Cayden Cailean

Cold Beer's page

48 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


More T-SQL Fun:

Declare @N int
Set @N = 0

declare @Roll as int
Set @Roll = 0

Declare @NumberOfRolls as int
set @NumberOfRolls = 2000

Declare @Magnitude as int
if len(@NumberOfRolls) > 3
set @Magnitude = len(@NumberOfRolls)-3
set @Magnitude = 0

select top 0
@N as TwoD6

While @N < @NumberOfRolls
select @Roll = cast(((6 * rand()) + 1) + ((6 * rand()) + 1) as int)

insert into
@Roll as TwoD6

select @N = @N + 1

count(*) as RollCount , replicate(']',count(*)/Power(10, @Magnitude)) as Graph
group by
order by


Nebelwerfer41 wrote:

I know people hate hearing this in the rules forum, but that is why RPGs have a DM. You can't make a rule for every situation that could possibly arise in a game.

THAT is the real answer. You can't cover everything in the rules.

*clap clap clap*
+1 Internets for you, my friend.

Cold Beer wrote:

I usually use CC3 for maps, especially city maps, but lately I've been using GIMP and Inkscape for making regional and continental maps. Here's my current campaign map:

Ulani Empire

Optionally, if I'm really up to it, I use Wilbur to do erosion and rivers.

Here's the city of Ja'Ka where my players are currently causing/solving trouble: Ja'Ka

Background rendered in GIMP, City built in CC3 with City Designer 3. Labels done in Inkscape.

I usually use CC3 for maps, especially city maps, but lately I've been using GIMP and Inkscape for making regional and continental maps. Here's my current campaign map:

Ulani Empire

Optionally, if I'm really up to it, I use Wilbur to do erosion and rivers.


Amber foamy alcoholic liquid that comes in bottles and cans. Usually served cold in the United States.

meabolex wrote:
Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
Disregard this thread. Turns out I was consulting the wrong chart, any of the above suggestions are too expensive.
You are? WBL at level 10 is 62k, so your item should be 31k.

You are correct, if the campaign was using WBL. It is not.

FYI, he needs to work with 5025gp (half of 10050gp) per the campaign's Character Creation Rules. We're using the NPC Gear table instead of the WBL table. It is not uncommon for our group to have really harsh Character Creation Rules with strict restrictions like this when the DM has a specific goal in mind for the campaign.

"Can't we all just get along?!"

Can't say that I disagree, but being as this is the Internet and an Open Forum with Moderators who give a certain degree of leeway to posts you'll always have a high signal to noise ratio. There will always be stuff we don't want/need to see and people who disagree or downright hate each other...and those who are just in it for the lulz.

That's the price we pay to have a relatively free forum.

Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
Our group started a SWD20 game and we may need some minis for space combat. Anyone know of a good source for low-cost and varied spaceship minis small enough to fit on a standard battlemat?

I've got some BFG minis for that. I believe the GM has some as well. I'll look for some counters that would work as well.

My group tends to do one of the following:

1. XP is awarded sometime before the next session. It usually depends on when the GM gets around to sending the XP email. We get group XP divided equally among the PCs with individual awards determined by vote or GM.

2. You level up when the GM says so.

3. XP is awarded after encounters. This usually only happens after large encounters or when a majority of the group is close to leveling.

ghettowedge wrote:
How is casting lightning bolt acting like a one-man team? Is the fighter making an attack acting like a one-man team? What is your suggested action for the sorcerer in that situation? Again, should he just sit out of combat and hope that pushing the guy into the fire works? "Sorry guys, I'd love to contribute, but what you're doing looks way cooler. Send me a text when you're done."

Just because you can cast Lightning Bolt, does not mean you should.

Yes, it could be acting like a one-man team, here's why: If you always come to the table and step on other people's plans because it needs to be done ASAP, you're not a team player. You risk having the rest of the team resenting you for "helping out" and the whole team will suffer because of it. Sometimes you need to "pass the ball", to use a basketball term, and let the rest of the team shine.

Sure there are times when you need to get things done now, but sometimes you need to let go and let things work out for themselves.

FWIW, I've seen the "One-man Party" so many times in my experience, and it ends badly every time. Don't be that guy.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Almost forgot about this one from a early 90s, 12 hour, 10+ player, 2nd Edition one shot game in Undermountian. A player always introduced himself as, and was always referred to as:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Never just Scorpanox, Scorp, Scorpy, etc., just always:

Scorpanox, World's Best Fighter

Funny thing is everyone bought into the whole thing and played along. "Myself, Erindil, and Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter, will guard the door."
"What do you think of the plan, Scorpanox, Worlds Best Fighter?"

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
A friend's character named Chlamydia Hypotenuse, elven beguiler.

This was in my campaign. By the way, she was a Bard...the angriest Elven Bard I've ever seen.

In an earlier game of TW2000 I ran a guy named Chuck Javelin.

47. You encounter three orcs on a bridge trying to fix a broken down ox drawn wagon. Chained and tied to the wagon is a large crate covered in strange writing. The orcs, oddly, do not seem hostile and ask for your help.

HeHateMe wrote:
I also hate it when people use inanimate objects for avatars, cuz you never know if you're really debating with a chair, or if that's actually a person in disguise. Very devious...

Yeah, I hate those guys. I mean, who in their right mind would have a username/avatar of an inanimate object? =P

Nebelwerfer41 wrote:
BTW, the main reason Pathfinder shouldn't be converted to metric is that the audience is largely American, and we don't use the metric system. That being said, most of us understand the metric system, but prefer not to use it.

I wouldn't say that. The United States is kind of mixed when it comes to units. With notable exceptions, the government is largely SI. Most consumer products are labeled with both Standard and SI units. I'd venture to guess most students learn SI units in school and use it through to college.

All I know is I cringe whenever I work on something mechanical that needs a socket wrench. Is it 13mm or 1/2 inch socket? I kind of wish everything was in SI.

pres man wrote:
You allow your players to roll for searching for traps? Wouldn't that give them a chance to have an idea if they succeed or not based on what the total was? Shouldn't it be rolled in secret so they don't know if they succeed and there wasn't a trap, failed and there was a trap, or failed and there wasn't a trap?

I've done it both ways. I've also had them roll a few dozen times and have them give me a list of their rolls at the start of the session. I'd scratch off the rolls as they're made. It depends on the group.

Our current group is good about not meta-gaming low or high rolls for stuff like that. I find that letting them do the rolling is good for morale and keeps the load off me.

Elthbert wrote:
Do you roll your characters?

When the option is available. Usually 4d6 reroll 1's once take the top three.

Elthbert wrote:
Is your answer the deefault of your gaming group?

Our group fluctuates between point buy and roll from campaign to campaign.

Elthbert wrote:
How long have you been gaming?

Since '82 or '83.

Elthbert wrote:
What system did you first game in?

Basic D&D (Otus art). We rolled 3d6 in order and liked it, THEN you picked an appropriate class.

My RPG progression (one shots and campaigns) was as folows:

80s: Basic/Expert D&D->Star Frontiers->AD&D->Morrow Project->Marvel->Gamma World->Paranoia->Call of Cthulu->Doctor Who->Rollmaster->Toon->Empire of the Petal Throne->GURPS->Top Secret->007->Palladium->2nd Edition AD&D->WEG Star Wars->Cyberpunk->Mechwarrior
90s: Storyteller->CHILL->Dream Park->Mekton->Hero->2.5 Edition D&D (skills and tactics?)
00s: 3.0->Godlike->3.5->Star Wars d20->Artisia->Exalted
10s: Pathfinder->Burning Wheel->Ars Magica

Am i missing something? Lots of different ways to make characters!

DM Dan E wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
You make Bluff checks everytime an NPC lies to the players?
When he's using his bluff skill, yes.

Oh, here's a good one. I do the same...

...but, I also have lots of "fake" rolls behind the screen to cloud the issue. I make it a point to roll a few red herring rolls occasionally to keep the players on their toes.

Me: Okay, which way do you guys go?
Player 1: North, toward the light...
Me: *rolls*
Player 2: Whoa, why did he just roll?
Player 1: Traps? Player 3, search for traps.
Player 3: *rolls* 23?
Me: You don't find any traps.
Player 1: Crap!

You can't do this continually (unless your running Call of Cthulu) or you end up with an extremely paranoid group on your hands.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
If anyone is making general claims of Badwrongfun, please keep better track of who that might be.

I think I know who I'm talking to.

I assumed you were defending Jeremiziah's stance; thanks for clearing that up. Sometimes intent in text can be unclear.

I was trying to say that in a game about imagination where one person is the clear arbiter of the rules and the laws of the universe, it's difficult to exclude a group of people for bending the rules a bit. Does that still mean we're addicted to fudging? No. Is it a bit of a hyperbolic argument to make? Yes, but it is still a valid point, I think.

Jeremiziah wrote:

Nowhere have I said that GM's-Happy-Fun-Game isn't fun, or that you should feel bad for enjoying it. If you're having a good time with it, I suggest you keep playing it at every opportunity. There's lots of good games in the world, and I enjoy most of them, including GHFG (with a good GM).

Why the hostility? If the gods are going to conspire to make me suck, I'll go find another table where the Gods hate me less.

Who's hostile?

You can call it Noodle Splat Ball if you want, but it's still Pathfinder.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Cold Beer wrote:
When did I say I fudged rolls?
Cold Beer wrote:
Could we hand-wave a fudge as Deus Ex Machina to get around your definition of "Pathfinder"?

To pick nits, I said we, not I.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Cold Beer wrote:
How do you reconcile the effects of Deities on happenstance in a game? For example, spells don't work as intended or attacks are not as effective as they should be due to divine influence? Could we hand-wave a fudge as Deus Ex Machina to get around your definition of "Pathfinder"?

You're seriously so addicted to altering all the dice rolls that you're willing to declare constant divine intervention in order to justify it? Have at it, then.

You won't find me playing in that game, but there are others in this thread who would love it.

What else could it be? If people are going to keep going "no true scotsman" in this argument, why not take an equally absurd stance?

But seriously...

If I DM, if I fudge in a game, it's for the betterment of the game. Hell, if one of my players is having a bad day in or out of the game, sure I'll lob a few at him to help him out. I'm not into the competitiveness of the game as some people are. If you don't like that, tough luck, you probably wouldn't be in my games anyway. That doesn't make it any less Pathfinder.

Badwrongfun, indeed.

Jeremiziah wrote:

Secondly, that is conditionally what I'm trying to say. Look, if in your Pathfinder Gnomes are medium-sized, then your Pathfinder is the same as my Pathfinder, because, big deal. But, if in your Pathfinder, enemies don't make actual saving throws but instead make pretend saving throws, or if enemies remaining HP fluctuate according to the GM's sense of cinematic tension, or if in your Pathfinder this guard is going to beat this Rogue's opposed Stealth check no matter what the dice say goshdurnit, and you haven't warned anyone that this might happen from time to time according to your whim, then yes. Your definition of Pathfinder is not my definition of Pathfinder. Or anyone else's. You're playing GM's-Happy-Fun-Game. It might still be happy. It might still be fun. But it's only tangentially related to Pathfinder.

Society play remains Pathfinder, because all the changes are documented. As far as I'm concerned, Kirth's House Rules are still Pathfinder, because they're in print for everyone to see.

How do you reconcile the effects of Deities on happenstance in a game? For example, spells don't work as intended or attacks are not as effective as they should be due to divine influence? Could we hand-wave a fudge as Deus Ex Machina to get around your definition of "Pathfinder"?

Sebastian wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
Oh goody, we're going to argue about DMs and cheating again.

It was either that or the One True Way to Play.

That's called the "No True Scotsman Fallacy".

Jeremiziah wrote:
If I'm playing Pathfinder, I want to play Pathfinder, not GM's-Happy-Fun-Game. If the GM wants to play GM's-Happy-Fun-Game, he is welcome to invite me over for a game of it, which I'll actually probably accept. But I'll know the groundrules - there aren't any.

Are you trying to say, "Your definition of Pathfinder is not my definition of Pathfinder?"

What about Rule 0? Does any judgement by the DM make the game not Pathfinder?

I believe that I'm compelled to post to this thread for some strange reason.

Tarrintino wrote:

I’m working with several friends on a joint “world-building” project for a online table-top RPG we’ll be playing in soon. I’ve always been one for visual aids, and I’m planning on doing most of the cartography for the world. That said, I’m evaluating cartography software and wanted the input of some of my fellow Pathfinder fans with the experiences.

The primary software packages I’m looking at are Dunjinni & Campaign Cartographer 3. Has anybody on the boards have experience with either, or both, of these software packages? Would you mind share your experience with these packages? What are their pros and cons?

I've used Campaign Cartographer since it came in the D&D tools CD that came out for 2nd editon. I use it for making maps, floorplans, and diagrams.

PROS: It's flexable, configurable, and it's CAD-like. It has a robust macro language, has lots of add-ons (Dungeon Designer, City Designer, etc), and good support form ProFantasy. It can make some nice rendered maps using Sheet Effects. There are also lots of YouTube tutorials.

CONS: It's CAD-like. The interface can be daunting and may not be intuitive unless you have CAD experience. It's slow if you use Sheet Effects.

So basically, if you like having lots of control of your maps and are not afraid of CAD, CC3 is the way for you.

No matter what you choose, I encourage you to go to and check out their resources.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
(Facepalm) I thought this was a thread for gamers who also made their own beer.


Sphen wrote:
So here is my question. Is Homebrewing a common thing in your group? I know Paizo gets thousands of entries every year, but I honestly wonder if most groups are like mine or if mine is the oddity.

With the exception of a Blackmoor game a few years ago and Forgotten Realms sessions back in the 80s, my groups over the years have been primarily homebrew-centric (to varying extents) for generic fantasy-style rpgs.

Zarzulan wrote:
Empire of the Petal Throne (EPT)/Tekumel


A very under-rated game world. It was the fourth system I played (after D&D, Star Frontiers, and Morrow Project). It was the first fantasy game I encountered that broke out of the Tolkien-esqe elf/dwarf/halfling rut with races like Pe-choi, Shen, and Ssu... Here's the other Races.

I soooo wish that I could get my group to try it out. Whenever it's put out as a possible campaign I usually get a collective "meh" from the group. =\

It's been 25 years since I last played.

Sissyl wrote:

I am not saying war cannot be just, or justified. This just ain't it.

What's a "justified" war? War is hell. Innocents die. You can't just snap your fingers and make the bad guys go away. That's a sad fact.

For sake of argument, let's say WWII was a "justified" war. Millions of innocents died for the sake of stopping madmen. Was that worth the cost we all paid? If so, where do you draw the line?

Do you think these people were happy making the choices they had to make every day? Does a politician or general give orders to kill the enemy in that city or do they wait and give them time to reinforce hoping that they leave? Does doing that cost them more lives and treasure because of it? Will it prolong the war, costing more lives for all concerned?

Do you drop that bomb on a wedding fearing the enemy will melt back into the hills and cause more deaths? That's a grave decision not taken lightly in war and there's nothing "just" about it. All you can do is hope you make the right decision because the outcome either way is unthinkably inhumane.

Nebelwerfer41 wrote:

A shot in the head and burial at sea. This was the best way to end it. Any other options would have endangered lives as Osama's followers tried to free him/recover his body.

Rule #2 - Double Tap


Also, a lot of people are concentrating on the actual neutralization of OBL that they're forgetting that he was the head of this big whopping terrorist organization and he was probably sitting on The Mother-load of Terrorist Intelligence. I wonder what they pulled out of that mansion besides the body...

I'd bet we're going to see a lot more dead or captured T's over the next few months.

joela wrote:

Is that game still around? Been a while since I've seen any mention it.

Yes it is.

I'm about to participate in a 5th edition game in a week and a half from now.

John Kretzer wrote:

Giving the NPCs that infomation when there was no way they could know favorite example of this was..
GM:"What is your AC?"
GM: "Ok so mmm...he will put 5 into power attack"
Player: "What? How does the creature know?"

Bad GM here, not because of the Metagaming, but because he showed his hand to the players. For me, most of the time, the GM never says what feats/abilities are being used. Instead it's usually:

GM: "What is your AC?"
GM *rolls* "You are hit."

Declaring that the opponent is using a Power Attack is awfully generous.

I guess my point is that the GM is more than just the guy who runs the bad guys. Part of being a GM involves hiding a lot from the players. Should GMs also declare that the Bad Guy is also using a +2 Longsword and has healing potions?

DM Aron Marczylo wrote:
The smitter wrote:
also I have had to say no to a mummy character. Why would anyone want to play a mummy anyway.

Mummys are caring, warming and they put bandaids on you which hurts.

Wrong mummy? Well mummys are ancient, don't think they're intelligent, but you will never run out of bandaging or loo roll...

Two years ago, I played a Mummy Bounty Hunter type in a plane-hopping game. The concept behind the character was that he was "bound" to the party's benefactor and used as incredibly patient bounty hunter or assassin.

He stayed quiet and kept his identity under wraps (ha ha) for most of the campaign. I played up the whole secret-undead thing as much as possible, trying to generate an air of dread and mystery. He wore a bronze mask, curiously out of style clothing, and was strangely quiet. I always used phrases to describe his actions such as "I loom in the background" or "I'll go lurk in the hallway" as much as possible. He always seemed to arrive and disappear mysteriously causing PCs and NPCs alike to jump in surprise.

The great part about it was that the DM and the rest of the players played along with the whole concept. We had a lot of fun in that game.

Alas, he was destroyed in a campaign ending TPK.

Devastation Bob wrote:
I was just wondering if anyone had any stories about suboptimal characters and (GASP!) had FUN playing them? Maybe your feat selection wasn't best, or your attributes were rolled just once on the first try, etc.

My first D&D 3.0 PC was an Expert. He was striving to one day learn the lost arts of Magic (all magic based classes were banned or severely modified). He led a rag-tag team of misfits on a quest to stop a mysterious group of outsiders from opening a gate for "demons" to enter the world. His team included a mute boxer (male fighter), a delinquent youth (female rogue pretending to be male), a knight (female paladin), a noble savage warrior (male barbarian), and a ranger.

He was desperately suboptimal and didn't take a level of fighter till level 3. He rarely made a difference in combat and when he did it was a spectacle of futility. He was the "face" of the group, doing most of the negotiating and keeping the unruly group in as good as order as possible. His life ended halfway though the campaign when trying to negotiate with the Ent-like Tree People of the Haunted Forest. Trees evidently were not skilled conversationalists and had a quick temper. This resulted in a near TPK.

RIP, Draemos, King's Scribe and Reluctant Adventurer.

Leafar the Lost wrote:

#0: The Introduction

The idea here is to create a dungeon, and surrounding world, on the fly. My really basic idea is that in the previous age a vile, evil being called "The Dragon" was imprisoned deep within a dungeon created just to hold him. This is that dungeon. It will start with room #1, then #2, etc. I am not sure where this will go, but that is the "fun" of it. I am posting it on here for the feedback, suggestions, love, and hatred. Especially the "hatred", like why are you posting this $#!+?

OK, I don't expect this to make much sense at first, but it could lead to something interesting eventually...

Let's give this a whirl. You need an environment first.

#0.1 The Valley

There lies in the east of the Dutchy of Taluric, beyond the fir woods of Erkani, the Abbey of St. Patrovic. This abbey, stands guard at the entrance to the haunted Valley of Dracon, so named from the beast of elder times that stalked the lands of Taluric and the greater Empire beyond.

It is said by the Brothers of the Valley that the beast was bested in battle by the sainted Patrovic and sealed in the valley in a white stone of power. Said stone lies deep in the earth possibly in caves lost centuries ago. Legends tell of the magical powers of the stone and how men could wield it for good and evil.

The Brothers also believe that there also lies the crypt of Patrovic, Hero of the Valley, and the plundered riches of the hoard of Dracon.

Many creatures haunt the groves, meadows, and ruins of the valley preying on those foolish to hunt for the lost treasures there. Few return who enter the valley.

Troubleshooter wrote:

I'll try to recall what we use.

We have a chessex battlemat with erasable markers, and we keep some weights around so it doesn't curl up. In addition, I've personally been using Gaming Paper for complex maps, but storing it is kind of a pain. So far I've been using a postal shipping tube, but I need a bigger one.

+1 for Gaming Paper rolls or something similar. There's a lot to be said for having store-able maps. I do a fair amount of map-prep for my games and not having to re-draw maps all the time is a huge time saver. Nebelwerfer clued me in on Alvin Ice Tubes for map transport.

I used to use "initiative cards", but, for me, I found that they were more hassle than they're worth. I now use the GameMastery Combat Pad. It is simple and it's easy for everyone to see if needed.

I also use a Netbook. It's nice to have a quick look up of information if you have access to the web. I also keep all my campaign information online for easy access.

My players use index cards and dice as "continuous effects" markers. So there's usually a village of paper tents with effects written on them that surround the battle mat. Extra dice and generic tokens are always nice to have, too.

ciretose wrote:

This is one of the reasons I love variant classes and push for more options. That way you can have variety and flavor while still being able to be effective.

There's a lot to be said for having options. I always push for out of the box builds.


Each class does require some focus on some skills to be effective, which is why you have different classes for different things.

I almost agree. "Effective", IMHO, doesn't always depend on breadth or amount of skill, but the proper application of such skill and a bit of luck. In a game where die rolling and role playing are involved, having a +5 vs. a +1 doesn't make you more effective, but it makes you have a better chance at being so. I've seen min-maxer/powergamer/optimizers fail alongside witty or lucky sub-optimizers.

There's a saying: "I'd rather be lucky than good."

GravesScion wrote:
To quote my first Dungeon Master: "You can't roleplay when you're dead."

Sometimes. That depends on the DM and the campaign. I've found that it's hard to rule out anything in a game that depends on imagination.

Jeremy Mac Donald wrote:
I'm with the group that can't remember. I know it was the red box and I think I was a fighter.

I think I made a fighter with a sword and a shield using the Basic Set around 83 or 84. I can't remember his name. He died during recess when we played on the blacktop next to the school.

My first character that I can remember was from my first AD&D game not to much longer after that at the YMCA D&D Club. His name was Zarth Wolfen and he was a paladin in Plate Mail and had a Bastard Sword. I barely understood what a paladin was. I think we explored the "Temple of Ra" Judges Guild module. Good times.

"I've got a bonus to open doors!"
Back in the 3.5 days, our group was set up in a situation where we needed to open a series of stuck/barred doors. One character had an affinity for busting open doors. Arriving at one such door he declared, "Let me try, I've got a +2 bonus to break open doors!" He then proceeded to try to open said door...and failed.


Throughout the campaign.

I don't think he ever succeeded at the task. IIRC, most of the rolls were under 4. This quote rears its head more often than I'd like.

Big and Powerful (Cards)
Waaaaaay back in the 90s, when Vampires ruled the gaming tables, the prevailing trend at the gaming tables were increasingly (backstabingly) secretive. Notes to the GM and side discussions away from the table were disturbingly frequent. Certain players played this way more than others and annoyed some of the other players at the table. One such player, who we'll call X did this a lot. One game this player spent and inordinate amount of time passing 3x5 cards to the GM, or having secret meetings in another room. Upon returning with the GM to the table, X was confronted by another player who stood up, and declared:

"Darn it, X, you're TOO BIG and TOO POWERFUL!"

To this day, sidebar discussions are "Big and Powerfuls" and 3x5 cards are "Big and Powerful Cards". It is also used as a description of relative effectiveness: "So and so's Fighter is Big and Powerful" or the inverse: "We're all just Weak and Pathetic".

Krome wrote:
any chance you have some other version of compression? Something more cross platform?

If you check the download page of the WinRar website, you'll notice that it supports many Operation Systems: Windows, Linux, Mac, BSD, etc...

Vic Wertz wrote:
Dire Mongoose wrote:
What I'd really love (but I assume is too niche for there to really be a market for) is to be able to get a version of an Adventure Path that's Kindle-friendly.
Kindle and other ePub formats are ideal for electronic books that are mostly text, but lack support for the precise layout of images and special textual formatting that are important to most of our products. Unless and until that changes, the best electronic format for most of our products will be PDF.

I think that the Core Rulebook would be ideal for one of the eBook formats. The rules themselves are relatively light on required images and the various eBook formats seem to support tables well.

Since I got a Kindle for Christmas, I've been experimenting with PDF converters with varying levels of success. The Core Rulebook PDF renders nicely on the Kindle 3, but reading and searching is slow and darn near useless. Converted to the Kindle format, it's fast to read through and is somewhat searchable.

IMHO, rulebooks in some eBook format other than PDF would be a game changer. For players, Laptops are almost overkill at the gaming table, since they don't really provide any utility that justifies the space they occupy and they can become an unwelcome distraction.

sunshadow21 wrote:

Game Shoppe, in Bellevue, sells a wide variety of games, and has a lot of table space, which one group I play with uses.

Ground Zero, one in Bellevue and one in Omaha, is a comic store/gaming store that focuses on CCGs and roleplaying games, and both stores have game space available. The Omaha Cavaliers meets at the Bellevue store several times a month, and play a number of systems; I don't play with them anymore, but they are a good group that introduced me to people I later played home games with.

Dragon's Lair, in Omaha, I've never actually been in, but from what I understand it is similar to Ground Zero, a comic book store/game store.

A wide variety of systems are played, Omaha Cavaliers plays Living Pathfinder, as well as Witchhunter, Rokugan, and at least one other one; I regularly see a mix of systems, ranging from 4th ed to Pathfinder to various other smaller systems, played at the Game Shoppe. CCG's, board games, and miniature war games are also well represented in the various stores.

This is encouraging. Thanks for the feedback. My google-fu initially revealed that there were a lot of comic shops, but not much for pure game stores.

sunshadow21 wrote:
Omaha has plenty of gaming opportunities. There are 4 places I know of that sell games and provide game space, as well as a local gaming club.

Could you elaborate a bit?

Soooo...what's it like to be a gamer in Omaha?

There's a real possibility that I may relocate there in the near future, and I wonder if there's anything out there? From my research, it seems that for a city Omaha's size the prospects of finding a good game store and community is kind of bleak. Is this true? Anyone have any input on this?

Leafar the Lost wrote:
Therefore, I ask for the same challenge. Give me two bad ideas, and I will craft a homebrew setting from it. I will pick the "best", bad ideas from you guys...

Too easy. The campaign I currently run is an amalgamation of Fungus and Ragnarok. D=

(Everyone seems to be having a good time with it, so far...)