gruevy's page

Organized Play Member. 37 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


One Tiny race. I want to someday play as Puck from the manga Berserk. Pixies in the bestiary are two feet tall. Just amend that to 6 inches and balance a bit, and I'll be happy.

Tell your other players that you are starting to think that he read ahead and ask them if they're okay with that. If they're not, point out that since he denies it, the only option is to kick him out, or live with it (which might mean a lot of unnecessary extra work for you). Go with whatever they decide.

He might just like to read ahead, but the result is that he's making it less fun for you, and once the other players realize what's going on, much less fun for them. This is a problem that you should deal with instead of accommodating by just shrugging your shoulders and rewriting the modules.

Kolokotroni wrote:
gruevy wrote:
In part 2 of the first book of carrion crown, it lists a bunch of things you can find out by research, and an exp reward for each. My question is about that experience. Is that meant to be divided up between the party, or do they *each* get the 250 xp or whatever for each discover?
Normally in adventure paths it is meant to be split between the party. Though this and other questions specific to carrion crown would be better asked in the AP section of the forums.

Oops. I couldn't find it at first, but now I did, so I posted it there. Mods can please delete this thread.

In part 2 of the first book of carrion crown, it lists a bunch of things you can find out by research, and an exp reward for each. My question is about that experience. Is that meant to be divided up between the party, or do they *each* get the 250 xp or whatever for each discover?

In part 2 of the first book of carrion crown, it lists a bunch of things you can find out by research, and an exp reward for each. My question is about that experience. Is that meant to be divided up between the party, or do they *each* get the 250 xp or whatever for each discover?

If you cast a touch spell and miss the touch, is your attempt next round to touch them still a swift action, meaning you get a full round attack or can cast another spell afterwards that round if you want to? It seems to me like it would become a standard action after the round it's cast.

Why? Did anyone ever sit down and figure out that it is too powerful? If you have enough weapon ability and str to do real damage with the sword, then you probably don't have very many levels of spellcaster. Even if you go straight caster and just use a couple of feats to swing a sword, either your spells will be crippled from lack of int, wis or cha, or your fighting will be crippled from lack of str, dex, or con. It seems reasonable to me that if a familiar can deliver a touch spell at a range, a bonded weapon could deliver one up close. The extra 1d6 I get from the longsword damage or whatever isn't exactly gamebreaking. In order to have a 20 mage that does sword combat, i'll be missing out on item creation and metamagic feats, bonuses to spells that are benefitted from cha and wis, and I still won't be able to cast well in armor, even if I can wear any. I don't think it's unbalanced at all. It might seem that way at level 1, but at level 5, it seems about average and stays that way.

So it's disallowed because it doesn't say anywhere that you can? It seems to me that if you were casting a touch spell, you'd cast it into something and try to really smack someone with it. I was hoping for a system where if you hit, you get weapon damage and spell effect, and if you miss, but still make the touch, you just get the spell.

I've heard that you can't use a weapon attack to deliver a touch spell, but I can't find anywhere that explicitly states that. Can anyone tell me where to find that in the rulebooks? Also, people say that you need an ability to do so; if that's the case, can anyone tell me where the rules about that are? I'm trying to create a melee-capable wizard for a campaign. Thanks.

Is there a list of guidelines out there anywhere that helps measure equivalent power level for creating new character classes? Like, around when should a character be able to do x, y, and z, anything like that? I've got a complete revamp of the monk class that I'm working on and if there was a list or comparison chart, life would be great.

Agreed. This is shaping up to look pretty damn spiffy.

To be honest, I hesitated to even ask because I can't think of any rational reason why a map product WOULDN'T be full size and playable upon, and I thought I was going to look really dumb. Turns out my hesitation was correct. I'll be skipping this one. Thanks for the info, folks. :)

Can anyone who bought the map folio for any of the adventure paths tell me if the maps are full size to play upon, or if they're useless reprints of what's already in the books?

My group has just started running Curse of the Crimson Throne, and I've got a couple problems with it. Firstly, it refers to the dnd 3.5 monster manual for stuff, etc, which made me realize it's not on the Pathfinder system. Is there a conversion list or errata released for it, and if so, can I get a link?

Secondly, #7, the first one, never says about what level the characters should be at any of the various points in the campaign. Is there an errata or something similar that says that by point X characters should be level Y?

We all love the adventure, the flavor, etc and are having fun with it, btw. Thanks for the great product.

Good to know. Thanks.

Any way I could convince you to put all 6 books for each adventure path into larger hardbound books, and sell those?

There should be a druid equivalent of mage's magical mansion, and there should be more spells for all classes designed to create living spaces that are awesome in ways relating to the class. There are some spells that move in the right direction, but this needs to be fleshed out.

Dual Class feats. Take some of those odd multiclass combinations and give them a bit of synergy.

This argument is idiotic. How about everyone call it whatever the $#%^ they want?

I had an idea the other day about creating a list of feats that you can only get by dual classing. Here are some ideas of what I was thinking. Please keep in mind that they are just ideas and not supposed to appear balanced at all. Does anyone like this idea? Should I put some effort into making a good list of these that seems fair, etc?

Kawarimi no Jutsu (yes from naruto, bite me) - REQ: 3 Rogue, 3 Illusion wizard. 3x per day, you can switch places with another nearby object at the exact moment when you would take damage from a melee strike, and then make one sneak attack. The object must be your size or one lower, and no more or higher. The opponent striking you must succeed a spot check to avoid being flanked by your counterattack.

Will sword - REQ: 10 monk, 8 fighter, weapon feats on longsword. You hold the hilt of a longsword with no blade, and an invisible blade of pure will forms upon it. This blade bypasses (some reasonable amount of) damage reduction and completely ignores all non-magical armor, shields, and weapons. As long as you can find something to hold onto that is reasonably similar to a hilt, this sword cannot be taken from you.

Chaos mind - 4 monk, 4 barbarian. When raging, you become immune to all mind affecting spells and effects. Instead, you become unable to distinguish friend from foe and must attack a random nearby target every round, starting with the closest. There is a 1/4 chance every round that you will change targets to another random opponent. You do 1.5 times damage while in this mode.

Call Radiation - 5 evoker, 5 druid. You can change the type of damage of any elemental spell to nonelemental radiation/entropy damage. This damage ignores damage reduction, but only does 2/3 of the normal damage.

Shuriken Mastery - 3 monk, 2 rogue. You can apply bow feats to shuriken instead.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
You look new to me, so welcome to the boards, Gruevy!

Thanks. This is post 17 or so, so ya, pretty new.

Mouthy Upstart wrote:
gruevy wrote:
They're only popular because they're so damn popular.

Thanks, Gruevy. I think I've found my mantra for the week.

; )

Happy to oblige. Stay tuned for more!

I think the argument should just be ended thus - if it's WotC IP, then let it die. Build Pathfinder IP instead.

Mindflayers really aren't that cool anyway, and neither are beholders. They're only popular because they're so damn popular. Golarion is an entirely new world. Put new stuff on it. You may not read a book about Drizzt fighting it or whatever, but that's fine because those novels are literary tripe. Design the next "big thing" instead of trying to turn someone else's old ripped-off idea that's been around for 20 years into something that you can use in Pathfinder without effort.

PS - If you insists on running a forgotten realms campaign, which I'm doing btw, then just read the conversion guide and go from there.

PPS - Set, awesome monster, man.

Thanks for the clarification, Mauril. And to Selgard - it wasn't even for him, which makes the whole thing more strange. I shut him up by pointing out that I could just take it away until they start earning gear worth 4k instead of 1k.

I wanted to give a robe of int +1 as a quest reward, and I got b+@#+ed at because apparently he thinks you can only put ability modifiers on items in even numbered increments. Also, the book says that an item has to be +1 to be further enchanted. Does that mean that the item is +1 AC, +1 int, or +1 AC, +2 int, or +1 int like I wanted?

Also, can anyone tell me what page of the core rulebook it says on?

Are there any online or offline tools such as NPC generators, loot generators, etc that are specifically written for pathfinder? I'd much appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction.

Ya. Thanks for the post.

Does anyone else agree with my main point, namely, that monks should have branching class paths?

No, but looking over them, I'm not really impressed. You take three specific feats that match some style, and as a result, get a +2 or +4 bonus to something? Woo. Those look like a good start, but I'm a bit underwhelmed.

See, with monks, and those styles I describe or others like them, you could have a monk that doesn't have fighting stats, and is still cool in combat. It would let monks have greatly varying stats and roles. You could have a party full of monks and have each one be drastically different. Pathfinder really shines in the great diversity of characters that can be had in any one class, and I think monks missed out. The real problem with that is that it doesn't even really reflect the real world, or how monastic orders of fighters actually do things.

Ya, but he's the type of person who will bring it up for years to come.
Although it's not really fair to everyone else that he gets the same advancement benefit while visiting some chick as the people who played, ultimately, it hurts the group to have a weaker person running with them, so it's probably best overall if he doesn't get to far behind. He did let me know ahead of time, too. Well, not me personally, but I heard about it. :/

Well, there seems to be a consensus, so I'm sure he'll be happy with all his free stuff. He did let me know ahead of time. Thanks for the input, guys.

It seems like with about every other class getting fancy paths to make their character unique, like bloodlines, etc, monks could have been a lot cooler. I know it's too late because the books are printed and everything, etc, but I just wanted to get this out there. Monks are clearly based on Shaolin kung fu, and as a student of said martial art, I just wanted to put this out there. There are 6 animals in traditional Shaolin, and they all have a different focus for a different martial artist. Once you achieve a certain level of mastery of base Shaolin, you are given an animal form to master. I can expand exactly how any animal is supposed to really work if anyone wants to know. Here they are:

Tiger - External style. Focus on powerful strikes, powerful kicks, raking and tearing the opponent, and in general, overwhelming your enemy. Signature strike is the Tiger's Claw, which is a palm strike followed by raking the fingers downwards (or grabbing at tissue) as the part of the same motion.

Leopard - External style. Like Tiger, but more directed and requires greater flexibility. More focus on kicking and twisting. Signature strike is the Leopard Fist, which is used to jab deep into vital areas to cause internal damage.

Crane - Internal style. Large, deceptive sweeping motions, jumping, lightness. Focus on redirecting opponent's momentum and avoiding attacks. Signature strike is the crane's beak, which is used to focus power from someone not physically strong on a small, key area to cause maximal damage.

Snake - Internal style. Focus on deception and exact strikes. Kicking is minimal, but the torso moves a great deal for exact positioning, requiring great core strength. Great flexibility and coordination required. Signature strike is the snake head strike, which is a quick, hard, finger-jab type strike that aims for pressure points.

Mantis - Internal/external style (uses both, really). Focus is on grabbing, pulling, and tearing. Kicks are low, hard and frequent, timed with strikes, pulls, and other movements. Emphasis is on redirecting and catching opponent strikes, as well as ripping and tearing flesh. Signature strike is the mantis fist, which is a hand position that is optimal for grabbing an incoming punch or kick, or for hard finger strikes on tendons and pressure points.

Dragon - Internal style. Sort of the pinnacle of Shaolin, really. Required exceptional strength, speed, focus, balance, and flexibility. Incorporates aspects of the other animals. Signature strike is the dragon's claw, which is primarily used to grab individual tendons, muscles, or bones and put the opponent completely at your mercy.

Internal and external, by the way, are um... External is focused on the body, power, speed, etc, and internal is more focused on the mind, chi cultivation, stuff like that. Internal styles also use significant physical force, but straight force isn't the focus like an external style.

It seems like letting monks branch out like other classes do (oracle revelations, sorcerer bloodlines, wizard spell schools, cleric deities and domains, etc etc etc) would have been pretty spiffy. You wouldn't need to have your character grow feathers or turn into an elemental or other stuff like I've seen in prestige classes before. The stuff that actual monks do is cool enough. I'd give you a list of some of the crazy stuff that I've seen in person, but I doubt you'd believe me :)

I've got a player who's an old friend who missed the last session because he was in another state visiting some chick. Now he's back, and he wants me to make him all caught up. First he wanted 2500 xp to get to level 4, where the rest of the party is, and then he wanted like 1k gold instead. I didn't make a decision in the three days since he's asked me, and we don't even play til Friday, but now he's all pissed off and I'm an a$~%$!$, blah blah blah.

Anyway, what do you guys do when a player misses a session?

Thanks. I'll check this thread in a bit to see if there are any more answers, but for now we'll be doing it that way.

does moving INTO a threatened square provoke an attack of opportunity, or only moving out? The manual really makes it sound like that AoO only happens if they move out of a threatened square, and I'm pretty sure that moving up faster than a 5 foot step to attack provokes an AoO

We're in the middle of a game, please answer ASAP :D

mdt wrote:

One thing you might want to think of doing ahead of time is just make up some generic 'outfits' of equipment, maybe 3 per class appropriate for your character's level (one two levels below, one two levels above, and the third the same level as your players characters). Put the GP cost of the equipment down on the list (I'd suggest a little 3x5 card, you can keep them in a box). Then when they ask what he's wearing, just pick a card and read it off. Subtract his equipment from the treasure. :) Ta da, easy. Gives you something to do when you are bored (making the little cards). By the same token, you can write out some 'treasure cards' ahead of time in gp increments. So, 500gp, 250gp, 1000gp. Keep them in the same box. Then when you need a treasure trove on the fly, pull out however many cards you need. If you need 5450 in gp, and you gave the bad guys 1200gp in equipment, pull out a 2500gp, a 1000gp, a 500gp, and a 200gp card and you're done. Just as much setup work up front, but saves you time in the long run.

That's actually a really good idea. I'm totally using that. Might also do it for goblinoids, etc, so groups of things can have random loot that I only have to figure out once.

Thanks for the replies, everyone. MDT and Wraithstrike did a good bit of clearing things up for me. I was kind of thinking that I was missing something, but I guess you really do just piece things together however you want, and there's no "right" or "best" or even "official" way to organize it, just some tools here and there to give you a basic idea. I'll have to start planning things out more in advance, and hearing how you did it is going to be pretty beneficial. Thanks!

Whereas something clear and simple would be really nice, some nice tables, etc, I'll have to wait for the DM guide to get it, it seems :) What's there now will do the trick, now that I get a clearer picture of how it works, but the way it's presented in the player's guide makes me do a lot of flipping through the book in ways that are confusing to a newb. Also makes it hard to toss gear on an NPC that you had to create on the spot because your players asked an obvious question that you never thought about before.

PS - If the DM guide is as easy to use as the impressive Bestiary, they'll have another hit on their hands. They do good work.

In regards to cash and valuables, Pathfinder seems to assume that I'm familiar with 3.5, which from a DM perspective, I'm not. The way that treasure is awarded is vague and incomplete. Apparently, and I'm still trying to figure out CR rules although I think I've got those down, every CR encounter has X gold on it somewhere. Or, you can like, spend that gold to buy EQ for the monster to have on it, like goblins having spears and such. How does all that work exactly? How much money does each goblin have on him? What decides if he drops a shortspear or not? How do I decide if that bugbear had a potion? Do all similar monsters have the same amount of treasure value on them? Or do none of them have anything they aren't holding, and all the treasure comes in a chest at the bottom of the dungeon?

There are some tables listed under magic items, (not the treasure section for some reason) that I suppose are to be used to just randomly pick items to give PCs as rewards. How exactly do I decide how many rolls to use of any one table? Also, that seems to conflict with the stuff listed under the treasure section, where encounters seem to have a budget.

Can someone explain to me in a logical way how all this is supposed to work?

I'd be willing to find my way into a chat room or even give out my phone number to anyone who can really explain this, and I'll be spamming refresh on this post for a while tonight.