The political alias thread

Off-Topic Discussions

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Hey Libby it's my job to do the talking for the Republicans so go back to sucking up to the republican leaders. And as for you LIBERALS your all a bunch of no good commies. I know what Obamas doing he's making us into the United Soviet States of America!!!!!!! You heard me Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah ........ stops to Catch breath........ And every single democrat is secretly lead by Satan. Tune in for tomorrows show where I'll tell you how it really is.

Shadow Lodge

Ya'll are losers. Tony Stewart for President!

If you republicans don't behave I swear I'll make another movie about you.

Michael Moore wrote:
If you republicans don't behave I swear I'll make another movie about you.

Is going to about how I saved America by invading Iraq or how my cutting taxes for the rich saved our economy or how my faith-based initiatives made god love our country again?

You Americans are so funny. Please continue to fight amonst yourselves while I perfect my missile technology and take out Hollywood, so you will all be forced to watch my movies. I will pay you top dollar Michael, I have all your films on DVD and Blu-Ray.

Liberty's Edge

Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.

Obama is going to spend us into prosperity! Free college! Free healthcare! YAY! Yes we can.... Yes we can....

President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.

As one dictator to another Presidnt Obama, sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me. Please continue your "sanctions" and I will cntinue building my missiles while encouraging my people to enjoy their pure existence. It's easy to survive being bombed back to the stone age when you are already there.

Sarah Palin wrote:
I may be resigning, but you'll see me and my cute accent in 2012 you betcha. And you'll hear me say Joe sixpack all the time.

With all due respect, I wish you would stop talking about me. It's ruining my rep.

Kim Jung-Il wrote:
You Americans are so funny. Please continue to fight amonst yourselves while I perfect my missile technology and take out Hollywood, so you will all be forced to watch my movies. I will pay you top dollar Michael, I have all your films on DVD and Blu-Ray.

Hey I own a KIA, I'm not worried about your missles, ya' can't even get a stinkin' car right how ya expact to launch a frikkin' warhead ya funny little gnome!

This thread has reminded me of what is wrong with politics today. All the dag-nabbed politicians!!

President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.

Oh by the way your Birth Certificate showed up. We're having it translated to English as we speak! ;p

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Obama is going to spend us into prosperity!

Come worship me: You won't need to know so many long, difficult words. Just be sure to bring your bitterness, your guns, and your religion. Especially your bitterness.

Liberty's Edge

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.
Oh by the way your Birth Certificate showed up. We're having it translated to English as we speak! ;p

I didn't know you were a Brit! Over here we speak American. ;p

Liberty's Edge

Kim Jung-Il wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.
As one dictator to another Presidnt Obama, sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me. Please continue your "sanctions" and I will cntinue building my missiles while encouraging my people to enjoy their pure existence. It's easy to survive being bombed back to the stone age when you are already there.

American must not be your best language... it sounded like you implied that your country was in the stone age even though you have nukes.

Liberty's Edge

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Obama is going to spend us into prosperity! Free college! Free healthcare! YAY! Yes we can.... Yes we can....

Must... not... commit... a... CHENEY!!!

President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.

Yes, the UN will take care of it. They've saved the world ten times over. We must have peace at all costs, even if we have to bend over and grab our ankles. Hope....Change....Hope....Change.

Liberty's Edge

Cultist of Obama wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.
Yes, the UN will take care of it. They've saved the world ten times over. We must have peace at all costs, even if we have to bend over and grab our ankles. Hope....Change....Hope....Change.

Mr. Cheney, you have license to take this guy on a hunting trip. I hear you're a quite experienced guide.

The Exchange

Walks in, shoots the capitalist/communist/antiPaizonian/dictatorship impostors who offend the great nation of Paizonia (with his rocket launcher). Walks out.

You're either with us, or you're against us.
God Bless Big Bro-sorry, I mean the U.S.A.

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

I like jelly beans.

Dub'Ya wrote:
I like jelly beans.

psst; sir, that was prophet Reagan...

*chants louder*
War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

Authoritarian Follower wrote:
Dub'Ya wrote:
I like jelly beans.

psst...sir, that was prophet Reagan...

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. my that was daddy...aha i reremember.


Dark Archive


President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.
As one dictator to another Presidnt Obama, sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me. Please continue your "sanctions" and I will cntinue building my missiles while encouraging my people to enjoy their pure existence. It's easy to survive being bombed back to the stone age when you are already there.
American must not be your best language... it sounded like you implied that your country was in the stone age even though you have nukes.

American must not be your best language either, because that is exactly what I did say. It's not as much of a contradiction as you might think.

I notice that you did not deny the dictator part though.

Lord President Moorluck wrote:
Kim Jung-Il wrote:
You Americans are so funny. Please continue to fight amonst yourselves while I perfect my missile technology and take out Hollywood, so you will all be forced to watch my movies. I will pay you top dollar Michael, I have all your films on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Hey I own a KIA, I'm not worried about your missles, ya' can't even get a stinkin' car right how ya expact to launch a frikkin' warhead ya funny little gnome!

Meh, Kia is built by those decadent pigs in South Korea. We have no need of cars here in the socialist utopia that is North Korea, powered by China.

President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.
Yes, the UN will take care of it. They've saved the world ten times over. We must have peace at all costs, even if we have to bend over and grab our ankles. Hope....Change....Hope....Change.
Mr. Cheney, you have license to take this guy on a hunting trip. I hear you're a quite experienced guide.

Hey there, cultist. Have you ever gone quail hunting?

Dick Cheney wrote:
Hey there, cultist. Have you ever gone quail hunting?

Quayle-hunting? Haven't done that in yeeaaaars, can we come along?

I hope President Obama leaves me with some change.

Dark Archive


Dark Archive


Dark Archive


Dick Cheney wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.
Yes, the UN will take care of it. They've saved the world ten times over. We must have peace at all costs, even if we have to bend over and grab our ankles. Hope....Change....Hope....Change.
Mr. Cheney, you have license to take this guy on a hunting trip. I hear you're a quite experienced guide.
Hey there, cultist. Have you ever gone quail hunting?

Hunting? With a gun? You fascist! Luckily the Messiah will eliminate those evil things as well. Yes we can.... yes we can...

Cultist of Obama wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:
President of the USA, B. Obama wrote:
Kim Jung-Il, if you don't stop threatening us we will be forced to take action against your dictatorship. We support any UN sanctions.
Yes, the UN will take care of it. They've saved the world ten times over. We must have peace at all costs, even if we have to bend over and grab our ankles. Hope....Change....Hope....Change.
Mr. Cheney, you have license to take this guy on a hunting trip. I hear you're a quite experienced guide.
Hey there, cultist. Have you ever gone quail hunting?
Hunting? With a gun? You fascist! Luckily the Messiah will eliminate those evil things as well. Yes we can.... yes we can...

God is a bullet

and I hope he finds you soon.

Dub'Ya wrote:

God is a bullet

and I hope he finds you soon.

You dare say "God" in a public place! You keep your "God" to yourself and don't push it on me. Hope.... change....

Cultist of Obama wrote:

You dare say "God" in a public place! You keep your "God" to yourself and don't push it on me. Hope.... change....

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

The Authoritarian Follower wrote:
Cultist of Obama wrote:

You dare say "God" in a public place! You keep your "God" to yourself and don't push it on me. Hope.... change....

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

I'm surrounded by Nazis! Obama save me! Change....Hope....

{rises from small forgotten pile of dust under the rug and reforms} Now that was a Texas-sized nap! What are all you wiley DC rascals blathering on about?!

{attempts to magic jar Scooter Libby} *slurrrrrp* Darn it, someone already sucked your soul drier than a Big Gulp in a shade-free summer day in Texas. How dry is that? Well, let me see, I have a chart around her somewhere..."

Dub'Ya wrote:
God is a bullet and I hope he finds you soon.

You're a Texan boy, don't you know nothing?! Did you fail Basic Training in the Guard?!

God doesn't kill people -- it's those little hard things that come out of the barrel of a pistol or a rifle. Or if you're a Gorn, it's diamonds out the barrel of a homemade bamboo cannon.

Ya'll need to hush up or your gonna wake up that Moldy Nader Mummy!

Cultist of Obama wrote:

I'm surrounded by Nazis! Obama save me! Change....Hope....

Smearing the opposition by claiming their message lacks substance is so 2000. We just shoot them in the head nowadays.

*loads pistol*

War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

Dick Cheney wrote:

Hey there, cultist. Have you ever gone quail hunting?

"Please, sir, may I come too. I'll reload for you."

"Oh and our good friend, Rush, might like an outing ."

~Retires to quarters to sulk over Rush's recent attitude, sharpen knives, and hope for the day that The Cheney can reveal his full glory publicly and Limbaugh is no longer needed.

Scooter Libby wrote:
~Retires to quarters to sulk over Rush's recent attitude, sharpen knives, and hope for the day that The Cheney can reveal his full glory publicly and Limbaugh is no longer needed.

Nah, Ol' Limbaugh is a like a Giant Wooden Badger. You send him in to the enemy camp like a Gift Rabbit. Oh sure, those Frenchies will taunt him viciously, even a second time, but they'll get tired and go to bed eventually. Then BLAM ol' Cheney bursts out of the trojan Limbaugh guns a'blazin and slaughters the whole camp of tree-hugging hippehs!!!

Hmmm, either my brain didn't completely reconstitute or some darn hippeh Phish lovers turned my skull into a bong again.

Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:

{rises from small forgotten pile of dust under the rug and reforms} Now that was a Texas-sized nap! What are all you wiley DC rascals blathering on about?!

{attempts to magic jar Scooter Libby} *slurrrrrp* Darn it, someone already sucked your soul drier than a Big Gulp in a shade-free summer day in Texas. How dry is that? Well, let me see, I have a chart around her somewhere..."

Did you come around here to convince some more upstanding Americans to waste their votes again?

Dick Cheney wrote:
Did you come around here to convince some more upstanding Americans to waste their votes again?

Nah, no more than you did with McCain/Palin '08. Although to be fair, it coulda been Anybody/Palin '08. And I warned everyone years before about crazy ladies in basements.

Dick Cheney wrote:
Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:

{rises from small forgotten pile of dust under the rug and reforms} Now that was a Texas-sized nap! What are all you wiley DC rascals blathering on about?!

{attempts to magic jar Scooter Libby} *slurrrrrp* Darn it, someone already sucked your soul drier than a Big Gulp in a shade-free summer day in Texas. How dry is that? Well, let me see, I have a chart around her somewhere..."

Did you come around here to convince some more upstanding Americans to waste their votes again?

Arrrrgh! You regrew your head!

Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Did you come around here to convince some more upstanding Americans to waste their votes again?
Nah, no more than you did with McCain/Palin '08. Although to be fair, it coulda been Anybody/Palin '08. And I warned everyone years before about crazy ladies in basements.

For the record, I spend most of the election cycle in stony silence. I wouldn't have spoken at the Republican Convention even if they had asked...

Aww who am I kidding - that one still hurts.

Lord Secretary of Kicking A** wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:

{rises from small forgotten pile of dust under the rug and reforms} Now that was a Texas-sized nap! What are all you wiley DC rascals blathering on about?!

{attempts to magic jar Scooter Libby} *slurrrrrp* Darn it, someone already sucked your soul drier than a Big Gulp in a shade-free summer day in Texas. How dry is that? Well, let me see, I have a chart around her somewhere..."

Did you come around here to convince some more upstanding Americans to waste their votes again?
Arrrrgh! You regrew your head!

You didn't destroy my phylactery/pacemaker.


Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:

Nah, Ol' Limbaugh is a like a Giant Wooden Badger. You send him in to the enemy camp like a Gift Rabbit. Oh sure, those Frenchies will taunt him viciously, even a second time, but they'll get tired and go to bed eventually. Then BLAM ol' Cheney bursts out of the trojan Limbaugh guns a'blazin and slaughters the whole camp of tree-hugging hippehs!!!

Awesome! :)

Dick Cheney wrote:
Lord Secretary of Kicking A** wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:

{rises from small forgotten pile of dust under the rug and reforms} Now that was a Texas-sized nap! What are all you wiley DC rascals blathering on about?!

{attempts to magic jar Scooter Libby} *slurrrrrp* Darn it, someone already sucked your soul drier than a Big Gulp in a shade-free summer day in Texas. How dry is that? Well, let me see, I have a chart around her somewhere..."

Did you come around here to convince some more upstanding Americans to waste their votes again?
Arrrrgh! You regrew your head!

You didn't destroy my phyactery/pacemaker.


I'm a badgerine. I can't be expected to know about phylacteries. Next time, I'll rip your shriveled black heart out, you geriatric bastich!

Dick Cheney wrote:

You didn't destroy my phyactery/pacemaker.


You cover it in BBQ sauce and just let Limbaugh eat it? Ain't no self-respecting hippeh do-gooder gonna brave that heart o' darkness to go after it. He eats weak liberal souls like a sphere of annilation.

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