The 8th Dwarf |
It hasn't happened to me yet - but some posters seem to have been hammered by the odd A$$ Hat who thinks that they need to prove how "well hard" they are by setting their scorn levels to kill.
The PRPG has brought a lot of new people to the boards and we don't want to chase them away as it to all our detriment.
If somebody posts something you disagree with its fine to refute it but don't rip the person to shreds (try not to make it personal).
If somebody posts something that in your opinion is lamer than a 2 legged dog with narcolepsy. Be nice when you point out why it wont work.
When you post think - If I was on the other end of this would it upset me or If I was a 3rd party reading my reply would I look like a total @$$hole.
Try not to feed the Trolls, they have verbal diarrhoea and it is hard to get them to stop spewing their well chewed and well worn krud all over the thread.
Steven Tindall |
It hasn't happened to me yet - but some posters seem to have been hammered by the odd A$$ Hat who thinks that they need to prove how "well hard" they are by setting their scorn levels to kill.
The PRPG has brought a lot of new people to the boards and we don't want to chase them away as it to all our detriment.
If somebody posts something you disagree with its fine to refute it but don't rip the person to shreds (try not to make it personal).
If somebody posts something that in your opinion is lamer than a 2 legged dog with narcolepsy. Be nice when you point out why it wont work.
When you post think - If I was on the other end of this would it upset me or If I was a 3rd party reading my reply would I look like a total @$$hole.
Try not to feed the Trolls, they have verbal diarrhoea and it is hard to get them to stop spewing their well chewed and well worn krud all over the thread.
Well said. + 1. Lets keep in mind that this is a game thats supposed to be fun and not so intense that we feel the need to be rude in order to make a point.
KaeYoss |
It hasn't happened to me yet - but some posters seem to have been hammered by the odd A$$ Hat who thinks that they need to prove how "well hard" they are by setting their scorn levels to kill.
That's a deliberate falsehood! Are you so little a man that you must spew your slander here to besmirch the honour of everyone to pull them to your low, low level?
;-) Just joking.
To be fair, some of the asshattery comes from people who have come long before the PFRPG.
Stebehil |
Seeing that Josh Frost felt compelled to repost to the sticky Lisa posted in the OT area in september, and reading that "thread gestapo" thread recently, there might indeed be something going on here. I´m all for heated discussion, but you can stay friendly even in the middle of it.
I can only support what the 8th dwarf wrote - help that this place stays nice and provides a comfortable environment for all the gamers.
Mairkurion {tm} |
Perhaps, but I wonder if this isn't pretty limited to certain threads, if so, then the more time spent in those threads, the more it would color one's view of what's going on with the boards in general.
In any event, I'm always in favor of calls for manners and extending the welcome. We continue to get lots of new folks, and if they've learned bad habits in other online locales, it may take them awhile to find their feet here, and it's up to us to be especially patient, helpful, and welcoming to help them do so. Something that doesn't come across strongly in STFU n00bs and other flamalicious postings.
On the other hand, I guess I was made aware that there are more hurt feelings out there among some of the oldies than I suspected.
Lord Fyre RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32 |
It hasn't happened to me yet - but some posters seem to have been hammered by the odd A$$ Hat who thinks that they need to prove how "well hard" they are by setting their scorn levels to kill.
I disagree. The trolls are not really new to these boards.
The main change has been that with a bunch of new people coming in, it has been harder for the moderators (and the community) to police.
Tarren Dei RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8 |
It hasn't happened to me yet - but some posters seem to have been hammered by the odd A$$ Hat who thinks that they need to prove how "well hard" they are by setting their scorn levels to kill.
The PRPG has brought a lot of new people to the boards ...
I take offense to this. I may be an A$$ Hat but I'm not new to these boards.
I haven't noticed an increase in the lack of civility but maybe I haven't been in the wrong threads recently. (I've found my own enjoyment of these boards increased when I stopped posting in any of the threads related to politics.)
Aubrey the Malformed |
It hasn't happened to me yet - but some posters seem to have been hammered by the odd A$$ Hat who thinks that they need to prove how "well hard" they are by setting their scorn levels to kill.
The PRPG has brought a lot of new people to the boards and we don't want to chase them away as it to all our detriment.
If somebody posts something you disagree with its fine to refute it but don't rip the person to shreds (try not to make it personal).
If somebody posts something that in your opinion is lamer than a 2 legged dog with narcolepsy. Be nice when you point out why it wont work.
When you post think - If I was on the other end of this would it upset me or If I was a 3rd party reading my reply would I look like a total @$$hole.
Try not to feed the Trolls, they have verbal diarrhoea and it is hard to get them to stop spewing their well chewed and well worn krud all over the thread.
I don't think it is actually more prevalent than before, but there are flash points. They can be fairly easily avoided if you choose to, although newcomers might not know that. I also haven't noticed any newcomers being flamed either, though they may frequent parts of the board (especially about PFRPG) that I don't. But it is true - asshattery isn't a recent phenomenon here, and it goes through phases in my experience. It seems to be at a fairly low level to me at the moment.
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
I don't think it is actually more prevalent than before, but there are flash points. They can be fairly easily avoided if you choose to, although newcomers might not know that. I also haven't noticed any newcomers being flamed either, though they may frequent parts of the board (especially about PFRPG) that I don't. But it is true - asshattery isn't a recent phenomenon here, and it goes through phases in my experience. It seems to be at a fairly low level to me at the moment.
As usual, I agree with Aubrey. The politics threads and 4e threads are the most likely culprits for asshattery, along with any thread that I post in, but for the most part, asshattery seems to be relatively low lately.
Uchawi |
Most of the post flames are a result of adhering to a specific mindset, and trying to prove a point at all costs. Add wanting to have the last word, and some message posts go on forever.
It is fairly easy to tell when someone is not going to understand your point of view, or pay any respect to any general forum etiquette, so at that point it is probably best to move on.
TwilightKnight |
As a relative noob, I can say that these boards are the most welcoming free public access ones I have been on. There is a very low rate of flamewars, especially in comparison to WotC. Not to mention the support provided directly from Paizo employees. Josh has personally responded to me in three seperate emails since GenCon. And the customer service department is great. What other company takes that kind of interest in their consumers? My whole experience with Paizo and Pathfinder has been great. I'm a supporter for life.
/end rambling
KaeYoss |
It's nothing egg nog won't fix.
Maybe we can get a new board rule:
"Never post while sober!"
"Or at work."
Maybe just the latter. The worst thing (for board civility) is posting right after you've been dilberted by your pointy-haired boss.
Just so you know: I'm not projecting. I'm no engineer, and my boss is not pointy-haired in any way.
Valegrim |
I havent noticed it; I do know that like Heathy or Sebastion or some others (only mentioned them cause they dont have thin skin) my writing sometimes writing doesnt come across to the other person as expected and then things get get bit dicey and a bit toward some flames; but, all things being equal I dont think there is a lack of civility or goodwill for the most part. There are some posters I just ignore and others I just dissagree with; but generally nobody here is on a "rightous crusade and cant be talked to in a civil manner.
That said; I dont post much on boards other than my game posts, comics, movies, tv, and off topic as much as I used to as most things discussed are not new or exciting to me. That said; I am a sucker for gm'ing ideas and any gm'ing concerns and I dont think I have unintentionally hurt anyone with a percieved flame in quite some time; there is a learning curve for what is acceptable in any culture and this is no different.
I totally agree; dont feed the trolls; but sometimes the troll doesnt know he is a troll; so be friendly and polite and try to show how a flaming thing can be said in a more nuetral form and get the message across; just a suggestion; I am pretty sure the board moderators do a fantastic job of cleaning up the real trolls.
lastknightleft |
CourtFool wrote:lastknightleft wrote:You forgot your exclamation points, plebe. It does not count.CourtFool wrote:Here we go again.STFU n00bSTFU n00b!!!
There! Do you feel better, CourtFool?
I don't need the help of a tinfoil dragon against some slobery llamapoodle. I didn't use exlamation points because courtfool isn't worthy of exclamation, more like passing dissinterest as he's shuffled off to the pound to be put down with the rest of the unwanted animals.
Sebastian Bella Sara Charter Superscriber |
CourtFool |
You're WRONG. There, now we can get back to being uncivil and calling out speciest lists of unwanted beings to bring the house down. Poodles, ponies, borg,
It is sad to see the level of intelligence on this board brought so low. Is there an adult at your location that can type for you?
vagrant-poet |
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:You're WRONG. There, now we can get back to being uncivil and calling out speciest lists of unwanted beings to bring the house down. Poodles, ponies, borg,It is sad to see the level of intelligence on this board brought so low. Is there an adult at your location that can type for you?
I took the open ended sentence, any open ended sentence, ending in 'borg,' as a threat to humanity!
Adam Daigle Director of Narrative |
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:You're WRONG. There, now we can get back to being uncivil and calling out speciest lists of unwanted beings to bring the house down. Poodles, ponies, borg,It is sad to see the level of intelligence on this board brought so low. Is there an adult at your location that can type for you?
Glen Irving |
Another year, another call for civility. So nu.
It's autumn. Men get cranky and argumentative in autumn as our hormone levels drop. We all know this. Settle in and wait for January. It's nothing egg nog won't fix.
I respectfully disagree with Set. It is spring. When it stops raining, it will be summer.
DoveArrow |
It hasn't happened to me yet - but some posters seem to have been hammered by the odd A$$ Hat who thinks that they need to prove how "well hard" they are by setting their scorn levels to kill.
Maybe I'm just hanging out on different boards than you, but I haven't noticed this at all. In fact, I've noticed just the opposite. I find that the boards here are extremely civil. Heck, we can have discussions about religion and politics here without people calling each other names. To me, that's pretty impressive.
noretoc |
Maybe I'm just hanging out on different boards than you, but I haven't noticed this at all. In fact, I've noticed just the opposite. I find that the boards here are extremely civil. Heck, we can have discussions about religion and politics here without people calling each other names. To me, that's pretty impressive.
I have to say I have noticed it. I have been reading the boards for a while now (I don't post much. If I see something I have an opinion on, I will post in it, then answer any question on that, but I won;t go back and forth with anyone over whose opinion is right). Now that I have given that totally unneeded information about my personal posting habits, I will say I just wanted to show that I have been here longer than my post count suggests.
To me it seems the hostility and rudeness has gone up a bit. I will give an example (No name or links). There was a post started in the rules section. The poster made it to keep a collection of questions that we did not have official ruling on. A good idea in my opinion. He asked people to add any but not use the thread to discuss them. He even tried to link the question back to the posts they came from so people could go there to debate. First he got a couple of people helping, then he got people saying that we didn't need it, because DM should make their own decisions. Then he got people saying even when an official answer is given, no one listens. Then someone one posted a link to the unofficial FAQ. Then someone slammed him cause the answers are always by official people. Then someone started coming in and answering all the questions, starting a debate back and forth on them.All the OP wanted was a place to post some question, to make it easier for people to see. He got a whole mess of people jumping in for their five minute of thread who cared nothing about what the tread was for, only about getting their name in. I am seeing that more often these days.