Note: The Pathfinder RPG Prerelease Discussion forums will be locked on Friday, October 16, 2009. You will not be able to create new posts after this date, but existing discussion will still be available for reading.

When starting a thread, please list rules in question and a page reference in the subject line of the thread. For example, New Combat Feats - Page 34. Please take a good look through all of the threads first to see if there is already one in progress about the rules in question. As future Alpha releases become available, new forums will be created to support those releases.

Alpha Release 2 General Discussion

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Book of Nine Swords in Golarion

Summon Monster / Nature's Ally?

So: who plans to buy?

Pathfinder RPG for Dummies

New Pathfinder Playtest Campaign

Artwork & Layout

Taking the Pathfinder Plunge

Alpha 2 character sheets

Request: Bring Minions Concept into Alpha Test

Tallforadwarf's Alpha 2 Playtest Report with page numbers! And added Monte!

Tergiver's Playtest - Fallen Angel #1

Do we have an ETA on Alpha 3???

How far will you bend... before breaking?

Will Massive Damage be a part of Pathfinder?

Levels of Poison and Illness

Rage Points - an opinion

Vigil and Mordulin's Playtest report

Phlebas' Playtest

Shadowborn's Ongoing Playtest: Alpha Release 2 R.A.W.

@ Jason: Monk info please.

Item Dependency and the Pathfinder RPG

New AP

Mistwalker's playtest 2.0

Starting Hit Points

Mechanical Problem - Sorcerer Cantrips!

KnightErrantJR's Playtest Thread 2.0

A sort of playtest

Note from the Designers

Magic Item Economy

Feats: Combat and other

The Missing Chaotic Evil God, Keslaren the Scorned

How will PRPG handle character creation and ability scores?

Weapon Profeciency and minus's......

Domains Overlap

Gray’s Playtest Report (SPOILERS for The Shackled City and Hook Mountain Massacre)

West Michigan PRPG Playtest

Domain and School powers as spell-like ability

Proposal: Pathfinder Needs A New Player FAQ - Like This One

Pathfinder Devs, Please nix LA!!!

Garden State Gaming Society Alpha 2 Playtest

New Player FAQ Accompaniment: Player Questionnaire

Fighter Playtest

golem101 Alpha Release 2 playtest (WIP)

The New Turning Rules, Good? Bad? Needs Improvement? Yes?

Minor Technical Plea

Archade's Playtest #3

Paizo: What questions do you want us to ask?

Curse of the Crimson Throne - Playtest Report 2

Playtest report: Curse of the Crimson Throne - Session 2

Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder Alpha Playtest *Spoilers*

Playtesting to start next week. Pointers?

Barbarian - Error found in the print

Barbarian & Fighter Playtest Results, misplaced?

On what I dislike

Artificers: Question to Playtesters

Thoughts on playtesting

Castle Greyhawk 11th level playtest

New Haven CT Playtest

Another of those Playtests.

Deussu's Playtest Report

Are there any plans to rework the Alpha 1 classes based on fan suggestions?

Pathfinder RPG Final Product Goals

Skinsaw Murder Haunts and New Turning Rules

Still issues with 5 minute workday...

*Sniff!* I Love You Guys!

Mending and Broken condition relationship


Diagonal Movement

Paradisio's Playtest Thread

Request: Appendix A – Rules Light (Lite).

What adventures are you playtesting with?

Frank Banned?


Pathfinder gladiator game

Swift / Immediate / Free -- SRD?

Lvl 8 Fighter Not Supposed to Win 50% Against CR8 Foe

Pathfinder RPG / Curse Playtest

Weapon Training & Weapon Focus

Bane weapons: Should the bonuses stack?

Out of sheer curiosity, when is Alpha 3 slated for?

Backwards Competitiveness


First Impressions of Alpha 2

Skills in General, and Half-Elves

Thoughts on Ability Boosts

Overhaul of Ability Score Boosting Effects...

Critical Hits

Alpha 2 Playtest using Bloodsworn Vale

Constructive Feedback

Play test - Selective Channeling (p52) - and quicken turning

PathfinderRPG -- comparison to OGL and Non-OGL

General formatting request

Tumbling Rage?

Cleric Domain Abilities ? (page 69 ff)

The Unofficial List of Changes Thread

Another Starting Hitpoints Thread

Dorje's RW Playtest Reporting

Why no news item?

Devastating blow - error in text?

Difference document Alpha1 to Alpha2

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