Frank Steven Gimenez |

My adventuring group is having trouble coming up with a name for itself. So, I would like to see the names of the adventuring parties that you have been part of, or have heard of.
My group consists of:
Kyra Lanthenmire, human female fighter, leader of the group, younger sister of Cora.
Gwendolyn Weer, female elven rogue/sorcerer, golddigging wife of Vortimax.
Seodarin "Seo" Hillsborough, female halfling cleric of Pelor, child of the owners of the Tipped Tankard Tavern.
Brunhilda Spintershield, female dwarven Wizard, granddaughter of Davked, niece of Zenith.
They are all gestalted with Aristocrat as they are nobles.

Alasanii |

I believe I have been part of the FrostBane Five, we killed a lot of white dragons in 2nd Edition, Then there was the Arms of Vegenence or Justice. One of the two.
I saw name your party after what you have done, or your parties general outlook on life. I always find that a party can't have a name until everyone has something in common.

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For my group its no big deal. they usually wait until 2nd level to decide their name. Sometimes it is the people they helped who give the party the name,like after Life's Bazaar everybody in Cauldron started to call them The Liberators.(the party was ok with this by the way)Off "screen" Vhalantru called them "The Light-Blinded Dolts".

walter mcwilliams |

The Cauldron Chronicle (in game newspaper/out of game newsletter) coined the party the Heroes of Cauldron following Life's Bazzar. It just kind of stuck. It's nice when the party names themselves, but I think when the game world names the party it creates a greater sense of realism by developing a connection between the world behind the scenes and the party. I am thinking of having a competing newspaper, controlled by the last laugh / vahalantru begin slandering the party.

Urthblade |

The players in my group needed a name for themselves early on when I ran them through one of the Challenge of Champions adventures. They named themselves the Shield and in my campaign the city is only called Cauldron by the natives, but on the maps you'll find it under the name Surabar. Hence, they dubbed themselves "The Shield of Surabar."
If you need ideas for names, here's a list from that same adventure:
Four Horsemen
Fearless Four
Devil Dogs
Clan of the Claw
Or they could always base themselves on some items they recovered. For example "The Order of the (Black Lantern, Chalice, Stick, etc...)"

Greg A. Vaughan Frog God Games |
The Challenge of Champion adventures in Dungeon by Johnathan M. Richards (Starting issue 58 and continuing all the way up into 3rd Edition) always had a dozen or so party names that could serve as inspiration.
Seems like a remember some like the Knightmares, Bisquin's Army, Skragga's Minions, The Dragonmen, stuff like that.
Party naming is always one of the most difficult things for my group of imagination-handicapped players (okay, now I'm just being mean), but it seems like we always end up with names like Three Elves and a Gnome, and things along those lines.
On the other hand, the old 2nd Edition drow-led party of halflings, gnomes, and uldra called themselves Coal Black and the Short Guys, and I guess that was okay.
Anyway, I always like to see good party names people come up with. I thought some of Greenwood's old party names were the best: The Company of Crazed Venturers, Mane's Band, etc. Simple and classic.

Marc Chin |

You know what... My groups never gave themselves names. They're usually just a bunch of people who join forces to tackle a common evil.
They're not rock bands, they're adventurers! They don't have to have a name.
Although, I did have a group of players who took to naming themselves according to the overall 'personality' and tone of their party:
- Damage, Inc.

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You know what... My groups never gave themselves names. They're usually just a bunch of people who join forces to tackle a common evil.
They're not rock bands, they're adventurers! They don't have to have a name.
In games I run, adventurers are sort of like rock bands. Due to their wealth, power, and status outside the normal social structure, they are celebrities of a degree. There's even an adventure that plays off the idea of adventurers as celebrities - Wedding Bells in Dungeon 89 by Johnathan Tweet.

Clovis |

I started my group out arriving seperately (but at the same time) at one of the city gates just as it's about to close for the evening. The guards on duty mistake them for being part of an adventuring party and asks the party's name for entry in their logbook. It really put the players on the spot to come up with a name.

dodo |

When they met Skie and learned about the whole "name your party for a discount here" offer, they rolled their eyes. They couldn't agree on a name, so they left and it looked like they were going to forego the discount just because they thought naming the party was stupid.
Then they met the Stormblades in a bar fight at the Tipped Tankard. The cleric was all sorts of worried about innocent bystanders getting ganked if the fight turned lethal, so he shouted, "Free ale at the bar!!" which brought all the commoners in the place right to the bar.
They are now known as The Ale Slingers, and even buy a free round every now and again at the TT to keep up their reputation.

Rick |

In the SCAP, the party began calling themselves "The Real Heroes of Cauldron," but no one was satisfied with that moniker.
After defeating the black dragon in Zenith Tragectory (I apologize, I have forgotten his name), and giving the fighter some time to use his Craft feat, many in the group now have dragon bone daggers. They settled on the (better, in my opinion) name of Dragonfangs.
Other groups I have either DM'd or played for:
Companions of the Fallen Moon
The Answer ("You have a question, we're The Answer.")
The Wild Pack
Seekers of the Crimson Pale

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My group of 5 dubbed themselves "The Sanguine Hand".
However, they have been such masters of misdirection, disguise, and information planting that the Cagewrights have no idea who many of them actually are, and have dubbed them "the dopplers" who they think may be renegade changellings or dopplegangers running around. Quite neat, actually.
-DM Jeff

Frank Steven Gimenez |

My players selected "Sisters of the Dawn" for their name.
Here's a cool article Five tips for crafting party names for anyone else who ran into the problem I did.

Jeffrey Stop |

I also used the stormblades to 'unite' my party. they got pretty bummed when the stromblades got all the credit because no-one could remember the other group's name. now the call themselves slice&dice.
In another campaign they where the 'pro-bono adventure squad'.
I did as well. In fact, the campaign started with the PCs in the Tipped Tankard, trying to find work, only to have the Stormblades come in and make fun of the wannabe-adventurers. "What, you don't even have a name for your ragtag group? What a surprise!" (In a condescending tone) "Yes, I'd like to hire the...the...the no-name group for...you know what? I think I'll try someone else who's more qualified."
Annah proceeded to roll a nat 20 on her perform check for her song satirizing the PCs. I informed the PCs that the other patrons were not laughing *with* them. They slunk out, but came up with a name within a week. They became "Destiny's Hand."
I plan on using the Stormblades as a thorn in the group's paw socially. Eventually, I imagine Destiny's Hand will overshadow the Stormblades, and it'll be a sweet moment for the party to finally get out of the other adventuring group's shadow -- and maybe get some revenge for all the harassment they're going to get until that point.
Then there's always my old Blood Bowl team, the "Unholy Plague." 'Course, you probably won't get too many jobs with a name like that.

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My party's first group named themselves the Iron Ring and everyone wore a plain iron ring on one finger.
Half of that party died to Drakthar and they all decided to remake characters.
The current party hasn't come up with a name yet. I'm going to push them a little harder soon, as the city needs something to call them on their group registration papers.

Qualidar |

This week, when the crowd at Orak's Bathhouse started refering to them as the "Bath House Six", they came up with a name right quick. And so the Dark Defenders were born.

mobuttu |

After beating Darkthar and buying a house in Lava street, Lord mayor called them "The Fellowship of Lava street", but citizens in Cauldron are starting refering to them as "Lava Force", so they have two names: the "official" and the low rangs name, which I think is interesting, fun, and with multiple roleplaying opportunities.

GreatEscape_13 |

Seeing as how our group includes three dwarven brothers (Karl, Yames, and Oskar Hammerfish), they became Hammerfish Brothers Inc. While not the most creative name, the incorporation was scads of fun: Karl Hammerfish, a rather rough-around-the-edges wizard brought copies of a legal incorporation for the other PCs to sign in-game. Hehehe.
Andrew Lotz

Crab.Oni |
My players just started Flood Season, and were taking their sweet time coming up with a name. Fortunately, the Stormblades were kind enough to create a name for them, and made sure to spread it around town.
Now the PCs can't walk down the street without hearing, "Look, it's the Muck Shovelers! Say, why would you name yourselves something like that?"
The party is rather unhappy with this recent development, and should have a party name by our next session. I believe they were planning on hiring a bard to sing their praises, using their new name.

Lord Azrael |

After spending about three hours in gametime standing outside Ghelve's Locks, debating it, my group decided to dub themselves "The Black Star Trio". Later, they decided that "Black" was a little corny, so their current title stands at "The Red Star Trio".
However, as the party consists entirely of elves/half-elves, the Stormblades know them as "The Pointy-Eared Bastards!"

Pyrix |

I used the advice given that said have the townspeople start referring to the PC party as "the other guys". The idea behind this was to encourage them to adopt a group name rather than to be cast in the shadow of the Stormblades.
Unfortunately, they decided to officially adopt the title "The Other Guys". *sigh*

teknohippy |

My group have been pondering a name for a while. They even asked Jenya. She kept annoything them from then on with overly Lawful suggestions for names everytime they came to visit and still didn't have a name.
"The Stars of Justice", for example.
When the party visited the Tipped Tankerd and heard people telling stories about how the Stormblades had rescued the children from an Underdark slaver they decided it was about time they came up with a name to correct them with.
Well they kept going through lots of stuff and it was taking ages. I told them if they didn't come up with a name then people would just start referring to them as "The Others".
Unfortunately they liked it and it came out as their top choice!
I unthinkingly did a final Jenya-stlye lawful piss take name and said, "What about 'The Righteous Others'", I didn't realise what I was saying but everyone fell about laughing and claiming, "That's it!".
Now they whistle Unchained Melody as their frickin' theme tune!

Alvis |
I'm DM'ing for a slightly silly bunch of PCs. I had them "charter" their adventuring party early on, and the name they came up with was (sigh) WYLD STALLIONS! There's even a Wyld Stallions logo, which I should preface by saying that the party druid lugged a table from the Malachite Fortress all the way back to the surface for use as some kind of tactical tower shield. He's hired a person to carry/drag it for him, and attached a ladder to one side. It's come in handy a couple times, at the cost of blowing any chance of ever moving silently.

bored zombie |

I DM for a group in FR and their first adventures were in the western heartlands. Therefore they decided, after saving a small village from orc raiders, to call themselves "the sunset riders". This, of course, is one explanation. The other, maybe closer to the truth, is the fact that there is a bar, a few steps from my block, that`s called "sunset"...
Maybe I should ask the motivation next time... hehehehe.

Jimmy |

I should preface by saying that the party druid lugged a table from the Malachite Fortress all the way back to the surface for use as some kind of tactical tower shield. He's hired a person to carry/drag it for him, and attached a ladder to one side. It's come in handy a couple times, at the cost of blowing any chance of ever moving silently.
Creativity with a touch or silliness...always welcome in our gaming sessions. Your druid's contraption reminds me of a special weapon created by my ranger during 2e's Ravenloft adventure for Strahd (can't recall the adventure name). Being woefully unprepared & more than a little paranoid, he sharpened all 4 legs & the upright back posts of a fine chair to be used in vampire killing. It's effectiveness was minimal, but that didn't stop me from trying to use it regularly.
Party names have always been difficult for us to settle on. Our 2e group used 'Veil of Uncertainty'; while we argued about suitable names, the cleric of Lathander signed us up with that moniker. Others used have been 'The Blades of Cormanthor' (accompanied by simultaneously drawing mithril daggers and making unenthusiastic 'shing!' noises) and for the Age of Worms, 'Band of Bucklers' (mostly mages wearing mithril bucklers).

minion |

The group I'm DMing went for Dark Carnival which to me sounds incredibly cheesy but they like it, oh well. The party has mostly weird races and the background story was they all worked for a travelling carnival.
Kobold rogue/paladin/shadowbane inquisitor
Human samurai/pyschic warrior with maxed out ranks in perform (string puppets)
Catfolk barbarian
Anthropomorphic monkey druid/wizard/fleshwarper
Korobokuru rogue/cleric/shadowbane stalker
Half-orc warlock/mindbender with a 16 charisma is the party spokesman

Cataro |
My party's first group named themselves the Iron Ring and everyone wore a plain iron ring on one finger.
Half of that party died to Drakthar and they all decided to remake characters.
The current party hasn't come up with a name yet. I'm going to push them a little harder soon, as the city needs something to call them on their group registration papers.
Well since then we have come up with a name. We are now the Scales of Justice and I don't know if we overshadow the stormblades yet but if not, it isn't for lack of trying. We don't like the Stormblades much and plan on surpassing them in fame and reputation.

Enjego Montoya |

My adventuring group is having trouble coming up with a name for itself. So, I would like to see the names of the adventuring parties that you have been part of, or have heard of.
My PC consist of 5 15th level characters and are currently in the midst of evacuating Cauldron (Foundation of Flame). They came up with their name when they first met the Stormblades.
It always cracks me up when one of them yells out in combat: "Onward Uber Shrek"

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My group up until recently called themselves the Stormwolves after the storm wolf from the Dungeon adventure "Cry Wolf". Alas only one original PC remains from that group.
Having completed the Smoking Eye the current recipent of said eye, a new PC, wants to change the party name to The Company of the Smoking Eye.
I can see in party bickering occuring.
Oh well.

Savaun Blackhawk |

My group came up with, unceremoniously, The Cauldronborn.
Even better, though, was a character named Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Tobias, who was killed. Jean Baptiste's thing was a large black and red eye he called The Occularity.
After the characters cleared The Lucky Monkey they joked about renaming it The JBETMTOC, or The Jean Baptiste Emmanuel Tobias Memorial Tavern and Occularity Center.