Legends in the Making: Slayers of Renown

Game Master BloodWolven

Varnhold Jail/Dungeon

Varnhold Stockade

Map of the lands that is cleared.
NPC Codex
Kingdom Stats
Bounty Board

Current Fight

Tomb of the Wight Warlord

Treasure Tracker

Rivers Run Red - Troll Fight

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potions of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of displacement, potion of invisibility, robe of bones; Other Gear masterwork dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of mighty constitution +2, cloak of resistance +2, goggles of night, headband of vast intelligence +2, spellbook, crystal for magic jar (worth 100 gp), onyx gems (worth 300 gp), 623 gp

9d20 ⇒ (20, 19, 14, 7, 2, 3, 10, 16, 12) = 103 +17

Not identified: robe of bones,

+2 Cold iron dagger of Frost, lesser augment crystal of cold,

2d20 ⇒ (4, 18) = 22

Not identified: dagger

Cauldron of Undead Creation

+2 suits of leather armor
Three Inflict light wounds potions

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

"Any of you guys know how to destroy this cauldron?" Beorn asks as he collects up the stuff. "We'll need to split this stuff out after we get out of here and we can do proper introductions."

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Some good loot.

Flouncy thinks about destroying the cauldron. Sounds like fun.
kn. arcana: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28
kn. religion: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
kn. planes: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27
kn. history: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
spellcraft: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37

Male Aasimar (Catfolk) Cleric/Slayer 7 | HP: 50/61 | AC: 22 T:17, FF:15 | Init: +8 | Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12 | CMB +13; CMD 23 | Channel: 3/5 per day | Bluff+12, Know-Arcana+11/Dungeneering+7/Geography+7/Local+7/Nature+6/Nobility+7/Plane s+8/Religion+11, Linguistics+15, Perception+16, Ride+12, Sense Motive+18, Spellcraft+8, Stealth+16, Survival+10 | Acid/Cold/Electric Resistance 5 | Temporary Effects: Greater Hide from Undead, Tears to Wine +2 to all Int & Wis skill checks, Both 70 minutes

Seeing Loarin slightly hurt, but nobody else, Rouqar offers to use his healing wand. "Unless you can heal yourself? I've a few spells left but would rather save them for if they are needed against an enemy."

@ Loarin? Looks like 10 points? The wand is a standard CLW wand at level 1 ??

Silver Crusade

HP: 43/43, AC: 21 _ T: 11 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +2 _ Will +8, CMB: +4, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Acrobatics -3, Appraise +5, Climb -3, Diplomacy +14, Heal +10, Handle Animal +5, K(A, H, P, N, R) +5, Linguistics +7, Profession +7, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Survival +3, Spellcraft +5, Swim -3

Where did you get the wand? If you bought it the CL is likely 1 to minimize cost. Otherwise you paid more for it. Unless you picked it up from somewhere.

Rouqar finds Loarin in the hallway. The wave of a positive channel washes over you but does not affect you. You notice the undead in the cells begin to deteriorate. He nods and states, "Yes I can heal myself, I just feel so useless. My secondary class was to support the group as a tank and I am just not needed. At least I can do this." He channels again the glow of his holy symbol shines from behind his shield. The undead drop in piles.

With some extra time to analyze the cauldron you realize the strong magical auras are enchanting, conjuration, necromancy, and abjuration. All the other schools have a minor aura.

You believe this to be a minor artifact of augmentation. Put a liquid base of some sort soak in it as it simmers for 1 minute up to a week and you will gain bonuses of some kind.

The cauldron is active and is augmenting something right now. The image on the front is the minor illusion above the cauldron.

Many gods have used such a vessel to augment their heroes or chosen.

Destroying the cauldron would require you to freeze it in -40 degree F, hit it with double cold damage, then hit it with double fire damage.
Or planes shift it to the water plane and freeze it then planes shift it to the fire plane.

To deactivate the cauldron you say 'Let the Ritual be complete, in any language.

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Flouncy will explain what he knows about the cauldron and ask what everyone thinks we should do with it. Read the spoiler.

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

”End the ritual for starters just in case. Since it seems ridiculously difficult to destroy, I’d say bury it. Maybe collapse this room. What do you guys think?”

Fused Eidolon Synthesist Summoner//Sylvan Sorcerer 7 (HP 55/111 | AC:24 | T:12 | FF:22 | CMB: +12 | CMD:24 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+7 | Will:+11 | Init:+7 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 30)

"Let the ritual be complete," says Renia. He shrugs and looks at Flouncy. "When you say augment, do you mean like an evil augmentation? Is there anything inherently bad about the magic of the cauldron? Because it sounds pretty useful to me. Unless there are drawbacks."

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

”Good point. I just assumed it was evil but if not aligned we could use it.” Beorn says speculatively.

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

”For that matter we could take it back and the kingdom could use it to augment our troops. With the insane number of undead facing us this could be a huge boost in gaining the upper hand against the enemy.”

Male Aasimar (Catfolk) Cleric/Slayer 7 | HP: 50/61 | AC: 22 T:17, FF:15 | Init: +8 | Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12 | CMB +13; CMD 23 | Channel: 3/5 per day | Bluff+12, Know-Arcana+11/Dungeneering+7/Geography+7/Local+7/Nature+6/Nobility+7/Plane s+8/Religion+11, Linguistics+15, Perception+16, Ride+12, Sense Motive+18, Spellcraft+8, Stealth+16, Survival+10 | Acid/Cold/Electric Resistance 5 | Temporary Effects: Greater Hide from Undead, Tears to Wine +2 to all Int & Wis skill checks, Both 70 minutes

"Interesting, and useful if not evil. We'll need to figure out how to transport it. But what was it enhancing? What else do we have to face here?"

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Let's just keep it deactivated for now. We can worry about moving it once we've cleared this area. We're not finished here.

Fused Eidolon Synthesist Summoner//Sylvan Sorcerer 7 (HP 55/111 | AC:24 | T:12 | FF:22 | CMB: +12 | CMD:24 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+7 | Will:+11 | Init:+7 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 30)

Renia nods. "Fair enough, just didn't want to see it destroyed if it's not dangerous by itself. Let's kill whatever else is in here."

Looking around you don't see any other threats in this room. Beyond back the way you came you find Loarin at the far end of the hallway a bit spent. The undead have been turned to ash along with any corpses.

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Flouncy looks for entrances to other rooms.

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

"Well, I guess we need to check the other door. Flouncy, you care to do the honors?" Beorn says walking out of the room and setting up 10' from the door, bow ready. "Anyone want to use any of the stuff we recovered before we open the door?"

potions of cure moderate wounds (2), potion of displacement, potion of invisibility, robe of bones; Other Gear masterwork dagger, amulet of natural armor +1, belt of mighty constitution +2, cloak of resistance +2, goggles of night, headband of vast intelligence +2, spellbook, crystal for magic jar (worth 100 gp), onyx gems (worth 300 gp), 623 gp, 2x leather armor +2, 6x potions of inflict light wounds, Cauldron of Undead Creation
Not identified: robe of bones, dagger (+2 Cold iron dagger of Frost, lesser augment crystal of cold)

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Flouncy would like the goggles and will take a look at the spellbook, too.

Beorn offers the items for the group to take as needed. Once that is done he moves back into the hallway to get ready for someone to open the door with drawn bow. Readied action to shoot a many shot into the door when it opens?

The rest of the group.... does what?

Male Aasimar (Catfolk) Cleric/Slayer 7 | HP: 50/61 | AC: 22 T:17, FF:15 | Init: +8 | Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12 | CMB +13; CMD 23 | Channel: 3/5 per day | Bluff+12, Know-Arcana+11/Dungeneering+7/Geography+7/Local+7/Nature+6/Nobility+7/Plane s+8/Religion+11, Linguistics+15, Perception+16, Ride+12, Sense Motive+18, Spellcraft+8, Stealth+16, Survival+10 | Acid/Cold/Electric Resistance 5 | Temporary Effects: Greater Hide from Undead, Tears to Wine +2 to all Int & Wis skill checks, Both 70 minutes

Rouqar stays at the back of the group and waits.

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

That it is.

Fused Eidolon Synthesist Summoner//Sylvan Sorcerer 7 (HP 55/111 | AC:24 | T:12 | FF:22 | CMB: +12 | CMD:24 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+7 | Will:+11 | Init:+7 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 30)

Nobody wants the Con belt? Renia doesn't have a Belt yet so he'll take it if nobody is going to claim it.

The insectoid warrior and his enormous dog go up to the door and reaches out to open it before looking back at Flouncy. "Do you usually check for traps before opening doors?" Renia shrugs. "If not I can just go in."

Male Aasimar (Catfolk) Cleric/Slayer 7 | HP: 50/61 | AC: 22 T:17, FF:15 | Init: +8 | Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12 | CMB +13; CMD 23 | Channel: 3/5 per day | Bluff+12, Know-Arcana+11/Dungeneering+7/Geography+7/Local+7/Nature+6/Nobility+7/Plane s+8/Religion+11, Linguistics+15, Perception+16, Ride+12, Sense Motive+18, Spellcraft+8, Stealth+16, Survival+10 | Acid/Cold/Electric Resistance 5 | Temporary Effects: Greater Hide from Undead, Tears to Wine +2 to all Int & Wis skill checks, Both 70 minutes

Rouqar would like the amulet of natural armor +1 unless someone has already claimed it?

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Sounds fine to me. Flouncy would take the headband but he already has one.

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

Beorn will throw on the cloak of resistance +2, that frees up his +1 if someone wants it

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Flouncy will take 20 finding other doors. 32

And yes, if you don't have a cloak of resistance, snag it!

Renia just opens the door... Reflex save for everyone in the hall DC 17 7d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 1) = 14+1/2 again = 21! to take half of the lightning bolt.

You see that after the door is opened a rune flashes on the stone back wall but a few inches from the door.

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

Beorn shifts to the side avoiding the worst of the electrical blast. "Yes, we normally check for traps! Slow it down, Flouncy was going to get to it." Beorn says, smoke rising from his beard.

REF: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

Fused Eidolon Synthesist Summoner//Sylvan Sorcerer 7 (HP 55/111 | AC:24 | T:12 | FF:22 | CMB: +12 | CMD:24 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+7 | Will:+11 | Init:+7 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 30)

Ref, DC 17: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Renia laughs awkwardly. "Whoops!" The insectoid warrior rubs at the singed spot on the arm of his black carapace where the lightning grazed him. "Sorry about that!"

Detect Magic/Spellcraft on rune: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (20) + 17 = 37

He points at the rune. "Magic rune on the back wall."

I mean... Flouncy has posted twice since DM asked what we were doing and didn't say anything about checking for traps. That's why Renia asked (also he wouldn't have opened the door before Flouncy responded to his question, but that's water under the bridge now).

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Flouncy was just trying to locate doors. Once he does, he'll check for traps. He's good at that.

The lightning bolt trap will likely need to take another hour to recharge.

Looking around you believe you have pilfered the area and cleaned it of threats.

Silver Crusade

HP: 43/43, AC: 21 _ T: 11 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +2 _ Will +8, CMB: +4, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Acrobatics -3, Appraise +5, Climb -3, Diplomacy +14, Heal +10, Handle Animal +5, K(A, H, P, N, R) +5, Linguistics +7, Profession +7, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Survival +3, Spellcraft +5, Swim -3

He walks over to Rouqar and asks, "Do you have another greater invisibility vs. undead prepared? I think I will go and destroy more undead outside. " He does channel around the group healing you for 3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 6) = 12

Male Aasimar (Catfolk) Cleric/Slayer 7 | HP: 50/61 | AC: 22 T:17, FF:15 | Init: +8 | Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12 | CMB +13; CMD 23 | Channel: 3/5 per day | Bluff+12, Know-Arcana+11/Dungeneering+7/Geography+7/Local+7/Nature+6/Nobility+7/Plane s+8/Religion+11, Linguistics+15, Perception+16, Ride+12, Sense Motive+18, Spellcraft+8, Stealth+16, Survival+10 | Acid/Cold/Electric Resistance 5 | Temporary Effects: Greater Hide from Undead, Tears to Wine +2 to all Int & Wis skill checks, Both 70 minutes

Reflex save DC17: 1d20 + 12 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 12 - 4 = 22

Rouqar shakes his head to Loarin's question. "Sorry. I'd need to rest and recover my spells before I could cast that again. I've used most of my more powerful spells."

"I can channel a couple more times for healing if needed. ??"

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

I'm low on spells, too. If we're done here, let's move this stuff and sell it.

If we can move this undead generator out of here, that should help.

Silver Crusade

HP: 43/43, AC: 21 _ T: 11 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +2 _ Will +8, CMB: +4, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Acrobatics -3, Appraise +5, Climb -3, Diplomacy +14, Heal +10, Handle Animal +5, K(A, H, P, N, R) +5, Linguistics +7, Profession +7, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Survival +3, Spellcraft +5, Swim -3

Sorry I forgot to update my health.

He states, "Thank you but I have remedied the damage. Would you mind walking with me, we can go check on the female upstairs. Make ourselves comfortable and secure the fort before resting for the night. Did we do something about that front gate?"

Fused Eidolon Synthesist Summoner//Sylvan Sorcerer 7 (HP 55/111 | AC:24 | T:12 | FF:22 | CMB: +12 | CMD:24 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+7 | Will:+11 | Init:+7 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 30)

Eve said we should close the gate and clear the interior of undead, then we cleared the interior of undead so I assume we also closed the gate.

Renia nods. "Closed but we can probably secure it better. I'll go with you."

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

”Back to the top we go.”

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

I feel sorry for the girl. I don't think she chose her fate.

Flouncy moves along with the rest.

Assuming you go up as a group, you find the gate closed. You easily find some extra timber to brace the gate with. Once done with that what do you do?

Silver Crusade

HP: 43/43, AC: 21 _ T: 11 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +2 _ Will +8, CMB: +4, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Acrobatics -3, Appraise +5, Climb -3, Diplomacy +14, Heal +10, Handle Animal +5, K(A, H, P, N, R) +5, Linguistics +7, Profession +7, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Survival +3, Spellcraft +5, Swim -3
Flouncy Magoo wrote:

I feel sorry for the girl. I don't think she chose her fate.

Flouncy moves along with the rest.

"I agree Flouncy... what can we do?"


As the group begins to settle down or make camp he suggests, "How about a fully stocked and protected inn?" He takes out a heavy laden golden key and turns it in the closest lock. Opening the door to reveal the bar of an inn.

Flouncy and Beorn:
This looks just like the last inn you slept in, even the bar owner/bartender is the same woman.

Human male NG Fighter (Skirmisher) 6, Ranger (Trapper) 1 / Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsman) 7 | HP 70/70 | AC23 T17 FF15 | F+11 R+10 W+4 | CMD24 | Init+7 Percep+16 darkvision | Current effects: Reaper Roc 6HD | HP 45/45 | AC25 T13 FF22 | F+7 R+9 W+3 | CMD24 | Init+4 Percep+9 scent | Current effects:

"We'll need to figure out what she is and what she feeds upon. Depending on the answers to those questions, we can decide what to do with her."

It sounds like you all return to the fort to speak with the woman. She opens the door after you knock. She is wearing a simple blue gown. Seeing your group she asks, "Is he dead? Please come in!"

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Flouncy isn't the one to speak to her, but he will pay attention and make knowledge rolls.

Fused Eidolon Synthesist Summoner//Sylvan Sorcerer 7 (HP 55/111 | AC:24 | T:12 | FF:22 | CMB: +12 | CMD:24 | Fort:+10 | Ref:+7 | Will:+11 | Init:+7 | Perc: +10 (Darkvision) | Speed 30)

Renia shrugs. "We killed a few of them, including what seemed like a leader and a demon. What did he look like?|

She quickly throws out, "He was an elf, wears a mask, there is a large scar on his face and he was always leering with a crazy look in his eyes."

Male Aasimar (Catfolk) Cleric/Slayer 7 | HP: 50/61 | AC: 22 T:17, FF:15 | Init: +8 | Fort +8, Ref +12, Will +12 | CMB +13; CMD 23 | Channel: 3/5 per day | Bluff+12, Know-Arcana+11/Dungeneering+7/Geography+7/Local+7/Nature+6/Nobility+7/Plane s+8/Religion+11, Linguistics+15, Perception+16, Ride+12, Sense Motive+18, Spellcraft+8, Stealth+16, Survival+10 | Acid/Cold/Electric Resistance 5 | Temporary Effects: Greater Hide from Undead, Tears to Wine +2 to all Int & Wis skill checks, Both 70 minutes

Rouqar thinks for a moment, then shakes his head, "Elf with a mask. No. Not yet. You say a crazy look? Is he crazy? Or just trying to look intimidating?"

@Loarin? A pocket inn? Interesting idea!

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Flouncy is keenly interested in getting his drink on.

She looks distraught as she says, "He should have been down in the dungeon, at least that is what he called it. Is a necromancer sane? The things he has done to me... I shiver at the memories. I don't know!"

M halfling Unchained Rogue7/Wizard 3/Arcane Trickster 4 HP: 61/61 | AC: 26/22, 17, 15 | CMB: 4, CMD: 10 | F: +8 R: +13, W: +7 | Init: +12 | Perc: +12 |

Maybe he gave us the slip. We'll have to keep looking.

Silver Crusade

HP: 43/43, AC: 21 _ T: 11 _ FF: 20 _ Perception +5, Darkvision 60 ft., Initiative: +1, Fort +5 _ Ref +2 _ Will +8, CMB: +4, CMD: 14, Speed: 20
Acrobatics -3, Appraise +5, Climb -3, Diplomacy +14, Heal +10, Handle Animal +5, K(A, H, P, N, R) +5, Linguistics +7, Profession +7, Ride -3, Sense Motive +7, Stealth -3, Survival +3, Spellcraft +5, Swim -3

He walks in and sits next to the woman to reassure her and give her a shoulder to cry on if needed.


He goes into the inn and goes over to the bartender giving her a kiss before climbing the stairs. He goes up to the first door and opens it. The bartender is a pretty female and whispers to the other bartender, quickly following Loarin up to the room. They are back in a few minutes with all the armor off and Loarin in simple garments.

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