Lord Soth

Don Brown's page

8 posts. Alias of Greyson.


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Stephanie R. wrote:
My husband Eddy and I were heavily involved in LG in Utah, too.

I remember the Roberts! Those were some really fun times with the old LG crew. I'll take you up on the DM offer, Stephanie. Thanks!

Starocotes wrote:
There is the flume north of the wheel which seems so not only carry water but also logs and then there is the wheel with the mill and beyond that farther south the loading flume that leads to the harbor. It that right?

Yes, there is a long flume that runs to the north side of the mill's sluice, in which the Giant's Wheel sits, with the canal pound on the east side of the wheel. The Osprey River water turns the wheel and continues west of the sluice and wheel, up around the north end of the town. On the south side of the mill race is the actual mill and a short conveyor that moves logs into the southern flume. The southern flume is about 500 feet long, and ends in a slide that drops product to collection point at the water a hundred feet below the bluff on the town's eastern side.

And yes, the Giant's Wheel is articulated by Osprey River water collected in the canal pound. The northern flume terminates at the edge of the pound and adds its water to it.

Does any of this help?

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David knott 242 wrote:
This AP must have sold REALLY well.

I know this is hardly official, but this product's page at Amazon says, "Pathfinder Second Edition's most popular campaign yet ..."

As a returning Paizo/Pathfinder customer, having left at the conclusion of Second Darkness to commit to another system, it is the Abomination Vaults campaign that first caught my interest and brought me 'back into the fold.' I saw Ruins of Gauntlight on Amazon while browsing for other RPG fare, and it got me curious about the system. However, I initially tinkered with starting Age of Ashes, but it was a bit much for me as a newcomer to PF2. I switched gears and got the Beginner Box's, ran Menace Under Otari and then Troubles In Otari. It was a better entry path for new/returning gamers like my group and me. Abomination Vaults is the perfect next step for our circumstances and level of familiarity and experience with PF2.

It is anecdotal, but to say, the Abomination Vaults AP is PF2's "... most popular campaign yet ..." rings true with me. There is something about its title, tone, and measure of content that captured my attention.

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Ed Reppert wrote:
There's the Character Sheet Pack but that's a purchase. Ah, here you go!

Woohoo! Thank you very much. Looks like the black and white sheets are gonna do the trick just fine. I have not played PF2, yet. So these are great for a beginner. If we play more I might look into other character sheet options. For now, this is great.

Thanks again.

Has Paizo provided a downloadable character sheet for Pathfinder second edition? The link in the Downloads page provides the first edition character sheet.

Scott Betts wrote:

Some one suggests that you calm down and avoid overreacting and you call them the "thought police"?


No, it's not nice at all. I gotta come in here and apologize to Mr. Betts and to anyone else unfortunate enough to read my invective tirade. That was frustration and thoughtless disregard talking. A couple of players I DM Scales of War for saw my comments above and had an "intervention" with me.

Yeah, it's frustrating to not have a campaign overview to help plan and execute this 'adventure path.' It has been a disappointment to DM Scales of War. But nothing justifies coming in here or anywhere and dropping names and labels on people.

I doubt if Mr. Betts will visit this thread again (I wouldn't). If anyone knows him, let him know I'm sorry and that I did overreact. He tried to be a calming voice and I was a jerk.

Back on topic. I'd still like a campaign overview. For now, however, I'm gonna take a step back and try to do what DMs do - tweak it, smooth it out and otherwise make it work. I thought my players saw every inconsistency and every blunder and shortcoming - and sometimes they did. But, they remembered it's a game when I got fixated on minutia and forgot.

Scott Betts wrote:
C'mon, guys. Calm down. You're making a big deal out of something that really doesn't matter a great deal.

Are you running Scales of War, Mr. Betts? I am. A group of players asked me to run it and to get started immediately. So, in the 4E spirit of "have fun," we got started early and I had faith that something would eventually show up to help me plan and execute a published campaign scheduled to run 18 months and go to 30th-level. We're six weeks into playing it now and I worry about what's gonna come down the Scales of War pipe.

I can't accurately foreshadow any potential bad guys, because I don't know who they are. I can't plan for important NPC appearances. I cannot plan for major campaign events. I can't tell a great story with a strong sense of continuity. Since the Game System License has 3rd party publishers in a choke hold, we're limping along with a mediocre story from the only people with any significant amount of 4E adventures to offer. Our goal was to support 4E. Yet, Dungeon is intent on keeping a simple campaign management tool out of the hands of capable DMs that rely on its adventures because they don't have time to make or convert their own games.

All of that said, perhaps YOUR campaign is not worth "making a big deal out of". And, maybe in YOUR campaign this "really doesn't matter a great deal." To MY campaign it is a big deal and it does matter. So, while I appreciate you acting the part of thought police, I indeed have players and a campaign to worry about.

If you can help us persuade Dungeon to share their Scales of War campaign overview with us busy DMs, that'd be great.

In the words of Jeff from Richmond, "GOOD NIGHT NOW!"

Did you guys know that you can (and right now EVERYONE does) - sit down for this - play D&D 4th Edition without a computer! Still sitting? Good, because you don't use cards, either!

It's this old style thing where we use characters sheets - yes, real paper! Just like the rule books. It's totally retro and insane! And we use pencils and pens, too. I know, right?! We even physically roll dice - real ones that you hold, blow on, shake in your hand and physically drop on the table. It's crazy, like a trip to 1984 or something. We don't use keyboards or a mouse or anything like that. Is this new game dark ages or what?

It goes on! Not a single card is brought to the table, either. Call me crazy, but we don't shuffle, cut, deal or otherwise use a single card in D&D 4th Edition. We don't even need THESE. But, I have a suspicion that using THOSE would somehow be okay and not considered "a card game" to the folks around here.

So, welcome to the same old, table-top style of D&D we've known for thirty years. I hope this low-tech, non-CCG business does not turn anyone off. It's a great game. It'd be a shame to miss it because you've adopted someone else's preconceived notion without honestly trying it yourself with an open mind.

Now, please excuse me. My warlord has to help our party's striker recover some hit points with Inspiring Word (hope I roll high on my d6 to add to his healing surge!). Then, I am gonna move into a flank to give our fighter combat advantage against the goblin hexer. Last, I'll use Commander's Strike to give the same paladin two chances to hit this round. Maybe I can also talk to the paladin into using an Action Point so he can add 5 to his THIRD attack this round from my Tactical Presence. Gonna be a busy round for me. Should be fun, I still have my encounter powers and my dailies. Good times to be a warlord.