What's Your Favorite Star Saga?


1. What’s your favorite Trek?
The Original
The Next Generation
Deep Space Nine
The Motion Picture
2: The Wrath of Khan
3: The Search for Spock
4: The Voyage Home
5: The Final Frontier
6: The Undiscovered Country
The Future Begins
First Contact
I can’t pick just one!
I can’t pick any. :/

2. What’s your favorite 'gate?
The Ark of Truth
I can’t pick just one!
I can’t pick any. :/

3. What’s your favorite War?
4: A New Hope
5: The Empire Strikes Back
6: Return of the Jedi
1: The Phantom Menace
2: Attack of the Clones
3: Revenge of the Sith
I can’t pick just one!
I can’t pick any. :/
I have a seething, irrational hatred for episodes 1-3. :(

4. Of the three Star Sagas, which is your overall favorite?
I’m really that much of a geek!
Huh? I’ve been living under a rock for the past forty years.

I'll go first. I'm not a Fan (with a capital F) of any of them, although I'll probably watch the Wars a second time at some point. I have no strong feelings about the prequels, and I laugh out loud when my best friend claims that "Those aren't Star Wars!"

The only 'gate I really got into was SGU; unlike the other shows, this one's characters are all somewhat rough around the edges. The show almost has a BSG feel to it.

I haven't tasted nearly all of the Treks. I didn't even realize how fraking many of them there are until I wrote the OP. So far though, I'd have to say that DS9 is my favorite. Avery Brooks' voice is awesome, and Quark is there for occasional comic relief. (Which Trek really needs more of, IMO.)

The Wars are my overall favorites. How about you?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
What’s your favorite Trek?

For the TV series I guess I would have to say Enterprise though it is close.

For movie Wrath of Khan easy.

What’s your favorite 'gate?

I suppose SG-1

What’s your favorite War?

I suppose The Empire Strikes Back

Of the three Star Sagas, which is your favorite?

None. I like them all about the same which is they are pretty good but not great.

Me I prefer Alien saga... well the first two anyways. Unless we are just talking great scifi, then of course it is Firefly, cause the Browncoats will rise again.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Babylon 5 followed by Space: Above And Beyond and new BSG, why?

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
What’s your favorite Trek?
For the TV series I guess I would have to say Enterprise though it is close.

I just recently watched the first episode of Enterprise, and I laughed out loud when one of the characters says "Perhaps we should look into seat belts when we get back to Earth" during the ship's first rough encounter. Why did nobody ever follow up on that?! Basic safety seems like something that Star Fleet would be concerned about, ya know?

Dark_Mistress wrote:

Me I prefer Alien saga... well the first two anyways. Unless we are just talking great scifi, then of course it is Firefly, cause the Browncoats will rise again.
Drejk wrote:
Babylon 5 followed by Space: Above And Beyond and new BSG, why?

Aw guuuys, I had this whole theme going with 'Star...' shows that have lots of episodes and...oh, never mind! ;)

Honestly I didn't just ask "What's your favorite sci fi flick?" because hardly anyone would pick any of the three I did ask about. I certainly wouldn't.

@ Firefly: I'm still amused at how popular this show is above the Mason-Dixon line. The characters are essentially bitter southern ex-soldiers [in space]. Above the Mason-Dixon line, a typical response to "The South will rise again!" is a confused look or an eye-roll. But somehow "The Browncoats will rise again!" is just great tv. I'm not saying I don't like Firefly; in fact I think it's one of the better sci fi shows. It's just odd how popular it is.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Firefly is popular because of it's characters everything else is secondary. Least that is my take of it from talking to other fans.

As for picking their favorite. Well honestly I am not a huge fan of any of the three. Trek has always had good and then cheesy moments, Star Gate was a neat idea, but it just really seemed weird why they only always sent 4 people. As for Star Wars... well I use to be a bigger fan of it, until Lucas starting messing with them... Han shot first dangit, I won't even get into some of the stuff in the prequels *cough*Jar-Jar*cough*

So IF I was forced to pick like on pain of death or something just from those three. I suppose I would say.
Star Gate had the best over all constant story.
Star Trek has the most rewatchability.
Star Wars had the best special effects.

Ok ok... I guess... ug... Star Trek...

Sovereign Court

Favorite Star saga? Dancing with the stars......j/k I wouldn't watch that crap.

Fav Tek:
DS9 no contest. I have been called an anti-trekkie before when I told some avid fans that DS9 was better than TNG. They did not like it no sir. Even less when I told them Voyager was a step backwards for the franchise.

Trek movie:
I am going to go with The J.J. reboot. I liked it because it was the first time a Trek movie was really exciting and didn't feel like an extended episode of the TV series. Don't get me wrong I loved the TV shows (voyager excluded) but I like the reboots approach for a movie. The same avid fans from the above selection are not very pleased. Especially since the reboot did really well in the box office. When is the next movie anyways? It feels like the first one was 5 years ago.

SGU. Its the only one a got into and soon as I did it was canceled. Can not comment much on the series I haven't found the franchise too appealing to get into. However it didn't seem like the writers had much direction in mind for SGU so it getting canceled shouldn't have been too much of a surprise.

A new hope; I love the beginning of this saga. However Empire is right on its heels. I don't have quite the hate many do for the prequels but I certainly didn't think much of them.

Fav of the three?

First I want to give honorable mention to Dr. Who and Babylon 5 which I rank above all three. I have to go with Trek just because its got a long history with a lot of different aspects to it. Wars is tied up with Lucas and definitely had some low points. I still love the original series of SW films though they will always have a place in my heart. That puts Gate at the bottom. I cant claim to make fair criticisms of the show because I never really got into it. I always felt like it had potential but the writing i felt was usually bad.

Sovereign Court

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

@ Firefly: I'm still amused at how popular this show is above the Mason-Dixon line. The characters are essentially bitter southern ex-soldiers [in space]. Above the Mason-Dixon line, a typical response to "The South will rise again!" is a confused look or an eye-roll. But somehow "The Browncoats will rise again!" is just great tv. I'm not saying I don't like Firefly; in fact I think it's one of the better sci fi shows. It's just odd how popular it is.


I did enjoy the western in space setting and characters but this show has ridiculous cult following. For me the biggest fans I know are in one of two camps. The first is the "Joss Wehddon is the best writer ever" club. The other is some libertarian friends of mine who latched onto the "GOVT get off my back imma rebel" feel of the series. And yes I live in Yankee country and also find its appeal here odd.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The newer Battlestar Galactica (not the cheesy original series).
Babylon 5

In that order.

Firefly had fantastic characterization for a show that lasted 14 episodes and one movie (which did a fantastic job tying stuff up). All the characters were interesting and there was so much potential lost with the show's all too early demise. The cast also seemed to mesh incredibly well with eachother that at times it was hard to believe that they had not been together for at least a few seasons. I'm not a Joss Whedon fanboy by any stretch (I only liked the first few seasons of Buffy personally), but Firefly was epic for me.

Btw, I'm in yankee country too.

Firefly is the James Dean of Sci-fi TV shows. It was a legend... and never got old.

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Star Gate was a neat idea, but it just really seemed weird why they only always sent 4 people. As for Star Wars... well I use to be a bigger fan of it, until Lucas starting messing with them...

The writers play D&D. O'Neil is the rogue, Sam is the wizard, Daniel is the cleric, and Teelk is the fighter. :)

Dark_Mistress wrote:
Han shot first dangit, I won't even get into some of the stuff in the prequels *cough*Jar-Jar*cough*

Did Lucas ever settle on a version? Or are all three versions still floating around dvd merchandizers? 'Cause if I ever buy SW I'd like Han to shoot first.

Pan wrote:

Fav Tek:
DS9 no contest. I have been called an anti-trekkie before when I told some avid fans that DS9 was better than TNG. They did not like it no sir. Even less when I told them Voyager was a step backwards for the franchise.

Eh, screw them. ;) Although to be fair, Patrick Stewart's voice rivals Avery Brooks'.

Kind of Funny Voyager Anecdote: Voyager was the first and only Trek I saw for a long time, so for a long time I thought that all vulcans were black. Non-humans tend to be monotyped, so when I finally saw Mr. Spock I assumed he was some other kind of space elf.

Pan wrote:

Trek movie:

I am going to go with The J.J. reboot. I liked it because it was the first time a Trek movie was really exciting and didn't feel like an extended episode of the TV series. Don't get me wrong I loved the TV shows (voyager excluded) but I like the reboots approach for a movie. The same avid fans from the above selection are not very pleased. Especially since the reboot did really well in the box office. When is the next movie anyways? It feels like the first one was 5 years ago.

Yeah the reboot is by far the best Trek, despite the whole thing being a giant time-frak. (I just don't like time travel.) I can't remember another movie where the action hero wins by repeatedly getting his butt kicked!

Sunderstone wrote:
The newer Battlestar Galactica (not the cheesy original series).

Agreed; I'm kind of a new BSG fanboy. Saw a fragment of one episode of the original and didn't look back.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Han shot first dangit, I won't even get into some of the stuff in the prequels *cough*Jar-Jar*cough*
Did Lucas ever settle on a version? Or are all three versions still floating around dvd merchandizers? 'Cause if I ever buy SW I'd like Han to shoot first.

As far as I know all the new ones are all where Greedo shoots first from 1ft away and some how misses.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

1. The Original Trek, first season. Great writing, almost uniformly.

2. I only watched part of SGU and didn't warm to any of the characters

3. New Hope--and I couldn't care less who shot first. I really appreciate the updated FX

4. Trek wins easily, although Star Wars is a close runner up.

Dark Archive

Trek series - Deep Space Nine all the way. (What, you didn't include the animated series on the list?) :)
Trek movie - Wrath of Khan.
Star Wars movie - Empire Strikes Back.
Stargate - Stargate Universe.

I'm also a big fan of Babylon 5 and Firefly and various short-lived series, like Space: Above & Beyond.

Not so much the new Battlestar Galactica, which ended up joining Heroes and Lost as shows that apparently had no plot and were just being made up by the writers as they went along.

As a farmboy, I always kind of liked how both Captain Kirk and Luke Skywalker (and Picard, I suppose) started out as farmboys. (The new Abrams version, not so much, but it was a flashy movie anyway.) I liked the egalitarian 'anyone can grow up to become the hero' nature of those sorts of humbler beginnings. (Added backstory that made Luke the son of some immaculately conceived prophesied force-messiah and an alien queen pretty much nuked that, but, until Abrams, I could at least console myself that Kirk had been a farmboy-done-good!)

Of those three, probably Trek, over Wars and Gate. Trek series, IMO, tend to have some pretty rich characterization, and generally go deep into their alien cultures (less 'random face in the cantina' more in-depth cultural details about Bajorans and Cardassians and even Ferengi).

Both tend to attract some pretty crazy devoted fans, either learning to speak Klingon or founding real-world Jedi religions...

QXL99 wrote:
1. The Original Trek, first season. Great writing, almost uniformly.

Could you explain a bit what you mean? I've only seen part of the first episode, and the only thing that really jumped out at me was Kirk's first exchange with the female officer.

Kirk: "I'm just not used to having a woman onboard." [In response to woman A leaving the bridge.]

Female Officer: Gives Kirk a put-off look.

Kirk: "Except for you of course."

Female Officer: Looks relieved.

Kirk: "...You don't really count."

Female Officer: Looks offended.

Kirk: "I mean, ah..." [Kirk hastily leaves the bridge.]

Trek could really use more humor. :)

Set wrote:
Trek series - Deep Space Nine all the way. (What, you didn't include the animated series on the list?) :)

Sorry, it didn't show up on imdb!

Set wrote:

Not so much the new Battlestar Galactica, which ended up joining Heroes and Lost as shows that apparently had no plot and were just being made up by the writers as they went along.

You refuse to recognize new BSG as the best scifi series EVAR?! Heretic! ;)

As for Lost, I loved it until the plot got all time-travel-y -- which I think is when the writers started to plan ahead. After that, I just liked it. Maybe I just really love aimless tv.

Set wrote:

Of those three, probably Trek, over Wars and Gate. Trek series, IMO, tend to have some pretty rich characterization, and generally go deep into their alien cultures (less 'random face in the cantina' more in-depth cultural details about Bajorans and Cardassians and even Ferengi).

Speaking of random cantina races, what is that bifurcated blue-face race that seem to be in every Trek series? I know their race has a name, but the whole race seems to exist to be nameless NPCs so I can't remember it.

Scarab Sages

Trek: Animated.

Wars: All, though ESB might be slightly ahead of the rest.

Gate: Only ever seen the movie.

Overall: Varies between SW and ST.

Not asked: I also like most of the rest of what's been mentioned. Battlestar Galactica (the campy original -- the new one was a good show, just not good Battlestar Galactica 8^), Babylon 5, Firefly, and some that haven't been mentioned yet: Earth 2 (look it up 8^), Lost in Space (recent movie and original show), Buck Rogers ('80s TV show), The Black Hole (disowned by Disney), etc.

(All of the above is, of course, just my opinions. 8^)

Arazyr wrote:

Trek: Animated.

Wars: All, though ESB might be slightly ahead of the rest.

Gate: Only ever seen the movie.

Overall: Varies between SW and ST.

Not asked: I also like most of the rest of what's been mentioned. Battlestar Galactica (the campy original -- the new one was a good show, just not good Battlestar Galactica 8^), Babylon 5, Firefly, and some that haven't been mentioned yet: Earth 2 (look it up 8^), Lost in Space (recent movie and original show), Buck Rogers ('80s TV show), The Black Hole (disowned by Disney), etc.

(All of the above is, of course, just my opinions. 8^)

I think the main thing that holds B5 back from the best is seasons 1 & 5; 2-4 were incredible, but the show started rather mediocre and the last season dropped off in terms of drama. I have a warm place in my heart for BG '79; easier to like those folks than the ultra-gritty newer ones, although the updated show was the better drama by far (sometimes awfully hard to watch, which is why it is not a series I am as likely to rewatch as some others). And I will always love the first five episodes of Lost in Space...

BTW, where is the love for Doctor Who? Or is that show too fantasy to count?

Dark Archive

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Speaking of random cantina races, what is that bifurcated blue-face race that seem to be in every Trek series? I know their race has a name, but the whole race seems to exist to be nameless NPCs so I can't remember it.


(geekfail on my part, I initially thought they were the Benzites, but that's a totally different race of bald blue aliens who generally get to get shown up by humans whenever they appear)

Ah bolians! I expected the bifurcation to go all the way down and around. Huh.

QXL99 wrote:
I have a warm place in my heart for BG '79; easier to like those folks than the ultra-gritty newer ones, although the updated show was the better drama by far (sometimes awfully hard to watch, which is why it is not a series I am as likely to rewatch as some others).

Strange, I find gritty characters much easier to relate to than straight-laced ones. In fact that may be the biggest reason that I find Trek only moderately entertaining; morally gray good guys are either bleached or get killed off pretty quickly. The most interesting Trek character I've ever seen was a psychopathic betazoid from Voyager. He genuinely wanted to be normal, and with Tuvok's help he managed to suppress his murderous impulses. But of course the writers killed him off after he was compelled to kill a hostile alien in order to save the entire crew. :/

Out of curiosity, what's your favorite alignment to play? Also goes for Arazyr.

QXL99 wrote:
BTW, where is the love for Doctor Who? Or is that show too fantasy to count?

I've only seen but two episodes. Not bad, but not tremendously compelling. I'll probably watch more some day.

Sovereign Court

QXL99 wrote:
BTW, where is the love for Doctor Who? Or is that show too fantasy to count?

I gave a shout out in my post. I can never forget Who I was raised on Tom Baker!

Tequila Sunrise wrote:

Ah bolians! I expected the bifurcation to go all the way down and around. Huh.

QXL99 wrote:
I have a warm place in my heart for BG '79; easier to like those folks than the ultra-gritty newer ones, although the updated show was the better drama by far (sometimes awfully hard to watch, which is why it is not a series I am as likely to rewatch as some others).

Strange, I find gritty characters much easier to relate to than straight-laced ones. In fact that may be the biggest reason that I find Trek only moderately entertaining; morally gray good guys are either bleached or get killed off pretty quickly. The most interesting Trek character I've ever seen was a psychopathic betazoid from Voyager. He genuinely wanted to be normal, and with Tuvok's help he managed to suppress his murderous impulses. But of course the writers killed him off after he was compelled to kill a hostile alien in order to save the entire crew. :/

Out of curiosity, what's your favorite alignment to play? Also goes for Arazyr.

I prefer NG or CG

Pan wrote:
QXL99 wrote:
BTW, where is the love for Doctor Who? Or is that show too fantasy to count?
I gave a shout out in my post. I can never forget Who I was raised on Tom Baker!

I was raised on Baker too, but my favorite is Pertwee.

Shadow Lodge

None of the above in the original post. My favorites are:

1. Firefly/Serenity

2. Farscape

3. Doctor Who (favorite is Matt Smith, least favorite is David Tennant)

4. Babylon 5

Shadow Lodge

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
But somehow "The Browncoats will rise again!" is just great tv. I'm not saying I don't like Firefly; in fact I think it's one of the better sci fi shows. It's just odd how popular it is.

I'm not sure I ever got a "The Browncoats will rise again!" vibe. Mal seems pretty resigned to the fact that they would NOT rise again, Zoe doesn't seem all that bothered one or or the other, and none of the other characters are every really shown as having any feelings one-way or the other about the war.

Shadow Lodge

Set wrote:

Not so much the new Battlestar Galactica, which ended up joining Heroes and Lost as shows that apparently had no plot and were just being made up by the writers as they went along.

I've got news for you...the overwhelming majority of TV shows have no real guided plot and are just being made up by the writers as they go along. I think the only thing listed here that didn't fall into that category is Babylon 5, and even it only had a rough outline for it's 5-year arc...one that got drastically revised on at least a couple of occasions (the actor for Sinclair leaving the show, and the whole season 4 compression / season 5 expansion).

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Kthulhu wrote:

None of the above in the original post. My favorites are:

1. Firefly/Serenity

2. Farscape

3. Doctor Who (favorite is Matt Smith, least favorite is David Tennant)

4. Babylon 5

Huge Farscape fan myself.

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