
teweller's page

Organized Play Member. 32 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 Organized Play characters.


The Exchange

Ty so much for the info!!

The Exchange

Was just wondering if anyone knows when the new Season will be released. I played all four scenarios at GenCon and am ready to dive into the new set!!

The Exchange

Thanks Vic your rock!!

The Exchange

I know i have seen it posted somewhere in a forum or blog but i cant find it. Can someone link the season 1 schedule for me :) thanks

The Exchange

Ron Lundeen wrote:

Here's an inconsistency:

The middle of the third paragraph in the Building Your Character section on page 6 says, about the skill-power-card feat progression: "Completing the same scenario multiple times does not count as progress towards these feats."

However, the last sentence of the Replaying Scenarios section on page 8 says: "completing the same scenario multiple times counts toward your feat advancement."

Which is it? (I assume the latter quote is an error.)

+1 to this...this is kind of a big deal

The Exchange

How is shipping looking on this set? Port delays holding this one up, or do you have them already? Just want to know if delivery expectation is correct :)

The Exchange

Congrats!! Happy to see that this amazing game is getting the credit it of my favorites :)

The Exchange

So am i understanding this correctly..that there is one location and both the henchman and villain are in the same stack?

The Exchange

Thanks Vic!! You are the man!! Perfect timing as we will wrap up the rest of 5 tomorrow :)

The Exchange

Any word on when Part 6 will be released on website for us unfortunate people who dont have a FLGS to play society in?

The Exchange

For the first scenario reward it says to acquire a random weapon or spell..does that mean from box or from our class deck of specific level? thanks :)

The Exchange

Is this going to be sent out soon? I see a retailer website already has these available for purchase...

The Exchange

Already sold out of this product?? Hope they have more come release time...cant drop the cash for all of them at once

The Exchange

So that ally is uber powerful...does that wording mean that you put the card away for the duration of the entire adventure path? Or just put back into the pile with the possibility to draw it again? And by pile i mean back into the box for the next scenario :)

The Exchange

So my wife loved playing the Paladin and my buddy loved playing the Monk in RotR and we were wondering when those class decks were going to become available? We have been waiting for the Seasonal Play to be accessible and i was just wondering if those decks were gonna drop before the season started?

The Exchange

So I was able to play in a couple of sessions and GenCon this year...and really enjoyed it. But i never got any information on when they were going to actually release the information to play openly. I have no store to run the event so i am going to have to do it myself at home with my im just wondering when the the scenarios will be available for download thanks :)

The Exchange

Im just wondering why so late into the start of the Iron Gods campaign...shouldnt this be coming out now with the release of Iron Gods??

The Exchange

So i am running the Emerald Spire Dungeon right now and one of the highlighted characters is a Numerian man named Karklosh...i know i am going to run the Iron Gods campaign next so i got the great idea of having a weird, mechanical device be on his person when my group killed him...its obviously nothing they have ever seen before and i figured that would be a great intro into the AP. I know how they are going to find out about it and where it comes just having a tough run at figuring out how to incorporate their new characters into the campaign...anyone have any cool ideas with using the device to get them there? thanks :)

The Exchange

Yah i just use the NPC Codex pawns...they all fold up in a bag in my box and i dont have to worry about them getting damaged in my overly cramped box of cards

The Exchange

Thank you so much for the quick replies!!

The Exchange

So I am new to the PFS gm side of things...I have a group of 6-8 ppl I gm for...lately schedules have been crazy and I figured this might be a good idea to let everyone keep playing but not be committed to one of my crazy there a thread that explains how to get the gm info and how to submit all the necessary info to paizo? Or do I need to apply for something

The Exchange

thanks for the quick responses!!

The Exchange

So im signing up for GenCon PFS scenarios and i was wondering if they really do run the full 5 hrs on a normal basis? Cause i would like to sign up for another scenario right after my first one to continue my character but the first one ends at 1pm and the next one starts at 1pm..just wanted to hear from someone with xp if they end a little early normally or not...thanks :)

The Exchange

Thanks for the quick responses :) I will download that info right away!!

The Exchange

I have never participated in any PFS stuff before so i signed up for a PFS event #6-01 Trial by Machine at GenCon this year...i just want to fully understand the leveling up of characters correctly before i sign up for anymore...when i finish that specific scenario i will only receive 1xp for that scenario correct? Or is there any difference with the scenarios at GenCon? Thanks :)

The Exchange

Im just gonna snag the one i want to play at GenCon and have the rest shipped to me :) Only got so much time there cant play them all in those four days that is for sure

The Exchange

Thanks :) appreciate the reply!! Cant wait to get this to the table!!

The Exchange

Hello all :) im sure this has been posted somewhere else but im gonna do it again...i have created a pfs character but i just dont know where to go from here...i always feel like when i try to go to one im always jumping in the middle of one...are they starting a new one at gencon this year? Cause if they are how do i sign up for that or just start getting involved?

The Exchange

What is a good min/max amount of players for this campaign? Also which bestiaries do they pull the monsters from...just need to know so i have all the pawns ready to go...thanks :)

The Exchange

So i am contemplating on subscribing for the PACG...however i would just like to know if i can skip a step here and there if i pick up the item being shipped next ahead of time (i.e. im going to GenCon and i will most definitely be grabbing the new big box there so i can start playing asap) after i subscribe can i click a button or something of that matter to notify paizo to just wait till the next item to ship to me?

The Exchange

How does one sign up for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Guild?

The Exchange

Hello fellow nerds!! I am a 31 year old gamer looking for a group to explore the world that is Pathfinder. I am always open to GMing and have a place to play :) so if anyone is interested pm me and maybe we can hook it up!!