Pathfinder Adventure Path #175: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)

4.60/5 (based on 10 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #175: Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 of 3)

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For generations, the Broken Tusk following has roamed their small patch of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in relative peace. Now, to avoid annihilation from a maniacal war horde, they must flee into the unknown. If the Broken Tusks are to survive their flight, a team of their best scouts will need to chart a safe path through an unforgiving wilderness. Along the way, they'll uncover the mysteries of a powerful artifact that promises to change the course of history.

"Broken Tusk Moon" is a Pathfinder adventure for four 1st-level characters. This adventure begins the Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which the heroes lead a band of nomadic hunter-gatherers across a brutal primordial landscape. This adventure also includes a catalog of the characters' band, the Broken Tusks; new spells, feats, and items perfect for trappers and foragers; and new prehistoric creatures to befriend or bedevil your players.

Each monthly full-color softcover Pathfinder Adventure Path volume contains an in-depth adventure scenario, stats for several new monsters, and support articles meant to give Game Masters additional material to expand their campaign. Pathfinder Adventure Path volumes use the Open Game License and work with both the Pathfinder RPG and the world's oldest fantasy RPG.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-393-5

The Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle Sheets are available as a free download (991 KB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 10 ratings)

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Good stuff


Our first AP and 2E game after beginner box.

Chapters 1 and 2 were great. 3 was shortest and party missed half of the stuff except for the finale, which was also great.

Very cool setting and original adventure!


I am running this for my friends, we are almost at the end of book 1, but I have already read ahead: it's a very cool and interesting adventure. The setting is it's biggest selling point, given that it's rare for an adventure to be so strongly themed. I'm all for tight and strongly themed adventures, instead of long meandering ones which inevitably end up full of "filler episodes". In this case, because it's as lean as a tundra hunter, you get all the good and almost no fillers!

One aspect that I didn't love was the excessive one-dimensionality of most NPCs. I am guessing this is because the these products are supposedly for young teenagers. So, if you are playing with adults, you will want to do what I did and flesh out the NPCs in order to not make it extremely obvious who the bad and good guys are, and make it all a lot more nuanced.

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Marketing & Media Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Prisoner301 wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:

Back Cover Text:

The Hunt Begins!
If the Broken Tusk following is to survive the coming year, their bravest scouts must carve a path through a harsh wilderness. Brutal beasts, wicked rivals, and an inhospitable landscape challenge the trailblazers to withstand their enemies and the elements. But mere survival is not enough. To forge their legacies as Mammoth Lords, the scouts search for an ancient artifact to light the way forward—the Primordial Flame! The Quest for the Frozen Flame Adventure Path begins with “Broken Tusk Moon,” a complete adventure for 1st- to 3rd-level characters.

What non-spoiler questions do you have in order to jump into this AP?

Are there any rules that expand on hexploration or surviving during harsh weather?

Well, the Core Rulebook and Gamemastery Guide cover those basics, for those that don't know. The Adventure Toolbox in this volume has survival-related items, spells, feats, and snares, but no new sub-systems. There is a hex map on the inside front cover.

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This looks cool

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Super curious to see what Ancestries the Player's Guide recommends for this one, and what Backgrounds look like for it. I'd love to play this one kind of gonzo; "become heroic mammoth-riders" feels like it deserves some pulpy absurdity.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Surprised this cover hasn't been updated on the website since they were showing off that sweet art on their Facebook and Instragram.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Phillip Henson wrote:

When will the player's guide come out?

Paizo Store" wrote:
Fulfilled immediately

Gotta go read it now :)

Liberty's Edge

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Is this AP suitable with minimum rewrite for a 6-year old kid ?

I am sure my son would love playing a caveman rubbing elbows with megafauna and dinosaurs while crushing the bad guys.

Marketing & Media Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
The Raven Black wrote:

Is this AP suitable with minimum rewrite for a 6-year old kid ?

I am sure my son would love playing a caveman rubbing elbows with megafauna and dinosaurs while crushing the bad guys.

I am still getting to know the AP, but there are no content warnings in any of the 3 volumes. So, I think so.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:

Is this AP suitable with minimum rewrite for a 6-year old kid ?

I am sure my son would love playing a caveman rubbing elbows with megafauna and dinosaurs while crushing the bad guys.

I am still getting to know the AP, but there are no content warnings in any of the 3 volumes. So, I think so.


Thank you for taking the time to answer. I did not expect it so soon and I really appreciate it.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like to subscribe for this, but my only option is to get both this (175) and the last installment (174) of Strength of Thousands. Both are “scheduled” to release on the same day.

How can I start my subscription with just this one (175-177?)

Marketing & Media Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
NorthernOriole wrote:

I would like to subscribe for this, but my only option is to get both this (175) and the last installment (174) of Strength of Thousands. Both are “scheduled” to release on the same day.

How can I start my subscription with just this one (175-177?)

Please email Customer Service directly for assistance. We can make it work.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NorthernOriole wrote:

I would like to subscribe for this, but my only option is to get both this (175) and the last installment (174) of Strength of Thousands. Both are “scheduled” to release on the same day.

How can I start my subscription with just this one (175-177?)


Contact Customer Service by email (at or by posting in the Customer Service Forum.

Let them know that you'd like to start your Pathfinder AP subscription from #175.

I'm sure they'll be able to help you out.

Good luck!

Carry on,


<edit> Ninja'ed! :D

Is there any chance we're getting new animal companion options with this? "New prehistoric creatures to befriend" makes me a little hopeful. I'd love to play a mammoth rider, but as far as I can find there are no 2e animal companion rules for elephants or mammoths, and there isn't anything you could easily re-fluff as a mammoth either (the closest would probably be the legchair of all things). Other megafauna and non-theropod dinosaurs would be great to see as well.

In any case, this looks really exciting! It seems like yet another unusual, interesting premise for an AP.

Emma T. wrote:

Is there any chance we're getting new animal companion options with this? "New prehistoric creatures to befriend" makes me a little hopeful. I'd love to play a mammoth rider, but as far as I can find there are no 2e animal companion rules for elephants or mammoths, and there isn't anything you could easily re-fluff as a mammoth either (the closest would probably be the legchair of all things). Other megafauna and non-theropod dinosaurs would be great to see as well.

In any case, this looks really exciting! It seems like yet another unusual, interesting premise for an AP.

Volume 2 seems to imply they’ll be there.

keftiu wrote:
Emma T. wrote:

Is there any chance we're getting new animal companion options with this? "New prehistoric creatures to befriend" makes me a little hopeful. I'd love to play a mammoth rider, but as far as I can find there are no 2e animal companion rules for elephants or mammoths, and there isn't anything you could easily re-fluff as a mammoth either (the closest would probably be the legchair of all things). Other megafauna and non-theropod dinosaurs would be great to see as well.

In any case, this looks really exciting! It seems like yet another unusual, interesting premise for an AP.

Volume 2 seems to imply they’ll be there.

Thanks! It's slightly disappointing that we won't have them from the start, but it's good to see that the rules should be coming in the AP eventually.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This one still coming out this month or has it been pushed back to febuary alongside the final part of strength of thousands?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Kevin Mack wrote:
This one still coming out this month or has it been pushed back to febuary alongside the final part of strength of thousands?

According to the Jan releases, it's still on track for this month. Those have been moved to the Announcement section.

January New Releases and Subscriptions

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well crap. I was hoping this would come out a little sooner than the end of the month.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
wrmusall wrote:
Well crap. I was hoping this would come out a little sooner than the end of the month.

Don’t adventure paths pretty much always come in the last week of the month?

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
willfromamerica wrote:
wrmusall wrote:
Well crap. I was hoping this would come out a little sooner than the end of the month.
Don’t adventure paths pretty much always come in the last week of the month?

They come out after the subscription orders ship. That would be around the middle of the month near the end of the year and near the end of the month the rest of the year.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In non-international-shipping-chaos times our release dates are the last Wednesday of every month through August. Then they creep up about 1 week per month until the street date is the first Wednesday of December.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Psiphyre wrote:
NorthernOriole wrote:

I would like to subscribe for this, but my only option is to get both this (175) and the last installment (174) of Strength of Thousands. Both are “scheduled” to release on the same day.

How can I start my subscription with just this one (175-177?)


Contact Customer Service by email (at ) or by posting in the Customer Service Forum.

Let them know that you'd like to start your Pathfinder AP subscription from #175.

I'm sure they'll be able to help you out.

Good luck!

Carry on,


<edit> Ninja'ed! :D

<EDIT> Due to changes in the forums, the struck-through method in the quote is no longer a valid means of contacting Customer Service.

(Only the bolded method is valid now.) ^_^

Carry on,


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Excited to hopefully hear from some subscribers on this one soon.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Decided to sub for this set, has a different vibe to it and it' getting me stoked to run it. Or play it, prolly end up running it though since no one ever wants to gm.

Anyone got it yet? And if so, what can you tell us about adventure toolbox's contents?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Looking forward to new animal companions.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
GGSigmar wrote:
Anyone got it yet? And if so, what can you tell us about adventure toolbox's contents?

Player Rules:

Alchemical Bombs
Magic Items
Skill Feats
Game Hunter Archetype

Very nice, thank you!

RexAliquid wrote:
GGSigmar wrote:
Anyone got it yet? And if so, what can you tell us about adventure toolbox's contents?

Player Rules:

Alchemical Bombs
Magic Items
Skill Feats
Game Hunter Archetype

Anything that picked your interest? What kind of skill feats are there?

I know the thought of some new Alchemist toys has /my/ interest piqued.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
GGSigmar wrote:
Anything that picked your interest? What kind of skill feats are there?

Agreed that the alchemical items were interesting. The tallow bomb, specifically.

Game Hunter is about what it sounds like, taking a bit from ranger with a little more focus.

RexAliquid wrote:
GGSigmar wrote:
Anything that picked your interest? What kind of skill feats are there?

Agreed that the alchemical items were interesting. The tallow bomb, specifically.

Game Hunter is about what it sounds like, taking a bit from ranger with a little more focus.

Is it like 1e hunter?

What are the new creatures in the adventure toolbox?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
HTD wrote:
What are the new creatures in the adventure toolbox?

Some fun new animals, including Giant Tapir! Also raven-like humanoids, new ooze and new fey.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
RexAliquid wrote:
GGSigmar wrote:
Anything that picked your interest? What kind of skill feats are there?

Agreed that the alchemical items were interesting. The tallow bomb, specifically.

Game Hunter is about what it sounds like, taking a bit from ranger with a little more focus.

Is it like 1e hunter?

No, not by itself.

Game Hunter gets a version of Hunt Prey from the dedication that only works on animals, beasts and dragons. They are good at ambushing and/or chasing down the creatures they are hunting.

I'd say this is a good archetype for a hunter character, especially if the ranger dedication just doesn't quite do what you want it to.

Game Hunter Additional Feats:
6th: Hunter’s Aim (Core Rulebook 172); 8th: Running Reload (Core Rulebook 172); 14th: Double Prey (Core Rulebook 175)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Looks like the image is still the placeholder.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Guys, help me understand. Armor provides item bonus to AC, right? And same types of bonuses don't stack, right? There is an item in the toolbox, that provides a reaction to gain an item bonus to AC against triggerin attack. So it means... it is useless when character wears an armor? Both bonuses being item bonus, they don't stack, right?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
GGSigmar wrote:
Guys, help me understand. Armor provides item bonus to AC, right? And same types of bonuses don't stack, right? There is an item in the toolbox, that provides a reaction to gain an item bonus to AC against triggerin attack. So it means... it is useless when character wears an armor? Both bonuses being item bonus, they don't stack, right?

I read it as a flat +1 bonus when I first looked at the item, but looking back, it is an item bonus which means it wouldn’t stack with armor.

It doesn't sound like there is any assumption that PCs are starting with any kind of stone-age/prehistoric equipment or weaponry in this AP? Just standard off-the-shelf stuff up to and including steel armor/weapons/etc.?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Cthulhudrew wrote:
It doesn't sound like there is any assumption that PCs are starting with any kind of stone-age/prehistoric equipment or weaponry in this AP? Just standard off-the-shelf stuff up to and including steel armor/weapons/etc.?

It's noted they go to hillcross now and then for trade, steel armour and weapons are probably considered a good investment to buy for the following there :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It would be ridiculous for the AP to force players to not use armor... :P

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
GGSigmar wrote:
Guys, help me understand. Armor provides item bonus to AC, right? And same types of bonuses don't stack, right? There is an item in the toolbox, that provides a reaction to gain an item bonus to AC against triggerin attack. So it means... it is useless when character wears an armor? Both bonuses being item bonus, they don't stack, right?

Depending on the nature of the item, could be useful on a caster who (at low levels) likely wouldn't have an item bonus to AC due to not having proficiency in anything beyond unarmored.

While Mage Armor grants an armor bonus, I personally am a bigger fan of explorers clothing with armor runes. At early levels however, I wouldn't have an item bonus with my explorers clothing.

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Got my shipping notification! Got my PDF download. This AP looks FANTASTIC!!!!

wrmusall wrote:
Got my shipping notification! Got my PDF download. This AP looks FANTASTIC!!!!

I'm really excited for it! Not sure how much we're allowed to discuss pre pdf release, but I'm planning on running this as soon as I can for some friends who half know pathfinder and the other half are new to it. What's the start of the adventure path like, is it beginner friendly?

Or should I be looking at running a tutorial style game first (like the beginners box but not the exact thing since half my players have played that one)?

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Tom___zz wrote:

What's the start of the adventure path like, is it beginner friendly?

Or should I be looking at running a tutorial style game first (like the beginners box but not the exact thing since half my players have played that one)?

The AP starts in the middle of things, but with a mix of skill checks and combat. It’s doable with a mixed group, but I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily beginner friendly.

What’s nice is the story allows for some pre-AP roleplay pretty easily. The player characters are all part of the tribe. It would be very natural to do some slice-of-life character introductions with some skill checks and perhaps a low-stakes hunting expedition to get your newer players up to speed.

Marketing & Media Manager

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Tom___zz wrote:
wrmusall wrote:
Got my shipping notification! Got my PDF download. This AP looks FANTASTIC!!!!

I'm really excited for it! Not sure how much we're allowed to discuss pre pdf release, but I'm planning on running this as soon as I can for some friends who half know pathfinder and the other half are new to it. What's the start of the adventure path like, is it beginner friendly?

Or should I be looking at running a tutorial style game first (like the beginners box but not the exact thing since half my players have played that one)?

Hide your spoilers. Share your hype. Respect the intellectual property of the creators. Rules are Open Gaming License, their stories are not. :)

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi Aaron. Would you by chance know if Roll20 will have this tomorrow (Or soonish if not tomorrow?)

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
xNellynelx wrote:
Hi Aaron. Would you by chance know if Roll20 will have this tomorrow (Or soonish if not tomorrow?)

They have told me they will launch with us tomorrow. :)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM OfAnything wrote:
Tom___zz wrote:

What's the start of the adventure path like, is it beginner friendly?

Or should I be looking at running a tutorial style game first (like the beginners box but not the exact thing since half my players have played that one)?

The AP starts in the middle of things, but with a mix of skill checks and combat. It’s doable with a mixed group, but I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily beginner friendly.

What’s nice is the story allows for some pre-AP roleplay pretty easily. The player characters are all part of the tribe. It would be very natural to do some slice-of-life character introductions with some skill checks and perhaps a low-stakes hunting expedition to get your newer players up to speed.

Pathfinder Bounty #10: Hillcross Roundup sounds pretty perfect for this kind of slice-of-life introduction.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Raven Black wrote:

Is this AP suitable with minimum rewrite for a 6-year old kid ?

I am sure my son would love playing a caveman rubbing elbows with megafauna and dinosaurs while crushing the bad guys.

I did think of this post as I watched the latest Paizo live and K. Tessa Newton (editor said)

KTN (paraphrasing) wrote:
If you've been looking to find an adventure path to play with younger players or even kids, we start out with something very simple, we start out with a moose hunt. And we start out with this vetted and well-described following. Lot of time building ideas about how your characters relate to each other and about the NPCs that form the group.

Liberty's Edge

Onkonk wrote:
The Raven Black wrote:

Is this AP suitable with minimum rewrite for a 6-year old kid ?

I am sure my son would love playing a caveman rubbing elbows with megafauna and dinosaurs while crushing the bad guys.

I did think of this post as I watched the latest Paizo live and K. Tessa Newton (editor said)

KTN (paraphrasing) wrote:
If you've been looking to find an adventure path to play with younger players or even kids, we start out with something very simple, we start out with a moose hunt. And we start out with this vetted and well-described following. Lot of time building ideas about how your characters relate to each other and about the NPCs that form the group.

Thanks a lot :-)

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