Romaq |

... How do i get a grid on it ???
I used http://paizo.com/products/btpy8s9x/discuss?GameMastery-FlipMat-Town-Square for my battle mat. I'd suggest looking at the example photos. 1" grid on Sandpoint would make for a HUUUUUUUUGE map! If I'm expecting details in other places, I'll scare up a nice detailed map of that particular area from the community works here. But for the most part, we are going with the entire town map I already have on poster-board and doing without a grid. The board does have a scale on it, so if we want to measure feet, we just use a bit of paper or a ruler to determine how many feet away any two points are on the Sandpoint map.
If you *SERIOUSLY* need a grid on that image, I've used GIMP to great effect, but what I have had to do first is make sure I have the correct DPI setting on the image. If you expect to print the image so it is 150 DPI, and each inch = 5 feet, GIMP will cheerfully let you lay a grid on top of the image. "Flatten" the image, print, and it's all good.

Chubby1968 |

So here is my take on:
Sins of the Saviors - The Halls of Wrath
Looks very nice. Thank you!

Philly |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
OK i have the pinnacle of avarice done. I screwed up one room but by the time i noticed it was to late. Still its a minor issue.
Its 92x92 if you are using roll20. These images are being sized down by imgur, each should be 3220x3220 for roll20 though if u scale them up it should be fine. Just a slight loss in quality.
If there is somewhere else i can host them let me.

villadelfia |
OK i have the pinnacle of avarice done. I screwed up one room but by the time i noticed it was to late. Still its a minor issue.
Its 92x92 if you are using roll20. These images are being sized down by imgur, each should be 3220x3220 for roll20 though if u scale them up it should be fine. Just a slight loss in quality.
If there is somewhere else i can host them let me.
The most immediate solution is to divide it in 6 parts, or to make sure that you upload each image as a jpeg that is no bigger than 5MB.

Yossarian |
8 people marked this as a favorite. |

Apologies, it looks like my host went down without me noticing it. Here's the links to the Runelords resources I created.
Sandpoint guide:
Detailed may of South West Varisia (many invented locations):
A short guide to the monastery of Alba Lilia that I added not far from Sandpoint:

Zebbie |

OK i have the pinnacle of avarice done. I screwed up one room but by the time i noticed it was to late. Still its a minor issue.
Its 92x92 if you are using roll20. These images are being sized down by imgur, each should be 3220x3220 for roll20 though if u scale them up it should be fine. Just a slight loss in quality.
If there is somewhere else i can host them let me.
Do you by any chance have the full sized map of this you can share? Not sure if it had been posted elsewhere. But I would be very grateful for it.
I am gearing up for Xin-Shalast and the community content has been tougher to find. Amazing work. Thanks, and thanks for everyone who has added to this amazing body of work.

Philly |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Philly wrote:OK i have the pinnacle of avarice done. I screwed up one room but by the time i noticed it was to late. Still its a minor issue.
Its 92x92 if you are using roll20. These images are being sized down by imgur, each should be 3220x3220 for roll20 though if u scale them up it should be fine. Just a slight loss in quality.
If there is somewhere else i can host them let me.
Do you by any chance have the full sized map of this you can share? Not sure if it had been posted elsewhere. But I would be very grateful for it.
I am gearing up for Xin-Shalast and the community content has been tougher to find. Amazing work. Thanks, and thanks for everyone who has added to this amazing body of work.
Sure thing. This is a full res version broken into 6 parts instead of 4. So imgur did not resize it. The actual full png i have of it is like 200 megs so i wont be sharing that one but these will work well.
So for roll 20 for this map. set you map to be 92 by 92. And go to the map view and upload each one and position accordingly. They are sized to fit for roll20 so you dont need to scale them.

Zebbie |

Sure thing. This is a full res version broken into 6 parts instead of 4. So imgur did not resize it. The actual full png i have of it is like 200 megs so i wont be sharing that one but these will work well.So for roll 20 for this map. set you map to be 92 by 92. And go to the map view and upload each one and position accordingly. They are sized to fit for roll20 so you dont need to scale them.
Excellent! Thank you! Do you have one without the splits as well?

Romaq |

Apologies, it looks like my host went down without me noticing it. Here's the links to the Runelords resources I created.
Thank you SO MUCH for your wonderful document! I've been wearing my copy out, and I look forward to reprinting with the expanded info you have that would have been fantastic at the start of our campaign, I will have to catch up and make use of your additions.
A few suggestions for v 1.3:
Page #14 “Fatman's Feedback” and not “Feedbag”
Page #5 "Jubrayl Vhiski. Is attemting to gain enough evidenced to arrest..."
Addition of Hemlock for proper grammar of sentence, spelling correction to “attempting” and “evidence” - “Jubrayl Vhiski. Hemlock is attempting to gain enough evidence to arrest...”
Addition of Jaren Basvear, referred to as a corporal in the Sandpoint Militia, leader of the group of guards Hemlock sent to explore the Scribbler's lair in Part One of Chapter Five. It would be very good to have him be introduced early in the story for the PC's to come to know and love, just to find him dead in Chapter 5 part 1. If Basvear is in the expanded info, my apologies... I will have to catch up.
Also... I think your website directory had a zip file of all the portraits used. A .PDF in "card format" *without* the Paizo copyright cards would be very skippy to include. It's possible I may have used an image extractor to simply pull out the images you used, but during my campaign it has been very nice to pull up "You see THIS person... what was that name again? Yeah! Gaia" to show the players rather than waving around my guide and having to keep my hand over the stats below the image. A ready-to-print as cards section (without Paizo copyrighted cards included) would be a wonderful section to add to your book.
The date on the Version 1.2 is still September 2013, but I fetched my 1.1 update last fall. Did the date need updating?
A final suggestion would be a tinyURL of some sort to a "landing page" in your Dropbox. The "landing page" would tell me what version is current and what changes were made, as well as where to offer suggestions, praises or heck... where can I throw money at you for doing all this work for me so I don't have to? Actually, I'm not sure you can accept money for this specific work because of the copyright Paizo images as well as the DevientArt images where people who made those might insist on a cut or having the images removed. With the "landing page" in a tinyURL within the document, it makes getting updates a snap!
Thank you very very much for all this work. I lean heavily upon it for my RotRL campaign.

Yossarian |

Thank you for the feedback Romaq. I'll incorporate the changes in the next few days.
I haven't extended Sandpoint any more.
What i've been working on is a crazy-long supplement that details all the villages and points of interest on the SW Varisia map I made. Something that few will use, but I like having that area explorable for my PCs. I'm half way through but it's immense. I don't want to release it til its in as good a shape as my sandpoint guide, so it will be a while. The Alba Lilia document gives an idea of it.
The other changes I've made to the campaign are very custom based on my particular players backgrounds to provide additional motivation and the opportunity for heroic status amongst the various inhabitants of Varisia. They involve adding story sections across books 3-6. So not really worth sharing here. However if they fit anyone's PCs I'm happy to provide an outline. They work for a shoanti character, a draconic elf sorcerer, and a cleric of milani (or similar good god).
The basic idea is to stage an epic battle whilst the players assault Karzoug, with the players responsible for convincing various races to support their cause. Think the Battle of Five Armies at the end of The Hobbit. Two of the main additions, made for my shoanti and elven sorcerer PCs:
- The Azghat of Shoanti legends are in fact the Runelords. Because of this the Shoanti misguidedly support the rise of the runelords. My Shoanti player has to discover the truth of Shoanti history and unite the clans against Karzoug. A Shoanti legend talks of a Runeforged Axe... this bearer of this weapon might be able to unite the clans. Karzoug is allied with Orcs from the Hold of Belkzen... the clans need to unite before the invasion starts.
- I added an ancient battle that helped defeat Karzoug, known to elves and dragon historians. Karzoug had enslaved most of the evil dragons for his army. Xin Shalast is unreachable by normal armies, but the good dragons found a way to fly there. To beat Karzougs dragon army they allied with the elves of Mierani, whose most powerful wizards rode on the backs of the gold dragons. The elves and dragons of Varisia at the time of the campaign have lost trust with each other. However one of my PCs is a draconic bloodline elven sorceress... ideally suited to unifying the dragons and elves so they might fly again to fight Karzoug's army in the 'final battle', since he has again enslaved many evil dragons to fight his cause.

Romaq |

Thank you for the feedback Romaq. I'll incorporate the changes in the next few days.
That sounds really epic! As of the moment, our group is at Thistletop, and a small squad of Derexhi (Events of Blood of the City are recent past in this campaign) are providing a "distraction" to the main force while our group "chops off the head". It sounds like I can incorporate your changes.
I don't find mention of the Rushlight Society in your material, but I have already incorporated mention of them in my campaign. Your material can't be the end-all, be-all of Sandpoint and Varisia, but your material does create a huge pile of threads to draw upon so my group is aware "Stuff is Happening" as they go on about their business, and then I can drop those hints of Greater Happenings around them. :)

Foozil |
Updating the map index and adding nine brand new maps I made, Stairway of Xin, Frozen Cathedral, Runeforge, Ravenous Crypts, The Vault of Greed, Iron Cages of Lust, Shimmering Veils of Pride, Festering Maze of Sloth, and Halls of Wrath. Enjoy! Template found HERE
Stones over Sandpoint
Sandpoint North Gate by Digital Mystic
Sandpoint East Bridge by Digital Mystic
Sandpoint Garrison and Town Hall by Digital Mystic
Sandpoint Scarnetti Manor by Digital Mystic
Mill Pond - 32x30 by threelite
Two Knights Brewery - Beer or Death - 25x25 by threelite...
I was wondering whether anyone had these maps with 1" grids overlaid on them? Or, can you tell me how I could go about putting grids on them. I want to use these great maps when my group defends Sandpoint at the beginning of Fortress of the Stone Giants in the next couple of weeks.

Romaq |

I was wondering whether anyone had these maps with 1" grids overlaid on them? Or, can you tell me how I could go about putting grids on them. ...
I found some great maps I really wanted to use, but when I attempted to lay my own grid on them, I found the map wasn't created "just so", and there was no way I could really create a grid. So I got to the "nevermind" stage, and decided to display the map on a monitor "as is", but zoomed in so the players can ONLY see the area they are in without revealing anything ELSE to them, and this has worked out well.
As much of the map consists of non-combat areas (or areas where the group may not even explore) I don't have to fuss over gridding it at all. They see what they need to.
When we get to areas of combat, I actually have them make a simple grid representation of the room while I get my own figures ready, and we use the simple grid representation for combat while using the monitor to remind us of what SPECIFIC hazards (broken glass, rubble, furniture) is on the floor as relevant. This allows me to use the really very nice maps that don't quite "grid" properly, and not having the grid anyway helps maintain the look of the map without grid-line interference.
Your situation may be entirely different, such as using Roll20 or having to print the maps out. But I hope this gives you an approach you can work with.

Askren |
I'm currently working on my maps for The Skinsaw Murders, I'm actually making a larger layout for Habe's. I'll post it when I'm done, which should be end of this week, along with a version that maps the original version for people to use.
However, I've been doing some work on my Misgivings map (While I love EducatedGamer's maps, and likely won't be able to finish mine in time to replace his, I'm gonna have some fun making them anyway).
What I am interested in is people's take on Misgivings architecture and materials. Basically, when I'm sitting down to make the textures for the floors and stuff, I want to know if I'm capturing the right feeling. For some reason the normal "worn moldy wood floor" just doesn't feel right.
So I guess my question is: When you picture walking through the halls and rooms of Misgivings Manor, what do you see under your feet? Wood? Tile? Plaster?

Digital Mystic |

I have typed this up three times and lost my work each time due to a misclick so I will sum this up quickly.
Some marble is quite possible. Woodwork would be of high quality... carvings, inlays, complex interlocking woodwork. Wainscotting. Ornate Moldings. all of it aged so expect peeling varnish, water warped woodwork in places. Moss, Mould, and Lichens growing in corners and certain spots. Marble might be cracked and stained.
Remember the town of Magnimar is only 16 years older than the Misgivings. Vorel was born and raised in Magnimar the city of Monuments, however at a time when it was not quite what it is now. Remember that this was a bit more of a frontier city at the time.
Also remember that Vorel was both wealthy, and powerful. He was likely educated somewhere else, and probably traveled quite a bit during his life to become as powerful a spellcaster as he was.
So with all this in mind, when you imagine the Misgivings perhaps think Plantations only perhaps with a more gothic spin.

threelite |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Zebbie |

Here's my take on the Eye of Avarice
For the pinnacle I got lazy and just removed the markings on the PDF map, hope that's okay to post here
And why not, here's an unfinished Heptaric Locus. It would take too long to finish for how little time is actually spent in here in-game.
Amazing work yet again! They look great and will be a huge help.

Romaq |

Thank you for the feedback Romaq. I'll incorporate the changes in the next few days.
I haven't extended Sandpoint any more.
Oh! While doing my double-sided printing, I discovered pages 41-44 are missing from the .PDF! Was it a section that needed to be kept private, or the pages just need to be renumbered?

Yossarian |

Yossarian wrote:Oh! While doing my double-sided printing, I discovered pages 41-44 are missing from the .PDF! Was it a section that needed to be kept private, or the pages just need to be renumbered?Thank you for the feedback Romaq. I'll incorporate the changes in the next few days.
I haven't extended Sandpoint any more.
Odd! Those pages are all about the Pixie's Kitten. Is that content not in your copy?

Philly |
Here's my take on the Eye of Avarice
For the pinnacle I got lazy and just removed the markings on the PDF map, hope that's okay to post here
And why not, here's an unfinished Heptaric Locus. It would take too long to finish for how little time is actually spent in here in-game.
Hey i did make the Pinnacle map if u want that instead.

barry lyndon |
5 people marked this as a favorite. |
Shadow Clock
I wanted the Shadow Clock in Magnimar to have the impression of increasing height/danger and also be circular like the art in the book. So I made multiple levels of simulated height and employed them in Roll 20 as a table which I put on the background layer.
(The technique for using tables as background is the same for randomising tokens
By right clicking and selecting the next level as the PCs progressed I avoided having to move them to another map.
(I made a couple of adjustments especially in the last 2 levels. I wanted the PC to fight on a treacherous roof which is why I left it mostly intact.)
Here's an animated gif to show the effect.
The files are here:

barry lyndon |
That is awesome barry. I was unaware that it was possible to use a table like that in Roll20, and even if I had been, I'd have never thought to use one to adjust the background layer of the map like you've done there.
It's pretty cool. You can also populate villages in a similar way with buildings as tokens/tables. The player sees rooftops and if they go into a building, you just switch the level. I feel its more atmospheric than just using Fog of war, although that definitely has its place.
And using tables for instantly bringing 30 randomised orcs/townsfolk into the picture is trivial. Also good for faceless stalkers and werewolves switching between forms.

Digital Mystic |

Yossirian I dont know if pages 41 - 44 are missing or not. The page numbers certainly jump from 40 - 45, but the info about the Pixies Kitten is there.
Would it be possible for you to easily upload just the image files you used for the NPCs by any chance? Would save me some time. If it is any bother, however, then do not worry about it.

Digital Mystic |

Ok I found out that I actually already had downloaded the Image files from Yossarian's awesome NPC guide. I also took the time to make edited copies of them all resized to 200x200 saved as PNG files with the backgrounds cut out, for better use as pawns on a VTT. Here is the link.
Looks like I will be starting a new campaign from the beginning soon, so I if I have time, I would like to try to do maps for some of the buildings in Sandpoint that have never been done. Perhaps Turandarok Academy or the book store, or the Armory. Oh and definitely the Cathedral. Hopefully I can make time for all of this. Be seeing you guys around!

Frozen Treats |

I just want to thank all of you for all the tremendous work and time and effort you've put into all this. I'm 2.5 years into DM'ing my group through ROTRL, and they're about halfway through Chapter 5 ... but we're splitting up geographically due to job moves, etc. I'm just now wading into the learning curve of roll20.net, and was pretty daunted at the sheer volume of work in front of me.
Several hours into downloading maps & handouts to import, I now have hope. Tomorrow ... figuring out how to scale the grids to match!
Thanks all.

Riding Bull |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

For many of the maps that have been made for roll20 use (mine and DM's for example), the easiest way to align them to grid is by moving the map to map-layer, then right click it > "advanced" > "set dimensions" and give it the exact pixel size the image is on your pc. After figuring this out I haven't touched the "Align to Grid" -tool as I've only used (or made) maps for specially roll20.net use.

Frozen Treats |

For many of the maps that have been made for roll20 use (mine and DM's for example), the easiest way to align them to grid is by moving the map to map-layer, then right click it > "advanced" > "set dimensions" and give it the exact pixel size the image is on your pc. After figuring this out I haven't touched the "Align to Grid" -tool as I've only used (or made) maps for specially roll20.net use.
Thanks!! I'll put this into practice asap. :)
I'm still wading through a couple years of posts from you, DM & others, picking up tricks on how to create a fun experience for the players in roll20. So much good info!

Hythlodeus |

I will start running RotRL next month and since I'm used to make my own battlemaps, I produced two maps for the Goblin encounters in Sandpoint at the beginning of Burnt Offerings. I thought, since other GMs might want to use them too, this is the best place to share them. Feel free to use them whenever you like.

Hythlodeus |

Sorry, Grimbold, I just checked, it seems as when I made these maps (which was at around 2 am) I was too tired to think straight and I did not save a version with the layers still active (which I normally do) to remove the grid layer.
BUT, I might reproduce them from scratch, probably this weekend, and will then make gridless versions of those maps too

![]() |

the Lorax |

Thanks Misroi, that one looks useful, but it wasn't the one I had in mind.
I was thinking of one where the Sandpoint map was lighter, and there were big red stars on the map where the attacks occur with writing inside indicating the name of the encounter and what round it occurs.

Romaq |

Yossirian I dont know if pages 41 - 44 are missing or not. The page numbers certainly jump from 40 - 45, but the info about the Pixies Kitten is there.
I also commented to Yossarian about this, but he hasn't gotten back yet. It appears as if this is just a page number issue. It doesn't look like any actual content is missing.

Hythlodeus |

Sorry, Grimbold, I just checked, it seems as when I made these maps (which was at around 2 am) I was too tired to think straight and I did not save a version with the layers still active (which I normally do) to remove the grid layer.
BUT, I might reproduce them from scratch, probably this weekend, and will then make gridless versions of those maps too
And that never happend. Because I somehow forgot. Sorry for that.
Meanwhile, my group started Burnt Offerings successfully and had a fun time at the Swallowtail festival and a juiced up Goblin raid. So I started thinking about ways to introduce Shalelu a little more organically than just showing up in Sandpoint.
At the moment, I'm thinking about an encounter with Goblins at Junkyard Beach with a heavily wounded elven ranger involved so I cobbled a battlemap together in case that encounter will happen next time we play.
Again, I totally forgot to make a gridless version of that map too, but I promise future maps will be made where a grid is not present.

Willo_77 |
Only found this thread recently and this stuff has been an absolute gold mine for the RoTRL campaign Im currently running. Just wanted to say a massive thanks to everyone who has contributed to this thread. Cheers.
Also is there a grid version of the misgivings tiles that Tintagel created?
Thanks again.

![]() |

JohnHawkins wrote:Ckorik wrote:Does anyone have a copy of the Sandpoint guide, it seems that all the links I found did not work anymore?In addition to the npc card sheet for the players ... a guide to turtleback ferry based on the one done for sandpoint...
Is there a reason pages 41 - 44 are missing from the Sandpoint guide? Thanks