Kjob's page
Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 227 posts (432 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 5 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.
Racial Traits1: 1d100 ⇒ 85
Racial Traits2: 1d100 ⇒ 50
Racial Traits3: 1d100 ⇒ 71
Players of my WotR game...
This is a thread to use for any rolling you'd like to have "officially" done.
I am building a Naga Aspirant Druid for a home game. Originally I was just going to take the Serpent domain, but my GM has given me the leniency to create a Naga Domain. I keep trying to come up with fun abilities, using the Serpent and Skalykind as inspiration, but I realize I am entirely too bias.
I was curious if anyone had any ideas or anything they'd be willing to share? Doesn't have to be related to the aforementioned domains at all, just...seemingly balanced, I suppose!
danielc wrote: ossian666 wrote: I just found a d-bag way of making my players hate me.
Every enemy they fight is the cohort of the BBEG at the end of the chapter. Sorry kids no experience until you kill the BBEG! That is cold. Funny, but cold. LOL I was thinking it'd be pretty troll-y, but funny, to have a level 20 end boss that took Leadership. Their level 18 cohort then takes Leadership, the level 16 cohort of which takes Leadership...all the way down to a level 4 minion....hah.
I might give bonus XP in this scenario if, as Danielc put it, the minion significantly impacted the fight. That said, the sorcerer did use a resource (a feat) at their disposal to make the encounter tougher. People are comparing it to Skill Focus (Blah) but the reality is that it would have been toughness, Spell Focus, or perhaps a crafting feat, all of which would have, potentially, had a significant impact on the encounter.
Would the impact of one failed save, or a higher wealth, equal the impact a level 5 fighter had, though? That's your call. Also, was the fighter your traditional, optimized fighter? I know any time I've gotten a cohort, the cohort isn't exactly what I want, at the GM's discretion, just...mostly-to-somewhat...what I want.
Smart building and more importantly, smart playing, are way more important to character effectiveness than race. Plus now your character may be slightly more diverse/adaptable, which PFS rewards.
So, I have a gestalt character, and even with the other half of my character being a full-caster (witch), I am missing the spells my Ranger side would have given me.
The traps are fun, but very limited. A few are great (sleet storm, for example), but most are lack luster, in my opinion.
That said, consider the Urban Ranger variant, it will give you trapfinding and disable device as a class skill.
Darksmokepuncher wrote: This is interesting. I live in Kirkland and have been wanting to play RotRL for years.
What info do you need from me?
Maybe just an experience level and availability, I guess?
Looking for a few players that want to get in on a Rise of the Runelord game I'm going to start running soon (as early as this Sunday if I can get the interest up). Probably be a once a month type of thing.
We're a bunch of mid 20 to 30 year olds. We mostly play in Redmond and North Seattle.
We're a couple late 20-ish guys (3 in total) looking for 2 or so more players for a Star Wars Saga game. We typically play in North Seattle on Sundays.
We also plan on playing some PFS and other DnD related games.
Ismodai wrote: i was thinking about making a bomb focused alchemist and this archetype gets the cognatogen instead of the regular mutagen, thus enhancing the int a lot, is it really better than a regular one at this? the bonus to knowledge seems useful too to find out weaknesses of the about to explode monster
any thoughts?
I recommend you review the Grenadier in the Pathfinder Society Field Guide.
Mindchemist is cool, but remember cognatogen is a discovery you can take.
Honestly, I think both are great choices! I like Grenadier for replacing so many poison related abilities.
I agree with above posters, Witch is the way to go for this style of play. Take the feat "Extra Hex" early and often, as well as "accursed hex" so you can re-attempt hexing if you've nothing better to do.
Also, I want to point out that Evil Eye can target the same thing more than once. So even if you're fighting the big bad evil guy, you can Evil Eye once for AC, then Attack, then Saves, etc etc, rather than do damage.
Honestly, I have a witch (that I love) and even though it isn't in her character concept, the ONLY time I do damage is against swarms and hordes of undeadies (where I am kind of otherwise a bit on the worthless side). Otherwise Im just a flying, mad-cackling, buff/debuff machine.
marv wrote: Yep, it's mine. Go ahead and toss it. While it does have sentimental value to me, it's not worth the expense of shipping it.
If you happen to hold onto it and attend next years Paizo con let me know... :)
I don't know how close you live to the I-5, but I'll be driving through Oregon at the beginning of July, if you want I could easily meet you somewhere off the Interstate.
Otherwise, I'm a packrat, and will probably hold on to it for PaizoCon next year (although, I can't promise I won't lose it/completely forget about it---as I'm want to do).
I was playing an aftercon game in of the rooms and we found that someone had left the the box top to some Forgotten Realms: The North game. I figure something like this might be really important to someone, so I thought I'd pick it up rather than let hotel staff throw it out.
I'm a local kid, so let me know how I can best get this back into your hands (if you want it).
If you have any clue who the box top belongs to, please forward this along to them---thanks!
Lerch wrote: I would Love to go but will not have a car. But will be at the hotel. Can I bum a ride?
Lynn Register
Google it, if it's the place I'm 99% sure it is, you can totally walk to it!
My character is good and ready---no pregen needed! See you Sunday!
Kratzee wrote: Would the +1 DC for conjuration spells from Spell Focus (conjuration) increase the Distraction ability of a Summoned Swarm?
Also, does anyone have any suggestions for a 5th level feat for an Urban Druid other than Spell Focus (conjuration) leading to Augment Summoning for 7th. Here is a link to my character if that helps.
Spell Focus Conjuration will not increase the DC for the Swarm's abilities, it will make it harder to dispel your summons, though, if someone were to attempt that.
I believe, though, you can increase the DC through Augment summoning since distraction's DC is con based.
The Witch is surprisingly good, and can be pretty simple depending on how you build it. The witch, in my opinion, excels at being a save or die/suck character with a decent accompaniment of crucial spells (divination, battlefield control, a few buffs, druid healing, etc). Build your character to be a hexing machine gun! I love the class, personally, and it really is quite simple to play pretty effectively (your opponent ends up rolling the dice, most of the time!) Only thing is, sometimes you can feel like a one-trick pony (but oh what a trick!) and may get boring if you like rolling lots of dice.
As an aside, your party is pretty balanced looking, you won't let your party down no matter what you chose, especially if your party is at all mature.

Kyle Baird wrote: Kjob wrote: Hey Gang!
Here's my spell list, let me know what you think. Please feel free to rip it apart, I probably have some redundancy in there that could be cleaned up. For third level spells I only picked up Remove Blindness/Deafness because I think we can handle other afflictions fairly well, right? I also have no clue what to add for that third 9th level spell know.
Feat wise and build wise, I plan on focusing on my spells, so Ill be taking some metamagics and some of the spontaneous caster love in the UM.
One thing of note, if I went Lore instead of Enlightened Philosopher, I could get 1 free use of wish per day as well as Time Stop as a 9th level spell. By going Enlightened Philosopher, I get a better overall spell list, and +charisma to saves (+7 unbuffed).
From my mysteries I will be able to, effectively, cast any spell 8th level or lower of the wizard/sorc list once per day.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1J2bkmoywrR-HftxEFJYaoDXPAn-BgyM8movRnSd X-3k/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=COKdlfwH
9th level: Etherealness? We could travel to the Etheral plane to bypass physical obstacles..
What'd benefit you take for your favored class? You could take an extra spell known from the APG..
For a 1st level spell you need Liberating Command from Andoran, Spirits of Liberty.
No Bear's Endurance? That's an extra 40 hit points.. Spell selection shown represents +2 Spells known to each level, +3 to 8th level spells from favored class (also Mystery Spells-denoted by star, and the free cure X wounds stuff).
Hey Gang!
Here's my spell list, let me know what you think. Please feel free to rip it apart, I probably have some redundancy in there that could be cleaned up. For third level spells I only picked up Remove Blindness/Deafness because I think we can handle other afflictions fairly well, right? I also have no clue what to add for that third 9th level spell know.
Feat wise and build wise, I plan on focusing on my spells, so Ill be taking some metamagics and some of the spontaneous caster love in the UM.
One thing of note, if I went Lore instead of Enlightened Philosopher, I could get 1 free use of wish per day as well as Time Stop as a 9th level spell. By going Enlightened Philosopher, I get a better overall spell list, and +charisma to saves (+7 unbuffed).
From my mysteries I will be able to, effectively, cast any spell 8th level or lower of the wizard/sorc list once per day.
Incomplete Character Sheet
Sorry---hopefully tonight or tomorrow I'll get a spell's known list out. I planned on Mass Eagle's Splendor.
Also, I can cast several Magic Vestments, Greater for +5 to armor and +5 to shield, if I understand it right. If we have in game days to prepare, these could be cast extended, I believe, although I'll admit thats probably violating the spirit of this and my understanding of high levels buffs is a little...lacking.
Riaghan of Kalsgard wrote: Yeah, I second Card Kingdom/Cafe Mox if you visit Ballard. It's a must see for any game fan. Sets new standards for WIN. Agreed, went there to pick up some stuff this past weekend. It's a little bit removed, and driving to Ballard can be...annoying for the uninitiated, but that place is worth it. It is really EVERYTHING I want in a game store, open, diverse, friendly, and attached to a bar! If it wasn't such a drive I'd go there all the time for all my gaming needs.
It does depend on the players' maturity. I've been allowed to play evil, and have played with other people who were evil, with the meta-advice to not be a jerk to each other, especially if its one evil member among a bunch of neutral/good characters (if it is an all evil party, anything goes---but generally you know that going into it!).
I'll play my Red Mantis Assassin as an evil dude, and I'll do evil things, but my character understand that, for the duration of the adventure, it is selfishly in my best interest not to be a jerk.
Is it safe to assume Ultimate Magic is an allowed source? Specifically, the Enlightened Philosopher Archetype for the Oracle
Edit---also, do we get 2 traits?
Puttin me on the spot! I was thinking most of the "answer" spells (cure paralysis, break enchantment, FoM, breath of life, etc), beyond that the key buff spells, then a handful of blasty spells. My character will probably NOT be going the route of self-buffing for melee, but I need to map it all out. I plan on focusing on buffs/debuffs, battlefield control.
Also, I think Ill have a really good handle on knowledge checks (automatic 20's, adding charisma modifier instead of int to checks), so, if you want to use a archetype that forgoes bardic knowledge, we'd probably be fine :)
GM: Kelly (Gotrek22)
PC1: Kyle - Paladin
PC2: Majuba - Bard
PC3: Kjob - Human Oracle (Lore)
PC4: Malcolm (mln84)- ??
PC5: Scott (Radon)- ??
PC6: Derek
PC7: Chot
Went with Oracle, agreed on Monk, Majuba, the monks deals rather well with the lower magic-ness of the scenario!
Fair point, but since earlier I've managed to talked myself out of Paladin and into a Human Oracle. Besides, I don't know when else I'll get the chance to cast Miracle/Wish (if I go Lore), Bwhahaha.
I was thinking Paladin, too! Hm, perhaps an Oracle (Lore mystery?) or Cleric type character, instead, I'll have to really dig into the capstones of some of the APG classes this weekend, as I'm not super familiar with high level play (which is a big reason I want to do this!)
Sounds like fun to me---interested!
Looking for a banquet ticked if anyone is trying to sell one!
Abraham spalding wrote: I'm not looking at the moment but couldn't you bloat after using your normal pool and get an extra spell then (again of a lower level more than likely). Yea thats what I was thinking. Cool thanks for the advice everyone! I realize its some big drawbacks, but I think it'd be fun to be some huge lazy monstrosity, heh.

So I'm looking to build a wizard for a campaign, and I found the bloat mage---which I thought could be really fun to play, but after some preliminary research, the consensus seems to be that it's dangerous to play the bloat mage. I just want the mechanics clarified:
At lvl 1 I get 1 Blood Point, each day when preparing spells, my blood pool is refilled up to my class level. I can spend this 1 point for an extra spell, seemingly consequence free. I can "bloat" to get more blood point, netting me 1d4 blood points. Using this ability seems to be silly at lvl 1 since if I roll anything but a 1 I go into a murderous rage, dangerous at lvl 2, and OK at lvl 3.
Additionally, whenever I take "bleed" damage, I lose a blood point.
Ok, so I feel like with careful management, I can keep myself safe, I just won't bloat, when it is possible for me to fly into the murderous rage, is it that simple?
I realize there are other drawbacks (max dex/skill/speed penalties) but am I missing something bigger that makes the PrC unplayable (or at least ill-advised) for a player?

sieylianna wrote: tonyz wrote: What's good, and flexible, and almost always useful for a divine spellcaster? (I'm currently thinking about the bane/cause fear combination, swapping out cause fear later, but what would be preferable?)
We also have a wizard, cleric, and bard in our party, plus a fighter, so I'm not too worried about the generalist spells that usually seem to be necessary. I would say Bless if you didn't have a bard. I prefer Command to Cause Fear. Eh, I'd say cause fear is pretty superior to Command in a lot situations. Cause Fear takes out the most menacing looking person for 1d4 rounds (and more when you consider they have to run back ). Also, cause fear still does something if they make their save.
For Command, I find its most useful when you're already winning and typically doesn't buy you more than one or two AoO's and one missed action.
To each their own, of course. That said, I absolutely love Command, Mass, heh.
To the OP: It really depends on the sort of build you're looking to do. Melee/Buffer/Debuffer etc. In general, spells I consider are: Bless, Divine Favor, Magic Weapon, Protection, Shield of Faith, Cause Fear. Bane is fine, of course, especially at lower levels when you'll be faced with hordes of small 1/3 CR creatures and if you're going the debuffing route (and thus have a high casting stat for Spell DCs), but I find Bless, overall, to be universally better.
If you have a lot of people making attack rolls in your group, Bless and Cause Fear will probably get you some decent milage. If you're going to be a front liner, I'd recommend Divine Favor and Shield of Faith.
Have any luck? I live over in Redmond and am always looking for more people to do some Pathfinder with.
Currently I'm playing with a group in Mountlake Terrace that's alright. The group is pretty cool, a guy in his 40's and his girlfriend, son, and another older gentleman, as well as myself. The game is decent, and we do a lot of different things depending on the week (sometimes PFS, typically a homebrew campaign that feels like something Bioware dreamed up, sometimes a gestalt RoTR game when not enough people are available.
If you're interested, shoot me an email at cdtslider at gmail dot com.
Thosys wrote: I assume Tarvi isn't interested in seeing Thosys's "Magic Wand", maybe at a later date.
Thosys would be more than happy to help in the morning, but at the same time, it could be dangerous being out and about. He will prepare some spells.
** spoiler omitted **
Looking at your prepared 0th lvl spells, you realize with Pathfinder they're cantrips and once you have 1 prepared you can cast it at will? The x2 acid splash is redundantly redundant :)
Glad you guys could make it, I had a lot of fun GMing! Sorry to Ryan that I never once pronounced Riaghan's name right...I'm absolutely terrible at that stuff ><
Count me among the faithful wishing to participate!
I've a bard 7 as well as a Cleric of Asmodeus 2 to count among the willing, although the bard is the one most anxious to play.
I'm available whenever after 5pm Thursday!
Kjob wrote: At this point anything 1-7 (pref not 1-5) to max profitability for my PC. /greedy. But whatever works for you guys works for me with the new gm rules. If its possible, the specific ones Id like to GM are
14, 17, 45, or 49.
Honestly Im trying to get some levels for a character before Paizocon, so I could tentatively do a double shift if the group was willing?
When PFS converted from 3.5 to PFRPG, you were allowed to change everything but your name and faction; there was a guide put out concerning how to accomplish the conversion.
Since then, though, you are not allowed to change anything about your character once it has been set in stone; except through organic progression, of course.
At this point anything 1-7 (pref not 1-5) to max profitability for my PC. /greedy. But whatever works for you guys works for me with the new gm rules.
Hey Thelesuit! Been kind of absent from the Pathfinder scene with school and other wackyness, but I am available for June's Game Day if you're still looking for another GM?
NSpicer wrote: I have just one question:
"What about second breakfast?"
"I dont think he knows about second breakfast, Pip."
I'm also trying to sign up for some events and getting some conflicting issues. Tried to switch out Green Blood on Black Rock for Paizo Fight Club 2 since there was an open space. But it didn't seem to "stick." As in I would choose it and save changes, but when I went down to the Fight Club it wouldn't have a check mark. I resigned up for Green Blood, but now it's giving me a conflicting message about Fight Club.
Conversely I was simply trying to sign up for Greg Vaughn's Twisting Plots (the twisting part) as there was one open slot. But it didn't seem to "stick" either.
Ill just wait till it fits in with the story better, if you like? No reason to break the fourth wall if its not needed.
My emails is if you need anything specific from me.
Ok, NOW Tashik is pretty much ready to go.
Ga disregard my post about Tashik's character sheet being ready, it would appear the update was devoured by the forum monster. Basically he's a high dex high int wiz 1/ rogue 1. He's an elf that's been all over the place and recently settled in Sandpiint as a spy/thief for hire. He only takes what he deems as noble jobs and will pervert those corrupt clients who hire him, little regard for local laws...Prankster, does what feels "right."
I'm mobile at the moment, but Ill reupdate tonight.
Minor nitpick, should I be using the average gold for lvl 2 plus 20?

abstract gm wrote: Kjob wrote: abstract gm wrote: Kjob - are you still interested? This would be my third PbP, but I can handle it, and am interested. Is there anything in particular that you're looking for? I know I had two concepts suggested previously, but am pretty open to playing just about anything depending on what the party is lacking? Being objective, I would say the group lacks a rogue type - but they are a good blend and are getting by without worrying about traps and locks. Therefore, I would suggest you play the one that you will get most enjoyment from. I would like to jump into the next main thread before the week-end, so if you could have your character ready by then, we can plan a way to link you into the party. I think I can help everyone out! Always important to play a character with...well...character in a PbP; assuming its ok with you, probably roll up an arcane trickster...probably Wiz 1/Rog 1 for now. Character was attending a mage academy, but kicked out for being a bit of a prankster, had to survive on the streets, but plans on continuing his arcane studies once things...stabilize.
Ill try and have something built up by tonight if not tomorrow afternoon.
abstract gm wrote: Kjob - are you still interested? This would be my third PbP, but I can handle it, and am interested. Is there anything in particular that you're looking for? I know I had two concepts suggested previously, but am pretty open to playing just about anything depending on what the party is lacking?