Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Beast (PFRPG)

4.20/5 (based on 13 ratings)
Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Beast (PFRPG)
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Embrace the Beast Within!

Anthropomorphic animal races have been a staple of fantasy gaming for decades, and Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Beast presents all the tools you need to play members of some the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game's most iconic bestial races. Packed full of character options for members of all classes, as well as some that members of other races can adopt, Blood of the Beast is sure to spice up any campaign!

Inside this book, you'll find:

  • New class archetypes including the tengu jinx witch, the catfolk serendipity shaman, the grippli war painter, and the vanaran fortune-finder.
  • Exciting new feats to accentuate beast-blooded races' inherent abilities, such as ratfolk's swarming ability and kitsune's shapechanging trickery.
  • Dozens of new spells, alternate racial traits, and favored class bonuses to customize characters of all stripes.

This Pathfinder Player Companion is intended for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting, but can easily be incorporated into any fantasy world.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-901-1

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Archives of Nethys

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4.20/5 (based on 13 ratings)

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Pretty Good (Needs More Lore, Less Filler)


When the Advanced Race Guide came out, the number of playable races in Pathfinder suddenly increased substantially. There’s an argument to be made that perhaps it was too much, too fast, with some of the new races competing (stats-wise) more than favourably with the classic Core Rulebook races. I frankly get tired of seeing nagaji bloodragers and kitsune swashbucklers, but I guess that’s neither here nor there. The value in Blood of the Beast is that it grounds these new races into the Golarion campaign setting, adding some information about where they come from and how they’re perceived. For GMs and players interested in a cohesive view of the setting, the promise is an important one. As with all of these Player Companions, of course, there’s plenty of crunchy new options for character building as well. The races covered here are catfolk, gripplis, kitsune, nagaji, ratfolk, tengus, and vanaras.

I really like the concept for the cover art, though the actual execution is a bit too cartoony for my tastes. The inside front cover is a zoomed-out map of the Inner Sea with coloured highlighting showing where the various races covered in the book originate. I think it’s too zoomed-out to be of a lot of real use though. The inside back cover is the cover art minus any text.

After a page for the table of contents, we then get a two-page introduction. There’s a new trait for each race covered in the book. Some of the traits are fine, but some are of the generic “+1 to a skill and it’s a class skill” type that are really just space-fillers and list-lengtheners.

Each of the seven races then get a four-page long entry with a brief overview, some favoured class options, an archetype or two, and often other options like new feats or spells. Although many of these new options are flavoured as tied to a particular race, most don’t actually have being a member of that race as a prerequisite to taking them. I’ll go through each of these entries briefly.

Catfolk get a few new archetypes, including the Prowler at World’s End for bloodragers (giving them medium spirits), the Ravenous Hunter for inquisitors (a specialist demon-fighter with an oracle revelation), and the Serendipity Shaman for shamans (gets some new hexes—one of them, Tweak the Odds, is really good!). There are some new, forgettable feats, and a new natural course for wildsoul vigilantes called “feline.” Of the new spells, bit of luck is really powerful since it can be used before or after the results of a die roll have been revealed (which is rather unusual).

The new favoured class bonuses for gripplis are interesting, and I really like a cool new archetype for mediums called the Fiend Keeper—it specializes in containing an evil spirit. The other archetypes are the Poison Darter for rangers and the odd War Painter for skalds. There are also some new feats and spells, but nothing that jumped out at me.

Kitsune get some alternate racial traits, new advanced versatile performances for bards and skalds, and a new archetype, the Nine-Tailed Heir for sorcerers (great artwork here!). There are some new feats for shapeshifters, a really clever new spell called contagious suggestion, and some new vigilante talents (I like the one called “obscurity”—-it’s basically the opposite of renown).

For Nagaji, there are new naga bloodlines for bloodragers and sorcerers. There’s a new cavalier archetype called First Mother’s Fang, which is a sort of governor/general concept; it’s pretty good in broadening the knowledge skills available to cavaliers, and who doesn’t want to ride around on a giant snake? There’s also some new mesmerist tricks and spells.

I love the new ratfolk archetypes, and might have to give one a try soon. There’s the Opportunist for fighters (a really cool, skills-focused alchemist mix), the Scavenger for investigators (a gadget type of alchemist with a great feel), and the Swarm Monger for druids (which is pretty much what it sounds like). There are several feats, all of which build off the Swarming special ability of ratfolk, and they’re quite good too. The only “meh” thing in the entry is a new psychic discipline, Warp.

Tengus receive several new feats (I like Lovable Scoundrel) and spells, as well as several new archetypes. Courser for swashbucklers makes for a super-mobile character, though they have to give up a lot. The Jinx Witch for witches provides for some interesting abilities to absorb and expend spells (and has some great art). The Red Tongue for skalds provides an odd mix of rogue talents. I think a lot of writers just don’t know what to do with skalds, but I can’t blame them—-I don’t know either.

I will always hold a special place in my heart for vanaras, since that’s the race of my favourite character (Goldcape) in the Curse of the Crimson Throne AP I’ve been running for a couple of years now. The race here gets some new alternate racial traits, including size changing, as well as the usual favored class options. There are then several new Meditation feats, but none of them are worth it. Fighters may be interested in the new advanced weapon training options. There’s one new archetype, the Fortune-Finder for rangers—-it’s frankly just kind of bland. Unchained monks get some new style strikes and ki powers (with freedom of movement particularly great). Last, there’s a new eidolon subtype for unchained summoners called Ancestor, but it’s not particularly interesting.

Pretty much every book in the Player Companion line is going to contain its share of filler mixed with some real gems of creativity. I thought Blood of the Beast is better than many in the proportion of wheat to chaff. I would have like more than just a couple of paragraphs on how each of the races fit into Golarion—-remember, that’s the value-add of the books (along with the art), as all the new rules options will be immediately stripped out and placed on the Archives of Nethys. But all in all, this is a worthwhile book to buy.

Aside from the Fan Boy/Girl factor, . . .


I really don't understand why this book got such good reviews. I was very hesitant to buy this one from the start. Both because past experiences with cramming in far too many things into one book have led to, well predictable results and the very, very thin theme of the focus here.

This is probably the first product I outright want my monies back. But probably worst of all is that this book probably kills any possibility that the few races involved here I actually do want a Player's Guide for are likely to never get a good one now.

It's pretty much as I feared, far, far, far too little on anything I'm interested in, except I'm struggling to actually find a single thing I find interesting, good, or something I'd use. Just too forced, and the actual goal seems to be to make sure a few snowflake things get in the game rather than focusing on each of the races, and it shows which of the race options where favored and which got options because they had to get something.

A lot of fun ideas to build around


Blood of the Beast does just what a Player Companion should, in my opinion, do: it provides a large number of options that would be interesting to incorporate into a character or build a character around.

Such beauty in being the beast


A great book that offers nice alternative new options for the animal-like races and even some that can be used by other races too.

While most of the options are restricted to the exclusive races for PFS play, you could probably go wild with a homebrew setting.

The art in the book is beautiful as well, having at least 2 pictures of each race to represent how they look like.

Better than I anticipated


I was ready for this book to be average. I was wrong. SO MANY OPTIONS! Feats, Traits, Archetypes, Spells. This book really delivers on the mechanical side.

The artwork, layout, and flavor text are all great too, especially the in the Nagaji and Kitsune sections.

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*fingers crossed for a Bard archetype*

I don't actually want to play one, and neither do my players. I just really want to be able to make some "Blood of the Beats" jokes.

Alexander Augunas wrote:

I can only speak for myself, but I'm personally hoping that this leads to a future product that is to Inner Sea Races as Inner Sea Faiths was to Inner Sea Gods—a small scale look at a few uncommon races that essentially gives those races the full "Inner Sea Races" treatment. I don't have any influence over the product schedule at all, but I figure if I can get the community to sing its praises over this book, then maybe that'll happen someday!

That sounds very good to me.

We got lots of players who scramble at every opportunity to play a character which isn´t core or even inner sea and tell new and different stories with them. Such a product would be really welcome there.
Of course personaly i hope that will go along with more material of other regions than the inner sea, especially Tian Xia.

Now I want a "Blood of the Moon Beasts".

I want "Blood of the Fey".

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Dragon78 wrote:
I want "Blood of the Fey".


Yes they do but blood of golems, blood of the undead, blood of robots, blood of plants, blood of oozes, etc. would be a problem;)

Silver Crusade

Dragon78 wrote:
Yes they do but blood of golems, blood of the undead, blood of robots, blood of plants, blood of oozes, etc. would be a problem;)

Embalming fluid, oil, sap, more ooze.

There :3

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I think they work like geniekin and other native outsiders -- once you come up with something that mixes human with something else, there is enough human in them that they actually have blood.

Blood for the Blood God of Blood!

I hope there will be a product art and description update soon.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

it will also helps us get more context as to how far or deep the coverage goes for a 32 page PDF for 6 races.

....unless the page number was increased. Nah.

It is going to be hard to cram a lot good stuff for 6 races in one 32 page book.

Seven races, even. Catfolk, Grippli, Kitsune, Nagaji, Ratfolk, Tengu, and Vanara. Cat, Frog, Fox, Snake, Rat, Crow, Monkey. But yeah, probably won't be enough for each, but I'll take what I can get...

That works out to four pages each, with front and back matter taking up the remaining four pages. That's plenty of material- enough for (for instance) some alternate racials, alternate FCBs, some art, a unique thing, some intro fluff, and a trait or two. (The unique thing being an archetype, racial spells, special feats, or class options like special Vigilante talents.)

Now, I'm probably a little optimistic on how tightly packed things are, but one page related to a race I like catches my interest, and two makes me happy. Three or four is fantastic, and most people like several of the races.

Paizo Employee Pathfinder Society Lead Developer

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
It is going to be hard to cram a lot good stuff for 6 races in one 32 page book.

But far from impossible. It's why we hire professionals to outline, write, develop, lay out, and edit our books to provide the best possible experience and content.

3 people marked this as a favorite.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Please, not more teamwork feats though. It seems like half of these are stuffed with teamwork feats that you know no one can use except hunters and cavaliers. (i'm looking at YOU heroes of the wild)

BigNorseWolf wrote:

I thought it was a races book...

Also thank you John Compton!

If I even see one teamwork feat in this book...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Please, not more teamwork feats though. It seems like half of these are stuffed with teamwork feats that you know no one can use except hunters and cavaliers. (i'm looking at YOU heroes of the wild)

The Inquisitor says "Hi!"

I loved "Heroes of the Wild". The swappable racial traits are marvelous (Feyborn!), IMO.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
If I even see one teamwork feat in this book...

Twinned Tails lets Kitsune characters add up their tails for the purpose of determining the SLAs, granting a Kitsune Fighter duo access to Dominate Person at fourth level.

By Our Powers Combined allows two or more beastfolk to merge forms, transforming into a platypusfolk.

You Scratch My Back allows Catfolk to receive double Aid Another bonus, but restricts them to the Aid Another action in return next turn, also with doubled bonuses.

How Many Swarming Options Do You Need allows Ratfolk to possess one another at will, as per Greater Possession, making it so they not only occupy the same square but the same body as well.

*doesn't mind teamwork feats* I have a cohort dhampir Ghost Rider Cavalier Order of the Shroud. He MIGHT find one he likes. Maybe.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
QuidEst wrote:
]You Scratch My Back allows Catfolk to receive double Aid Another bonus, but restricts them to the Aid Another action in return next turn, also with doubled bonuses.

Catfolk bards need a Subharmonic Purr feat.


Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Blood of the Elements failed in that it tried to fit five races into half a player companion, making two pages for each. Blood of Shadows was exceptionally well received... and had four pages to each race with some extra content for anyone. I expect there to be four pages for each race in this, which could make a lot of people happy, no matter what kind of animals they prefer.

I agree, blood elements was a big disappointment and blood of shadows is awesome.

Eric the Kitten-Bee wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
]You Scratch My Back allows Catfolk to receive double Aid Another bonus, but restricts them to the Aid Another action in return next turn, also with doubled bonuses.
Catfolk bards need a Subharmonic Purr feat.

Also a meow for food, play and cuddles type song!

Must be of course irresistible.

Grand Lodge

Alexander Augunas wrote:


I would expect this to be very option-oriented. Its a Player Companion, and the line has evolved to be more about player options than a player's place in the campaign setting.

I can only speak for myself, but I'm personally hoping that this leads to a future product that is to Inner Sea Races as Inner Sea Faiths was to Inner Sea Gods—a small scale look at a few uncommon races that essentially gives those races the full "Inner Sea Races" treatment. I don't have any influence over the product schedule at all, but I figure if I can get the community to sing its praises over this book, then maybe that'll happen someday!

You also speak for me, good sir! I would "SQEEEEEEEEEE!!!" with delight to have such a book. I loved Inner Sea Faiths. A similar companion for Inner Sea Races would be an instabuy for me.

Now, who do I need to poke and/or prod to make this book a reality? Which rooftops do I need to sing its praises from?


Silver Crusade

Maybe there will be something for a Smelly Cat or a Soft Kitty?

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I agree, blood elements was a big disappointment and blood of shadows is awesome.

Certainly our intention is to learn from that fact.

It remains to be seen how we did. :)

Ah, this should be interesting and make my son happy. He has discovered grippli and will go crazy over more material.

Yeah blood of the elements could use a follow up, especially now that kineticists exist^^

Silver Crusade

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Hayato Ken wrote:
Yeah blood of the elements could use a follow up, especially now that kineticists exist^^


Rysky wrote:
Hayato Ken wrote:
Yeah blood of the elements could use a follow up, especially now that kineticists exist^^

AH that fled my mind^^

Didn´t remember there´s so many player options in a campaign setting?

Hopefully by the end of the week this one will get updated.


Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I agree, blood elements was a big disappointment and blood of shadows is awesome.

Certainly our intention is to learn from that fact.

It remains to be seen how we did. :)

If it's any consolation, Owen and I had this discussion before I signed onto the team, and I will say this: don't expect Blood of Angels-style overviews, but also don't expect Blood of the Elements. I think Blood of the Beast hits a happy middle ground.

As a side note, I personally believe that the thoroughness of Blood of Angels is better categorized in the Campaign Setting line in modern Pathfinder products, but that's my own opinion-not Paizo's.

Alexander Augunas wrote:
Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I agree, blood elements was a big disappointment and blood of shadows is awesome.

Certainly our intention is to learn from that fact.

It remains to be seen how we did. :)

If it's any consolation, Owen and I had this discussion before I signed onto the team, and I will say this: don't expect Blood of Angels-style overviews, but also don't expect Blood of the Elements. I think Blood of the Beast hits a happy middle ground.

As a side note, I personally believe that the thoroughness of Blood of Angels is better categorized in the Campaign Setting line in modern Pathfinder products, but that's my own opinion-not Paizo's.

In my humble and honest opinion: The Campaign Setting line is kinda for both the Players and the GMs, the Player Companion should be more focused for the Players and characters, PCs or NPCs, options... so that leaves us with kind of a hole for things that are NPCs only, "GMs' eyes only", etc...

Liberty's Edge

I wouldn't mind a 64-page Campaign Setting book full of player options.

I would love a 64 page campaign setting book full of player options...if they are all kineticist related.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
I wouldn't mind a 64-page Campaign Setting book full of player options.

We usually get at least one a year—Inner Sea Combat, Inner Sea Intrigue, and Inner Sea Magic all immediately come to mind. Inner Sea Faiths has deific obediences for all of its deities. Most nation gazetteer also have some player-oriented content too.

From my own educated observations, "Player Companion" means "Player-Oriented Options with Golarion setting flavor" while "Campaign Setting" means "Golarion setting flavor that sometimes includes player options."

If you go by my definition, the old Blood of Angels and Blood of Fiends and Halflings of Golarion PComps are more like Campaign Setting products than Player Companion products, because they focus on Golarion Setting flavor first and include player options second. To be honest I don't know precisely what lines determine which product goes where, but I'm going on my second year as a subscriber to both lines and have written extensively for one of them, hence why call my observations "educated."

In an effort to twist this line of conversation back around to Blood of the Beasts, my gut says that if you want more setting-oriented material on these races, then the Campaign Setting line is the place where that wish will come true. Blood of the Beasts simply needs to prove that further emphasis on these races is warranted in the Campaign Setting line, and that's where the Pathfinder consumer base comes in. You want more? Well, talk is cheap—pay up for Blood of the Beast! ;-)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

IF you´re saying that halflings should get a whole campaign setting book dedicated to them, i will fully agree!

Something for halflings from every corner of Golarion!

Guy St-Amant wrote:
... so that leaves us with kind of a hole for things that are NPCs only, "GMs' eyes only", etc...

... which would be a hard sell for Paizo, seeing as most groups are (generally) 4+ players to 1 GM.

That's why a GMG2 or the like is an idea most GM's would want, but Paizo is reluctant to discuss.

Anyway: Looking foreward to Blood of the Beast.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Alexander Augunas wrote:
Well, talk is cheap—pay up for Blood of the Beast! ;-)

I keep physically throwing handfuls of cash at my monitor but a space-time portal has yet to open up and plop a copy down on my desk. What am I doing wrong?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Samy wrote:
I wouldn't mind a 64-page Campaign Setting book full of player options.

I would.

I invest in campaign setting materials for books like the nation/setting gazetteers, monsters revisited/unleashed, "Realms" books, and "Book of the X" series. I find that stuff a lot more entertaining to read when I don't get to game much or am stuck on the other side of the GM screen.

We have a monthly PC series, and at least two hardcover RPG books a year devoted to player content. I don't mind a little bit of PC material where appropriate, but lets keep the player options most in the players book and the campaign setting/GM material in the campaign setting line.

Community & Digital Content Director

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Updated with final product image and description!

More shapechange feats? Well now I'm double-sold.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh, love that cover! And I'm not sure which of those archetypes I'm interested in most!

I find the cover both horrific and yet perfect for the people who are clamoring for this book.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Kitsune Mesmerist? Please..... :}

The Exchange

8 people marked this as a favorite.
zergtitan wrote:
Kitsune Mesmerist? Please..... :}

Watch the tails go back and forth, back and forth. When I snap my fingers you will awaken. My mind will protect yours. And you will boc like a chicken.

Nice cover but of course none of them are catfolk art:(

Well at least some racial feats will be in the book.

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