Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Iron Gods Poster Map Folio

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Iron Gods Poster Map Folio

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The Land of Super-Science

Explore Numeria, the land of super-science, with the Iron Gods Poster Map Folio! Pore over masterful cartography and plan countless adventures with these three massive poster maps designed for use with the Iron Gods Adventure Path.

These huge, lavishly illustrated poster maps depict locations found in the Iron Gods Adventure Path. The first map explores the strange but industrious town of Torch (the setting for the first volume of the Adventure Path). The second map shows Starfall, Numeria’s capital, which stands in the shadow of Silver Mount. The third map is a giant, player-oriented illustration of the nation, presented as an ink-and-parchment drawing of this land of technology and superstition!

Whether you’re looking for a town in which to begin your adventures, a sprawling industrial city, or a land of robots and alien beasts, these beautiful maps are the perfect resource for the Iron Gods Adventure Path or any fantasy campaign..

Cartography by Robert Lazzaretti and Ben Wooten

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-719-2

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscription.

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Iron Gods Poster Map Folio

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Useful, high-quality maps


Like most other map folios, the Iron Gods Poster Map Folio comes with three full-colour poster maps suitable for use with the Iron Gods Adventure Path, but also usable with other campaigns set in Numeria.

There is a map of Numeria itself. As is standard for country maps in these folios, it is done in the style of a map the PCs might actually use in-world and can be freely shown to players. It is beautifully illustrated with pictures of monsters and very setting-appropriate robots. I am also happy to say that, unlike the map of Osirion in the Mummy’s Mask Poster Map Folio, this one has labels of cities, towns, and other major landmarks like Silver Mount. This makes it much more useful in actual play and not just something pretty to look at.

The other two maps detail Starfall, the capital city of Numeria, and Torch, the town Iron Gods begins in. The map of Starfall is rather uniform in colour, (mostly shades of brown) making it less interesting to look at, but it remains useful for gameplay. There is a lot of brown on the map of Torch as well, but the town’s smaller size means more variation and detail can be included, making it not quite so uniform as Starfall.

Overall, the maps are definitely worth it for any campaign set in, or passing through Numeria.

Of Dice and Pen

Great map of Numeria, good map of torch, ugly map of Starfall!


The ink & parchment style player-friendly "in-world" map of the nation of Numeria is very cool and useful - it also has the names of all the settlements on it and little pictures of monsters that roam the area and ruins/adventure sites.
The map of Torch (Starting City in the Iron Gods campaign) is the same as the one in the first installment AP#85: "The Fires of Creation" but much bigger and very useful for that adventure (but not needed for any of the later volumes).

No map of Iadenveigh (2.381 inhabitants), the site for AP#87 "The Choking Tower".
No map of Silvermount (the crashed starship), site for AP#90 "The Divinity Drive".

The map of Starfall (the capital of Numeria) is really uninspirational and ugly, even the colors are very bland - BUT that is on purpose because it is a polluted heavy-industry site. Still it evokes no desire to play in it and could be a little more detailed with street names - a population of 32.400 is not that much.

A must buy for the Iron Gods campaign or fans of Numeria otherwise not needed.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Announced! Cover image and description are not final.

Hmm. I think the product description got hit by a copy/paste error (preliminary as it may be). :D

Hahaha! The Hold of Belkzen...

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Liz Courts wrote:
Announced! Cover image and description are not final.

Yep, I really hope that description isn't final. ;)

Webstore Gninja Minion

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cthulhudrew wrote:
Hmm. I think the product description got hit by a copy/paste error (preliminary as it may be). :D

Razzle-frazzin' pugwampis.

I believe that "pore over" should be "pour over" ... :)

Bellona wrote:
I believe that "pore over" should be "pour over" ... :)

Poor over.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Bellona wrote:
I believe that "pore over" should be "pour over" ... :)

Pore vs. pour.

I stand corrected :) - and really should get some sleep if I made that mistake!

(Nifty dictionary site, by the way.)

Wait, does this mean that the third ink-and-parchment style map is going to be like the Savage Tide AP one from a long while back of the Isle of Dread that just screamed 'Here be Monsters' and was a good map to give to the players to use?

Paizo Employee Developer

The ink and parchment maps we do are very "Here Be Monsters." Ben Wootten is the artist on them and he does an amazing job. We've been doing maps of this style since the Skull & Shackles Map Folio, and so far we've done the Shackles, Varisia, Irrisen, the River Kingdoms, the Abyss, Osirion, and now Numeria.

The Exchange

Im just wondering why so late into the start of the Iron Gods campaign...shouldnt this be coming out now with the release of Iron Gods??

Paizo Employee Developer

We use a couple of the maps in the Adventure Path itself, and we need to have them completed and in print there before we can use them for the posters. For example, we only currently have one of the three maps done at this point.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I understand the reasoning behind why it can't actually be printed yet, but I have to agree that having these kind of maps at the beginning of the Adventure Path would be far more helpful. I can't speak for the future or anything, but so far it seems like the PCs don't spend an overly large amount of time in Torch past Fires of Creation so if you're running Iron Gods from when it came out (like me) then you have a map that you will very likely not need by the time you have the folio unless you run Iron Gods again.

I honestly don't know if such things can actually be changed in the first place, but having the maps come out at around the same time as the first part of the adventure path might be more useful for DMs.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Cover image and description updated.

Dromeda wrote:

I understand the reasoning behind why it can't actually be printed yet, but I have to agree that having these kind of maps at the beginning of the Adventure Path would be far more helpful. I can't speak for the future or anything, but so far it seems like the PCs don't spend an overly large amount of time in Torch past Fires of Creation so if you're running Iron Gods from when it came out (like me) then you have a map that you will very likely not need by the time you have the folio unless you run Iron Gods again.

I honestly don't know if such things can actually be changed in the first place, but having the maps come out at around the same time as the first part of the adventure path might be more useful for DMs.

It would definitely be more useful.

If I had started the Reign of Winter AP when it came out instead of significantly after they all had the map folio which only depicts areas from the second and third modules would have come way too late for me to use them.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Added a sample image.

Silver Crusade

Please.. will there be an option to turn off map tags for the PDF like the interactive maps? For my campaign it's a huge thing as exploration and discovery are part of the experience. I can use the lower-resolution maps which have that ability, but in getting the map-folio I'm looking to get get nice high-resolution images for my VTT.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

How do the map folios work? Are they super high quality images for the PDF and a large folded poster for the print version?

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Map folios are available at 150 dpi at the same dimensions they are printed at for the physical product. As for map tags, we only provide Interactive Maps for the Adventure Path line. However, we do strive to provide all maps with the tags as a separate object, so that you can just grab the map image.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I really want to continue to brag on you guys for including the "player friendly" region maps. I hope you'll keep including similar maps when they make sense. Your map folio products have come a long way since Rise of the Runelords map folio. Thanks for listening to customer feedback and continuing to improve them!


Paizo Employee Developer

Skeld wrote:

I really want to continue to brag on you guys for including the "player friendly" region maps. I hope you'll keep including similar maps when they make sense. Your map folio products have come a long way since Rise of the Runelords map folio. Thanks for listening to customer feedback and continuing to improve them!


Thanks! I love maps, so I'm as happy as you are that we've raised the bar for the Poster Map Folios. I think the biggest thing is the addition of the illustrated maps by Ben, but we've also been paying a lot of attention to making the other two maps as useful in a game as they are pleasing to look at.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll certainly keep listening. :)

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Adam Daigle wrote:
Skeld wrote:

I really want to continue to brag on you guys for including the "player friendly" region maps. I hope you'll keep including similar maps when they make sense. Your map folio products have come a long way since Rise of the Runelords map folio. Thanks for listening to customer feedback and continuing to improve them!


Thanks! I love maps, so I'm as happy as you are that we've raised the bar for the Poster Map Folios. I think the biggest thing is the addition of the illustrated maps by Ben, but we've also been paying a lot of attention to making the other two maps as useful in a game as they are pleasing to look at.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll certainly keep listening. :)

Right, the other maps are usually useful too, but those player-friendly regional maps really take it up a notch.

Something else I'd like to see are pockets or something inside the cover that hold the maps in place. Once you've taken the shrinkwrap off, there's nothing to keep the maps inside the cover.


Shadow Lodge

question about these products ... do they include Maps for the dungeons ?

Paizo Employee Developer

No, they don't. These map folios typically present poster maps of cities or overland views of countries. In the case of this particular Map Folio, the three maps are: the town of Torch, Numeria's capitol of Starfall, and a ink and parchment map of Numeria.

Liberty's Edge

Why do they have only three maps? One sheet has two sides, and two sheets have four sides to print on. How does three maps work? Is one of them printed on both sides of one sheet? Is one sheet side blank? Does one sheet have two maps?

Paizo Employee Developer

The Map Folios are three 8-panel poster maps that come folded in a shrink-wrapped sleeve. Our old Map Folios were single 8" X 11-1/2"-ish sheets that reprinted the maps in the adventures.

People weren't happy with that format, so the Map Folios evolved over time into the current poster map format to serve as useful handouts and be both GM-friendly and player-friendly overall.

Liberty's Edge I understand correctly that you have three separate sheets of paper? And on each, only one side is printed?

Paizo Employee Data Entry Cleric of Abadar

Samy wrote: I understand correctly that you have three separate sheets of paper? And on each, only one side is printed?

Well, 3 posters rather than sheets - each one 34" x 22" & printed on one side. They're the size of 8 single sheets of paper.

Liberty's Edge

Weird. I wonder why they're printed on only one side. Seems like you could do twice the maps for the same packaging size. Maybe they've done marketing research that not enough people would pay the higher price for double the maps.

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