Dr. Dei, please press the "Shred" button behind your seat. It activates the giant wood chipper that is located in the rear compartment that the Grue mistook for a trunk.
Grhrrgggraghhrhhgbrbbrbbrbblrbblbbl! SCREEEEEE!!
*scrambles away from blades and clutches to the bottom of the hovercraft*
Scraps the top of rock plateau, leaving grue stains behind for half a mile.
Dr. Dei, please press the "Shred" button behind your seat. It activates the giant wood chipper that is located in the rear compartment that the Grue mistook for a trunk.
As for the punch, I'll be glad to have Morpheus recommend an anger management seminar for you. In my case, you are lucky that I do not have human emotions.
* Bullrush attempt to move the possibly sparkling vampire and climb into the hovercraft *
EDIT: Bye-bye Sparkles.
And to think I tried to help you earlier. Twice.
A good vampire? A vampire with a heart? Gag!
"Say, Robby, do you have any weapons on this thing?"
I rarely use them myself, Sir: they promote violence. However, there is a triple saw bladed, rapid action cow pusher mounted on the front of the craft, which can also be electrified.
Cow pusher? Did you say COW PUSHER!!?!
It is a technical term, Sir, not to be taken literally. I meant no disrespect.
* Bullrush attempt to move the possibly sparkling vampire and climb into the hovercraft *
EDIT: Bye-bye Sparkles.
And to think I tried to help you earlier. Twice.
A good vampire? A vampire with a heart? Gag!
"Say, Robby, do you have any weapons on this thing?"
I rarely use them myself, Sir: they promote violence. However, there is a triple saw bladed, rapid action cow pusher mounted on the front of the craft, which can also be electrified.
I attempted to warn you, Tarren Dei. Your fire arms will be of limited application in the destruction of zombies. Please get in the hovercraft, while there is yet hope.
Yes, it is much safer up here with the robot and I. Hurry, lest the zombiez confuse you by dancing!
One question, Bloodfang, do you sparkle?
Robots gleam in the sun, however, we do not Sparkle. Also a vampire appears to be trying to infiltrate the hovercraft. Dr. Dei, please assist him to exit with your horns as you climb in. Morpheus said nothing about taking on vampires.
I attempted to warn you, Tarren Dei. Your fire arms will be of limited application in the destruction of zombies. Please get in the hovercraft, while there is yet hope.
Gentlemen, please stop playing with the communications device. I am returning you to your thread, as most of you do not seem to be up to a roadtrip, anymore. I have never heard such complaints about my driving. The master will have to find other recipients for his offer.
The fat?, quite globular? Now you better say something nice about these or I swear I'll use them to incite your passengers to throw you out of there!
Madam, you seem to be suffering from a sudden flush...perhaps your temperature needs to be monitored, or you have gone too long without the application of protective ointments against ultra-violet rays.
I mean no offense, but as a robot, the secondary sexual characteristics of organic creatures have no effect on me. Please do not rob my passengers of their pilot, I am on an important mission and their safe return is my responsibility. Perhaps this gift card to an establishment known as "Lavender's Lil's Secret" will be a compensation for any inadvertent trouble I may have caused you.
My analysis of the fat in their upper torsos is consistent with a healthy lifestyle and strong maternalistic genes...and consistent with the noticeable grins on the male denizens faces.
Thank you madam. They are quite globular. My passengers seem rather interested in them.
I am afraid the vehicle is filled to capacity...especially if I am to replicate some of this liquid to which you seem so attached. However, on our way back, I may drop any of you off here instead of your thread of origin.
Hold on, gentlemen. We are about to accelerate into another thread. Try not to fall out of the craft. I warn you...in some, you will see terrible things before we reach our destination.
Robby's craft lifts up and achieves an incredible velocity almost instantly, blowing dust and Twiki out of the thread. The Jacks thus begin their incredible journey into the Outer Threads.
If you do not speak English, I am at your disposal with 187 other languages along with their various dialects and sub-tongues.
As for noobs, Twiggy is the poster child for robotic noobery next to my old school authenticity. It is also the exemplar of base plot stupidity and desperate grasping for comic relief. Something with which I have reason to believe you are on intimate terms.