Wizard Duels on film


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Liberty's Edge

There is a witch-duel in The Craft, in a Buffy-esque fashion.


I think the best duel theory is in the Raymond E Feist novels by Nakor (paraphased cause I'm at work) "Battle magic is Difficult: a Magician has a trick, then the opponent's magician counters it, the first magician counters the counter... so on and so forth until someone with a big sword cuts them both down, since they look like they're just standing in the middle of the battlefield."

Tensor wrote:

On the theme of 'best of' lists, I am trying to make a list of movies, animations, tv shows, and cartoons that show Wizard vs. Wizard battles. The more magic the better, and with scenes of any length.

Does anyone have a good suggestion?

On the anime side of things, theres:

1. Lyrical Nanoha- Magical girl series; the Magic, in this case, takes a magic-as-technology approach to things.
Here's an example.

2. JoJo's Bizarre Adventures- has an anime, manga, and several game adaptations made of it. The powers are more in line with psionics/ki than magic per say but they do have a tarot-based flavor to them.
In some european language, no less- no idea which language though

3. Scrapped Princess has something in the first episode that looks like a duel of magic. Of course, some sci-fi elements start crawling into their later episodes, but that shouldn't be much of an issue.
Here is the scene in question, dubbed in english for your convienience.

Gumball wrote:

The movie "Dark City" seemed to end with a Wizard Duel.

Although, the overall tone was one of science fiction mentalism: " a nightmarish world with no sun and run by beings with telekinetic powers who seek the souls of humans "

It's actually very gnostic in a lot of ways. There is a reason a lot of mage: the ascention players identify with it as a film.

Sharoth wrote:
Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
Well, since you mentioned animations, Full Metal Alchemist.
I 100% agree. That series SCREAMS Wizard duels!

I just started watching Full Metal Alchemist.

Wow, this story is fantastic !!!

Kinda >trippy<

Tensor wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Robert Hawkshaw wrote:
Well, since you mentioned animations, Full Metal Alchemist.
I 100% agree. That series SCREAMS Wizard duels!

I just started watching Full Metal Alchemist.

Wow, this story is fantastic !!!

One of my absolute favorites of all time.

I still need to see the FMA movies.

Found >two wizards battling< that I don't remember seeing before (starts @ 1:00).

I can't belive no one mentioned 'The Raven' with Vincent Price dueling it out with Boris Karloff. Link

I almost forgot the best wizard duel ever from the movie 'Wizards'.

Xabulba wrote:
I can't belive no one mentioned 'The Raven' with Vincent Price dueling it out with Boris Karloff. Link

That was mentioned on p. 1, along with all the others prefaced by the words "I can't believe no one mentioned...!" Two Towers and Conan the Destroyer have been "newly cited" like 4 times each, always with the assumption that no one else had mentioned them.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
Xabulba wrote:
I can't belive no one mentioned 'The Raven' with Vincent Price dueling it out with Boris Karloff. Link
That was mentioned on p. 1, along with all the others prefaced by the words "I can't believe no one mentioned...!" Two Towers and Conan the Destroyer have been "newly cited" like 4 times each, always with the assumption that no one else had mentioned them.

I scaned the text as best I could.

>This< is cool.

The Exchange

Well you have Sorcerer's Apprentice now. It is just one ongoing, and slightly boring wizards duel. You could also say that Push was nothing but low level wizards fighting it out.

I found one! I found one!

Read more: > ゴジラ-Wizard fighting duels eternally <

There were an episode or two of the series Farscape that featured wizard-like combat. I can't think of which ones off the top of my head.

Also, there was some discussion earlier about Venger from the DnD cartoon. According to my copy of the Animated Series Handbook (published 2007) Venger is Dungeon Master's son and former student. He is listed as being a Human Half-Fiend Sorcerer 13/Archmage 5, with a few unique abilities that replace some spell slots. I guess having only one horn reflects his half-fiendishness.

Liberty's Edge

Xabulba wrote:
I scaned the text as best I could.


In other words, I read the thread and have nothing to add. Except that the "duel" in the Fellowship of the Ring was kinda lame. I'll take the one-sided (magically, at least) duel between Willow and Glory any day.

I've seen some new ones.

Yoda and the Emperor's throwdown in Revenge of the Sith deserves a mention (unlike most anything else from that movie).

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Any of the duels from Bastard!

The Exchange

Are we allowed to mention TV shows? Because Raven had at least three outrageous duels in the Teen Titans - the hilarious one against Mumbo (which also devolved to fisticuffs at one point), a fairly triumphant one against... Raven (long story, she's teen-angsty)... come to think of it she had more solo fights than anybody else in that series, although usually against genies/demons/undead instead of wizards proper.

Kryzbyn wrote:
Any of the duels from Bastard!

One big +1

Dark Schnider for LIFE!!!!!!!!


They aren't really duels as such, more of opponents saying "Oh s&++! It's you!" then dying horribly.


Darth Schneider wrote:


They aren't really duels as such, more of opponents saying "Oh s+%*! It's you!" then dying horribly.


LOVED the manga. Will NEVER forgive Viz for mucking it up.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

I'm fairly certain this is the greatest wizard duel immortalized by celluloid.

But I could be wrong.



The Buffyverse: Magic

The version of this that had english subtitles is gone, but visually this could be seen as a wizard duel. Although I originally saw it in an Exalted thread where it was shown as an example of a high-level fight between a Dragon-Blooded and an Alchemical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N77tmqmMpA

EDIT: Pathfinder-wise it's probably closer to a dragon vs artificer duel.

The Exchange

Heeeeey, wait a minute! If those guys are allowed to nominate fights from Big Trouble in Little China, then that means that any kung-fu fight with supernatural elements is allowed. In which case, I have to nominate Tai Lung vs. Shifu in the third act of Kung Fu Panda. Man, that was brutal.

ShadowFighter88 wrote:
as an example of a high-level fight between a Dragon-Blooded and an Alchemical: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5N77tmqmMpA

You don't know how to linkify do you? Hahahahaa.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Grand Magus wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
as an example of a high-level fight between a Dragon-Blooded and an Alchemical: link

You don't know how to linkify do you? Hahahahaa.

Do you?

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
as an example of a high-level fight between a Dragon-Blooded and an Alchemical: link

You don't know how to linkify do you? Hahahahaa.

Do you?


Tiny Coffee Golem wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:
Grand Magus wrote:
ShadowFighter88 wrote:
as an example of a high-level fight between a Dragon-Blooded and an Alchemical: link

You don't know how to linkify do you? Hahahahaa.

Do you?

Good job. I'll make a note in your file.

Shadow Lodge


Check out >this< one.

Hmm. I don't think the guy getting fragged is spell-slinger however. Oh well, it is still cool.

does it have to be wizard on wizard or duels in general; in Dragon slayer; that wizard duels the dragon and it is pretty cool even today though it is a couple decades old.

Scarab Sages

It absolutely does not count as the best wizard-on-wizard duel, but there is a fair magic duel in the otherwise largely unwatchable In The Name of the King. The segment is found here running roughly from the 11-minute to the 13:30 mark.

Don't watch any of the rest of it. It's not worth it. Even as a bad movie, it's not a good movie.

Has anyone mentioned Merlin vs. Madam Mim from Disney's The Sword in the Stone?

Here's a little MMD-Tohou contribution. If it doesn't look professional grade, that's because it's made with freeware.

MMD cup 7 entry

More Tohou 3d duel action.

action starts 2 minutes in

The opening credits for a non ZUN Tohou game.
Includes the two characters from the 2nd link

Has anyone played > this < Wizard duel game yet??




Wizards going at it!

Shadow Lodge

Big Trouble in Little China

Wiz War waz great! Remember about 20 years ago and playing it... I believe that at one point several players ganged up on me and placed walls of stone on every side of me so my piece couldn't move for the rest of the game.

Best Cinematic piece of High level magic I reckon is Voldemort vs Dumbledore in tje Harry potter movie where they fight it out at the ministry of magic.

All the fights with Harry suck.

> Mage Wars <


I believe the animated dinosaur skeleton fight that was mentioned on the previous page was from a late-70's Dr. Strange movie, an early attempt by Marvel to bring the good mystic Dr to the big screen.

The recent cartoon of Dr Strange was also good, and I believe has been mentioned,

LOVE the Polymorph-off from Sword in the Stone,

There is an anime called 'Fairy Tail', (I can only find it on line and on NetFlix with subtitles) it is about a wizard's guild with a bad reputation. All of the jobs they do end up with more than acceptable collateral damage. :) All of the characters are 'wizards' although with Japanese/anime martial artist based spellcasting. But practically every episode is a wizards duel! And the characters are all very entertaining.

How about "The Sorcerer's Apprentice"? It's crap, but the special effects are rather pretty.

Someone may have already mentioned it, but Naruto is chock full of magic duels. Hmm, and there are a couple of Naruto movies out too.

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