sykoholic |

I think it is obvious, we need to see Orcus' place defined in the Pathfinder setting.
According to the "Demon Lords of Golarian" chapter in "Descent into Midnight", Orcus doesn't have much of a place in the PF setting.
Orcus MAKING a place for himself in the PF setting would make for a pretty cool AP though. (hin, hint)

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Wicht wrote:I wouldn't mind seeing a Rappan Athuk Reloaded sort of thing done for PFRPG.
I would love to see Rappan Athuk Reloaded done w/ the PFRPG rules just to get it back into print! Too few people had access to this rare product, and it's a fortune to buy on eBay. Bring it to the adoring masses!
I am one of the many who missed out. :)
Thus my request.

Watcher |

I'd like to see City of Brass, most definitely!
I understand the concern about another company doing Golarion material, but as an extra-planar staple, City of Brass would make a great exception to the rule.
A vast majority of it could be stand alone material (90-95%), with a small chapter about tie-ins to Golarion. Best of both worlds!
Again, I can see where James Jacobs is coming from about keeping Golarion as an "in-house" setting.. but with an extra-planar setting, there is room to license a little 'cross-over' chapter.

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I'd really like to see Gygax's Necropolis redone Pathfinder Style-
which of course means having Mike Kortes rework it a bit and set in Osirion.
I just had a nerdgasm.
Also Rappan Athuk Reloaded (boxed sets FTW!). As I can't edit my previous post, I'll update the list here:
- Tome of Horrors.
- City of Brass (boxed set FTW!).
- Rappan Athuk Reloaded (boxed set FTW!).
- Hardcover "sandbox/freeform" campaigns (I'm thinking of Trouble at Durbenford and The Vault of Larin Karr).
- Gary Gigax's Necropolis "Osirionized" by Mike Kortes.

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I think that thus far, we have not seen the fruits of the Necro-Paizo partnership, but I am very hopefully that we will see something soon (maybe Gencon?). I am still very excited about the possibilities, and I hope that the teams can start to get some joint products on the roadmap soon.
It is highly unlikely that we could get anything out by GenCon unless it was already well into the pipeline. Based on the schedules we make for our own products, a GenCon product needs to be written and into editing in March. So, while not impossible, it is probably impractical since Necro wouldn't have access to the final rules of the PFRPG early enough for them to write something and then for us to give it the "Paizo treatment." The turnaround would be pretty tight. Something towards the end of the year is more likely if Clark and company decide that is what they want, but even then, we are going to be soliciting the end of the year products in a week or two. It is amazing how far in advance we need to plan.

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It is highly unlikely that we could get anything out by GenCon unless it was already well into the pipeline. Based on the schedules we make for our own products, a GenCon product needs to be written and into editing in March. So, while not impossible, it is probably impractical since Necro wouldn't have access to the final rules of the PFRPG early enough for them to write something and then for us to give it the "Paizo treatment." The turnaround would be pretty tight. Something towards the end of the year is more likely if Clark and company decide that is what they want, but even then, we are going to be soliciting the end of the year products in a week or two. It is amazing how far in advance we need to plan.
Thank you Lisa. It's amazing how much we learn about 'the industry' in large part because of the openess of yourself and your Paizo minions.
That said I read 'Paizo treatment' and immediately had bad Ravnos flashbacks.

Anguish |

I'd like to see new adventures, not reprints of the existing ones, and maybe an update or entirely new ToH. Hmmm, BOTH in fact.
Bingo. PFRPG is just a revision of 3.5e as far as I'm concerned. My library of 3.5e material still works and I frankly wouldn't pay for reprints or tweaks of things like ToH.
That being said, I wouldn't mind more. I'd like to see Necromancer patch together a campaign setting, and an adventure line in that setting, using PFRPG rules/IP. Perhaps where Golarion is the equivalent of Greyhawk/Forgotten Realms, Necromancer could do something grittier like a Ravenloft or Eberron setting.
Having two settings and adventure lines with obvious different styles live and well could be a Good Thing. While my group can only handle two simultaneous campaigns, it'd be nice to be able to choose style/setting without a bunch of work converting*.
*We love Eberron but the effort to convert any of the first three APs to that setting was daunting. The fifth AP sounds promising though.

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Zaister wrote:Lilith wrote:Update Vaughan's Adventure Trifecta for PF. :)Which ones are those?Slumbering Tsar
Check out this thread.
Yes! Please!

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Rookseye wrote:I think it is obvious, we need to see Orcus' place defined in the Pathfinder setting.According to the "Demon Lords of Golarian" chapter in "Descent into Midnight", Orcus doesn't have much of a place in the PF setting.
Orcus MAKING a place for himself in the PF setting would make for a pretty cool AP though. (hin, hint)
Orcus doesn't have much of a presence in Golarion primarily BECAUSE he has a big role in the Necromancer Games products. Me making Orcus not a huge deal in Golarion was mostly because I didn't want to poach demons from Necromancer.

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What about moving this thread to the Necromancer section where it belongs to? ;-)
I don't see a necessity for PFRPG versions of any but the best Necromancer products created so far: After all PFRPG is supposed to be backwards compatible to 3.5. ...
Those really good products I'd like to see in print again are:
- Rapan Atuk Reloaded
- ToH Revised (in the case that you decide to only use a minor fraction of it for the PF Bestiary).
I am much more interested in finally seeing those products for sale already announced a long time before and not put into production due to the GSL confusion.
Yes, I am talking about Eamonvale. :-)
Finally there's one thing quite annoying to me, but probably rather a lawyer's job: managing to let Paizo sell Necromancer pdfs, too. It's a shame that you are their publisher, but drivethrurpg.com/ rpgnow.com is the only company entitled to selling their pdfs!

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- ToH Pathfinder edition, with the best of ToH I-III monsters. Black and white, for the extra old-school feel.
- Rapan Athuk Overloaded, Pathfinder Edition.
- An old-school AP against Orcus and his minions, complete with "make a mistake and you're screwed" dungeons, planar travel and dire fiendish flumphs.

Guy Ladouceur |

Between the two companies (Paizo & Necromancer) they could detail their own worlds within the same Solar System. This would enable them to set up a future that could incorporate a SpellJammer type system into place. The two planets could have Trade, War, and what ever else these two quality companies could come up with ( eg. psionics vs magic) as long as the Solar System was set up properly and there was some means of getting from place to place. Alliances could eventually be forged between not only nations, but planets, it could be Epic in scale and fantastic to play.
Something like this could tie in Adventure Paths between both companies if the desire and will were truly there. I know right now it sounds as if it would take an eternity for this to happen, but if it did happen it would be a joy to play.

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Mr Baron wrote:I think that thus far, we have not seen the fruits of the Necro-Paizo partnership, but I am very hopefully that we will see something soon (maybe Gencon?). I am still very excited about the possibilities, and I hope that the teams can start to get some joint products on the roadmap soon.It is highly unlikely that we could get anything out by GenCon unless it was already well into the pipeline. Based on the schedules we make for our own products, a GenCon product needs to be written and into editing in March. So, while not impossible, it is probably impractical since Necro wouldn't have access to the final rules of the PFRPG early enough for them to write something and then for us to give it the "Paizo treatment." The turnaround would be pretty tight. Something towards the end of the year is more likely if Clark and company decide that is what they want, but even then, we are going to be soliciting the end of the year products in a week or two. It is amazing how far in advance we need to plan.
Thanks for the reply. Your comments on scheduling are very insightful, and it is amazing to think that you have to plan a good 6+ months in advance to get everything lined up to hit a shipdate.

Skullking |

Orcus doesn't have much of a presence in Golarion primarily BECAUSE he has a big role in the Necromancer Games products. Me making Orcus not a huge deal in Golarion was mostly because I didn't want to poach demons from Necromancer.
Orcus is fat enough to spread around both Golarion and Necromancer Games :)
Seriously though - the use of him in Savage Tide was handled really well - I would like to see some role within Golarion - perhaps as part of an adventure forcing PCs to ally with followers of Urgathoa to stop an even viler cult of Orcus.

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I'd love to see a PFRPG version of the Tome of Horrors. Other than that, though, I agree with those who have said not to update Necro stuff that is already in print. Far better to get Tegel Manor and Slumbering Tsar out there! They get my vote.
Is anything Necro still 'in print'? Pdfs, sure, but hard copy?

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Personally I'm thrilled with this news. I highly enjoy Necromancer's products and take ojn the game. Top-notch.
On the other hand, my wallet cries.
On the other hand, I would very much like to see updated monster books from Necromancer as they're the cat's meow of creative monster offerings.
On the third hand (...) I see no need to reprint a bunch of old stuff like adventures. This is their chance to try new experiments and new products, not rehash old stuff with only minor tweaks for PF RPG rules.
-DM Jeff

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Thanks for the reply. Your comments on scheduling are very insightful, and it is amazing to think that you have to plan a good 6+ months in advance to get everything lined up to hit a shipdate.
We are actually in the process of planning for early 2010 already! And we tend to assign writers for a project about 10 months in advance of its release. This doesn't mean that we can't sometimes slot in a simple project that makes sense, but that is the exception rather than the rule.

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Kamelion wrote:I'd love to see a PFRPG version of the Tome of Horrors. Other than that, though, I agree with those who have said not to update Necro stuff that is already in print. Far better to get Tegel Manor and Slumbering Tsar out there! They get my vote.Is anything Necro still 'in print'? Pdfs, sure, but hard copy?
Our distributor has just two books in stock.

Mairkurion {tm} |

Kamelion wrote:I'd love to see a PFRPG version of the Tome of Horrors. Other than that, though, I agree with those who have said not to update Necro stuff that is already in print. Far better to get Tegel Manor and Slumbering Tsar out there! They get my vote.Is anything Necro still 'in print'? Pdfs, sure, but hard copy?
Exactly, Bagpus. While I don't see the need to have all the old stuff updated and reprinted, there are surely gems that deserve to be back out there. They could receive a nicer cut, and clearly the demand far outstrips their supply. I stick by my list.

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Hi all -
As Skulking pointed out - Bards Gate is a great resource. The addons by the author and fans certainly made my hardbound book pointless and I had to print out the entire PDF and put it into a binder. In fact its so detailed with so many little tidbits I plan on utilizing it for Absalom if my players get there (my last campaign Bards Gate was used in place of Dyvers in Greyhawk).
So if Necro can do a Golarion city in the vein of Bards Gate it would be much better (since BG is so specific to bards and without that focus it does loose much of its specialized appeal). Thus although it would be nice to have Necro made sourcebooks and modules that are generic and set for their own world, it would be nice to see them design a city set in Golarion.
A best of Tome of Horrors would be nice as well. I'm uncertain if GRR and Mongoose creatures are OGL and able to be re-crafted to PF, but a few of those might be cool to see modified (like the Were Shark from GRR's Freeport). Of course, if not, GRR's products are so good it shouldn't matter too much.
Be Well. Be Well Necro'ed.
Theocrat Issak

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Hi all (again)
I'd also like to see books that Paizo doesn't have time to produce. I'd like to see books like Stormwrack, Frostburn and Sandstorm from Necro. As we have those three, a book on forests, jungles and such would be excellent. I like rules books, so books that describe castles and war and how a castle would defend itself against dragons, griffons and other unquie creatures. How would you run the fief as a DM and a player.
On the Science Chanell the other night (I DVR'd it, so I don't know when) I saw the Secrets of the Himalayans - a show showing these 150' towers that are 700-1300 years old. Still standing with little wear on some of them. These would work for the ancient Thassllian <sic>, but with Necro, they might be able to write up things like these that allow DM's to incorporate RL ancient items as an example for placing them in Golarion, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms - as these would be generic ruins that could be inserted anywhere.
I also think that it might be plausable to make Necromancer Games its own subscription. so long as it also included the PDF as normal subscriptions.
Be Well.
Theocrat Issak

Stebehil |

I also think that it might be plausable to make Necromancer Games its own subscription. so long as it also included the PDF as normal subscriptions.
Be Well.
Theocrat Issak
Hmm.... I´m not sure if my wallet is up to any more subs. While I like Necros stuff, I´d rather have them as regular products, perhaps costing a few bucks more to include the pdf, but another sub? I am not sure if I would subscribe to more stuff.

Knightfall1972 |

What, praytell, would you most like to see?
Tome of Horrors, Pathfinder Edition
I'd like to see two versions of a revised City of Brass. The first version only revises the game statistics as presented in the original boxed set, which will allow those that already have the 3.5 version to use it for Pathfinder without too much difficulty.
The second version would be a full Pathfinder Edition that uses the production value of Paizo's product line including full color artwork and glossy paper. It would be the "cat's meow" version. This version would be retrofitted to fit into The Great Beyond (expanded details, new NPCs, additional races, etc.)
As for other things from Necromancer Games, I can't think of anything else right now but I would seriously consider anything the make for Pathfinder.

DaveMage |

I'd like to see two versions of a revised City of Brass. The first version only revises the game statistics as presented in the original boxed set, which will allow those that already have the 3.5 version to use it for Pathfinder without too much difficulty.
I would hope that any 3.5 product can be pretty much played AS IS using the Pathfinder rules. The Pathfinder-created characters may be different, but any "conversion" should be able to be done on the fly, and be generic across all 3.5 games. In other words, I hope we don't need any conversion info that's product-specific.

DaveMage |

I, like Theocrat, would love to see some environment books. Besides a woodland one, perhaps one for settings in the sky.
While I think Necro could do a great environmental product if they wanted to, it really doesn't match their style, IMO.
They are about old-school, kick-ass adventures and settings (with the occasional spell or monster sourcebook).

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Studpuffin wrote:I, like Theocrat, would love to see some environment books. Besides a woodland one, perhaps one for settings in the sky.While I think Necro could do a great environmental product if they wanted to, it really doesn't match their style, IMO.
They are about old-school, kick-ass adventures and settings (with the occasional spell or monster sourcebook).
reminds me, a reprint of Dead Man's Chest would be nice this time 'round.

DaveMage |

reminds me, a reprint of Dead Man's Chest would be nice this time 'round.
I would think that Dead Man's Chest and Glades of Death were about as far as they'd likely want to go with any kind of environment books. That is, a book which provides a setting and includes adventures in certain environments rather than an all-environmental sourcebook like (for example) Frostburn.

Gnome-Eater |

Great news from Necromancer Games!
In regard to other folks jumping on to PFRPG, I'm thinking once the final PFRPG is released, sales numbers are consulted, and the game license is put side-by-side with WoTC's, we'll see some more announcements. A Green Ronin, PF Freeport AP would be sweet.
Things I'd want to see from Necromancer: Tome of Horror, City of Brass, and I agree, a Necromancer AP would be great! I don't think that a 3rd Party AP would necessarily have to take place in Golarion. The only issue here is that the term "generic" shouldn't really even apply to what 3.5 was - it was Greyhawk with some tweaks. Paizo doesn't have multiple settings (yet), so they are faced with the question: what does generic really mean? If the PFPRG is considered the "base" and it has Golarion gods, weapons, and domains, what would one expect from a 3rd Party AP or module? It would seem that it would necessarily have some elements of Golarion. If it has some elements of official setting, what will be the diving line between a "generic" Golarion and a "cannon" Golarion?