So: who plans to buy?

Alpha Release 2 General Discussion

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Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

1 copy of the Beta softcover pre-ordered

1 copy of the final Hardcover pre-ordered


I will be ordering 2 additional Hardcovers for my kids.

So, i guess you can add 3 to the count.

The Exchange is my wallet. Just take the damned thing already. :-)

I will absolutely be buying both the beta and the final release. I also pre-ordered WOTC's 4E for whatever it's worth.

I'm ate up with it.

Grand Lodge

I will probably buy the Beta for interest's sake (and to spare my printer). Whether or not I buy the HC depends on whether I have run an AP by then. I got pulled in with the start of Pathfinder; by the time the HC comes out, there will be 4 AP's. If I haven't run/enjoyed at least one by then, I can't see myself shelling out big Cdn Pesos for a supporting crunch book.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well, I certainly plan to buy the softcover Beta and then the Hardcover final in August 2009. (And are 'we' counting the softcover and hardcover separately? If so, I believe that puts 'us' at 64 just counting my 'two.') I've printed out the Alpha 1 for my group, and did the clear sleeve and folder shtick... I'm a nice DM... and I'm pretty sure they'll buy the Beta (probably have me buy it since as a PF subscriber I'll save a little) and that's 4 more copies... so make that count 68 now. (I'd like to think they'll also get the hardcover in 08/09, but I can't really say.) So... count of 68 for sure, and optimistically(sp?) a count of 72. Looking better all the time eh?

Oh... as an aside, any fine folks at paizo who might see this, beginning in June I'll be starting a Dungeons and Dragons club at my local library, and I plan on running several of the GameMastery modules for these 'kids.' Should I look into this "Pathfinder Society" I've heard about? Would it benefit 'us' as a group? Would it benefit my library, or even me for that matter (in some way?)

Long Live Paizo!!

Scarab Sages

The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
Well, I certainly plan to buy the softcover Beta and then the Hardcover final in August 2009.

Just count the hardcovers - 67

theCimmerian wrote:

I am well aware that when someone starts a discussion with, "I am not trying to be a ____, but" it usually means they are, in fact, a ____. I hope to be an exception.

I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but how many people on these forums, or who are among the 15,000 downloads of Pathfinder Alpha 2 so far, plan on buying the release product?

I am generally pleased with everything I've seen, and I can't think of a single change I dislike. However, it's one thing to see Pathfinder (or, for that matter, Dungeons and Dragons 4) as an improvement over what is currently available and another to consider it such a notable improvement as to be worth a purchase.

For the sake of the gaming industry in general, and the obvious hard work of the people at Paizo in particular, I hope my discussion is met with dozens or hundreds of pledges to purchase the finished product. I just want to be honest - I like it and I like it more than DnD 3/3.5/what I've seen of 4, but I don't like it enough to buy.

I absolutely plan to buy Pathfinder...

...but only if there are enough changes to the things people have wanted changed. Right now, I'm holding my breath on this. I realize that Jason & Co. can't really change the system on a whim, but I also realize that there are a lot of players on these forums who lack a grasp of the fundamental mechanics of 3.5. (Sorry to those of you who think that polar ray is a good 8th-level spell or that CODzilla doesn't exist.) Not changing the system because they don't want it to change would be a poor idea.

If there are sufficient changes to the system, I'll grab the Pathfinder Beta as well as the final product. If not, I'll stick with something else.

I am house poor at the moment, so I won't be buying it... at least not right away. I'd rather buy a loaf of bread and milk with the money. If I win the lotto I will probably change my mind :)

I will buy the final hardcover in 2009.
The PRPG rules will certainly not be perfect, but they cannot be worse than the original 3.5. And above all things, I want Paizo to continue to publish their fantastic Adventure Paths and modules, so even if the final rules set doesn't fit me I'll still buy PRPG. After all, the stories and adventures my players will be able to live seem to me more important than the system to run them.

Liberty's Edge

Well, once my group finishes with runelords(already modified towards PRPG) I'm going to be running crimson throne with the new rules. That means most of my group will pick one up. Honestly I've always leaned more towards storyteller type systems over D&D, but my group is pretty heavily D&D. Paizo's adventures(since they took over dungeon/dragon) really helped turn that around. Really look forward to moving ahead with them.

So thats 5-6 more of the hard copies.


I have already pre-ordered both the Beta and the Final Hardcover version.

Ready and waiting, with eager, baited breath. Count me in for at least one of each!

Long Live Paizo!

The Exchange

I've pre-ordered the Beta and the Hardcover. PFRPG all the way babeee (you'll have to imagine the Dick Vitale impression)

So far I am really impressed with what I've seen.

I will buy Beta & Final Hardcover

Needless to say I'm overjoyed with Paizo's decision to stand by the OGL

Silver Crusade

I haven't pre-ordered, but I will definetly be buying the hard cover when it's releases (heck if it comes by Paizo like my other Paizo goodies go, then so be it!!). I'm not sure on the beta rules yet, as I don't have a sit down group (my play is by online groups). But that might change after I see the pdf in all it's glory. pdfs are nice but nothing can replace a good book to read!!

It's flat-out too early to say. When the "complete" beta rules are out, I'll give them a serious long look, and some playtesting. I'll also have 4e in my hands by then, so I'll really know what I'm comparing. Beta is close enough to the final product that I can compare product to product and decide. Right now I'm comparing speculation to speculation, and it's all far too changeable for me to make any decisions.

As it looks right now, this very instant, I would say "probably will not buy Pathfinder RPG", but that's based on what the alpha rules are, not what the final rules will be.

Scarab Sages


Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Preordered both.. can always cancel if something goes terribly wrong. :)

Liberty's Edge

Pre-ordered the Beta and the Hardcover. Does that make 80?

Adding me, 81.

I most certainly plan to buy the beta and the hardcover. I am even looking at going to gencon to buy and show my support for Paizo. So far it is as good a Unearthed Arcana and on its way to being as good or better than Arcana Evolved. I think those were the first to truely eclipse WotC as far as quality hardcover products go.

Sovereign Court

when I get my rebate I'll be pre-ordering the final hardcover

I was all for buying one but the more I read of the PDF stuff the less I think it will be for me. I'm not knocking it, alot of stuff I dig but somethings I just don't get.

I like what was done with Wizards, Sorcerers, Clerics. I like the newest revision of the races. I like the skill system they are now going with as the first Alpha skill system put me in a definate not for me column.

I just don't get all the power ups to the classes. I should rephrase I get it, Wiz, sor, clr, we got to level the playing field but some I just think are too much. Two Rogues seem like they could wipe the floor with two Fighters. That just seems wrong. Barbarians abilities for Raging seem out of left field. Low light vision from raging, Darkvision... What is that about?

I'm not saying I won't buy it, but a prebuy seems unlikely at this point.

About 80% certain of buying hardcover (uncertainty due to budgetary needs, not dis-satisfaction with product.)

100% certain of not buying softcover beta.

100% certain of downloading and printing beta.

Grand Lodge

I will begetting my Beta at GenCon this year and with hope getting my "gold" version at Gen Con next year. I'm hoping to get them signed!

My game shelf is pretty full; my intention is to just get the initial 4th ed releases so I can see what the new system actually looks like, then retire from buying any more game books. Pathfinder would have to offer a lot of great new stuff for me to add it to my 'final buys' list.

Due to money problems, I'm only planning to get the final version.

Unfortunately, I'm greatly attached to my personal upgrade version of 3.5, but PFRPG is putting forth a lot of good ideas I'm incorporating into my own version. I'm not sure I'll actually end up using PFRPG, but I suspect if I have the cash, I'll be buying the associated modules and such.

I also intend to tell everyone I know about PFRPG and try and talk them into getting it, so I'll have some folks to play with.

Definetly. Both the Beta and the Final stuff.

I can afford it - I don't intend to ever spend money on wizards (or Hasbro) material, so there's a big bunch of money in my RPG fund waiting to be spent.

I'll be getting the hardbound edition, I likewise forsee my group also getting it (4 others).

I'm not planning to buy the final at this time. Which doesn't mean I'm planning NOT to buy, either; it'll depend on how the product evolves.

I'm not really sure what its niche would be for me, honestly. I foresee 4e as filling my need for a substantial overhaul, and if I were planning to play a 3.5-like system again, I have a deep yearning to run a Dark Sun game using Iron Heroes. Pathfinder RPG has a weird mandate in wanting to stay close enough to 3.5 to maintain transparency, while needing (for my group, at least) to offer something distinct enough to encourage me not to just stick with 3.5 for future games.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Add in 6 for my group.
With some pre-ordered, for both the beta and the hardcover

Total now at 97?

Scarab Sages

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Preordered the beta and the hardcover. Unless they do something that completely disgusts me, I'll be getting those no matter what.

Liberty's Edge

I've pre-ordered both the Beta print and the Final version also

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I preordered the Beta (2) and the Hardcover. I may just buy the Beta for the group - which means purchasing about 4 more and then I will see what is going on with the group. I may just buy them all an early Christmas Present. I believe I am in for the long run. I worked reworked an 11th level Rogue yesterday and liked how it turned out.

The Beta and Final are not considered part of any subscription?

Put me down for one of each..

Liberty's Edge

I've pre-ordered one Beta print and one Final print.

In late 2009 I will probably order four more Hardcover.

Scarab Sages

i'll be buying at least one of each. i may double or triple up on the beta since it'll be out at christmas and all.

Scarab Sages

I think thats 109 so far, give or take

theCimmerian wrote:

I am well aware that when someone starts a discussion with, "I am not trying to be a ____, but" it usually means they are, in fact, a ____. I hope to be an exception.

I don't mean to be a spoilsport, but how many people on these forums, or who are among the 15,000 downloads of Pathfinder Alpha 2 so far, plan on buying the release product?

I am generally pleased with everything I've seen, and I can't think of a single change I dislike. However, it's one thing to see Pathfinder (or, for that matter, Dungeons and Dragons 4) as an improvement over what is currently available and another to consider it such a notable improvement as to be worth a purchase.

For the sake of the gaming industry in general, and the obvious hard work of the people at Paizo in particular, I hope my discussion is met with dozens or hundreds of pledges to purchase the finished product. I just want to be honest - I like it and I like it more than DnD 3/3.5/what I've seen of 4, but I don't like it enough to buy.

I'll be picking up the Beta at Gencon, where I'm signed up for all four Pathfinder Society games. Though I'm leaning 4E, I'm going to be darn sure to play both before I make a final decision as to which game I'll use for my home campaigns.

I'll definately be buying the final version.

I will buy the beta if my players demand an immediate version to use at the gaming table.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

I'll be buying the hardcover at Gencon 2009 - not sure about the beta this year.

Dark Archive

Planning on getting the beta and the finished product.

Grand Lodge


I know for sure I'm not bothering with 4E. I have way too much invested in 3.5

I know I like a lot of what I see in Pathfinder. Even if I use it to pick and choose a few house rules rather than using the whole thing, I think the guys at Paizo deserve to be able to keep their jobs at the end of this long, grueling process. So they will be getting my $$ one way or the other.

No matter who says what about CODzilla.

Clerics of Battle unite...


I'll be getting the beta and the finished book thats for sure.

Dark Archive

Moon-Hawk wrote:

It's flat-out too early to say. When the "complete" beta rules are out, I'll give them a serious long look, and some playtesting. I'll also have 4e in my hands by then, so I'll really know what I'm comparing. Beta is close enough to the final product that I can compare product to product and decide. Right now I'm comparing speculation to speculation, and it's all far too changeable for me to make any decisions.

As it looks right now, this very instant, I would say "probably will not buy Pathfinder RPG", but that's based on what the alpha rules are, not what the final rules will be.


Actually, it's not so much a 3.x versus 4E issue as where my 3.x goes. If I, and more importantly, my players, find PRPG viable once we see the beta, then I'll pony up for the HC. If not, well, we all have the 3.x Core books as it is. (Don't know yet what we'll do if a newbie sans PH comes in....)

I'll at least continue to support Paizo through the rest of Pathfinder (i.e., APs, world books, etc.)

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

I will definetly be buying both and will likely buy copies of the final version for my players for various birthday or Christmas gifts (if the seem pleased with the final book).

I'll definitely be picking up the hardcover.

Liberty's Edge

Count me in.

And why not? This is a RPG that ultimately, we are helping to build even before print!

Dark Archive

I will be buying both the Beta Softcover an the final Hardcover.

I plan on picking up both. I'd like to support my local gaming store, is it possible for the stores to preorder them?

Not sure at this time. I'm kind of turned off by the Alpha rules, so I'll just have to wait and see if things change. I'm doing the same with D&D 4e. If I have to, I'll either stick with 3.5 with my house rules or I'll just play something else.


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