Gubbaffet the gnome's page
65 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Ray'Kal wrote: As a player of sorcerers and a DM against magic heavy parties, this is the deal that I found out that works well.......
Use will saves v fighter types and rogues, and fort saves v the others.
Of course if your players roll as badly as I do, then the point is mute.
My 11th level Fiend Sorcerer 2nd lvl monk was ambushed with a spell (forget the name) that cut him off from using any magic!
Well that really sucked! So my character pummeled the enemy wizard to death! Monk really works well with sorcerer.
I agree about the find out weaknesses technique. Generally I mix up my spells against the enemies I know will take a while. Knowing your enemys weakness is not metagaming and is a great way to think about what your doing instead of throwing around fireballs and disentegrates. Good sorcerers/wizards should come prepared with spells to defeat all types of enemys, this should be no problem for wizards and easy for sorcerers. When you know a fight will be a huge one don't be afraid to try all types of spells against foes and find out their weaknesses and then exploit them. Usually it will take me a while until I can find out an enemy's weakness. And even if the enemys can make saves you gotta think about how much damage a disentegrate could do compared to 3-4 hits a round with great swords.
Enemys being able to make saves is to balance the big differences between casters and tanks. However, I don't know too much about making PC's more vulnerable to magic. If you think it is fair though and if it makes the game more fun increasing DCs by all means you should change it. Ask your players what they think about it.
Oh and Ray'Kal, does that monk sorcerer combo work out. I might try it, once I get epic spells and sorcerer levels are no longer relevant. Only two more lvls to go. Tell me how that multiclass worked out though.
After seeing the previews for "Pirates of the Caribian: Dead man's Chest" I was rather suprised to find out that Davy Jones is a mindflayer. And what was more amusing is that he has a kraken for a pet. Infact his whole crew is apparently mindflayers. Intresting... What class would he be? I am going to see Pirates of the Caribian 2 when it comes out on Friday. I will then know more about this, but for now maybe a few others here at Paizo have noticed. Tell me your insight on this, I will check back later.
I remember when I first tried to cast a element like spell under water...what was it. I think it cone of cold, ya that's it. It did some damage to me and froze my hands in a block of ice (we were completley underwater) but it kept the enemys stuck in the corner of a room. They died of starvation... Player inginuity should be rewarded and you may or may not agree with that but if something like lighting bolt happened in water I think it should damage the caster by a little (talking full subbmersion) and should have a forty foot radius blast.
~GtG, just my two cents
I can't remember what issue it was but I remember an issue about an expanded summon monster list and now when I need it I can't find it. So I was wondering if someone could type out the expanded summoning list. I mostly only need the expanded list for summon monster IX but if you post them all I would be more than happy. Just please because I only have a day before the big adventure starts and once it starts I better have some good summons or I say goodbye to adventuring with that character. And I don't wanna lose a lvl 18 sorcerer. Please help me in this dilema.
Well hanexs if these always work but are never worn out then, i'd say about 100,000 gold for one that heals half. And about 10,000 for cure moderate. I know you see 100,000 and go WOW! But half health that never runs out is extremely good. But if it's a one time use...say 2,500 for half health and 250 for cure moderate. That's what I would price it.
Oh forgot to say, if anyone could tell Onrie to come to this post please.
Saern wrote: That makes sense on one hand to me, but on the other, that type of mentality bespeaks of evil; and if it's so big of an evil that fiends and angels must unite, that makes it darker than the fiends. I think what he means is that the far plane is so 'dangerous' that the fiends and angels must unite. Not that it's so evil and maniacle. More that it's just a threat to everyone. For instance. A nuke headed for wherever you live isn't evil but it sure is dangerous. Just like the far plane is dangerous that angels and devils must work together, so would humans have to work together and get along with others they don't like to eithier stop the threat(very impracticle)or carpool and get the heck outta there. Think of it as danger rather than evil. That's how I think it, but whatever works for you.
See I know I have made a post about this earlier, and that most people hate bringing up dead post. So I decided to make a different one. Last time I asked if anyone knew a good site to get a expanded summon monster list. But now I want to know about what monsters you think should be on the summon monster list. I'm more along the lines of summon monster IX here but if you think the monster is meant for a different summon monster spell please list what lvl summon monster spell it should be. But I was thinking about it and skimming through the monster manual #1. BAM, I poped open the book and landed on Frost Worm. I have always like the Frost Worm and for a lvl CR 12 it's pretty weak.
Do you think that the frost worm would be a good monster for summon monster IX. I also looked through the book some more and found Hydra with 11 heads was only CR 10 like the rest of the monsters on Summon Monster IX. Tell me about what monster you would like to put on the Summon Monster list.(not just #IX) Only a day before the adventure and I could use some help big time! And if you do know a list to an expanded summon monster list plz link it. So post what you think should be on the summon monster list and any links you may have. I thank you for your help, and will always come to Paizo if i'm at a delema in D&D.(and to talk to everyone else)
PS: Monsters can be from all 3 monster manuals, Libris Mortis, and Fiend Folio.
My name is Greg. Greg starts with G and so does Gubbaffet the Gnome. And Greg thought it fit him. I always liked the letter G, and I have a character Gubbaffet on a game called World of Warcraft. I made an arch villan in D&D a crazy gnome named Gubbaffet. Ya, it stuck to me. And I just noticed this, my signature (GtG) could also mean Got to Go. But it means Gubbaffet the Gnome.
Thank you Rothandalantearic!(long name) Now I might now die.
I need help. From a previous post in which is now not on the top threads I learned of an expanded summon monster list. And I must play an adventure in less than 2 days! I need this list, for steeve greer(I think he mentioned it) said that this list could absolutley change how powerful summon monster is. And I am almost epic sorcerer and have summon monster IX, my DM makes hard adventures that take almost everything outta me. Infact we would have lost the last one if I didn't get summon monster IX. Long story short, summoned Bebelith grabed seed/core of giant tree and plane shifted to eat it safely. So my friends, please have a kind enough soul to post this expanded list. Or I can say goodbye to epicness. Thank you for your kindess. Oh and if you could please mention what book the monster is in, we have all 3 monster manuals but that would make it faster to look.
Ya when you think about it, D&D helps with alot more than you would imagine. People skills, big vocabulary (I love being the only one that can understand shakespear), humor, and...MATH!!! D&D has helped me with that and more. I have always appreaciated art and the like, now I appreciate it more. I'm glad my friend showed me to the game. At first nerdy, then it evolved to a way of life on free weekends. And I am proud to talk loudly about D&D while in the lunch line or any other place in public. Yay for D&D and it's glory!
A while back I found something to change my sorcerer from the average wizard. And that perstige class would be, Wild Mage! It suits me well, say no preperation. I tried a wizard once just for a test run. Preparation is a drag in my mind. But I will check those things for the sorcerer out. That battle sorcerer variant. Thank you all for posting I will check back later.
Just plain out simple, Sorcerer or Wizard? I mean come on I seem to be the only one that plays a sorcerer in my group. And all the rest are Wizards... I know that Wizards get all those special stuff but wheres the love for the Sorcerer? It would appear that they don't respect the sorcerer. I heard that fighters are a bad class...wrong, that's why they made alot of up close perstige classes right? So which would you rather play, sorcerer or wizard?
Steeve Greer you said something about downloading the magazine. Is that possible. If it is, is it free or cost money? Just needed to know. I like that force spell though, I would use it if it didn't cost 1,000 gold eatch time. Keep suggesting. I'm trying to make something like summon frost or fire shockwave/nova. Keep suggesting and if you could help me out with those frost and fire novas it would help alot.
Steve Greer wrote: Thanks, ericthecleric! That's the one. I vaguely remember a dragon and a halfling on the cover? Not sure. That probably matches several covers. GtG, that's a GREAT source for creating new spells. I suggest you either borrow it from someone who has it, dig through old Dragon issues at your FLGS or used bookstore, or see if it's available as a download from this site. I will do that. But I do have summon monster IX, though I didn't know about that expanded monster summoning...I will check that out later. About the 3.0 spells, my DM only does 3.5 now. Thank you for the help. Still trying to think of spells, and not too much coming to mind. If someone could give me a rough basis of a spell or just a small suggestion I could work on that. I'll be darned if I have to pick a 9th lvl spell from the book. I was already thinking about making a spell since about lvl 10 and being lvl 18 I have to make one quickly, or it's EPIC spells and those are complicated. Thanks again for all the help so far. I will check back later after I look at that dragon issue...
So I know how to make magical items and whatnot' but I looked throughout the book and wasn't quite sure how to make intellegent magic items. Or just intellegent normal items. Please tell me if you know how to.
I really could use some help. I don't like the selection of 9th lvl spells and have the spell compendium at my disposal. Yet none of them seem very good or intresting. I need to know two things. How do you make your own spell, such as exp and gold cost? And do you know any good spells of your own or suggestions I could use as a spell. I'm intrested in summoning spells and explosion chaotic like spells. I would get summon elemental monolith, but the monoliths are too big to fit in dungeons... So please post whatever spells you know or just some suggestions of spells.
I would like to hear some intresting backgrounds to characters. None of the over used, orc raided village and i'm left for dead ones. I'm sure some people make great creative backgrounds.
Here is my two character backgrounds.
Well my sorcerer is a drow(DM let me slip that one once) and neutral one. Later he becomes good after befriending an elf.(I hated him at first) But back to background, well my characters mom is a cleric of Loth. He has two sisters and a brother, the younger sister is a pain and blames him for everything she does that's bad and is sometimes on purpose to get my character in trouble. My older sister is named Jasmine and has always been different. She knew arcane and psionic and has always been shuned. Then there is my brother, forgot his name but he's a straight out fighter that was neglected and like the others hated me because I wasn't completley evil. My father was a sorcerer like me and had to treat me horribly but I was actually the only one he liked, yet no one knew that. So eventually I ran away from home met an elf captured him then eventually I came to trust him, bla bla bla we became friends and now my family is trying to kill me. I have killed my phsyco demented older sister, and put my younger sister in the guild jail.(Our party made a guild)My mother escaped when we raided the house, house Devul(not pronounced devil)is house #4 I think. My father made a group of non-evil drow though his guild is small they are very well trained and stuff. Oh and I forgot to mention, when we were fighting the weapon master of the house(that was my favorite battle yet) just recently we killed my brother. I know your starting to think that's evil but I had to, besides if you don't kill them they'll kill you. Jasmine would have killed herself anyway by destorying her demi-plane by summoning the god.(long long story) So know all that remains of my family is: my younger sister who is in jail, father who is hiding, me who is adventuring, and my mother who is doing something but I don't know what...
Then we have Trimas my warlock, he was born and raised underground because in the campaign demons have taken the surface world.(once again long long story) He has lived in a training academy for his whole life not knowing who his parents are. See to pick what type of class you are going to be you are given some toys while you are an infant. I picked a dark purple ball. That put me in warlock training. Just recently he has been asigned some test to get out, and he must do these test with a...paladin! I think his name is Handar, but he and I must overcome differences bla bla bla and get outa that academy. All I want is money and all he wants is greatness and to rid the world of demons.
That's my backgrounds, now post yours. I think i've bored you long enough anyways
Onrie wrote: In my Opinion, that vector gravity and rock to lava could be a very powerful combo indeed. You might want to check out greater planar ally too, one of the best summoning spells at your level. Planar ally is a cleric lvl 8 cleric spell. So I don't think I can use that, sadly. It is a good spell(for clerics :( ) But I really need some spell suggestions. Please help me out.
EP Healy wrote: When you say you like summoning, do you mean the act of calling a creature to you side to aid you in some way? Does your interest also extend to the other manifestations of summoning magic - like summoning a storm? When I say summoning I mean summoning creatures. But I also in like spells such as summon storm. I do have the spell compedium(think I spelled that wrong) but I don't like any of the spells. Summon elemental monolith is a great spell but they are colosal size so they won't fit in too many dungeons. I would get summon elemental monolith if it wasn't for their size. I just would like to make a spell instead of learning one I don't like.
Oh sorry forgot to tell about what kinda spell. Well i'm into summoning spells and big bang spells. I think that summoning is just one the coolest types of magic and that big bang spells(aka: fireball) can change the tide of a fight. But if you know a spell that isn't one of those but you think that it is good than please still post it. Ya sorry for not telling what spells I like the most. But I really need some suggestions for spells. I don't like any of the 9th lvl spells that are already made. Plz keep posting what you got!
Well i'm back and I have read all of the post! Thx for posting everyone and keep posting! And I forgot to tell about my fighting style.
See my adventuring party is like a bunch of people that do great but mostly when you tell them to do things. If you don't tell them what to do then they are like drooling idiots... so as you can see I am the leader of the party.(though I must admit sometimes they can come up with good plans)So I make some orders and they do them with superbnessisity(is that a word?) Our rouge wants all the glory and takes advantage of us being attacked, they will be focusing on us and he sneak attacks them, then they go for him and he's scared and screaming for help. I generally like to see what the DM has been saying, such as "your all doomed" then I will make something out of it. Your all doomed means take out whoever looks the strongest and away shoots some fire balls some prismatic sprays and one of my personal favorites a disentegrate... I love it when we make a plan about the enemys then our plan goes great, or horribly wrong. I let one of my friends make a plan cuz I was tired of it...*bangs head against wall* I didn't think they coudl make a fight with a lvl 12 caster so hard when we were lvl 15.
So in conclusion I am a think about it kinda sorcerer. Then blow them up kinda sorcerer. Keep posting everyone I'll check back later.
Just how do you fight? Think it out, just blow everyone up, mass slaughter fest... Everyones different.
I like to think about it alittle if it's a normal battle, then blow everyone up. But if it's a really important one I try to think about the consiquences of what could happen. And being a sorcerer there can be alot of outcomes.
Well I don't like the selection of 9th lvl spells. I think there are better 8th and 7th lvl ones. My friends don't know too much about spells(i'm the only caster) so I was wondering if my fellow paizoer's could help me make one. I know the rules and how much time and stuff it takes. I just want your thoughts on a good 9th lvl spell. Whatever you would want as a 9th lvl spell tell me. I would like to make at least one spell my own spell. Post away.
Well I have always loved a good David and Goliath fight. You know how the story goes. But I was wondering, does anybody have some of their own David and Goliath like DnD storys? I would love to hear about them. So plz tell me all about them and how it happened.
Heres one about one of my early adventures.
Ok so well my character and one of his friends were adventuring. I don't quite remember the story but I remember the battle. Somehow we got into a fight with a White dragon. I was a low lvl sorcerer and my friend was a low lvl ranger. We tried really hard, but kept getting beat down after every attempt. So down goes ranger because he was getting on the dragons nerve. Then i'm next... I look around and see in his treasure pile a dead human and on him is 2 cure critical potion.(ya I know that would probably never happen) And I wanted those cure critical potion! So I had to scramble through and barely made it. I drank the potion, and it was off. 2 hits and that was it. I managed to get a magic missle off and rolled all fours. Bam the EXACT health of the dragon! Down he went and I revived the ranger with the potion before he died completley. We took the loot and made it out alive!!!
That was my David and Goliath story, now I would like to hear yours please.
This is an example of why my DM lets everyone have 3 people at the most. One with the main group, one with a monthly group like AOW, and one for soloing. That way you can never not deny your characters. And he also knows if some people watn to do side quest that are not availiable when the whole group is together. Just about every week we all try to get together and adventure. We don't usually have a problem but sometimes we just can't adventure with certain characters when others aren't there.
ELEMENTAL SHADOW I GOT IT! If you read my earlier post then you read my almost unbelivable get the fire ball inside of the dragon thing. Well I got a great way to get it in. Okay seeing as how your the leader of a school of magic thing then you need to get permanancy and delayed fireball. Then use permanancy to make the delayed fireball permanent. It says when the delayed fireball is in it's bead it's very small. Try to feed it to the dragon. You could if he has like a food bowl put it in the middle underneath the food so he wouldn't see it. Or you could just ask him to eat it and see how it taste. Say your trying to cook something with it. I hope you can manage to do one of these because you could feed it to him then right before you start the battle with him or while he's sleeping set it off. Oh and maybe you could make it maximized. Then once you set it off you will have the upper hand in the battle. HECK PUT IN 2 NO 3 DELAYED FIREBALLS!!! If you could find some other wizards willing to do it then you could pay them. You would lose some experience doing the permanancy but in the end gain more if you kill him. Just trying to tell you before you fight him.
This is how SR works.
Let's use that 40 SR guy as an example. Ok whatever your caster level is(so however levels you have in wiz/sor or cleric ect.)is what you will ad to your roll. so it plays out like this.
Roll d20, add whatever you go with your caster level and the spell level that you cast. so say you cast a fire ball.
you roll d20 and it lands on 16 your a lvl 8 sorcerer, you add 16+3(the spell lvl)+8(your caster lvl)=27
Man you really are in a dilema because this guy has SR 40, that's almost unbeliavable. Unless you are like lvl 30 your in for some trouble. Well I hope I helped, and good luck(you'll need it)
My sorceror is kinda intrested in the dead but isn't planning on being a necro. He's got a pet named Gubbaffet, and this pet is a dire maggot. He read it in a book on how to tame dire maggots and now has one as a pet. My character is also friend with the gnome king...and speaks gnome...and likes gnomes...
My warlock in the other campaign goes ballistic if he loses money and will do just about anything for some cash. It was funny the first time that he lost some money, I got to go ballistic and almost strangled the leader of the ceramony(long story)
I have a druid named Tofu...he's looking for a healthy meat substitute to name after himself. He's often known as the care bear because he can spell cast in animal form, and most of the time that's a bear...
As for my party you got Onrie(you might have seen him on paizo) the elf that thinks he can do anything. And he acts like it, he's just walts through traps not even caring about damage, too bad casters are squishy and don't have much health.
Then Quarion the ranger that is a health/animal nut, one time he left us during an adventure that was set in the woods so he could follow a rabbit. The rabbit led him to a gnome that was farming, it was night and all misty then the gnome says "Get outta my farm!!!" and it turns out the gnome was a zombie...it played out alot better than it sounds.
We also have Renmus the halfling rouge that started alot later than us and has alot weaker of a charater, but he thinks he's the best rouge ever and loves to show off infront of us. He's always asking for buffs from my Sorcerer and trys to buy various magic items I have found in previous adventures by trying to cheat me with small amounts of gold. I'm not gonna sell him my griffon statue I found from a white dragon, I love that statue although I never use it.
And the last crazy character we have is a paladin that is teamed up with my greedy warlock (that's just asking for trouble.)
I've bored you all long enough now.
Crimson Avenger wrote: Back when I was in college, and was just getting started gaming, one of the players had a roommate that was interested in playing. This was Sophomore year, so the group had a well established dynamic, and we wanted to expand. So this kid (no seriously, like 16, tested out of high school) joins us one night dressed out in full regalia. He's got on the spitting image of what his character is wearing, down to a leater backpack, and some theatrical weapons. OooooK. And he's not into just throwing dice and yelling Huzzah, he actually acts out what his character is doing and jumping on the furniture. Scared the hell outta me.
That was my first experience with someone who'd been a LARP'er. he eventually left school halfway through the semester. Wasn't emotonally ready or some such thing. Last I heard about him, he was a semi professional (amatuer?) wrestler down in Kansas City.
ROFL!!! I have only heard of these people, never met one!!!! Sooooo glad I haven't. Whats LARP'er stand for anyway. I am guessing Living Actual Role Playing? Well i'll check back later. Thanks for the laugh Crimson!
Your just asking for trouble. But if you must kill it by all means go ahead. And I am here to help(being a caster I should be able to help)
I always thought silver dragons can only be lawful evil(it also says in book)though your DM can change that. It's initiative stinks. I would take advantage of that. If your initiative is high then plan your casting on being the first caster. It's AC will be 29(29flat-footed/8 touch)so I doubt you will have anything to do with it unless it's a touch spell. It's breath weapon will own you...if you can find any spell to stop it I would highly recomend on it. It's breath weapon is a fort save(Wizards/sorcerers beware)to be paralyzed. This thing will own you upclose, so take some spells to keep it at bay. It will have saves of 18 fort/will and 13 Ref, so use spells that have to do with reflex is possible. The dragon will have frightful presence 26 will negates but I would doubt you have to worry about that, but if you can get a spell that can help resist fear. Oh and all these spells i'm talking about should come from spell compendium, ask your DM to help search for them.
I cannot stress enough to get a spell that can negate it's breath, because you don't wanna be paralyzed for 1d6+one round per age catagory.
To Hurt The Creature:
1-do not cast acid or cold it is immune
2-it is vulnerable to fire AKA: double damage with fire
3-get fire burst greater, for it does great fire damage and is reflex to help make sure it is not resisted
4-make sure you use fire spells and spells that have saves that are for reflex
5-buff yourself with many spells such as: greater mage armor, mirror image, and greater invisibility.
6-you could find a way to do this but get the dragon into a place without open air, then it can't fly and escape/flyby attack
To Make Sure It Does Not Harm You:
1-keep distance with spells, obstacles, and anything you can find
2-bring buffs that give health/defensiveness
3-keep it from flying or even if you could teleport it to a small crampt place, hey he still believes you :)
4-do not let it get cone of paralyzing gas off on you or say goodbye, and I mean it! I believe there are spells in spell condemenium for this one
5-Get Wall of Fire because it will not only hurt the dragon but protect you if your in a crampt area
6-Make sure it doesn't grapple you or say goodbye
7-Get stone skin and keep it on at all times
A Good Idea:
If it manages to grapple you maybe if your DM Will allow it or if you could just perhaps somehow do it but you got figure out the complicated parts. Put a delayed fire ball into it's mouth when it's grappling you...BOOM! yeah... But since you are the head of a school of wizards thing you can get permanancy and cast it on a delayed fire ball if your DM lets you so that it doesn't explode until you want it to start then if the time comes that it grapples you *woosh* he swallows without knowning and it explodes inside him for alot of damage. To do this I would suggest having stone skin on and then taunt him saying "look at that wimpy dragon, he said he would eat me but with that puny mouth I doubt it!!!" he will then proceed to do so and do little damage with your stone skin on in turn for him taking alot. Then you could cast teleport greater or just normal teleport to get the heck outa there!!
Wala my friend, it's not the guide made by the proffesional magazine writers but by me. So I really hope this helps and that you win! good luck my friend(you'll need it.)
Dungeon crawls are really what my friends adventures lead to. He tweaks current adventures he finds or just makes his own, and in the end you got a dungeon crawl/normal "modern" adventure. He's great at em and if you DM try it. But dungeon crawls are fun sometimes and other times I like "modern" adventures. Magazines really don't make them to much though so it kinda stinks, but the adventures they make are still great.
Blackdragon, good job! I was just waiting when I first started reading that for when you would get into some kind of fight/arguement. You didn't dissapoint me! That gave me a laugh. You did the right thing, heck I woulda tried the same. :)
Thx everyone keep posting! I'll check back later.
Dear friend,
This has happened to the most of us at least once. Or something of the sort. And I am no exception. One of our "ex-dnder" is still my friend. His name is Robert, and we still talk and are friends. Though it did get us a little frustraded when he said he was leaving because it was too nerdy. And for that my friends do not like him but I am fine with it. He will never play an adventure again in his life he says. I doubt it. Other than that though the whole reason why everyone was angry was because one: my character had got him alot of stuff(some cost exp)and two: he quit after the 1st part of AOW and now we only have 3 ppl for that adventure(we are on part 7 now)
Although your problem may somehow be different because he is telling everyone you suck you maybe should confront him and tell him strait up to stop the bad person spreading. Because it's just wrong to tell anyone that someone sucks IMO. So I hope your problem gets better. Oh and my group has gone from hating Robert to Disliking him(althought i'm still friends). Good luck friend!
Being a high lvl sorcerer I kinda have alot. I hope you'll let me post them all?
Prismatic spray(saved me alot)
Teleport Greater
Summon monster 9
Boiling blood
Magic missle(saved me against white dragon...)
desintegrate(it works against golems unlike all other spells)
Summon undead horde(only in grave yards, and I only had scroll)
Power Word Stun...
Hold Monster
Dominate Monster
There are more but my DM has most of the books that deal with magic.
d13 wrote: This is my new favorite though. . .
In my evil campaign, the necromancer assisted his father (a more powerful necromancer) in the creation of two flesh golems. Manfred (the above mentioned necromancer) was not as skillful in his golem creation as his father and an accident in the lab rendered one of the flesh golem's arms useless.
Other than his trademark monosyllabic grunts he aint much for conversation, but playing Drom the one armed flesh golem has been a hoot. He still kicks a lot of arse when the going gets rough, and I really enjoy grunting and moving around the room like a crippled Frankenstein's monster.
Drom HATES flies.
Drom LOVES sticky buns.
OK. I may have given him a little more personality than the rules allow for constructs, but my players dont seem to mind.
Lately the group has taken to keeping him in check with a flaming whip. It was just conincidence that they had such an item in their possession, but I now believe that they should give flaming whips to everyone who owns a flesh golem. It just makes sense.
Now this gives me ideas...and if you read my second post you know Artemis is into necromatic stuff. And Onrie I heard that Q"hint,hint"Q. Yes now I think I know where to look. I like all the unique characters everyone (specially the claw).
Please keep posting and I will check back later!
I'm back with more information about my characters. Oh and thank you all for posting, I love reading about other peoepls charecters and their personalitys.
Well i'm gonna tell a little more about my warlock. As I said he is greedy. For instance one time he wanted money, but did not know a way. He thought up of making badges for the familys that lost someone in the war. Now he thought that there could be money involved in this. There was... I lost money, making the copper metals. I went ballistic (rollplaying wise not really) and almost broke up the whole ceramony. And having a paladin it only cost us more because he wanted to make it "special"...
So my warlock Trimas is a greedy, money-hoarding, power wanting person...and I like it. :)
Then my caster Artemis is a very "different" character. He's a bit intrested in the dead arts but doesn't do much more than read books. He is currently looking for as many books as he can find on Undead and the sort because in his free time he reads them and my DM onrie' will give me certain bonuses. (this works really well and if your a DM then you should try it) Oh yeah I forgot...he has a dire maggot named Gubbaffet. Artemis isn't gothic trust me(neithier am I) and then we have the more good aspects. He is one of the characters that is very optomistic and will try just about anything he thinks that can work, and with spells that's alot of solutions to problems.
Tofu is one of my more normal characters (excluding the name) that is a druid that loves animals and the sort. He likes to stick out though and I enjoy being the healer for the group, and in AOW your gonna need one of those. He has a dire bear and it's name is lingy. Oh and that reminds me, Artemise's familiar is a wise cracking bat named Darron. Lingy is a girl and somehow falls almost every adventure as a sacrifice to save the groups skin. You know what I get for it. Being called the evil druid for getting my pet killed. Oh and because my druid can heal in animal form, generally a bear i'm called the care bear...
Well that's it for now but i'll check in later. Thanks everyone!
Steve Greer wrote:
The first couple, call them Mork & Mindy, joined a game I was currently playing in. During the first session they spent most of their time bickering about how Mindy should play her character or just about stuff in general. As the game progressed, it was obvious that there was something seriously wrong with Mindy. She started panting and getting really, really worked up in combat situations. Afterward, she was really fidgety and acting like she was having a panic attack. She got so bad that she had to excuse herself from the table and get some air outside. While she was out, Mork confides in us that she takes medication for multiple psychoses. They have no health insurance and thus no medication for her. Eek!
I would be scared. And just wondering, did you finish the game with this couple or did it end up uncompleted. (and for your sake never continued)
Just please take the time to share your characters with us. New or old characters!
My main character is a drow(my DM let me slip just once on that)sorcerer named Artemis Devul(not to be prenounced devil).
He's lvl 17 and will soon be epic!
His friends involve and elf(that didn't trust me at first) named Quarion, another elf named Onrie...(you may know him), and a halfling named Renmus(spell that backwards and you got my real friend).
I also have a lvl 3 warlock named Trimas who is very greedy. And the worst part is that he's teamed with a paladin(it has to do with the campaign). It's actually a very hilarious campaign.
And last but not least I have a lvl 13 druid named Tofu (he's trying to make a meat substitute that he will name after himself) in the AOW campaign.
Please everybody feel free to post your characters. I would be glad to hear about them.
Savaun Blackhawk wrote:
One is about this guy I met through someone else. He had me make a character. I did the 4d6 thing, keeping the 3 highest. He said to keep them all. Ok... I decided to make ranger. The DM said I get to start with 2 "spiffys" He ended up giving me a +3 bow of energy. All I had to do was pull back on the string and an arrow of energy would appear. My second spiffy was a (I think) krenshar animal companion. WTF? Thankfully I never actually played a session.
Ahhhhh.... yes the overpowering DM. The kind I don't like. Which is why I barley DnD with anyone other than my main DM. His name is Onrie if you know him from this sight. I think that be a little too over powered. That takes all the fun from the game. After hearing some of these storys i'm so glad I live near a good group! Keep posting please. I will check back soon.
PandaGaki wrote: Send it by mail, that basically says enough about your willingness to play with him. Ya that would. But anyway, I was wondering. How can you jump so well that you fail? Well good luck getting away from that DM.
(puts on minister suit) "Let the blessssssssed pancakes be upon us my brothers, for there are no others, and that my friends be the truth! Amen" (takes off minister suit)
That played off in my head the moment I thought about pancakes. Let us be blessed that they are put on this earth.
Oh and about that adventure hook I got one....I'd need more time but rate what I got.
A corrupted Wizard (this is for lvl 20's) turns all the pancakes eaten into abominations, and it is up to you and your group to stop him. But not only are the pancakes the only enemy (Put in suprise while the characters are trying to find the cure to make pancakes a healthy part of breakfest again, when they fall asleep they are kidnapped by WAFFLES!!!) They then take them to a lair with FRENCH TOAST!!!! The french toast Is a vicious monster and will try to eat them. But if the PCs manage to succeed in winning the battle, they will find that they are in a dungeon exspecially designed.
This dungeon is called the toaster and microwave. On a table next to where they fought contains a potion that must be duplicated by powerful wizards and spellcasters and then must be put in a ritualistic like circle where a day long ritual will happen. The only wizards that can do this are trapped by the evil Wizard who transformed the tasty breakfest foods. But some of the traps the wizard laid will turn you into a pastry and you will need to make a 31 fort save or become a rabid pastry. I figure you should make up the stats and what not for your characters. And the places of the traps and what not'.
They run throughout the entire dungeon Unless they make a 35 search check. And as they search and search the Wizard of EVILLLL!!! Is slowly taking the life from the Trapped wizards. If they can get the search check within two runs around the castle they make it in time. If the PCs fail to make it the ritual will take one day longer for each search check the 3rd time and up because eatche failed one past that will get a wizard killed. If all 7 are killed...then you must fight the Wizard, and find a way to release their souls (check the next article for the part 2!) If they survive then you must confront the wizard and if you can smooth talk him diplomacy DC 55 then he gives up and tells you his horrible incident with the delectible pancakes at his early age. The PCs find out that his parents were baking and then the pancake somehow bounced off the oven and interrupted his Wizard father who was well known and respected, but it messed his aim up and he accidently set off a fireball and only the now evil wizard survived.
If you fail to make diplomacy check than you must fight him and hopefully win. If you lose....game over. If you win...i'm not gonna spoil any suprises, I guess you gotta read part 2 when I make it! Please rate this!
Gubbaffet-your homey dawg the gnome
hmm... so many names to suggest.
Gubbaffet (J/K)
And the one I would really suggest would be.....SALSA
Just some suggestions and even though I said Quote" Gubbaffet (J/K)" Unquote, that doesn't mean you shouldn't name him that.
Gubbaffet-your friendly neighboorhood gnome
I'm quite sure this has been a previous post, but bare with me. I would like to know the Looneist people you have ever met when trying to get a DnD group. I myself have not met anyone looney for my group lives conveniatly by me. But I hear all these storys about horrible people being picked up into a group off the internet and I would like to hear some of everyones storys. Please post the worst you have ever met or the creepiest! I will check on this post later.
This has to be the funniest post I have EVER SEEN!!!! ROFL!
But yet at the same time I am sad...for you said there is no cure. And I have a serious munchkin problem. (I think he knows every single rule in the game)Thank you for the greatest laugh I have had in a long time!
And No More Prunes, what goddess was that?
Gubbaffet~The best gnome.
In our party we began with:
1st lvl ranger
1st lvl druid (me...)
1st lvl wizard/illusionist
1st lvl barbarian
Sadly though the ranger got popular and betrayed us and quit *sigh*...
But now the rest of us are now lvl 13!!!! (cept for barbarian, he sacrificed his life to save our group, during dopplegangers and the mirror part)
My character is a Druid named Tofu Lagardae that is a chef trying to make a healthy meat substitute...
Next we have Redbeard the Dwarf barbarian. He's crazy and carrys around beer...
Then last but not least we have Sariph the Wizard Illusionist who has saved us many times. He's probably the most normal character.
I would just like to open a thread that is all about people's arch rivals, most hated/liked monsters, and favorite class.
My arch rivals would be a town that called Istavon. My most hated monster is definately the beholder. And my favorite class is the sorceror. Plz post yours! :)