Best Character Name Ever?

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I was once in a six-player game in which five of us decided it would be fun to roll up gnomes. We became the McGosh clan, a fearless(and usually drunken) clan of gnomes from the Gnomish Highlands (meaning the flatlands). We all wore kilts, except for sister Daisy.

Nameless McGosh (Barbarian)
Gurnosh McGosh (Monk)
Conrad McGosh (Rogue)
Keeb McGosh (Sorcerer)
Daisy McGosh (Druid)

The only guy who didn't play a drunken gnome decided he wanted to be an elven bard instead. I don't remember his character, but the whole family called him "Pooftah".

We even got out of a combat situation in a bar that our DM had set up by declaring the opponent our cousin. Hence Cousin DM McGosh was born.

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my favorite character name was my barbarian Earnhardt of the dale

Tim the Enchanter, but you can call him...Tim.

From Baldur's Gate: Dufima, my uncle's Dual Fighter\Mage


Aruuc Anguul - (pronounced: are-ook an-g-ool) basically a play on the term Arc Angel. I use him as guide for my PC's from time to time.

Faluun Anguul - (pronounced: fal-oon an-g-ool) his brother, based off of Fallen Angel

Ithriel Latairn - Generally the first Elf character I name in any game I play that has elves.

Choztu - (pronounced: ch-oz-too) The first Dwarf character I name in any game I play that has elves.

Liberty's Edge

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Beardfist Fist-Beard. Dwarven Monk with an animated awakened monk beard. It was a frightenly entertaining game.

TriOmegaZero wrote:
Twigs wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Max Fightmaster.
That's Lance Corporal to you.
Who are you to demote HIM?

Oh lord, make that Sergeant First Class...

I'll let myself out.

Ask a Shoanti wrote:
Cralius the Dark wrote:

Gutboy Barrelhouse

Dwarf fighter from the melee examples in AD&D DMG. That name just sums up a dwarf to me.

Loved Gutboy Barrelhouse! Thanks for bringing that back up!

Ditto. Lots of good Dwarf names out there.

There was one from "Against the Giants" pregen list that I can't quite remember. Gleep Bwenders of Croodle (wrong, but same feel.)

Also had a new D&D player's Dwarf: Revol Sannodam, which sounds really cool. "Where'd that cool name come from?" "Umm, spell it backwards."
Groans all around. (We were teens.)

Had one player want to give his Elf female the name "Squirrel" but in the Elvish language. For several sessions we just called her "Squirrelinelven", changing emphasis as needed, and using even after he looked it up. Turns out, there's no word for "Squirrel" in Elven (that he could find) so he used the words for 'tree' & 'rat' which, of course, the other players picked up on.
"Doesn't your name just mean 'tree rat'?" "No, it means 'squirrel', humans just can't master the subtlety of Elven." "That or your mother was inspired by you." "Grrr!" "Whoa! Come on, Squi-rell-inel-ven, let me buy you a drink." "It's NOT...(Harrumph) (sigh) Okay. But only wine."

Lots of the 1st ed. pregens had great names, but most are escaping me now.

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Stolen for my Star Wars game: WD-4D, WD-series lubrication droid.
Lt. Commander Tu'pok, the XO from my upcoming Star Wars game.

My first character ever, way back from red box d&d times... An elf named Funterlies. Sadly he died because he had the miscnception that just because he'd drunk a potion of giant strength he'd be able to perform superhero-like feats. Didn't impress the Roc that killed him with a single bite overly much, though :D

Favorite character is definately Gworeth (*GASP!!*). Full name Gworeth Tormsson. A half-orc, even. A foundling that grew up in the caretake of clerics of Torm. Got to be a figther/cleric of Tempus. It was back in the days of 2nd Ed. I rolled him a natural 18/00 Str. yup, he was badass. We tried to start that group up again in Pathfinder but it never really took off... I've drawn him HERE!

I made a back-up character once that I called Justin Case... *sigh* Never got to play him though...

The Exchange

Had a monk named Miri Kell.

A tough human in champions named Abby Normal.

Jessica "Babbit" Lagamorph

Went by Babbit, which was the last name of a customer I once had. Still a bad ass name. Her creation was fun, her name rocked and her story was the best. She's the character I bring out when I can't think of something I want to play, cuz she's always fun.

The key is she's a non-combat rogue, hates to fight, loves to use skills, while adventuring.

Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Gravefiller613 wrote:
Beardfist Fist-Beard. Dwarven Monk with an animated awakened monk beard. It was a frightenly entertaining game.

So... your beard was an NPC? Or was it your cohort?

Either way, sounds like that game was a riot.

Silver Crusade

One of my players has noted that all Elves end their names with "iel"

so he named his character Ieliel

Sovereign Court

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A friend's character named Chlamydia Hypotenuse, elven beguiler.

A swashbuckler named Errold'ar Flynntagnan!

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Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
A friend's character named Chlamydia Hypotenuse, elven beguiler.

This was in my campaign. By the way, she was a Bard...the angriest Elven Bard I've ever seen.

In an earlier game of TW2000 I ran a guy named Chuck Javelin.

Sovereign Court

Cold Beer wrote:
Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
A friend's character named Chlamydia Hypotenuse, elven beguiler.

This was in my campaign. By the way, she was a Bard...the angriest Elven Bard I've ever seen.

In an earlier game of TW2000 I ran a guy named Chuck Javelin.

Right, I don't think I'll ever get over our encounters with Chlamydia.

Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering, Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt from Earthworm Jim

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My favorite druids from a fairly short-lived 2ed campaign:
Spruce Willis (got killed and replaced with...)
Maple Jackson

Some of the best character names I've heard of were from WoD games; one was a cantankerous knocker named "Wanda Pissbuckets" (which the character insisted was pronounced "Piz-boo-shay") and a pair of Bone Gnawer werewolves named "Steps-in-Gum" and "Eats-Yellow-Snow".

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Almost forgot about this one from a early 90s, 12 hour, 10+ player, 2nd Edition one shot game in Undermountian. A player always introduced himself as, and was always referred to as:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Never just Scorpanox, Scorp, Scorpy, etc., just always:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Funny thing is everyone bought into the whole thing and played along. "Myself, Erindil, and Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter, will guard the door."
"What do you think of the plan, Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter?"

Inspired by Jonny Cash, I once played a big, stupid male fighter called Jess, which I later revealed was short for Jessica

Gaybog zebor

A bard who was in serious denial and had a love of gazeebos

I once did a whole divine party in IceWind Dale 2


monk Preaches-With-Fist

Ranger- Preaches-with-arrows

you get the gist right


Sczarni RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16, RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32

Dr. Heinz Fritzgerald Boominburg, called "Fizz Boom" by party members - A gnome alchemist I once played

Lucifer Malicious - an evil vampire character I once played

Cold Beer wrote:

Almost forgot about this one from a early 90s, 12 hour, 10+ player, 2nd Edition one shot game in Undermountian. A player always introduced himself as, and was always referred to as:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Never just Scorpanox, Scorp, Scorpy, etc., just always:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Funny thing is everyone bought into the whole thing and played along. "Myself, Erindil, and Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter, will guard the door."
"What do you think of the plan, Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter?"

In a similar vein, I played a one-shot adventure with a guy whose character was named "Voltram the Archmage". And as part of his character, he would announce every one of his actions, in-character, complete with damage amounts and whatnot. (For example, on his turn he'd say, "Voltram the Archmage deals 14 points of Empowered Magic Missile damage" in-character.) All in this hollow, low falsetto voice. And when he died in battle, his brother, a dwarf also named Voltram the Archmage (the first Voltram the Archmage was a human) immediately joined the fight, only to exclaim "Voltram no!" and then disappear.

In one of the campaigns I played in, one of the players had a Marshall named Magnum Opus. He was always boasting and speaking loudly and would say his name all the time, "I, Magnum Opus, will handle this!". He ended up getting a hold of a cape that would flap behind him. It was terribly wonderful.

To make a long story short, a Cleric of mine sat on the helm of a LifeJammer (a cursed SpellJammer) while inserting the Eye of Veca into his head. Hilarity ensued, the GM, who was unfamiliar with my characters name, asked me to remind him.

Ralph became the new lord of a demiplane in the campaign.

Gobo - my elf wizard controller

Skirwit Drix - LE kobold alchemist that I rolled up recently and have yet to play.

Hansen Scragglebeard - a CN Dwarven Summoner in a weekly game.

Leg Chewer - Hansen's Eidelon. His appearance changes, but when I joined the game he looked like a giant, bright blue dachsund.

Ugg, Son of Bugg - a BSF that Hansen's player rolled up after Hansen and Leg Chewer got pwned by a hellhound and dropped into a river of lava. He never used him because we quested to True Resurrect Hansen, instead. Now Leg Chewer is immune to all fire damage and likes to stealth by swimming in lava with only his eyes above the lava.

Dwarven Elvenbane - a dwarf fighter somebody rolled up back in a 2E high school game.

I'm currently playing a weekend game with an awful lot of Z names, most of which have come to terrible ends. We've had:

Zorak - the NE human fighter who ended up getting killed by drow because he chased a Morlock into the woods and got ambushed (because his MW longsword was stuck in the Morlock's chest, duh)

Zogar - the barbarian who wandered off into the woods when his player stopped showing up. Later we found his corpse floating in a lake.

Ezri Zinn - my drow sorcerer, whose family kept showing up to ambush/harass us and eventually wiped out most of the party. Ezri herself was not killed, but captured and basically forced to kill another PC to prove her loyalty to the family. She's pretty much an NPC now, and we expect to see her again.

Zortan - a half-orc cavalier (on a camel!) who, in his first session, had to watch his sister (another PC) get killed because she was an evil blight druid traveling through a regular druid's forest (and because we met a Paladin). Zortan's still alive but now caring for a half-orc baby reincarnated, non-evil version of his sister given to him by a goddess in the woods, who is aging at a rate of something like a year an hour.


We called this character USMIC but in reality it was just our friend who was home from the Marines putting United States Marine Core on the top of his paper this was one of our all time favorite names

Had a halfling in our party whose only piece of mundane starting equipment he bought was a bucket because he thought it was so versatile.

We quickly nicknamed him Bucket.

The name stuck so well that he started to wield his bucket in combat.

....Tragically he died when he was kidnapped and instead of the party rushing out to save him, a couple detours to buy cool stuff ended in a few days delay...

Liberty's Edge

Cold Beer wrote:

Almost forgot about this one from a early 90s, 12 hour, 10+ player, 2nd Edition one shot game in Undermountian. A player always introduced himself as, and was always referred to as:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Never just Scorpanox, Scorp, Scorpy, etc., just always:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Funny thing is everyone bought into the whole thing and played along. "Myself, Erindil, and Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter, will guard the door."
"What do you think of the plan, Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter?"

I once played a game of Savage Worlds Fantasy in which my character was known as Hieronymous Martijn, Rogue Necromancer. Martijn took every opportunity to blow things up with darkness-touched fireballs and then proclaim loudly to anyone within earshot that he was, indeed, Hieronymous Martijn, Rogue Necromancer.

I ran a 1st Ed. barbarian called Balahir... the barbarian.

After a night of gaming under the influence of certain draughts and liquers, he became forever known as Bellyhair the Beerbellyan.

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Simon the enchanter.

"Simon says..."

Ragnar Oak. Human druid.

Mojo Dingleberry

Halfling wizard I played a while back...

He had a weasel familiar named "Tweek"...

Necromancing the thread for my new half-orc investigator:

Porkchop Snapplesauce

"If ya want me schweethart, jush whishle..."

Never played these, honestly came up with them solely to see if I could get the DM to throw things through the internet.

Tsun Shaen, stormborn blooded sorcerer

When that got booed, offered the alternative to still cover the arcane niche. Had a somewhat backwater sorcerer raised in a marshland with the verdant bloodline: Bubba Sahr

Bob the builder... the most dman annoying artificier if there if there ever was one... he INSISTED on singing the song when making his constructs...

Oh! and I can't forget my bf's character, the Dread Pirate Bob... who had dashing golden hair and sharp wit.. looking for his lady, Miss Blossom, sister of lady buttercup...

he was going to find a way to create a lady bubbles but the GM put a squash to that idea xD

Current Skull & Shackles game includes:
A Corsair (fighter) called Errol Roberts (I couldn't quite make a Swashbuckler work on a 15 point build)
A Catfolk called Lo'hel Tykit
and a Calistrian cleric called Vespa

A Star Wars character I rolled up named "Sibayshus Sist".

Dark Archive

Filllbar Marblenose. Male kender rogue.
Albert, human fighter. Wielded a halberd.

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Ümläut the dwarven fighter (1st edition).

Analdic the cleric... A friend thought this up... Great name, only then he checked alternative meanings...

Scarab Sages

My Orrorshan Occultist in TORG: Lord Solomon Crowley.

A NG Gunslinger/Inquisitor with ranks in Profession (Attorney): Atticus Aurelius.

A 1st Edition CN Fighter/Priest of Azathoth/Mage: Winter Qadathra Pyramid.

Started out with a freeform RP between me and my fiance... Then she statted her up in PF.

Ruby The Red Witch. All capitol. It was even on her ID card in-story, she changed her name to first: Ruby, middle: The, last: Red Witch. She was the most powerful and awesome of Red Witches everywhere. No matter the fact that she was the ONLY Red Witch in existence, as the order of Red Witches simply did not exist. She will forever be hunting That Glasses Wizard for turning her into a piece of candy and leaving her at the bottom of a taffy barrel! The spell was lifted when my character got home and popped the candy in his mouth... Out pops the shining and dazzling Ruby The Red Witch! All 4'0 of her.

She has yet to play her in PF, However, I desperately want to see it happen one day...

Still scribbling on a short story that spawned from that RP. She's been pushing me to finish some of my other ones first though, lol.

First memorable name in my group was a fighty type named Booger. And Booger was his battle cry. We were like 8 years old.

One of our guys always had horses or donkeys or pack animals who always met horrible deaths, and all of them were named sprinkles.

Our gunslinger dwarf in our current campaign named himself Flint Locke. Cliché but easy to remember.

Last character I played had an eidolon named Zhdurievdriotchka. Since nobody at the table could pronounce it she just went by 'Dree'. The summoner was referred to as a him, but everyone else was referred to as an 'it', even while in their company.

We had a sphynx that served as a dungeon consisting entirely of grimtooths traps called 'Montezuma's revenge' and its sequel 'Vasili's Retribution'... The traps that required behind the scenes activation or cleanup were maintained by a gnome named 'Joachim', but pronounced Joe Acheem

The same guy who made Booger also really got into a 'battle of the longest name' so we had 2 guys in a party named Astacus Artaxerxes Euctamon Naburimmani and Rhoshandiatellyneshiauneveshenk.

A friend played an animated hand in TORG named Dexter.

Scarab Sages

I have a Catfolk Samurai named "The Quiet pause one moment before the pounce upon ones prey, in a cool winter evening with a slight wind blowing from the east." He goes by Silence of course, but who wouldnt expect a cat to have a nice long complicated name?

TheNine wrote:
I have a Catfolk Samurai named "The Quiet pause one moment before the pounce upon ones prey, in a cool winter evening with a slight wind blowing from the east." He goes by Silence of course, but who wouldnt expect a cat to have a nice long complicated name?

My cat's name is Cleo...

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