distracted.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it must apply to a new skill with which you already have Skill Mastery.
Yes, but this feat would allow characters with Skill Mastery to apply it to more, different skills. A good idea, I like it a lot.
Disciple of Sakura |
Disciple of Sakura wrote:Yes, but this feat would allow characters with Skill Mastery to apply it to more, different skills. A good idea, I like it a lot.Dessic wrote:Isn't that what skill mastery already does?Skill Supremacy
You have become supremely adept at a given skill.Prerequisite: Skill Mastery
Benefit: You may take 10 with the selected skill even when immediate danger or distractions would normally prevent it.
Normal: You may take 10 only when your character is not in immediate danger or distracted.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it must apply to a new skill with which you already have Skill Mastery.
Read the proposed feat's "Special" entry again. It only applies to skills that you already have Skill Mastery with. As the feat only gives you the benefit of skill mastery to a skill you already have skill mastery with, it doesn't actually do anything as written.
Geugon |
Rapid Maneuvers
You find more opportunities to apply non-standard combat techniques.
Prerequisite: Flurry of Blows Class Feature, Dex 17
Benefit: When using a flurry of blows as part of a full attack action, you may make use a combat maneuver attempt in place of normal attack. When doing this your CMB uses the flurry of blows bonus for the subsitituted attack instead of your base attack bonus (or monk level).
Normal: You can only peform combat maneuvers as a standard action.
Basically, more attempts to grapple/trip/etc. than normal at the cost of a lower chance of each one working. It seems a bit strong as currently written, but I think this would be a good option for allowing maneuver-based monks to be more viable. As has been noted in Treantmonk's wonderful guide, strength is really the important monk stat. By creating a strong monk-based feat with a high dex requirement, I think you could make a dex focused monk more viable.
Stark Enterprises VP |
Spell Template Feats would be a BIG draw for me. They may be the coolest idea Monte Cook ever came up with, and that's saying something, considering the sheer excellence of his stuff. Pathfinderize them, come up with some new ones, and just basically go to town on that concept. Your arcane spellcasters will thank you!
Otherwise? I'd like to see some feats that'll let you dabble in the base classes pool... something that allows the lowest tier of a class feature of another class. That'd make customization easier...
Dessic |
Tim4488 wrote:Read the proposed feat's "Special" entry again. It only applies to skills that you already have Skill Mastery with. As the feat only gives you the benefit of skill mastery to a skill you already have skill mastery with, it doesn't actually do anything as written.Disciple of Sakura wrote:Yes, but this feat would allow characters with Skill Mastery to apply it to more, different skills. A good idea, I like it a lot.Dessic wrote:Isn't that what skill mastery already does?Skill Supremacy
You have become supremely adept at a given skill.Prerequisite: Skill Mastery
Benefit: You may take 10 with the selected skill even when immediate danger or distractions would normally prevent it.
Normal: You may take 10 only when your character is not in immediate danger or distracted.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it must apply to a new skill with which you already have Skill Mastery.
Oops, replace all instances of "Skill Mastery" with "Skill Focus." This would allow any character to essentially gain Skill Mastery with a single skill for which they also took Skill Focus.
KnightErrantJR |
Rapid Maneuvers
You find more opportunities to apply non-standard combat techniques.Prerequisite: Flurry of Blows Class Feature, Dex 17
Benefit: When using a flurry of blows as part of a full attack action, you may make use a combat maneuver attempt in place of normal attack. When doing this your CMB uses the flurry of blows bonus for the subsitituted attack instead of your base attack bonus (or monk level).
Normal: You can only peform combat maneuvers as a standard action.
Basically, more attempts to grapple/trip/etc. than normal at the cost of a lower chance of each one working. It seems a bit strong as currently written, but I think this would be a good option for allowing maneuver-based monks to be more viable. As has been noted in Treantmonk's wonderful guide, strength is really the important monk stat. By creating a strong monk-based feat with a high dex requirement, I think you could make a dex focused monk more viable.
Some combat maneuvers are already "attack" actions, and thus perfectly viable to substitute for an attack in a flurry of blows.
Heathansson |
I'd like to see some feats that support the alchemist in his capacity as grenadier. It seems to me that quite a few of those "ranged weapon" type feats can't help him throw bombs; they seem to make everything about arrows or just don't help with bomb slinging.
For example, off the top of my head, "vital strike" feat (though not exactly a missile feat) wouldn't help with an alchemy bomb at all; I think it needs an adjunct because double damage on a bomb is kinda bogus, but I think a skilled grenadier ought to be able to "aim reeeeeeeel good so I hit the guy in the jibleys and take him out."
Ravingdork |
Geugon wrote:Some combat maneuvers are already "attack" actions, and thus perfectly viable to substitute for an attack in a flurry of blows.Rapid Maneuvers
You find more opportunities to apply non-standard combat techniques.Prerequisite: Flurry of Blows Class Feature, Dex 17
Benefit: When using a flurry of blows as part of a full attack action, you may make use a combat maneuver attempt in place of normal attack. When doing this your CMB uses the flurry of blows bonus for the subsitituted attack instead of your base attack bonus (or monk level).
Normal: You can only peform combat maneuvers as a standard action.
Basically, more attempts to grapple/trip/etc. than normal at the cost of a lower chance of each one working. It seems a bit strong as currently written, but I think this would be a good option for allowing maneuver-based monks to be more viable. As has been noted in Treantmonk's wonderful guide, strength is really the important monk stat. By creating a strong monk-based feat with a high dex requirement, I think you could make a dex focused monk more viable.
Also, only when Rapid Maneuvers applied to those "attack action" maneuvers would I ever call it balanced. If it applied to the standard action attacks as well, it's broken (it just steps on too many toes of other feats and classes).
ulgulanoth |
i'd like to see feats for survival (like a feat that would allow you never to need to roll for gathering food or the like) and feats for crafting (like one that would reduce the time need to build thing or or one that will reduce the amout of money needed to build anything), or feats for diplomacy/bluff/ect
show some love to practically featless skills
Geugon |
Also, only when Rapid Maneuvers applied to those "attack action" maneuvers would I ever call it balanced. If it applied to the standard action attacks as well, it's broken (it just steps on too many toes of other feats and classes).
Granted it is too strong as written, but I would like to see a balanced version (additional penalties, maybe only grants one extra attempt, etc) of something like this. I like the visual of a monk trying to furiously close into an opponent's personal space and interfere with them more aggresively than other classes would.
Some combat maneuvers are already "attack" actions, and thus perfectly viable to substitute for an attack in a flurry of blows.
My mistake. I was only really thinking of grapple when I wrote this, but I wrote it to work more broadly. In retrospect, applying this to the other standard-action-combat-maneauvers (overrun or bullrush) would be thematically weird. I should have just written it as "Rapid Grapple"
SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I'd like to see some racial-specific feats.
I'd like to see some feats that combine class features of interesting multi-class options, like sneak-attacking spells, adding sneak attack dice to CMBs, stuff like that.
I'd also like to see feats that enhance mobility in combat.
I'd also like to see feats that allow PCs to have more actions in combat, like adding neat Swift Actions or Move Actions.
I'd like to see feats that combine feats from different feat trees for high level fighter-types, like combining Bull Rush and Trip, or Disarm and Cleave.
I'd also like to see Reserve Feats (like in Complete Mage) and feats that allow you to add carrier effects to special attacks, actions, or spells, like the critical feats in PFRPG, or the Cloudy Conjuration feat from Complete Mage, or the Ambush Feats in Complete Scoundrel.
I also hope they introduce skill tricks or something like those, especially if PCs could get them at even levels (feats on odd levels).
Tim4488 |
Disciple of Sakura wrote:Oops, replace all instances of "Skill Mastery" with "Skill Focus." This would allow any character to essentially gain Skill Mastery with a single skill for which they also took Skill Focus.Tim4488 wrote:Read the proposed feat's "Special" entry again. It only applies to skills that you already have Skill Mastery with. As the feat only gives you the benefit of skill mastery to a skill you already have skill mastery with, it doesn't actually do anything as written.Disciple of Sakura wrote:Yes, but this feat would allow characters with Skill Mastery to apply it to more, different skills. A good idea, I like it a lot.Dessic wrote:Isn't that what skill mastery already does?Skill Supremacy
You have become supremely adept at a given skill.Prerequisite: Skill Mastery
Benefit: You may take 10 with the selected skill even when immediate danger or distractions would normally prevent it.
Normal: You may take 10 only when your character is not in immediate danger or distracted.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it must apply to a new skill with which you already have Skill Mastery.
Ahh. Even better then.
YamadaJisho |
I'd like to see feats that allow the use of certain combat maneuvers with ranged weapons, like disarming with a bow or tripping with a throwing dagger. I'd also like to see Manyshot changed from only arrows to arrows or thrown weapons (no reason you cant have two darts in your hand). Also...
Pinning Strike
You are skilled at using ranged weapons to pin enemies where they stand.
- Prerequisites: Dex 17, Weapon Focus: ranged piercing weapon, Precise Shot, Base Attack Bonus +4.
- Benefit: Make a CMB check against your opponent. If this check succeeds, the opponent cannot move from his current square (though he can still attack or make other actions that do not require movement). The opponent is also considered flat-footed until he spends an action to remove the object pinning him. This attack is a standard action and does no damage.
Ranged (Trip/Disarm) (this is two separate feats)
You trip/disarm an opponent with a ranged weapon.
- Prerequisites: Int 13, Dex 15, Combat Expertise, Improved (Trip/Disarm), Precise Shot, Base Attack Bonus +4
- Benefits: You may attempt these maneuvers with ranged weapons within the first range increment.
- Normal: These Combat Maneuvers can only be attempted with melee weapons.
Ranged (Bull Rush/Sunder) (this is two separate feats)
You push an opponent back/damage an opponents weapon with a ranged attack.
- Prerequisites: Str 13, Dex 15, Power Attack, Improved (Bull Rush/Sunder), Precise Shot, Base Attack Bonus +4
- Benefits: You may attempt these maneuvers with ranged weapons within the first range increment.
- Normal: These Combat Maneuvers can only be attempted with melee weapons.
You knock an opponent off his feet. (Power Attack version of Improved Trip)
- Prerequisites: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush
I'd like to see stuff like this.
Ellington |
Misery wrote:Haven't checked the Bestiary but if it's not in there I would really also like to see Improved Natural AttackIt is.
Does the monk's unarmed attack count as a natural attack?
No, it does not.
Second one from the bottom.
Ravingdork |
Does the monk's unarmed attack count as a natural attack?
It does in v3.5 (for the purposes of Improved Natural Attack anyways), but it does NOT in the Pathfinder RPG (according to the game's designer). Houseruling it to work like D&D certainly won't break anything though.