Ten thousand years ago, faced with extinction, the terrified leaders of Nidal heard whispers in their minds—promises of salvation for their nation if only they'd submit their people's bodies and souls to perpetual servitude. Those leaders' assent transformed them into conduits for Zon-Kuthon, the god of envy and pain, and has sealed Nidal's fate to this day.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Nidal, Land of Shadows draws back the curtain from one of Golarion's most wicked and mysterious theocracies. Within these pages, you'll find:
Detailed descriptions of Nidal's history, including its tragic fall into Zon-Kuthon's grasp.
An in-depth gazetteer of the entire nation, from settlements to more sinister features.
Malevolent adventure sites from the Castle of the Captive Sun to the Tower of Slant Shadows.
A bestiary of shadowy creatures, including the suffragan kyton, that lurk in Nidal and beyond.
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Nidal, Land of Shadows is intended for use with the Pathfinder campaign setting, but it can be easily adapted to any fantasy world.
ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-033-0
Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:
... all the bits and pieces of information we've had coming out piecemeal over the years coalesce into a quite enjoyable write-up of Nidal, arguably the most screwed-up nation-state in Avistan.
The sense of just how oppressive the place is really comes across in the art and the writing, and the historical bits are quite well fleshed-out.
While not quite as outré as it maybe could have been, it's still pretty grim going in places. At the same time, you get a taste of what Nidal was before it knuckled under to a god of pain and darkness, and a sense of what the place has to offer.
A terrific description of one of the most evil countries
Nidal is an intriguing nation and one of the most unique to Golarion, in my view.
This first part of the book does a brilliant job of portraying the thorough depravity of the place and what it’s like to live under the oppressive, slightly insane theocracy. The following chapter on adventure sites is full of adventure hooks and places/reasons to visit. The book finishes off with half a dozen well chosen, nidalese themed monsters.
I think it’s hard to portray a truly evil place without descending into parody and this book has avoided that trap with great skill. It was exquisitely written and a joy to read (albeit with the occasional shiver).
As with all good sourcebooks, I ended up with half a dozen campaign/adventure ideas rolling around in my head. That’s the point of these kinds of supplements and I can’t give it anything other than five stars.
I bought this book in the expectation of a little edgy goodness. It is a guidebook about Nidal for crying out loud. It even came with a "graphic content"-warning.
Well, that warning was overselling the content in the worst way. I expected a horror movie and I got the disney-fied all-ages version. I am so disappointed. This book has no spells, no magic items, no classes. In fact, no crunch at all. It is one big, sanitized National Geographic article. Yawn! I could have pieced the entire content together myself with a few hours of work from previous sources, with the possible exception of the city maps.
If it was possible to get a refund on the basis of "try again, buddy", I would.
This book does a great job of conveying what a country being run be Zon-Kuthon for millennia actually looks like and how the practicalities work out. Nidal really makes a lot more sense to me, and I'm a lot better equipped to run an adventure there after reading this. Check it out!
Long shrouded with secrecy and terror this books finally dives into the shadowy horror that is Nidal. And it is wonderful.
The overview of the various areas and the art along with it are awesome, and an absolute treat for GMs and players who have long had/wanted characters to be from this dreadful place.
Warning: this book contains VERY disturbing themes and certain pieces of art, being, ya'know, the country of misery and torture. And now that you've been warned, enjoy ^w^
Younger dragons tend to sometimes stand on two legs on art, I assume they are too heavy to do that when they get large enough(though again depends on artist)
Well looking at the art of the shadow dragon in B2 the horns and tail design match so it is a shadow dragon or at least part shadow dragon. Though it still looks weird to me.
Younger dragons tend to sometimes stand on two legs on art, I assume they are too heavy to do that when they get large enough(though again depends on artist)
The dragon on the cover looks pretty small for an Umbral Dragon to me, so it probably is a juvenile.
Guess he shouldn't have gone on to old man Lem's lawn. :-)
I applaud inclusion of the gold wyrm from Dragons Revisited.
And I hope we get something on the activity of worshippers of Desna in Nidal. Liane's Nightglass had some hints on that, but sadly it was never picked up later in the novels.
I'm curious, how many tidbits of obscure lore is in this book?
Like, in Council of Thieves "Treasures of Pathfinder" article, its mentioned that Pathfinder named Adellos Mayne has ongoing expedition in Nidal which's goal is to find "The Mute Metropolis". That is only mention of that place I've heard of, is something like that mentioned here?
is a suffragan kyton based on the assumed root word, suffragette???
Suffragan "assisting or auxiliary to, as applied to any bishop in relation to the archbishop or metropolitan who is his superior, or as applied to an assistant or subsidiary bishop who performs episcopal functions in a diocese but has no ordinary jurisdiction, as, in the Church of England, a bishop consecrated to assist the ordinary bishop of a see in part of his diocese."
There’s been a holdup in shipping this month’s subscriptions (and preorders). The system appears to be doing screwy things calculating people’s shipping costs.
Once that glitch is sorted, they’ll move on to the fulfilment stage.
There have been lots of queries about it, so there’s various threads in the CS forum that will probably shed some light. That linked one is where I’d look though. I’m sure they’ll post something there once it’s resolved.
I received my shipping email, but why is the PDF not available yet? The PDFs are available for all of the other products in my order, but this one says April 25th?
I'm still waiting on my shipping email... The pdf will probably be out before I get the physical copy. Eh, I was planning to buy both anyway... The wait is killing me though!
There were just a few pieces of art that I had to quickly scroll past. It was well done, I'll just take time to appreciate the more disturbing images later.
I really like the history section, both for the origins of the dark pact and for the more recent relations with Cheliax.
-Hive brute (CR 8 NE aberration), another hive creature
-Joyful thing (CR 6 LE outsider)
-Suffragan kyton (CR 5 LE outsider), creature with spiked chains for arms and no lower body
-Shadow animal (example given is lion)
-Shadow fern (CR 4 N plant), plant found in the Uskwood
-Smokeshade (CR 2 NE aberration), amorphous creatures made from semisolid smoke and shadow, can become familiars