Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1

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Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1
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Welcome to Locus-1, a research station on the frontier, using magic and science to study a strange cosmological phenomenon known only as the Locus. But the inhabitants of Locus-1 are far from civilization and they have a problem: pirates, led by a fierce vesk captain from her starship, the Executioner, terrorize the system from a hidden base, and the station's Science Council has turned to the Azlanti Empire for help. Now, deadly aliens are rampaging on the station, Xenodruids have gone missing, and the Azlanti have established an android labor camp on a nearby planet. Locus-1 needs heroes! Will you answer the call, facing both the Executioner and the Azlanti Empire in battle?

The Liberation of Locus-1 is a complete Starfinder adventure for 4th-level characters written by Chris Sims and featuring strange new alien creatures, new spells and equipment, and details on Locus-1 and the surrounding worlds—a rich setting that will take players many game sessions to fully explore.

Note: Starfinder Adventures are not included in the Starfinder Adventure Path Subscription. Starfinder Adventure Path Subscribers who preorder Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1 will receive a free download when their physical copy ships.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-358-4

The Liberation of Locus-1 is sanctioned for use in Starfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle sheets are available as a free download (5.4 MB PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

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4.00/5 (based on 4 ratings)

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Great Setting and Solid Adventure



The Liberation of Locus-1 is a 64-page entry in Starfinder’s adventure module series. Designed to take characters from level 4 to 7, it can be run as a standalone adventure, a natural follow-up to Junker’s Delight, or as a replacement volume for an adventure path. I played it with my fun characters Nixxer and Professor Kipe and thought it was a solid adventure even if those PCs didn’t quite fit what the story expected. As the title indicates, the adventure centers around Locus-1, which is a scientific space station orbiting a mysterious “metastar” in a recently-discovered star system.

First up, let’s talk about art. The cover is solid, and it’s nice to see the Sunset Maiden again, but it would have been even better to have Locus-1 depicted as part of the action. That’s because, inside the book, there’s not really a good exterior shot of what the space station looks like! I find this a common problem with Paizo books--minor NPCs get artwork, but key settings which are hard to describe in words are left to the imagination. As for the interior art, it’s okay, though a bit cartoony and undetailed for my tastes compared to the hyper-realistic art in the Core Rulebook. The interior maps are well-designed, but they are *large* in scale and a GM will need to prepare accordingly (more a concern for an actual tabletop game than for a virtual tabletop one). It would be nice to have a visual representation of the Locus System to go along with the written description in the gazetteer.

Speaking of the gazetteer of Locus-1 and the Locus System, that’s the first piece of back matter. In eight pages, we get a well-written history and overview of the star system and the space station built to investigate the mysterious metastar at its center. There’s some particular good bits I like, such as a small Starfinder Society lodge and a bar called the Hard Stop that tries to present itself as a classic “seedy cantina/dive bar” but can’t pull it off because Locus-1 is just too civilised! The setting has all the elements that would make it a great “home base” for the PCs: it has basic infrastructure, good NPCs, isn’t overwhelming by having information spread across a dozen books, and it supports some interesting adventure hooks. In other words, it’s easy to envision a campaign set entirely in the Locus System.

The second piece of back matter is the “Adventure Toolbox” (6 pages). This starts with a page of weaponry that utilise special Locus crystals that give a weapon a special property: Healing. In short, blast someone with one of these, and they heal hit points instead of taking damage! They’re limited use, of course, but still pretty neat in concept. The section then moves on to an Alien Archive, with three new creatures. There are two playable races whose homeworlds are in Azlanti space: gathols (hulking but frankly forgettable mountain-dwelling humanoids) and tromlins (dinosaur-humanoids that will surely meet a burning desire in some player’s hearts). The third new creature is mindshroud rays, which can attach themselves and take over a humanoid’s body--they’re probably more a story aid then a direct threat.

Onto the adventure!


The adventure hooks for The Liberation of Locus-1 are a bit sketchy. There are a few short ideas on reasons the PCs might have come to the station, but this is an area each GM will have to expand on their own because it doesn’t really matter from the adventure’s perspective. Instead, this is one of those adventures where the PCs are in the wrong place at the wrong time and simply get drawn into a course of dramatic and dangerous events.

Part 1 (“Four Alarms”) starts with a bang, as the PCs are in a marketplace on Locus-1 when suddenly a dinosaur crashes through the area, goaded on by a pirate! An exterior window gets shattered in the fracas, causing a hull breach and exposure to vacuum that threatens to suck nearby civilians outside! The module divides the situation into four separate “Events” and explains how the order they’re ran can be rearranged depending on the PCs’ response. This is smart because it keeps the action from becoming overly scripted and rail-roady. The encounters are very detailed in terms of terrain, hazards, enemy tactics, and other special considerations, which helps give each one a special feel. In other words, the writing was done carefully instead of lazily. Various NPCs intervene in the encounters, which is important to establish Locus-1 as a “real” place instead of a cardboard background for the PCs to run rampant. The overall goal of Part 1 is to introduce the PCs to Locus-1, some of its key NPCs (including its ruling Science Council), and to give the impression that life on board may be far from sedate.

Part 2 (“Chaos System”) consists of four mini-adventures that can be presented in any order (though there is a natural progression to them, it’s again good that the GM can be flexible depending on what the PCs do). Before the adventures are described, several pages in this Part are devoted to helping the GM continue to introduce the setting, major plot points, and how key NPCs adjust their attitudes depending on the PCs’ interactions with them. It’s an intelligent way of integrating a lot of material. As for the missions, the first one is “Research Recovery” and has the PCs leave Locus-1 to travel to the planet Tyru, where magic is unstable and the weather is awful, to recover some data from a research station that was recently destroyed. The second one is “Mining Camp 001”, and this is where the PCs may first learn that the Azlanti Star Empire is interested in the Locus System as well. The action takes place on the planet Godrum, where the Azlanti are using android slaves to mine crystals. There’s a lot of great detail to reward careful planning on the players’ part. Alas, I think my group accidentally/on purpose blew this planet up! The third mission is “Pirate Problems” and sees the PCs confront the pirate group responsible for the drama in Part 1. They’ll have to repulse an ambush on the station (I like how civilians can accidentally be hit) and engage in a starship battle against the pirates’ flagship. This leads naturally into the fourth mission (“Besmara’s Head”) which sees the PCs storming the pirates’ base in the Locus System, a floating asteroid in the shape of a skull! This is the longest mission, as the base has several surface chambers and catacombs to explore and multiple encounters. In effect, it’s a big “space dungeon”, but one that’s done well and is interesting.

Part 3 (“Battle for Locus-1”) is something I can review only as it comes across on the page, because my group didn’t play through most of it. The premise is that Locus-1 has become the target of the Glaive of Remulis, an Azlanti destroyer, and ordered to surrender. Most members of the ruling Science Council are ready to capitulate, but one member thinks the attack can be repulsed if the station’s Locus array (some high magic/tech) can be activated. It all looks very exciting, with the PCs expected to hold back waves of Azlanti troopers as they simultaneously work furiously to get the Locus array activated and then engage in battle with the Azlanti destroyer. It also looks like a big GMing task, as there’s a *lot* to handle. The reason my group ducked out of it was that we were playing mercenary types and this part of the adventure was designed for straight-out heroes. Most adventures hedge their bets by offering some sort of reward, but this one didn’t, so our group thought fleeing for their cowardly lives was the most profitable outcome! I know this disappointed the GM, but it really wasn’t his fault--we were having a blast but wanted to stay true to our characters’ motivations.

Anyway, that’s The Liberation of Locus-1. I definitely recommend it for some of the best Starfinder adventure design the game has to offer.

amazing setting


This is a real Gem of an adventure path. It seams straight forward but has a lot of twists and turns and lots of great oportunities to roleplay. I loved every minute of this one. Its just incredible. - David

Found this adventure very enjoyable to play.


Started with this adventure and then moved to the 'Horizons of the Vast' and 'Drift Crashers' adventures but playing them in this system. Easily scalable and had to modify some things, but overall a good story line.

Adventure is okay, backmatter is terrible


Did nobody playtest/edit this?

- Everything is presented in a disorganized mess. Instead of the adventure flowing neatly, you have to flip to part 1 to get the "introductions" to each of the mini-arcs in part 2 -- while in part 2 things are presented in a highly disorganized fashion, especially the Azlanti camp. The maps presented in the book are so utterly squished that trying to use them in VTT is next to impossible.

- The pirate ship Executioner is nowhere near rules-legal. It has a magic aft-weapon port and a prow-mounted heavy weapon despite not having paid for the upgrades for either!

- Big finale that doesn't really go anywhere. The Tromlins are pushovers at level 6 and Gathols aren't much more of a threat.

Who thought weapon mounts that are buyable at level 1 and completely negate the point of tactical scaffolds were a good idea? I have banned them from all games, they should not be SF Society legal, and in fact should be errata'd out of existence.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Announced for September! Product image and description are not final and may be subject to change.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Space pirates! Azlanti! And weird aliens! Written by Chris Sims! Color me hyped.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You know, I wonder if I really thought we wouldn't need modules for starfinders as long we have aps. I mean, that is still true, but more and more I'm starting to realize usefulness, even if you get chances to run long campaigns, they make for good intermission games :'D

But yeah, I wonder if all six modules will be at increasing levels of if they will be like "2 ones starting at 1, 4 and 7". Would be fun to have increasing levels just to do same thing 1e modules did which was covering almost full level range xD

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I definitely want to see several level thirteen adventures!


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very excited. My regular group moved to Tuesday nights on Roll20, which is great b/c one of our members moved away, and we can still have our game time despite the pandemic.

BUT... when the pandemic ends, I think we'd like to have our Sundays once a month back. I really hope that Paizo keeps up these adventures, as I think these will be easier to digest than an AP and meatier than Society play.

If a player wants to change characters, great, if they want to run the same PC through a set of adventures, great, if a PC dies, fine, I'll toss in a fixer-upper PC and we'll get you a proper one for the next book.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Don't think this book was discussed in paizo live? Then again not sure there is much to add about it that doesn't apply to junker's delight in the "hey we are getting standalones again!"

YAY! More of this kind of stuff please!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Would these be Ice Pirates, perchance?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Sidenote, but I guess same benefit that applies on Junker's Delight also applies here? :O

CorvusMask wrote:
Sidenote, but I guess same benefit that applies on Junker's Delight also applies here? :O

The free PDF with Starfinder AP subscription and pre-order benefit? I hope so because I just pre-ordered both modules!

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Svardi Eagle-Eye wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Sidenote, but I guess same benefit that applies on Junker's Delight also applies here? :O
The free PDF with Starfinder AP subscription and pre-order benefit? I hope so because I just pre-ordered both modules!

I believe it is so.

Scarab Sages

is there ever going to be a hope of some sort of re-shipping arrangement for Subscriptions, to reduce the now killer postage costs? ("Only" to the UK,... but!) I simply can't justify it.
Even for KickStarter support I have to go for options offering POD vouchers, rather than get my beauties posted...

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Final back cover text:

Scientists, mystics, and corporate interests came together to found Locus-1, a research station and outpost far from the Pact Worlds. Now Sidakana, a ruthless vesk space pirate, has made the Locus system her personal playground, and the innocent people of Locus-1 have turned to the nearest military power—the Azlanti Star Empire—for help. When the cure proves worse than the disease, it’s up to a small group of bold newcomers to save the station and all its inhabitants from death or enslavement!

Designed to give player characters a home base in a remote region filled with adventure, “The Liberation of Locus-1” is the perfect next step for players and GMs who’ve completed Starfinder Adventure: Junker’s Delight. It includes:

• “The Liberation of Locus-1,” a complete adventure for 4th-level characters, leading them to 7th-level.

• All the details on Locus-1, a remote space station orbiting the Locus—a strange cosmic anomaly— as well as other planets in the Locus system, all with mysteries of their own.

• An Adventure Toolbox with new experimental weapons and equipment fueled by the Locus; new playable species who serve in the Azlanti Star Empire’s Alien Cohort; and the predatory mindshroud rays—horrifying symbiotes from the beyond."

No content warnings.

Is this helpful?

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
caribet wrote:

is there ever going to be a hope of some sort of re-shipping arrangement for Subscriptions, to reduce the now killer postage costs? ("Only" to the UK,... but!) I simply can't justify it.

Even for KickStarter support I have to go for options offering POD vouchers, rather than get my beauties posted...

We are in the discussion phase and have nothing to announce.

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Don't miss "Tales From The Drift: Breaking Ground," flash fiction by Chris S. Sims as a bit of a prequel to "Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1."

Starfinder Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Don't miss "Tales From The Drift: Breaking Ground," flash fiction by Chris S. Sims as a bit of a prequel to "Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1."


I mean, hey Aaron, any more look into subscription options for modules?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Svardi Eagle-Eye wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Sidenote, but I guess same benefit that applies on Junker's Delight also applies here? :O
The free PDF with Starfinder AP subscription and pre-order benefit? I hope so because I just pre-ordered both modules!
I believe it is so.

Can you confirm that Starfinder AP subscribers are supposed to receive free PDFs if they pre-ordered this adventure? I ask because my order for this month lacks the "Will be in your downloads once shipped" note on this adventure that it has for all of the other orders that are supposed to be accompanied by free PDFs.

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Don't miss "Tales From The Drift: Breaking Ground," flash fiction by Chris S. Sims as a bit of a prequel to "Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1."


I mean, hey Aaron, any more look into subscription options for modules?

I spoke about this with my VP recently. Turns out we have tech issues in the way. I know, right?! This old code prevents so much. But please don't blame the tech dept. So, we want to, but can't yet. So.... we are working on it. Argh.

Paizo Employee Webstore Coordinator

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Happy Friday, everyone!

Just wanted to confirm that Starfinder Adventure Path subscribers who preordered this book will get the PDF automatically when their physical copy ships. Just like we did for Junker's Delight!

Sorry that the confirmation text wasn't included earlier, but as far as I know the PDF arrangement will continue to be the same going forward.

Starfinder Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Don't miss "Tales From The Drift: Breaking Ground," flash fiction by Chris S. Sims as a bit of a prequel to "Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1."


I mean, hey Aaron, any more look into subscription options for modules?

I spoke about this with my VP recently. Turns out we have tech issues in the way. I know, right?! This old code prevents so much. But please don't blame the tech dept. So, we want to, but can't yet. So.... we are working on it. Argh.

I suppose we just have to be patient and wait. Do you know how hard it is to be patient?

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
DJEternalDarkness wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Don't miss "Tales From The Drift: Breaking Ground," flash fiction by Chris S. Sims as a bit of a prequel to "Starfinder Adventure: The Liberation of Locus-1."


I mean, hey Aaron, any more look into subscription options for modules?

I spoke about this with my VP recently. Turns out we have tech issues in the way. I know, right?! This old code prevents so much. But please don't blame the tech dept. So, we want to, but can't yet. So.... we are working on it. Argh.
I suppose we just have to be patient and wait. Do you know how hard it is to be patient?

I work in marketing with one hand digitally tied behind my back. I'm familiar. ;)

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We expect Roll20 to have this product at launch.



Any Chance we will get high quality maps? looks like there are a bunch of maps in the book that can be exported but they do not zoom really well for digital presentation.

Marketing & Media Manager

Cybear Guru wrote:
Any Chance we will get high quality maps? looks like there are a bunch of maps in the book that can be exported but they do not zoom really well for digital presentation.

We have generally increased the resolution of our images to improve online play, but we won't provide PDFs at 300 dpi, aka print quality. We only provide that quality to our VTT partners. There are no separate digital maps packs announced for this adventure.

The problem is a lot of the maps a for large areas and yet are very small on the page. Also I would be happy to pay for these separately if the were on foundry VTT

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Cybear Guru wrote:
The problem is a lot of the maps a for large areas and yet are very small on the page. Also I would be happy to pay for these separately if the were on foundry VTT

Thanks for your feedback. Bring more products to Foundry is one of our long term goals.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Cybear Guru wrote:
The problem is a lot of the maps a for large areas and yet are very small on the page. Also I would be happy to pay for these separately if the were on foundry VTT
Thanks for your feedback. Bring more products to Foundry is one of our long term goals.

I would like to state for the record that as someone who has been running paizo games on roll20 for nearly a decade, selling those high resolution maps to customers, even as unformatted pdfs... I would pay for that. It is eminently frustrating having to either make due with blurry maps or remake them in programs like dungeon painter etc.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

NOTE that this came out day 1 on Roll20, with the better res maps as well.

Though not a fan of the "water color" style maps just like in Junkers Delight not not as many of them are those thankfully!!

Hav'nt read it all through but so far very nice I have to say!!


Aaron Shanks wrote:
... Bring more products to Foundry is one of our long term goals.

VERY good to hear! Thanks

I wonder if there is any news on the next set of standalone adventures.

All the adventure paths tap off at about level13, except - The Devastation Ark.

It is to me a real pity that Starfinder lacks much adventures up to 20th level, kind of like WOTC and5E.

The standalone adventures would be a perfect place to over this lack.

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.
General Orc wrote:

I wonder if there is any news on the next set of standalone adventures.

All the adventure paths tap off at about level13, except - The Devastation Ark.

It is to me a real pity that Starfinder lacks much adventures up to 20th level, kind of like WOTC and5E.

The standalone adventures would be a perfect place to over this lack.

Sounds like a good niche for the Starfinder Infinite program.

Liberty's Edge

I am confused by the premise of this product: isn't every part of the vast equally far from the vast? Or just as equally far from near space and EVERYONE is equally as far from Absalom Station?

If the research station is in the vast, why would they turn to the ASE instead of anyone else that is in the vast, near space or even Absalom Station?

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Noven wrote:

I am confused by the premise of this product: isn't every part of the vast equally far from the vast? Or just as equally far from near space and EVERYONE is equally as far from Absalom Station?

If the research station is in the vast, why would they turn to the ASE instead of anyone else that is in the vast, near space or even Absalom Station?

For a system in the Vast, the only places closer than the Vast are within the same solar system, and the only places farther away are places outside the Galaxy (which are unreachable via Drift drive). The return trip to those places would still vary, of course.

The only reasons for turning to the Azlanti Star Empire would be:

1) The Pact Worlds have ignored their pleas for help, thereby negating their one-way travel time advantage, or

2) The Azlanti have made their system accessible via their special Aeon stones.

Any chance we will get a correct Besmara's head map on Roll20? The map scale is 10ft per square. Roll20 has it at 5 ft per square.

Marketing & Media Manager

roysier wrote:
Any chance we will get a correct Besmara's head map on Roll20? The map scale is 10ft per square. Roll20 has it at 5 ft per square.

Kindly direct Roll20 questions to Roll20.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Did we ever get vital stats (age, weight, etc.) for gathols or tromlins anywhere?

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