James Keegan |
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My avatar title was assigned to me at birth by benevolent parental units. They gazed down upon the male twin in the set and said, "One day, people will communicate via computer with people half a world away to exchange ideas in a kind of, I dunno, FORUM discussion like the Greeks used to have. And, darn it, this is the name that will represent him as he suggests using a pit trap rather than a pendulum trap to trip up someone else in a codefied game of pretend." And here I am. With the ugliest avatar picture I could find.

Aramil Naïlo |

Aramil Naïlo, epic-level drow ranger and follower of Ehlonna. My main character for RPGs. I have been using this name for a few years on and off the net. As for the Avatar itself, I didn't see a drow I liked, or one not to many are using atleast, and I like the wild watchers. Althouhg it seems to fit my necro NPC better, maybe I should chenge my name... You know what, I think I will. Crow(pronounced like drow) Smalkittle, epic-level human cleric necromancer(sorceror). My main evil NPC.

Aramil Naïlo |

Aramil Naïlo, epic-level drow ranger and follower of Ehlonna. My main character for RPGs. I have been using this name for a few years on and off the net. As for the Avatar itself, I didn't see a drow I liked, or one not to many are using atleast, and I like the wild watchers. Althouhg it seems to fit my necro NPC better, maybe I should chenge my name... You know what, I think I will. Crow(pronounced like drow) Smalkittle, epic-level human cleric necromancer(sorceror). My main evil NPC.
Nevermind, can't change it.

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Thoth Amon was my favorite Sorcerer(perhaps more like a sorcerer/cleric to the Demon Snake God, Set) in Robert E. Howards Conan series....
....They made a movie about Robert a few years back. Definitely check it out if you have the time.
Thoth Amon
Zounds! What was the name of this movie, pray tell?

Dave The Viking |

Dave the viking is my main character. He is a 15th level vanilla fighter. Due to a bad decision by the DM he has over 15 milion gp. He conquered a small country with the help of his god-like friend, Gabriel Knollblaze (spelling) He is incredably rash and does not like to do much but fight. Heres a play by play.
Rouge,dave, and gabriel stand outside a door, rouge say, "lets check for traps" Dave say no, gabriel say yes, gabriel use suggestion to make dave hit his head on the ground, dave recover and open door, dave resemble pincushion.

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Heres a play by play.
Rouge,dave, and gabriel stand outside a door, rouge say, "lets check for traps" Dave say no, gabriel say yes, gabriel use suggestion to make dave hit his head on the ground, dave recover and open door, dave resemble pincushion.
Rouge is make-up or a color. Rouge cannot say anything. ROGUE is a sneaky dude who checks for traps. R-O-G-U-E not R-O-U-G-E.
I am on a mission to eliminate the mangling of the Rogue's class name. It happens way more often than any other misspelling I have seen. BTW anyone with a Rouge character needs to reduce its speed to 0' and all stats to 0 also to reflect the inanimate object class that it took.

Evilturnip |

Cerebus is pretty cool. I've read the first 5 or 6 collections, which is like the first 200 or so issues? Crazy. I think the first "Church and State" one was the best so far.
Evilturnip has been my online gaming (non-rpg) handle for about 10ish years now.
Sometimes I alter it depending on whether the game merits a change. Like for Allied Assault, if I am on the German team it's Evilturnipenkophenheimer (yes I know it doesn't really mean anything in real German).
cerebus wrote:Named for a certain Aardvark Pope.My God! I thought I was the only person who'd heard of this! Everyone else at my store seems to be Marvelzombies.

The White Toymaker |

Took my name from a certain passage in Robin Hobb's book Assassin's Quest that always made me giggle: "She has come a long and weary way, seeking the White Prophet."
"Tell her she is mistaken, then. Tell her I am the White Toymaker. Tell her the White Prophet lives farther down the street, five doors down on the left."
Though I'm far more likely to steal from Modesitt if I'm trying to name a character.

Grimcleaver |

A while back there were three big guns in our player group, me my one friend who went by August Citadel (formerly Commando Rat) and my other friend who went by Samurai Gunman (now Azure Samurai). I used to be known as Burlappen (ref. from the Maxx) but then I bought the graphic novel and found out its actually spelled Br'er Lapp!n. Yuck. I didn't want to misspell the name, but the official way is just uncool.
Then Exalted came out and they had this awesome name for an artifact axe. A Grimcleaver. The moniker has stuck.

Amal Ulric |

In 14th century France there was something going on called the Albigensian Crusade. It wasn't really a Crusade, more of an early 'ethnic cleansing.' The Albigensians just happened to be pagans as well as ethnically challenged. During the siege of the city of Beziers the French commander, one Amal Ulric, learned that the wall had been reduced and gave the order to cry Havoc! ensuring that all of the city's inhabitants would be put to the sword. His aides protested, saying that although the city fathers were pagan, many of the inhabitants were good Christians. His reply was almost certainly in Occitan or some form of Medieval French, but it comes down to us in the Latin: "Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet." Literally, "Kill them all. God will know His own." This is purported to be the origin of the modern-day phrase "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out." Is it politically correct? Not in the least. But I think it's damn cool, and that's why/how I named my avatar.

Dr. Johnny Fever |
There was a time when you didn't have to explain who Dr. Johnny Fever was.
Of course, there was also a time when 'European Vacation' seemed like a good movie for Chevy Chase to make, so maybe the passage of time isn't so bad after all.....
Dr. Johnny Fever was a disc jockey on the TV show 'WKRP in Cincinnati'. The theme music shall forever haunt my dreams, much like visions of Britney Spears singing with Aerosmith during a half time superbowl show.
WKRP in Cincinnati gave us such quotes as
'His reflexes are increasing the MORE beer he drinks!!!'
'I swear to god I thought turkeys could FLY! Oh the humanity....'
Why did I choose the orange hair'd fella for my avatar? Well, you try finding a graphic that looks like a hobo in a Led Zeppelin T-shirt with 70's sun glasses. Eerily enough, there was one that looked startlingly like Alan Alda. Spooky......

Canadian Bakka |

My avatar title is simplistic. I am a Canadian citizen, so two timbits for those who guessed correctly. Bakka is either Chinese or Japanese for 'fool' or 'moron,' I forget which. No timbits for those who thought I was Oriental because of that. :P
Seriously though, I chose Bakka because in real life I have a tendency to speak my mind and often come across as either brillant or foolish; I find it is generally the latter as I sometimes do not make sense when talking. It's a literal case of my mouth and occasionally other organs than my brain thinking and talking faster than my brain has a chance to develop a coherent thought. Sort of like Homer Simpson, only with better vocabulary (I hope).
Besides, I like the sound of the word 'Bakka.' Say it several times really fast. It sounds funny and hip at the same time.
Four timbits and a double-double to those who guessed that I probably watch a lot of anime like Bleach and One Piece.
Gosh, I'm such a dork sometimes... :D
CB out.

The Jade |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The Jade wrote:76 Trombones bump-ba-daaaaaah!!TPK Jay wrote:Gary, Indiana... Gary, Indiana...
Or the Music Man version is: We got a TPK with a capitol K and that rhymes with J and that stands for Jeff.
Us gamers sure are up on our show tunes.
Do we not defy society's convenient role player stereotypes?!
If you cut us, do we not roll DAMAGE?!

Nermal2097 |

Nermal2097: Nermal comes from my RL nickname, given to me by someone many years ago for being so very cute. Online, tons of people use Nermal so I had to addsomething else to it. I was a big fan of Wipeout2097 on Playstation so I used that. Now I use it as my online persona everywhere, so if you see nermal2097 anywhere else you know its me.
The avatar piccy comes from my current campaign where I am playing Coda Tyburn one kickass halforc fighter.

Valegrim |
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Dave The Viking wrote:Heres a play by play.
Rouge,dave, and gabriel stand outside a door, rouge say, "lets check for traps" Dave say no, gabriel say yes, gabriel use suggestion to make dave hit his head on the ground, dave recover and open door, dave resemble pincushion.
Rouge is make-up or a color. Rouge cannot say anything. ROGUE is a sneaky dude who checks for traps. R-O-G-U-E not R-O-U-G-E.
I am on a mission to eliminate the mangling of the Rogue's class name. It happens way more often than any other misspelling I have seen. BTW anyone with a Rouge character needs to reduce its speed to 0' and all stats to 0 also to reflect the inanimate object class that it took.
hehe I make the rouge mistake all the time, lol; add +4 to any charisma skill check; heck; you gotta be brave to wear it unless your a girl; then subtract 4 from charisma checks unless you have disquise cause your probably wearing to much. give +4 spot checks due to the ability of using the mirror to see behind you. hehe I love that your on a quest to erradicate this wrong word error; kinda reminds me of the old days when you couldn't say or write ain't, which is a great word that through schoolmarms into near apolexy. Ah, feel the need to play my rouged rogue right now :)

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hehe I make the rouge mistake all the time, lol; add +4 to any charisma skill check; heck; you gotta be brave to wear it unless your a girl; then subtract 4 from charisma checks unless you have disquise cause your probably wearing to much. give +4 spot checks due to the ability of using the mirror to see behind you. hehe I love that your on a quest to erradicate this wrong word error; kinda reminds me of the old days when you couldn't say or write ain't, which is a great word that through schoolmarms into near apolexy. Ah, feel the need to play my rouged rogue right now :)
I just get discouraged by the massive amounts of people who misspell a corebook class. It's in print EVERYWHERE! I think it is a simple mistake that can be rectified easily through awareness. I make spelling mistakes. I butcher the language with grammer mistakes all the time, but this is just a wierd mistake that is happening way more than is warranted. It's like spelling Ranger as Ragner or Fighter as Figther and it just is a simple mistake. I'm not trying to show people up or enforce perfect spelling and proper language skills to everyone, I just feel that a Core Class should be something that is spelled correctly. I realize that I am being a bit anal about it, but I enjoy the fun it has created and its working....misspellings of Rogue are down 72.835% (the same # that represents made-up percentages that people use;P). Now if you'll excuse me I have to roll up a Half-ork Brabarian.

Celiwyn |

Simple- the name of my first charater.
It's stuck around for years, normally isn't taken on any website I go to and is easily remembered.
The catch was for awhile some people at my highschool who only knew me from online or in game actually started calling me Celi in the halls.
My name for the records is actually Karen.

Gubbaffet the gnome |

My name is Greg. Greg starts with G and so does Gubbaffet the Gnome. And Greg thought it fit him. I always liked the letter G, and I have a character Gubbaffet on a game called World of Warcraft. I made an arch villan in D&D a crazy gnome named Gubbaffet. Ya, it stuck to me. And I just noticed this, my signature (GtG) could also mean Got to Go. But it means Gubbaffet the Gnome.

Tequila Sunrise |

I'm sure a lot of folks have guessed the origin of Tequila Sunrise. For those who haven't, it's the name of an Eagles song; not my favorite song of their's but the group is one of the best ever! I think when I made my paizo account I happened to be listening to the tune, so there it is. Oddly enough I can't drink anything stronger than 1/2 alcohol and have never tried Tequila.
"It's another tequila sunrise
and this ol' world still looks the same
another day."

Lilith |

I'm sure a lot of folks have guessed the origin of Tequila Sunrise. For those who haven't, it's the name of an Eagles song; not my favorite song of their's but the group is one of the best ever! I think when I made my paizo account I happened to be listening to the tune, so there it is. Oddly enough I can't drink anything stronger than 1/2 alcohol and have never tried Tequila.
"It's another tequila sunrise
and this ol' world still looks the same
another day."
It's also a song by Cypress Hill...and Tequila Sunrises (the drink) are very tasty!

Evil Midnight Lurker |

I style myself after my hero, a character from the '90s Tick cartoon: the Evil Midnight Bomber what Bombs at Midnight. Just replace "bomb" with "lurk" and there you go.
"He says to me, he says to me, 'You got STYLE, baby. But if you're going to be a real villain, you gotta get a GIMMICK!' And so I go I says YEAH, baby! A gimmick, that's it! HIGH EXPLOSIVES! Aaaaaa-hahahahaha!"

Talion09 |

I've used "Talion" for an online moniker since I was in high school.
It is a reference to one of my all-time favorite authors, Michael Stackpole.
I honestly don't remember when the "09" part came from, probably someone already had "Talion" on hotmail or something when I created the nickname in the mid-90's.
Edit: Upon further contemplation and looking at my bookcase(s) , the "09" part might very well be a reference to Stackpole's Star Wars novels. Which would be extremely geeky, but fitting as well ;-)

Phil Lacefield Jr. Contributor |

Mine's easy. It's the name I found on the license I took from the dead hobo's wallet. It may or may not have been his actual ID, by that point it was much too hard to tell for sure. Although his shoes didn't fit, the warm smell of his tattered sweatshirt stayed with me for years...
As for the avatar, well, we don't yet have one of a large, imposing long-haired and bespectacled fellow wearing a kilt and a smile, so I had to go with the chick.
That, and I feel pretty.

Crimson Avenger |
show tunes and great literature. just goes to prove that gamers are the SINGLE most ecclectic group on the planet.
Back in college when I was first introduced to message boards (we called em chat rooms), the person getting me logged on said i needed a screen name. ("What's a screen name?")
Crimson Avenger was the first random thing to pop into my head, ad when people online would ask me about my screen name and what it meant, I used to go into a lon monologue about truth, justice, and a +5 vorpal surfboard.
Also random, as I've never seen a surfboard in person.
And it just stuck (in my head)

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Silenttimo, well...
I love silent movies (I also like other movies, but that's less unusual), and my 1st name is Timothée, so it gave silenttimo (I use it on several other websites).
I found it nice, and it sounded quite original.
Since I am sometimes late for rendez-vous, and try to not be under pressure and stress and not to hurry things, my friend noticed that it's also "si lent timo" in french, something you could translate as "so slow Timo".

The Black Bard |

I use the Black Bard because he was the best character I ever played, a drow bard, went from 1rst to 16th level, currently in hiatus because 1. he was at ground zero of the divine ascension of a greater diety and 2. he is a living nightmare for DMs. He isn't plot destructive, just terribly unpredicatble. I've been playing him since 2002, and I'm happy to say that he predates both the Dungeon Iconic Drow Bard, and Captain Jack Sparrow, which is a good example of how he is in game (less effeminate, more bad choices, if thats possible).