Starfinder Drift Crisis

3.60/5 (based on 9 ratings)
Starfinder Drift Crisis
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In a catastrophic instant, travel through the faster-than-light Drift realm failed, with travelers vanishing in mid-flight, communications scrambling, and the Drift's progenitor god Triune falling mysteriously silent. In the aftermath, empires cling to far-flung holdings, opportunists exploit the chaos, and everyone demands to know what triggered this Drift Crisis and how they can solve it.

The Drift Crisis hardcover rulebook and setting guide details this massive galaxy-wide event, introducing a vast array of new conflicts, opportunities, and stories. Equip your characters with the latest technologies and techniques for surviving the upheaval, with new gear and character options. Discover the influential factions that are restoring order, profiting on the wreckage, or perpetuating the pandemonium. And experience the Drift Crisis with 20 detailed adventure seeds that range from survival to saving the galaxy!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-419-2

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription.

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3.60/5 (based on 9 ratings)

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Not what i was promised and hyped up about,skip this one



All you can eat buffet of brain food


It may not be to everyone's taste or appetite but,
For me, it's an all-you-can-eat buffet of brain food.

It's a hard book to describe. I think some of the criticism about it being over-hyped is might be misplaced, that much of the hype is not just for the book, but for the year-long Drift Crisis event that includes around a dozen different products.

It doesn't have a lot of new mechanics. I think that might be a good thing for this book. It makes it easy to use in any past, current, or future adventure.

It does give new life to content from older books like the alternative faster than light drives in the starship operations manual. It sets the foundation for future mechanics like drift lanes. It creates variations for running old APs with a new twist. It's a book that turns drift travel from this is how we travel in Starfinder into the drift being one of the coolest features of Starfinder. It's the book that suggests the drift can be hacked. If you can hack the drift the possibilities are unlimited.

It's not a book for everyone. It's not a reference book you need at the table every game. It's good for players who want a character with a background connected to the drift. It's good for GMs who like the extra flexibility or variation it creates in the story, or are looking for 20 new adventure seeds. I think it's also meant for the developers of Starfinder as a foundation for the future.

I like that Piazo is willing to try something completely different, not every book can be this outside the box, but once in a while, it's a great way to keep the game fresh.



After reading it, I just feel let down.

The Drift crisis doesn't seem to bring in that many new mechanics, and it also feels completely over-hyped. The art styles in the book are also less consistent than previous Starfinder books. Some of the art looks like it was made using traditional mediums, while some of the art looks like it was made using only digital tools. Neither are "better" than the other, but it just feels inconsistent.

A Triumph in every sense of the word


Just an incredible shake up and so many opportunities to play with this event - it really feels like whether in home games, APs, or Society this year we will all be talking about the Drift Crisis.

The adventure hooks are varied and pretty deep - they allow more flesh to be added to the bone of what had previously been 1 dimensional archetypes for the Azlanti, the Vesk, the anacites, everyone.

My only complaint is that this maybe wasn't quite ambitious *enough* because I feel like it could have set up a whole new status quo for the setting and instead seems to be temporary.


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Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Congrats to the Starfinder team on their front-page Drift Crisis article on Polygon.

This part is interesting...


Later, in October, the Drift Hackers Adventure Path will provide the canonical conclusion to the Drift Crisis, taking characters from level seven through level 13. At the same time, the Starfinder Society organized-play program will also be running its own parallel adventures that will touch on similar events and themes.

Most interesting of all is the fact that Paizo is making the Drift Crisis narratively backward compatible. Starfinder Drift Crisis will include ways to include its dramatic events for every single previously released set of adventures in the Starfinder catalog.

“It allows us an opportunity to show that our setting is not static, that it is evolving, and that we can do so in ways that are presenting meaningful changes without substantially invalidating any of the things that we wrote before,” said Compton. “People playing through this can have this comic-book-event-style situation where they all get to participate in a big thing and feel like they are part of the plotline.”

The Drift Crisis is big enough, Paizo says, that it should leave plenty of room for everyone in the Starfinder community to feel like their characters have had an impact.

“This is an important thing for me,” Compton said. “Being able to have big things happen, and have it reflected in our ongoing setting, as opposed to saying ‘Somebody saved the world over in this corner! Nobody ever talk about it again.’ I don’t like that sort of thing, and the Drift Crisis is really a different approach to that. I’m excited about it.”

The event kicks off on May 25 with the release of Starfinder Drift Crisis. Expect the first adventure path, Drift Crashers, to begin rolling out in June.

Marketing & Media Manager

Anorak wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Congrats to the Starfinder team on their front-page Drift Crisis article on Polygon.

This part is interesting...


Later, in October, the Drift Hackers Adventure Path will provide the canonical conclusion to the Drift Crisis, taking characters from level seven through level 13. At the same time, the Starfinder Society organized-play program will also be running its own parallel adventures that will touch on similar events and themes.

Most interesting of all is the fact that Paizo is making the Drift Crisis narratively backward compatible. Starfinder Drift Crisis will include ways to include its dramatic events for every single previously released set of adventures in the Starfinder catalog.

“It allows us an opportunity to show that our setting is not static, that it is evolving, and that we can do so in ways that are presenting meaningful changes without substantially invalidating any of the things that we wrote before,” said Compton. “People playing through this can have this comic-book-event-style situation where they all get to participate in a big thing and feel like they are part of the plotline.”

The Drift Crisis is big enough, Paizo says, that it should leave plenty of room for everyone in the Starfinder community to feel like their characters have had an impact.

“This is an important thing for me,” Compton said. “Being able to have big things happen, and have it reflected in our ongoing setting, as opposed to saying ‘Somebody saved the world over in this corner! Nobody ever talk about it again.’ I don’t like that sort of thing, and the Drift Crisis is really a different approach to that. I’m excited about it.”

The event kicks off on May 25 with the release of Starfinder Drift Crisis. Expect the first adventure path, Drift Crashers, to begin rolling out in June.

Good eye. Spoilers. :)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Welp. Had my fingers crossed that "Drift Hackers" would run levels 13-20, but this makes sense.

Marketing & Media Manager

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John Mangrum wrote:
Welp. Had my fingers crossed that "Drift Hackers" would run levels 13-20, but this makes sense.

There are however 5 Adventure Seeds that go to 20th level.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
TRDG wrote:

Its pretty simple for me and my players as well as GM's that run games for me.

Pre drift Event AP's, one shot, Society play or single Adventures this event did not happen, during this event AP, one shot Society play or single Adventures, front and center, post Event, IF there is anything lingering it will be considered from above mentioned venues...

I think the issue is more that Starfinder material tends to get published chronologically, meaning that for people who want to run adventures where the Drift is still a thing (in its current form, anyway), the content up until now might be all the material they're going to get. The Dead Suns gazetteer set up a lot of really cool plot threads, which I'm eager to see uncovered and resolved. It feels like we're only barely acquainted with the place so far, for such a cornerstone of Starfinder's fascinating universe. I'm especially interested in questions like: Why can't you access the Drift via magic? Why can't you access the Drift via magic, and what kind of leverage does Triune have over the other gods to pull their territory out from underneath them without recourse? Why is Weydan exploring the Drift? What's with Triune's seven-tone melody their beacons on Alluvion keep emitting, and what caused The Dark? What's inside of Triune's personal network on Alluvion, which only their most devout can interface with, or the archives zealously guarded by Monitor? What is Triune's relationship with the Spectra (the latter of whom have been hinted to be more independent to Triune's will than previously thought), and what exactly are they? What is the Drift itself?

The entire concept of the Drift is probably my favorite part of Starfinder, as this super-unique example of the ways Starfinder marries science-fiction and fantasy together: an AI ascending to godhood, creating an entire technological plane of existence, upending the cosmic order that's existed since the dawn of time by literally stealing away reality to feed its own divine realm. Despite this, this artificial god's motivations are inscrutable, even seemingly benign, being the very foundation upon which galactic civilization thrives. And then stuff like this happens, calling everything into question.

I was initially concerned Drift Crisis was pushing the Drift and machines in general in the setting to the backburner, but the more I learn about this story, the more I'm intrigued. The Drift is still around, it's just a lot more dangerous -- like you're exploring backend while the whole place is debugging. Judging by the promotions on Paizo's Instagram, the Spectra have a role in this story, too. The final AP takes place in the Tesseract, a fairly significant location within the Drift. Seems more and more like this story is an adventure about the Drift (or at least as much about the Drift as anything else), rather than a story putting it to the side in the setting. If that's the case, this might be my favorite AP so far. Regardless, Paizo's writers seem really excited to tell this story, and that alone means I am here for it. Can't wait to see all the crazy plot twists ya'll are getting ready to unleash!

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Making the Drift dangerous enables more stories - including a good number of my favorite archetypes. I’m happy to see Triune in the spotlight, too.

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keftiu wrote:
Making the Drift dangerous enables more stories - including a good number of my favorite archetypes. I’m happy to see Triune in the spotlight, too.

Yeah, that bit has me excited. Even back in the earliest interviews about Starfinder, the Drift was described as this place that's suppose to instill a small amount of terror in you as you travel there, being a planar realm (which is scary enough on its own) that works completely differently than how the rest of the cosmos operates, literally breaking reality in order to function. It appeared suddenly, changed everything, and is still as mysterious as the machine god who peers out through it, even while populated with a galaxy of denizens traveling through it to and fro. I'm glad to see that underlying atmosphere of dread and alien-ness come to the forefront here. The Drift is a scary place. Hope we learn more about Triune's plans for it in this AP.

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Starfinder Superscriber

Color me wary of the hype, especially with the promises that this will be backwards compatible with all prior AP's.

Marketing & Media Manager

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Leon Aquilla wrote:
Color me wary of the hype, especially with the promises that this will be backwards compatible with all prior AP's.

Groups will be able to play the APs as written, as always, or within the Drift Crisis as hybrid home-brew/written adventures, under the guidance of the Starfinder team. Some of the changes are excitingly radical!

"The Drift Crisis is a massive event that affects nearly every facet of galactic life, but as a Gamemaster you might not have time to detail every ripple effect. Normally, Starfinder Adventure Paths give you everything you need for a full-length campaign, but so far none of them offer advice regarding the Drift Crisis. The following advice will help you combine extant Adventure Paths with new Drift Crisis material to create unique experiences for your table."


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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
John Mangrum wrote:
Welp. Had my fingers crossed that "Drift Hackers" would run levels 13-20, but this makes sense.

yeah, i was looking forward to another high level 3 issue AP as well...

Dang, 2nd AP another 3 parter, but at least it will hopefully hook up well with the first one so one does'nt have to do back flips to get the original party into it from AP 1 of The Drift Event.

Thanks for the great replies and for Aaron as usual and the link to that article I probably would not have known about otherwise.

Looking good so far team Starfinder!!


Scarab Sages

The 25th is here, and I am now checking back every few hours to see if the pdf is live. Been looking forward to this!

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George "Loki" Williams wrote:
The 25th is here, and I am now checking back every few hours to see if the pdf is live. Been looking forward to this!

You're aware the book is out /next/ month, right?

keftiu wrote:
You're aware the book is out /next/ month, right?

It was originally out this month, and weren't very loud about it getting moved back so I'm not surprised not everyone knows. I think even this product page was only updated to show the correct date in the past week or so.

Scarab Sages

keftiu wrote:
George "Loki" Williams wrote:
The 25th is here, and I am now checking back every few hours to see if the pdf is live. Been looking forward to this!
You're aware the book is out /next/ month, right?

Well frak. It said today on the product listing as recently as a few days ago. I'm a designer, I get the need for pushing stuff back sometimes, but I wish a more prominent announcement was made.

Thanks for the heads up.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Some of the changes are excitingly radical!

...interesting! I don't suppose you can give us a sneak peek at these radical excitations? I dunno, maybe how Drift Crisis could impact Dead Suns, or Against the Aeon Throne?

Marketing & Media Manager

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George "Loki" Williams wrote:
keftiu wrote:
George "Loki" Williams wrote:
The 25th is here, and I am now checking back every few hours to see if the pdf is live. Been looking forward to this!
You're aware the book is out /next/ month, right?

Well frak. It said today on the product listing as recently as a few days ago. I'm a designer, I get the need for pushing stuff back sometimes, but I wish a more prominent announcement was made.

Thanks for the heads up.

Sorry about that. With all the international shopping chaos, release dates have been dicey. It is best to see our Announcements for confirmation of when products are here. All May products are in our warehouse now. :)

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yay! Thanks for confirming we get this in may. I was worried!

Marketing & Media Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Exclusive Preview!
“Alex, James, and Vanessa tell of the doom and chaos coming to Starfinder in the form of The Drift Crisis! This is a year long event (complete with rulebook) that will change the galaxy forever… you don’t want to miss it!”
Know Direction: Beyond 68 – Portents of Peril!

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WOW, nice, sad Vast AP won't be in there for Drift Effect impact but (understandable as that is the newest AP) pretty sure I'll be able to do some interesting things a month from now regardless in my games.

Alex saying for him this is THEE best setting book Paizo has ever put out!! And that is from some very stiff opposition, is really saying something!!

Items and class options as well as spells sounds rockin, as well as the new monsters.

All and all the KD Star Finder crew had an interesting episode and my trust in this being done right by Paizo seems to be true, love it!!

is it the end of the month yet??!!!


Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I thought the same thing watching that video! The know direction beyond crew is nothing if not honest about what they think about products, and they gave this very high praise.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

ugh... can't wait for this anymore!

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Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My PDF has arrived! Anyone with questions feel free to ask

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Is Drift travel different in any way after the Crisis is fixed than it was pre-Crisis?

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Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
David knott 242 wrote:

Is Drift travel different in any way after the Crisis is fixed than it was pre-Crisis?

Post crisis drift travel is still a bit of a danger, other than that there are drift lanes which make traveling to the vast faster, and a network of drones that travel the drift to make communication between systems faster

How many of the character options are relevant if you aren't doing anything Drift Crisis-y.

In broad strokes what are the sections of this book? The shop blurb mentions factions and adventure seeds.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Milo v3 wrote:
How many of the character options are relevant if you aren't doing anything Drift Crisis-y.

Almost everything for options is relevant outside of the drift crisis, most of it is either interplanar stuff or stuff that has a history from the drift crisis

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Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Rysky the Dark Solarion wrote:
In broad strokes what are the sections of this book? The shop blurb mentions factions and adventure seeds.

The first section goes over the crisis and the different reactions to it and introduces some factions along with some new gear, class options, and themes.

the second and largest section is adventure seeds with some gear/feats/spells sprinkled in

the final section is the gm only stuff, like post crisis stuff, new creatures, and extra goodies

Neat, thankies

Sovereign Court

Kingvegeta9001 wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Is Drift travel different in any way after the Crisis is fixed than it was pre-Crisis?
** spoiler omitted **

So the event is like when Windows crashes to install an update, and while the new features are nice the whole thing is a bit less stable than before? Pretty funny, turning a Blue Screen of Death from the (main) computer god into a major plot event.

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Kyrand wrote:
Kingvegeta9001 wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:

Is Drift travel different in any way after the Crisis is fixed than it was pre-Crisis?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Basically, lol


5 people marked this as a favorite.
Gaulin wrote:
I thought the same thing watching that video! The know direction beyond crew is nothing if not honest about what they think about products, and they gave this very high praise.

Thank you!

We try very specifically to be honest about how we feel about content so that when we offer praise, our fans (and Paizo staff) know that it means something. I mean, we're biased; my name's in the Starfinder CRB and V's written hundreds of pages of awesome Starfinder content, like two whole AP volumes at this point. But it's very important to us that we're biased with integrity, and I'm glad that our honesty shines through about the book!

In addition to reviewing our early access PDF last month, we had John Compton on at to talk about the making of Drift Crisis, so if you want even more behind-the-scenes info about the book, check the episode out there. It'll also be available to listen to in podcast form tomorrow (5/13) at

You know, unless we get SUPER unlucky, it being Friday the 13th and all.

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I'd very much like to know if their are any good witchwarper options. Also, how many new themes do we have and what do they do (just broad strokes of course).

Duskblade wrote:
I'd very much like to know if their are any good witchwarper options.

What does your heart tell you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Xenocrat wrote:
Duskblade wrote:
I'd very much like to know if their are any good witchwarper options.
What does your heart tell you.

I like to be an optimist. :)

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Duskblade wrote:
I'd very much like to know if their are any good witchwarper options. Also, how many new themes do we have and what do they do (just broad strokes of course).


we got a new alternative to infinite worlds which alters an area with effects of another plane, and a new paradigm shift which allows you get past obstacles(ie. a locked door) by shifting it to a reality where it's no longer impeding

4 new themes,
The Crisis Refugee, you're cut off from home, you've seen and endured much
The Drift Crashed, you were in the drift when it crashed
The Opportunist, you know how to take advantage of a crisis
The Spectra Scion, you have a connection to the beings native to the drift

Kingvegeta9001 wrote:
Duskblade wrote:
I'd very much like to know if their are any good witchwarper options. Also, how many new themes do we have and what do they do (just broad strokes of course).

Witchwarper: ** spoiler omitted **

Themes: ** spoiler omitted **

I'm so glad that we're getting new themes! Also, do we get any good alternate racial options?

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Duskblade wrote:
Kingvegeta9001 wrote:
Duskblade wrote:
I'd very much like to know if their are any good witchwarper options. Also, how many new themes do we have and what do they do (just broad strokes of course).

Witchwarper: ** spoiler omitted **

Themes: ** spoiler omitted **
I'm so glad that we're getting new themes! Also, do we get any good alternate racial options?

not a single option on that front

1 person marked this as a favorite.

One would think the newly announced race book will have that covered. Glad noone has spoilered to much yet til I get my copy on the street date, can't wait to dive in and read it from cover to cover!!

Tom :)

Just caught the 2nd KD twitch show about this and I have to say the take from John Compton and the insight of this product was just outstanding!!

Scope and scale was exactly what I was hoping for in drawing in the scattered "themes" and having PC's have something to grasp as to why this matters to them. Loved the "Swarm" is slowly munching out Planets in a system, who cares as it a big place and we are far from there mentality!!LOL

Man is it May 25th yet!!


Marketing & Media Manager

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Preview! Listen or watch: Know Direction: Beyond 69 – The Making of Starfinder Drift Crisis.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I see now why there haven't been a lot of spoilers coming out about this book from subscribers. There's... there's a lot going on here. A lot a lot. A generously ample pile of "a lot" is what I'm saying. Very dense book. Gonna take time to digest.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
John Mangrum wrote:
I see now why there haven't been a lot of spoilers coming out about this book from subscribers. There's... there's a lot going on here. A lot a lot. A generously ample pile of "a lot" is what I'm saying. Very dense book. Gonna take time to digest.

Honestly my favorite part so far is not even all that directly tied to the Drift Crisis.

Vague Spoiler of Equipment:
New Fashion Options!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kingvegeta9001 wrote:
Milo v3 wrote:
How many of the character options are relevant if you aren't doing anything Drift Crisis-y.
Almost everything for options is relevant outside of the drift crisis, most of it is either interplanar stuff or stuff that has a history from the drift crisis

Hearing there is a planar content is excellent news!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

finally got my pdf... after a brief skim, this is some pretty good stuff.

Starfinder Superscriber

IS the PDF really only 10$? Wow. PDF-only folks are getting quite a steal.

Marketing & Media Manager

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We just spoke with Roll20. They are celebrating their 10 Year Anniversary this month! They plan to have Starfinder Drift Crisis on their Marketplace by the end of July, in time for Gen Con!

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Leon Aquilla wrote:
IS the PDF really only 10$? Wow. PDF-only folks are getting quite a steal.

I think the main rulebook lines generally offer cheap PDFs. Other lines are more expensive.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
James Martin wrote:

Is anyone else concerned this book feels like a World of Darkness "Here's a book to shake everything up" way to end the line?

White wolf had a lot of shaking things up events in the storyline without the ones that ended things for the edition switches.

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