So: who plans to buy?

Alpha Release 2 General Discussion

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Dark Archive

I also will buy the beta as well as the final book, also any additional monster manuals that might be added.

I think it's going to be smurf=tastic!!!

Sovereign Court

I'm absolutely buying the Beta and the Final. Disposable income FTW.

Liberty's Edge

Not sure about the beta, but I will be buying the final. No question about it.

Definitiely buying the final version and most likely the Beta as well.

Liberty's Edge

I fully intend to purchase both the Beta and the 'full-version' once it's out.

Scarab Sages

Put me down for four more copies of the Beta (for a total of 5) - I figure since I'm essentially railroading my players into switching to Pathfinder, the least I can do is hand them a free (for them) bit of gaming history!

Here is another Beta + Final purchaser. Just the fact that Paizo is actually listening and working with us lowly gamers makes me a responsibility to support them in their endeavor. Throw in the addition of Monte Cook now and there really isn't any other choice for me.

Scarab Sages

I love new rules, and I love my library. I will be picking up Pathfinder if only for mining the book for houserules.

Liberty's Edge

theCimmerian wrote:

I am well aware that when someone starts a discussion with, "I am not trying to be a ____, but" it usually means they are, in fact, a ____. I hope to be an exception.

I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but how many people on these forums, or who are among the 15,000 downloads of Pathfinder Alpha 2 so far, plan on buying the release product?

I am generally pleased with everything I've seen, and I can't think of a single change I dislike. However, it's one thing to see Pathfinder (or, for that matter, Dungeons and Dragons 4) as an improvement over what is currently available and another to consider it such a notable improvement as to be worth a purchase.

For the sake of the gaming industry in general, and the obvious hard work of the people at Paizo in particular, I hope my discussion is met with dozens or hundreds of pledges to purchase the finished product. I just want to be honest - I like it and I like it more than DnD 3/3.5/what I've seen of 4, but I don't like it enough to buy.

My group of about 10 and myself are set to buy the Beta. I know I will get the final version but I cannot say for certain who in my group will. Hopefully all of them will but the price tag might put some of them off. Don't get me wrong, totally worth it, but some of them have limited funds.

Honestly? I think it's still early days. If make it to GenCon (it's a loooong way to go for me) I might pick up the beta there, but most likely I'll just continure using the PDFs until the final hardback is released - I don't see much point in purchasing a book that will only see (at most) a years worth of use.

At this stage I plan to buy the final hardback, but that will be more than a year down the track and who knows what might have happened in that time? Though it's unlikely, I might be a fully-fledged 4e convert by that stage...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Down with buying Pathfinder in all its forms. 4e would have to be a hugely, surprisingly satisfying change to prevent me from working Pathfinder as my main game and DnD as my number two.

It still makes me a little sad to say that.

4th Edition is still leagues ahead as far as I'm concerned. Before q.2 came out PRPG showed promise but with it its just damn disappointing.

The Exchange

My group will end up buying at least one of the softcover and one of the hardcover. Possibly more than one given both the main GMs will probably get one.

I'm buying. I am currently unemployed so money is tight and I haven't pre-ordered. But I intend to be employed as soon as possible and when I have the money I will pre-order. Probably not the beta, but definitely the HC.

I have lost track of the count.

I might by the 2008 book though I may just look at it onscreen.

I almost certainly will buy the 2009 version.

I am part of that crowd that thinks there are too many rule changes. There seem to be rule changes for the sake of change rather than to make the game better.

Fix grapple... yep
give barbarians wierd rage points.... huh why?

Scarab Sages

Werecorpse wrote:
I have lost track of the count.

About 252.

I will probably be buying as well.

I like what I see so far, and as a fan of Wizard's Eberron setting I'm a bit skeptical about them only releasing 3 books per campaign setting. If I can keep the wealth of info in my existing books, and use a more fun/streamlined system than the core 3.5, then I'm interested.

I'd also like a hardbacked version of the beta book, but that's because I find hardbacks more durable and less at risk from being dragged from game session to game session.


Liberty's Edge

256 Me and two of my players!

Liberty's Edge

Yes, I will. I have not decided which system I will be running full time, but I will be buying this for the collection.

Count me in for none. Disappointing rules changes all around in Paizo's new edition :(

Will buy for sure. I just hope it is not too much work to convert 3.5 to PRPG.

I will definitely be buying the core rulebook, I will probably buy the Beta copy when it comes out.

Dark Archive

I plan on buying at least two copies. One to use myself and one to loan to people as a way to rope them into buy Paizo stuff themselves.

I may buy two additional copies if I'm still with the group I'm with now.

I pre-ordered both books. :)

Assuming my group agrees -they are leaning that way so far- there will be six more orders for the main book, and maybe a few more for the beta.

Liberty's Edge

I pre-ordered the Hardcover (5 minutes ago actually) for next year. I may pick up the Beta in print as well but I will certainly download it.

I'll get both.

Beta as soon as it comes out becuse it won't be around long.

Alpha may take time as I'm trying to get as much old stuff as I can.

1 copy of the Beta PF rules softbook pre-ordered
1 copy of the hardback PF rules book pre-ordered

and subscriptions to all PF titles

hum... that's all folks !! =)

Liberty's Edge

$25 for the Beta is doable. I expect I'll purchase it, but I'll have a look at the .pdf first. I'm hoping it'll be much more of a standalone than the current alpha versions.

As for the Pathfinder RPG, unless Paizo completely goes down a road I cannot follow, I'm in.

Unfortunately, I am already anticipating house rules that I'll incorporate at the get go. I was hoping that I'd be satisfied completely with the revision.

As it stands with alpha, I am not.

Unfortunately, my income is a tad iffy at the moment, so while I do plan on buying the final version, until then I'll have to rely on the free PDF's.

If the Alpha (and the Golarion world-setting) hadn't impressed me as much as it has so far, I probably wouldn't have bothered, but these guys (Paizo, that is) haven't disappointed me yet.

On principle alone, I will buy the finished product.

I will have to wait and see how much of the system works with the old 3.5 stuff that I have. If it isn't going to trivialize the old modules I have stacked up, I will be thrilled and use it.

I don't really want to see the power of the characters increase much, I just want the overall playability to go up for some classes that just always seemed to be out of whack with the others.. as well as interesting flavor and flare added to those that didn't need a power boost.

The addition of Monte to the crew, as long as his expertise and input is regarded in the development phase will prove to be a solid boost and add alot of confidence (for me) in the balance of the final product.

I've ordered the Beta softcover. I didn't order the final release hardcover yet, but unless things change for the worse in the next year, I'll pre-order it.

I'm goin' to buy the hardcover.
If I'll buy the beta rules in a print version, I haven't decided yet.

Greetings, Daniel

I'll definitely pick up the finish product when it is out, but won't spend anything on the Beta. I'm already giving Paizo WAY too much of my money ;-).

Liberty's Edge

4 copies of the beta, one for me and three for the group I run, as we are testing the new rules on RotRL it's always easier to read/flick thru hardcopy that pdf's even though out of five people we use 4 laptops when playing.

also 1 copy of the final version for my collection.

Liberty's Edge

Add me to list of those wh have pledged to purchase the Beta, and the final product. Since '75 Ive supported D&D through all of its changes and alterations....4e and the drastic changes and lack of even vaguely trying to get feedback from 'the old fogie' crowd, drove me away....Paizo and Pathfinder are more true to the game and spirit of D&D, and has the support of two steadfast gamers in Monte and Eric...

In my heart, D&D is now Pathfinder.

I'll be buying. Beta and final release both. I pushed hard for P20, so how could I *not* support them when they do it?

Yup. Beta and Final. If I like the beta, I'll pre-order the final.

Shadow Lodge

Preordered the Beta. Considering you can barely print the book in B&W for the cost they are selling it for it's an easy choice if you plan on using it.

I haven't ordered the Hardback yet. I'm waiting to see if they are including a PDF with the hardcover purchase or not.

-- Dennis

I'll likely buy the final book, and if the beta is in my means at the time, I'll get that as well.

Dark Archive

I'm in for anything Pathfinder related. It has been said before, but I feel that Pathfinder is closer to true D&D than 4th ed.

I'll probably end up ordering both the Beta and the final.

I'll be picking up both the Beta and the final.

Liberty's Edge

Picking up 4 copies of the beta for my group and 1 copy of the final for myself.

Dark Archive

I just pre-ordered my copy of beta. I will get core once it is avalible.

The Exchange

I will buy the beta and the final

Scarab Sages

Both pre-ordered.

Beta and final, too!

Viva, Pathfinder!

Maybe as I've got 4th ed but I would like to throw some money Paizos way even if I don't play Pathfinder.

theCimmerian wrote:
I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but how many people on these forums, or who are among the 15,000 downloads of Pathfinder Alpha 2 so far, plan on buying the release product?

I downloaded Alpha 1, but not 2 or 3, and I probably won't get the Beta (since I really don't have time to play it just now).

However, I will be buying the Pathfinder rulebook when it is released, sight-unseen. I'm willing to take it on trust that the guys at Paizo know what they're doing. (And anyway, I'll be wanting to use it to run the later Pathfinder adventure paths, rather than attempting a conversion...)

No sale here, I'm afraid. It was looking pretty good up until Alpha 2 & 3...and if I do want to keep on playing 3.5?

Well, I still have 3.5 for that.
I'll be getting the setting stuff, and pathfinder ap's still, but no chance on the RPG.

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