Myth Lord |

How was Monster Manual 3 for 4th ed.
I'm a little curious because I had rage quit 4th edition way before it came out. (Forgotten Realms 4 was that bad)
It was horrible, it was the reason I slipped over to Pathfinder, well Charybdis and the Daemons from Bestiary 2 was pretty much my biggest reasons lol.
Monster Manual 3 had:
- Apes (3 species)
- Apocalypse Spells (Like animated spells)
- Arcanian (elemental mages or something like that, very boring)
- Banderhobb (much like the Mythology Kaw Kaw, I really like this creature, one of the better in the book)
- Behemoths (Pteranodon, Triceratops, Pachycephalosaurus)
- More Beholders
- More Cambions
- Catoblepas (Very cool art)
- Cave Fisher
- Chitine
- Cloakers
- Craud (pretty much like Mantis Shrimp people or something like that)
- Dark Ones
- Demons (Babau, Klurichir, Maw Demon, Molydeus, Nalfeshnee, Quasit, Ultradaemon)
- Derro (pretty cool in this book)
- Devil (Corruption, Hell Knight, Hellwasp, Passion, Rage, Slime, Swarm, Vizier)
- Catastrophic Dragons (Blizzard, Earthquake and Volcanic)
- Dread Warrior (So boring, it hurts)
- More Drow (zzzzzz)
- The House, Kitchen and Garden Elementals (Fire, Earth, Water and Air)
- Forsaken (Some god-slaying things)
- Foulspawn (extremely boring)
- Frog (Monstrous versions)
- More Gargoyle (like we hadn't already enough of them)
- Ghoul (see gargoyle)
- More Fire, Frost, Hill giants (after coming to these pages I wanted to get my money back)
- Girallon
- Even more Gnoll
- Gremlin (Very powerful and cool in this book)
- Hags (very boring specimen)
- Howler (I really LOVE these howlers, after Banderhobb these are the best things in the book, very cool twist on the otherwise boring Howler, especially the Terro Incarnate is awesome!)
- Imix, some fire lord, he's cool I guess, I don't like his cultists however that also get 3 pages.
- Intellect Devourer (three versions, also the Brain Collector is a evolution of the Intellect Devourer)
- Jackalwere
- Kraken (Two versions)
- More Kuo-Toa (zzzzzz)
- Lolth + boring cultists.
- Meazel (pretty cool)
- Meenlock
- Mimic (how can these appear in book 3? They should have been in book 1)
- More Mind Flayers + Elder Brain
- More Minotaurs
- Nagpa (Of all creatures, why these?)
- Nerra (Many variants)
- Norker (elemental earth goblins, very boring and unnecessary)
- Nymphs (one for every season)
- Oblivion Moss (very cool)
- More Ogres (I almost threw the book out of my window)
- Ogremoch (good thing Ogremoch was there to stop me! He's awesome.) + Boring cultists.
- Rot Grubs (yay! good thing)
- Scarecrow (best picture of a scarecrow of all time)
- Secret of Vecna (boring, but other people probably like it)
- Shadow
- Shardmind (people made from crystal)
- Skulk (pretty cool in this book)
- More strange Slaad (never been a fan of the slaad however)
- Spawn of Kyuss (i'm so glad this creature is under copyright protection, I wouldn't survive a Pathfinder version...)
- VERY boring Spiders
- Star Spawn (I really disliked these)
- Su Monster (The boring monkey with red pawns)
- Tanarukk (Another Orc wannabe)
- Thri-Kreen
- Tulgar (Orcs with stag-horns, how original...)
- More Umber Hulks
- Verbeeg (vain giants with green skin)
- Weavers (Otherwise known as 6 armed spell-weavers)
- Wilden (zzz boring)
- Xivort (Another boring blue small humanoid goblinoid whateveroid, most MOnster Manuals i've read multiple times, but this book i've only read one time because its full of bullcraboids.)
- Yeti
- Even more Yuan-Ti, the 3 books DROWN in them.
And that's it, half the book is creatures that were already in Books 1 and 2....
The worst D&D Bestiary i've ever bought. If I were you I would never buy or touch it, probably the reason many people stopped with D&D lol.

Dragon78 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

So when someone gets the PDF I would like to ask these questions.
1)What are all the 0HD races and what are the new ones like?
2)What are the Esoteric Dragons and what are there breath weapons and any other thing about them worth noting?
3)What are the names of all the fey?
4)What are the names of all the giants?
5)What are the names of the elementals?

Myth Lord |

These questions are redundant. I will sum it upon one question
What are the names of the creatures in each creature type? Done. Use spoiler tag. Although I don't understand how a bestiary can be "spoiled"?
Some people want to be surprised by every page they skip, after you get you're little answer however, there isn't much to be surprised off anymore, as no way in hell I will be able to resist 15 days of knowing the list is one click away from me.
So I hope that however is answering you that question does so in a private message
And you probably don't know a single mythology monsters that isn't in bestiary 1,2,3 and 4 already, I know most names, so for me it will be spoiled, for you they are only bizarre names though.

Heine Stick |
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So I hope that however is answering you that question does so in a private message
Considering how many people want to know what's in the book, I reckon private messaging is impractical to say the least. Besides, even if you know the names of the monsters included in the book, there's still much to learn when you do get the PDF, such as the stat blocks themselves and the artwork for each individual creature.

Myth Lord |

Myth Lord wrote:So I hope that however is answering you that question does so in a private messageConsidering how many people want to know what's in the book, I reckon private messaging is impractical to say the least. Besides, even if you know the names of the monsters included in the book, there's still much to learn when you do get the PDF, such as the stat blocks themselves and the artwork for each individual creature.
The surprise factor is gone by then, and yes many people don't know what a Yara-ma-yha-who or Karkadann are, but I know most D&D creatures, myth monsters and whatever, the only things I probably don't know are the new outsiders. ANd I don't care for them that much anyway, so if that is the only suprise that is left for me than i'll be disappointed.
Names of the mythology monsters I wished for are the worst for me, I don't want to get them spoilered, and also if Ravid is in this book or not, I want to have an emotion by that when I skip the page on the PDF, not thinking... oh Ravid, already knew it was in anyway...
Two years ago it went all pretty good, people just talked about the favorites in the book and little monsters were spoiled until Paizo themselves posted the entire list out in the open which got me to click it in the end, but users themselves didn't post the entire list, so I don't know why they have to do that this year all of a sudden?
Why the PDF has to be released 16 days later... that's the real problem, one week would be enough of that torture.
But maybe you are right and i'm just afraid that the list i'm gonna read isn't something I like in totalism, and that my journey towards Bestiary 5 will be one that I won't enjoy...

Myth Lord |

So many posts about how people should post the info about this book? When I clicked on this and saw 21 new posts, I thought I would read something substantial...wow, was I wrong. I whole lot of nothing...including this post! ;-P
Sorry, but it seems like no-one has gotten his/her copy yet.

Myth Lord |

I'd suggest not reading a thread about a book if one doesn't want to read spoilers about that book.
That is easy for you to say, if you get the book in few day or when you didn't look out to the book like 2 years, like I have.
16 days looks worse than 2 years.
Paizo I make you a deal, if you send it to my downloads within two days, I'll pay for two PDF copies later on, read that!? I pay double for the PDF!

J-Spee Lovecraft |

Just post whatever ya want. If you're afraid of having things spoiled, maybe don't read the thread until you have a copy, hunny. It's just like when people complain about spoilers on social media the night a new episode of a GOT came out. It's not anyone else's responsibility to shield you from content.

Milo v3 |

You could always just get the subscription. :P Makes the torture much less intense.
I wish I could get RPG-Line subscription, but I live in australia so the shipping cost is giganti-
We hope they will start shipping today. We had an issue with the measurements of the book in our system that mucked around with shipping methods and made shipping more expensive than it should have been for a lot of people. We are trying to adjust that as quickly as possible.
Wait 0.0
*Starts to periodically check if the shipping cost has lowered*
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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sara Marie wrote:We hope they will start shipping today. We had an issue with the measurements of the book in our system that mucked around with shipping methods and made shipping more expensive than it should have been for a lot of people. We are trying to adjust that as quickly as possible.Wait 0.0
*Starts to periodically check if the shipping cost has lowered*
Anything you test with the book now should reflect the correct shipping methods and pricing. It was fixed Thursday night.

Milo v3 |

I don't know if its with the book (hope not), but with the lite-single file pdf, starting on p272 and running until p287, the border is shifted down into the monster name and off the page. I figured the product thread was the best place to post this.
So the subscriber pdf's have started going out now.

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12 people marked this as a favorite. |

Thank you, Paizo staff and contributors. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into one of my favorite activities. Thank you for publication after publication keeping the great ideas flowing. After skimming the PDF I'm truly impressed.
It's posts like these that make the stressful days better.

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Can we get a spoiler list of elementals please?
There are a few elementals and elemental themed creatures. Many play off the connection of the occult to the Plane of Aether and others. So, you have an Aether Elemental that can telekinetically throw objects and creatures and perform combat maneuvers. The esoteric dragons aren't elementals. There are several creatures with the air, earth, fire, and water subtypes despite not being elementals.
Wysps are pretty neat tiny CR 2 elementals that can be taken with the Improved Familiar feat. They really only have synergy with a master that has an elemental subtype, and I can't think of a race intended for PCs that does. If you did have a character or NPC that had the elemental subtype and had a wysp as a familiar it would be a nice little friend to have. The +4 aid another bonus (instead of +2) is really neat. You could even turn one into a combatant if you could increase it to small size through magic or other means. It makes a kineticist a little better, but you'd likely have to make sacrifices to get it.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

xebeche wrote:Thank you, Paizo staff and contributors. Thank you for pouring your heart and soul into one of my favorite activities. Thank you for publication after publication keeping the great ideas flowing. After skimming the PDF I'm truly impressed.It's posts like these that make the stressful days better.
I want each and every one of you Paizonians to pause and take a big deep breath. You all rock. Some of us re-discover this with each new product, but often say very little. Our silence is filled with our joy..... And the sadness of our player characters, as your new critters and villainous NPC options help us destroy their bodies, minds, and souls.
Occult Adventures seriously made me so happy that I couldn't properly respond to its amazing potential for gaming and storytelling. Wow, wow, and oh heck yeah. Waiting for my PDF, whereupon I will also be joining into the happy dance of infinite dooms.

ericthecleric |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Here are the answers to some of your questions:
0-HD races:
Esoteric Dragon Types:

ericthecleric |
Quote:0-HD races** spoiler omitted **

Myth Lord |

I didn't click the Fey SPoiler, I really dislike that spoiler lol.
I'm really interested in Gegenees, Papinijuwari, astomoi (sad to see it being a 0hd race though) and Firbolg.
Sad to see the rather bland Ved get a place in this bestiary and not the Raiju, the creature from the AP (elemental) that should be there...
Does the Therizinosaurus have the picture?
And really, how much Deep One's are in this book? Deep One, Deep One Giant, Deep one playable race...
Of those dragons i'm only interested in the Dream and Nightmare Dragons.
Ok... 2 minutes later and I again couldn't resist clicking the fey spoiler, but whatever never gonna enjoy that anyway.
Good to see the Kikimora, Bagiennik, Domovoi, Encantado, Glaistig and Ovinnik.
Very sad to not see the Gancanagh and Cu Sith among the fey.
And where is Veela?
Dragon78, those people put those names in spoilers for a reason, no need for spoilers if you gonna call the names anyway 2 minuts after :-p