D'v'us's page
7 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Hell, I'm a student and Mass Fox's Cunning would be the biggest blessing imaginable in my English class.
Why do people sum up Ender's Game as "kids in space"? Why? Whyyyyyy?!
Just out of interest, how many Australians are on this message board. I know a few (and all of them go to my school), but I don't know if there are any more on this website. Come out of the closet and celebrate living in this parched (I wish, I live in Melbourne) and dusty land.
I play Warhammer, and the Dark Elves like names with apostrophes. So, dismembering an English word down to 4/7 of it's original size, I came up with a suitably apostrophe filled Dark Elf name, that coincidentally happened to be a trait of mine.

Ah finally, a thread for me. Where to start? Oh so much anger...
I hate people who are quite happy to give in to peer pressure and start teasing the little nerds, even when said nerds have actually gone out of their way to be nice to that person.
I hate it when the jocks at school try and take our Magic the Gathering cards, and expect us to sit there and let them get away with it in front of our eyes, when their friends are pushing us around. (Man, I loved the look on that guy's face when I dropped him with a knee to the stomach). I hate it even more when they try and pass it off to the teachers like we were the ones that started it. (Lucky most of the teachers are to smart for that). I hate it when they say "They're just cards". Well, they have a value to me and my friends, and those valuse can be in excess of $20, and to some students, that's a lot. If they want us to start helping ourselves to their belongings, they're going the right way about it.
I hate Physical Education teachers. They've been to University for something like four years to get a Teaching degree, and apparently they slept through most of their lectures. I hate how that when I question their task, they respond in terms they think I can't understand. I did Neurology as an Extension Study, along with Genetics, and Physics. I'm doing discussions on the writings of Immanuel Kant and Karl Marx with university students at Philosophy Collouqiums.I CAN F&%(ING UNDERSTAND ANY OF THE DAMN TERMS THEY THROW AT ME, BUT THE DAMN SYSTEM GIVES ME A DETENTION IF I EVEN TRY TO CHALLENGE THEIR VAUNTED INTELLECTUAL SUPERIORITY!
I hate Jack Chick and all Christian zealots like him. (Not normal Christians or any people from other religions). They're intolerant, and ignorant people. They create stereotypes, and reinforce them without even vaguely considering what they're doing. Jack Chick said Allah was a pagan moon god, and is not the Islamic equivalent of the Christian God. ALLAH IS THE ISLAMIC WORD FOR GOD, JACK! DID YOU STOP TO THINK ABOUT THAT!?
I hate people that give sermons about how wonderful their religion is on loudspeaker at public transport terminals. Sure, you have your religion, great, I don't need to know about it. I hate the fact that they haven't even thought out their own argument.
"So what makes you so sure the Jesus is coming soon?" "The time is now!"
"People said that in the year 1000, and they said that in th year 2000. What makes you so sure?"
I hate the fact that people can degrade other people until they see others as just things, and things of no consequence. I hate that when a million Africans die, there's a minor note on the news, and when four Americans die, there's a week long spate of reports detailing their hideous tragedy. I hate that in a world with HIV, people still waste money that could be used for research on buying an influenza vaccine. I hate that in Australia, the indigenous population is so marginalized, there are more people of African descent in Australia then Aboriginal people. I hate that our government once tried to commit genocide, and still hasn't given back all the sacred Aboriginal land.
I hate that the Catholic Church in Australia tries to block anything it doesn't fully approve of. NOT EVERYONE IS CATHOLIC! WE ARE ALLOWED TO BE DIFFERENT! I hate that RU 486 has come under such huge attantion when it doesn't deserve it. I hate that RU 486 isn't controlled by the TGA.
I hate the tiny number of elective subjects at my school.
My (incredibly off-topic)two cents.

Lord Wielder wrote: D'v'us wrote: Lord Wielder wrote: By the sound of things this guy has serious issues that you need to sit down and talk through, otherwise he'll just get worse.
There are several rules that you need to understand when playing D&D that he has apparently forgotten
1. Respect the DM, he is god
2. Do not assult any players, ever
3. If you are feeling pissed off at the other players or their actions talk about it
4. If you have a tendancy towards violent behaviour learn to control it, or don't play
5. And finally Respect The DM
I hope that you guys can talk it out, if not kick him out before something bad happens
Ooh, harsh. A case of "I didn't read all of the thread" syndrome. Also, you don't know me, and didn't read my post. Almost everyone else has apologised, yet you jump right at me, and accuse me of mental issues. Ok, fine, this might be a bit harsh, but I just posted a lengthy reply, and you didn't even read, so I think next time maybe read the whole thread before putting your foot in your mouth.
'"I didn't read all of the thread?" syndrome' Actually I did, however I do not see the reason that people should be apologising to you, from what you posted you sounded like an unstable person who (all things considered) was just trying to justify attacking your 'friends', if anything you should be apologising to them. And before you jump at me I know about people like you who are always trying to justify there actions, reguardless however wrong they were
Right, because despite you having never met me, you are quite ready to put me into a stereotype. Eisen has already said he's sorry, and for you to post your "advice" afterwards, clearly shows that you don't care about the issue he posted, and that you were enjoying verbally attacking someone. And that's only if you did read the whole thread. What other reason would you have to post this material, if you knew I was ready this thread? There isn't one. "Justify attaking my friends"? That didn't even happen, as I pointed out. If taking back something you own is regarded as assault, then the laws have changed since last time I checked. And I have apologised to Eisen. As you don't seem to have realised, we do speak outside the Internet. After he made that post, I talked to him about it, and we both apologised. So really, what was your point in posting?
Also, Archade, I'm sorry I snapped at you. It was an entirely reasonable assumption. Completely unlike Wielder's.

Lord Wielder wrote: By the sound of things this guy has serious issues that you need to sit down and talk through, otherwise he'll just get worse.
There are several rules that you need to understand when playing D&D that he has apparently forgotten
1. Respect the DM, he is god
2. Do not assult any players, ever
3. If you are feeling pissed off at the other players or their actions talk about it
4. If you have a tendancy towards violent behaviour learn to control it, or don't play
5. And finally Respect The DM
I hope that you guys can talk it out, if not kick him out before something bad happens
Ooh, harsh. A case of "I didn't read all of the thread" syndrome. Also, you don't know me, and didn't read my post. Almost everyone else has apologised, yet you jump right at me, and accuse me of mental issues. Ok, fine, this might be a bit harsh, but I just posted a lengthy reply, and you didn't even read, so I think next time maybe read the whole thread before putting your foot in your mouth.
Addressing the issue that Stebehil and Thanis raised. This is already underway, and I initiated this before writing my previous post. While I'm not blaming Lord Eisen, I was quite willing to change my behaviour, as I pointed out in my last post. The main thing I shouldn't have done, was take the Monster Manual, but I'd been given a hard time by two members of the group all day, after inviting them into my home.
Celiwyn wrote:
My apoligies, I only had to work with what was posted in the first post and partially due to my training and experience I assume the worst.
State law varies from place to place and I was trained that by law if I saw child abuse, which they defined as pretty much any kind of bad thing happening to anyone under 18 *I* go could to jail for not reporting it. Seriously, I had an old boyfriend be nasty to me and the school cop came up to me and told me (because I was 17 and a child-care provider and he knew it) that I could go to jail if I didn't report what he did to me. Laws are weird but are out there to protect people.
But it sounds like you didn't hurt your friend at all. I'm glad you told your side of the story. I personally given a choice wouldn't let one of my DM's touch my MM (2nd ed) because then he'd never stop trying to update them all to 3.5 and I'd never get him to go outside again. *smiles*
Please accept my apoligies and please keep in mind, while my post painted you in a bad light, it was also a reminder to everyone that no one has the right to cause anyone bodily harm.
Hope you guys can all work things out.
Man, I feel like a real heel now. I fully accept laws are meant to protect people, but as this is in Australia, we only have one nation wide legal system. The system here is broken into two pieces, adult, and juvenile. This is because it is reckoned that children have less control over their actions. Thus, child abuse only takes place when the offender is a legal adult. Otherwise, that would be juvenile assault and battery. I understand what you're saying about physical harm.
Archade wrote:
Honestly, I think the biggest problem is that some of your group isn't as mature as you are. That's hard to get around. I might suggest you find a local RPGA game to play in to see how mature gamers play.
Ow. Just ow.

Celiwyn wrote:
Remember, if that kid even lays a finger on you and actually hurts you, it's considered abuse, and since from what I can tell both of you are under 18, it's techinally child abuse. Being an ex-childcare provider, it's a touchy subject. If in the process of having a talk with this player he even attempts to get violent, DO NOT hestitate to call 911, the good men and women that answer those phones are there to help you. I know, my aunt is one of those people.
Wow, you paint me in such a great light. And no, it's juvenile assault and battery.
Thanis Kartaleon wrote:
Well, if the particular player that caused this thread to start is reading it, I think now would be a good time for you to chime in and tell us your side of the story.
Glad you asked. I'd like to say that what Lord Eisen has said may be well-intentioned, but hurtful, and completely innaccurate.
Lord Eisen wrote:
1. Feels that the alignment CE gives him the license to go around things which disgust the other players, such as trying to skin peoples faces and then wearing them, claiming it gives him a bonus to Disguise. I have seriously toyed with the idea of forcing him to change his alignment to Neutral, but I feel that this is just too restrictive (as an added problem there is a lawful-good paladin in the party).
First and foremost, this is a game. It is not a projection of myself into a fatasy world, nor how I imagine my ideal personality. Secondly, this isn't a reflection of what happens in the campaign. I asked Lord Eisen if this was acceptable, becaus the idea of roleplaying an evil character with a decidely unsual twist was interesting. When Lord Eisen said no, I promptly stopped any further discussion about this topic, and did nothing like this in-game. I thought the paladin in the party would be an interesting contrast, and provide my character with an incentive to hide his actions.
Lord Eisen wrote:
2. Has no respect for me, the DM. When told that an Imp dealt him Dexterity damage (which they do, with poison sting), he got up, ran around to my end of the table, put me in a karate arm hold, and took the MM off me. He examined it, holding up play for five minutes, before claiming I'd fudged the roll (I hadn't, but could you blame me if I had?) and telling me to roll again.
Lord Eisen made this roll while I was out of the room, getting a drink for him, as we were at my house. (And no, my mother was not baking cookies, and did notice what was going on) One of the other gamers, who shall remain nameless, had been abusing me verbally, after accepting my hospitality. I was hurt about this, and returned to find that my character had apparently suffered 10 points of Dex damage (my characters main attribute). I did not place Lord Eisen in "A karate arm-hold", but did retrieve my Monster manual, as he'd borrowed my copy. I saw that Imps did indeed Dex damage, but to have a roll like that take place while I wasn't even present seemed a bit strange.
Lord Eisen wrote:
4. Orders me to work in his "background", which mainly consists of him being forced to slaughter all of his family.
Actually the reverse opposite. I politley asked Lord Eisen, and it was actually avenging my family.
Stebehil wrote:
And pointing the knife at someone is something I would not tolerate even if its half or more in jest...
And if that had actually happened, I'd still agree with you.
James Keegan wrote:
You can always play Monopoly. Wait. Then he'll accuse the banker of cheating and put him in a headlock. Go fish?
Ouch. Just ouch. I guess that would mean I'd have to headlock myself.
About Brother Malakai
Character Name: Malakai Burtin
Home World: Mortressa (Death World)
Career Path: Missionary Rank: 1
Motivation: Endurance
Quote: “The God-Emperor preserved my life for a purpose—to spread His light into the darkness.”
Description: A dedicated missionary of the Imperial Creed, Malakai Trent was the only survivor of the pilgrim vessel Pious Light, lost in
battle with Ork Freebooters. Malakai’s salvation pod was recovered by Sarvus Trask. Ever since, Malakai has travelled with Trask in order to
lend the Rogue Trader’s dynasty the God-Emperor’s blessing and carry the Ecclessiarch’s word to heathen planets beyond the Imperium.
[4]5 WS
[3]1 BS
[4]0 ST
[4]1 T
[3]5 AG
[3]2 IN
[3]3 PR
[4]9 WP
[4]2 FL
[x][x] [_] [_] Awareness (Per)
[x][x] [_] [_] Charm (Fel)
[x][x] [_] [_] Common Lore (Int) (Imperial Creed)
[x][x] [_] [_] Dodge (Ag)
[x][x] [_] [_] Intimidate (S)
[x][x] [x] [_] Medicae (Int)
[_][_] [_] [_] Scholastic Lore (Int)
[x][x] [_] [_] -Imperial Creed
[x][x] [_] [_] -Occult
[x][x] [_] [_] Search (Per)
Micro-bead, void-breather, pilgrim’s robes, pilgrim’s staff, a
book of St. Drusus’ teachings, 1 tank of flamer ammunition.
Special Ability: Malakai possesses the Wrath of the Righteous
special ability. When making an attack, he may spend a Fate
Point to deal an additional 1d5 points of Damage.
Balanced: Malakai’s chainsword is a heavy, powerful weapon
that is difficult for an opponent to move aside. Malakai receives
a +10% bonus to his Weapon Skill Tests made to Parry with this
Tearing: Malakai’s chainsword uses spinning blades to rend an
opponent with righteous fervour. When rolling for Damage, make
two rolls and choose the highest result.
Flame: Flame weapons project a cone of flame out to the range
of the weapon. Unlike other weapons, flamers have just one
range, and when fired, cast fiery death out to that distance. The
wielder does not need to test Ballistic Skill; all creatures in the
flame’s path (a cone-shaped area extending in a 30-degree arc
from the firer out out to the weapon’s range) must make an Agility
Test or be struck by the flames and take damage normally.
Imperial Guard Flak Armour
Armour Points: 4
Half Action: 3m Full Action: 6m
Charge: 9m Run: 18m
Total: 15
Total: 3
Name: Chainsword
Class: Melee Damage: 1d10+6 Pen: 2
Special Rules: Balanced, Tearing
Name: Mezoa-pattern Boarding Flamer
Class: Flame Damage: 1d10+4 Pen: 2
Range: 20m ROF: S/–/– Clip: 6 Reload: 2 Full
Special Rules: Flame
The most important things to know about playing Malakai are:
• You fight well in close combat.
• You are skilled at dealing with people and are
trained in the arts of medicine.
• You believe that the God-Emperor has a greater
destiny for you—and you will bear any burden to
achieve it.