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I am getting ready to start Fortress of the Stone Giants with my group and I'm trying to put together maps for use with the raid on Sandpoint at the beginning of the adventure. I've seen great maps by Digital Mystic (listed on the Community Created Stuff form), but they don't have grids on them, which I'd like if I'm going to print them out for use at our table. So, I was wondering what other GMs used for these maps. Did you use any of the Gamemastery flip-mats? If so, which ones? I've seen that a lot of people used the Town Square flip mat, but which other ones did you find useful for this encounter? What other maps have you found/used?

Thanks in advance for your advice!

Digital Mystic wrote:

Updating the map index and adding nine brand new maps I made, Stairway of Xin, Frozen Cathedral, Runeforge, Ravenous Crypts, The Vault of Greed, Iron Cages of Lust, Shimmering Veils of Pride, Festering Maze of Sloth, and Halls of Wrath. Enjoy! Template found HERE



Stones over Sandpoint

Sandpoint North Gate by Digital Mystic
Sandpoint East Bridge by Digital Mystic
Sandpoint Garrison and Town Hall by Digital Mystic
Sandpoint Scarnetti Manor by Digital Mystic
Mill Pond - 32x30 by threelite
Two Knights Brewery - Beer or Death - 25x25 by threelite


I was wondering whether anyone had these maps with 1" grids overlaid on them? Or, can you tell me how I could go about putting grids on them. I want to use these great maps when my group defends Sandpoint at the beginning of Fortress of the Stone Giants in the next couple of weeks.


Wiggz wrote:
wspatterson wrote:
This sounds like a pretty entertaining AP, but I seem to recall some complaints about the railroad. This left me thinking, "Aren't they all basically a railroad?"

I don't even like the term 'railroad' unless its being used to describe a GM poorly handling the storyline as a whole.

Sure, Luke Skywalker could have settled down, become a farmer and not gotten involved... sure Frodo could have decided to hand off the wring and leave the big tasks of the world to big people... Sure Indiana Jones could have made a nice life as the most popular professor of archeology at Marshall College...

...but where would the fun be in any of that? If a player doesn't want to play the game, doesn't want to explore and enjoy the story, then you're probably with the wrong players.

I would have to say I agree with Wiggz. The term "railroad" puts a great deal of the burden of roleplaying on the GM. It makes it sound like the GM is forcing players down a path. The way I see it, playing D&D is a group story-telling activity. The players also have some responsibility to figure out why their characters might go on an adventure. The GM offers avenues and the players need to take up the storyline and figure out how to continue it, why their characters might pursue it. Sure, when the find the map the could say, "Not interested. We sell it." That would be fine, but it would also be like reading one of those "choose your own adventure" books I read as a kid, where if after the first page you chose option "C," "turn around and go home" and were directed to a page that ended the story. The GM has the job of offering possibilities, but the players need to be inventive in coming up with ways to figure out why their characters might want to follow the leads. Sure, you should roleplay it, and some PCs might object to the map for various reasons, but at some point the players should be open to advancing the storyline themselves, in concert with what the GM offers them. It's true that the GM needs to respond to player input (offer additional reasons for why the characters might be intrigued by the map), so that there might be many reasons to follow a lead, at least one of which should appeal to a character. At that point, part of the responsibility falls to the player to figure out some reason why his character might be motivated to follow the "map," even if only to complain about why his friends are all so gung-ho on following it. I don't see this as railroading, but as a group of players with a GM telling a story within a framework - the AP has a story arc, but the players and GM together get to figure out how it unfolds together.

So, I wanted to ask how other GMs handled the discovery of the Mantis Blade. Even if you haven't run the adventure, but have read it, or have any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate hearing them.

Here's my situation:

I have a party of all good characters, two of whom are chaotic good. They all knew that the Red Mantis faction was going to Saventh-Yhi to find some important religious item, and for that reason they had not been deeply troubled by them. My players figured the Mantis were only there for one reason and didn't really reflect much of a threat. Even though the Mantis faction proved to be the greatest threat during the "race to the ruins" (I played up the "race" part of this and the Mantis were the fastest and came closest to beating the PCs to the city), they never really worried about having to compete with them for discovery. They were not pleased by the Mantis being there, but they were far more concerned by the Aspis, who were making more regular efforts to sabotage and undermine their Pathfinder faction.

So, as they were exploring the city, my players mostly avoided any confrontation with the Mantis - I played them as being more of a secretive, sneaky, surgical-strike operation that wasn't as actively trying to loot the city or interfere with the other factions, the way the Aspis were. Anyway, as a result my players figured that if they came across this "religious item" that the Mantis wanted, they'd give it to them in order to maintain the peace, figuring that once they had the item the Mantis would just leave Saventh-Yhi.

Their plans changed, however, when they found the Mantis Blade and realized what it was. They are all horrified by the arrogance of the item, the fact that it is a lawful-evil weapon for "slaying all" things. I may have really aroused their fears by playing up the Mantis Blade's personality. I figured that an artifact like this might enjoy slaying things, but that it was probably tired of killing off measly boggards, vegepygmies, and the occasional human savage. I thought it might be tired of having been stuck in this backwater and so I played it as really desiring to get out into the larger world where it could be used to slay more significant figures and thus play a role in bringing major change to entire kingdoms. I played up this attitude and megalomaniac desire when it interacted with them and they didn't like it. Now, they really don't know what to do with this evil artifact and want to destroy it (not easy for a group of good characters, based on the rules for how to destroy it, although they don't know this yet). They steadfastly don't want to allow this item to fall into the hands of a group of assassins who will happily use it to go slay people. They are also worried that if the Mantis ever realizes that they have it that they'll be under constant assault by them (true) and they worry that it's telepathic ability will allow it to draw people who want to use it to kill. Essentially, they see this as the equivalent of being Sauron's "One Ring" (an artifact that will give great powers to evil beings and which is actively seeking to fall into the hands of such an evil being) and they see it as their mission to do whatever is necessary to destroy it. I've searched the forums and seen that other parties chose to negotiate to sell the item, but that is not going to work for my players and their good characters.

My dilemma is that this seems to have the potential to derail the entire adventure. As far as they're concerned, dealing with this artifact is the job of great (good) heroes and they can't ignore this burden. As a result, they're less inclined to continue exploring Saventh-Yhi (they have not yet encountered Sozothala, which might give them yet another great evil to deal with). So, what advice do you have for how to deal with this and keep my players interested in Saventh-Yhi and its underground caverns? Any advice on how I might combine the tasks of the remaining adventures in the AP with the goal of trying to destroy this evil artifact? At this point I've told them that they're going to need to do some research about the artifact before they can proceed. This has bought me some time to figure out how I should run things from here, by getting them to continue to explore the city, but with their researches more directed toward learning more about the Blade than about the secrets of the city itself.

I know this is perhaps a long post, but any advice would be great. I know that working the blade into the storyline would have great potential to make this a really memorable AP from here on out, but I figured that the collective efforts of the boards might have more ideas than I can come up with on my own.

I look forward to your ideas!

Greetings all!

I'm currently running Races to Ruin and I wanted to try to add a Mzali faction to the mix. My players cobbled together a joint expedition between the Pathfinders and Sargavan government - they had split loyalties within the party and decided to try a compromise. The joint expedition will allow me to create some turmoil within their own faction so they'll need to work to maintain the alliance.

Anyway, I was thinking about adding another faction to fill the void (for later adventures) and I thought it would be interesting to create a Mzali faction. I read a previous thread on Creating a Mwangi Faction, which had good ideas for creating factions of the Free People of the Mwangi and others and a couple of people suggested that they were making a Mzali faction, but they didn't offer details. So, I wanted to ask here whether anyone had created a Mzali faction and/or whether anyone had advice on what it might be like. One poster suggested that they'd have undead troops.

I figured that the Mzali would enter the fray sometime after the party leaves Kalabuto - first encountering the PCs randomly and then growing more interested in the racing expeditions and deciding to follow to pursue their own ends. So, any advice about what their "ends" might be? What are they possibly interested in? In general, I figured that they would be seeking to thwart the efforts of anyone trying to enter the jungles, fearing that the intruders were allied with Kalabuto and the Sargavan government and meant to expand their control into Mzali territory.

Also, can you point me to the best resources to learn about Mzali? I have Heart of the Jungle. Are there other resources that give information about Mzali?

Any advice you can offer about Mzali and the creation of a faction would be great!

Full Name



Human (Iowan)


Commoner 2/Expert 1







Special Abilities

calm emotions (su): as the spell, once per day for every two caster levels


Neutral Good


Cedar Rapids, IA


English (native), Spanish (dabble)

Strength 11
Dexterity 10
Constitution 13
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 15
Charisma 9