Dwarf Fighter

Svardi Eagle-Eye's page

15 posts. Alias of desverendi.

About Svardi Eagle-Eye

Svardi Eagle-Eye Male Dwarf Cleric of Ragathiel Level 4

A stern battle scarred dwarf with a patch over his left eye bearing the symbol of Ragathiel, a bastard sword crossed with a crimson wing. The name Eagle-Eye comes from Svardi having lost his left eye to a Griffon after his clan was forced to move to the surface of the mountain range north of Pitax in the River Kingdoms. The partial blindess explains his low Dex and relatively low Charisma. He has a deep hatred of goblin kind after his clan was forced from its ancestral home by a tribe and its allies.

AL: Lawful Neutral

Str: 14 (+2) 5 pts
Dex: 8 (-1) -2pts
Con: 16 (+3) 14 + 2 racial 5pts
Int: 14 (+2)
Wis: 18 (+4) 15 + 2 racial + 1 lvl 4 bonus 7pts
Cha: 10 (+0) 12 – 2 racial 2pts

AC: 16, 20 vs giant subtype
Hit Points: 35
BAB: +3
CMB: +5
CMD: 14, 18 with Stability

Saves (+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities):
Fort: +7
Ref: 0
Will: +8

Languages: Common, Celestial, Dwarven, Undercommon

Channel Energy 2d6, 5x day, channel save DC is 10 + ½ level + Cha mod

Skills: 20 pts (favored class bonus each level)

Appraise 2 ranks (+7, +9 gems and precious metals)
Heal 2 ranks (+9)
Knowledge (planes) 2 ranks (+7)
Knowledge (religion) 2 ranks (+7)
Sense Motive 2 ranks (+9)
Profession (Priest) 2 ranks (+9)
Perception 4 ranks (+8, +10 stonecunning)
Swim 2 ranks (+4)
Climb 2 ranks (+4)

Feats: Combat Casting, Extra Channel

Cleric Domains: Destruction and Law

Spells per Day: 4/3+1/2+1 + 1 bonus spell per level through 4th.

Usually prepared:

Orisons: Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food and Drink, Read Magic

1st Level: Bless, Command, Entropic Shield, Shield of Faith, True Strike (D)

2nd Level: Aid, Bull’s Strength, Summon Monster II, Shatter (D)

Spell save DC is 10 + spell level + Wis mod


+1 Bastard Sword +6 attack, +7 vs orc and goblinoids, 1d10+2 dmg, 1d10+3 if used 2-handed (2335gp)
+1 Breastplate +7 AC, -3 ACP (1350gp)
Silver holy symbol (eye patch) 25gp