
Dromeda's page

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I understand the reasoning behind why it can't actually be printed yet, but I have to agree that having these kind of maps at the beginning of the Adventure Path would be far more helpful. I can't speak for the future or anything, but so far it seems like the PCs don't spend an overly large amount of time in Torch past Fires of Creation so if you're running Iron Gods from when it came out (like me) then you have a map that you will very likely not need by the time you have the folio unless you run Iron Gods again.

I honestly don't know if such things can actually be changed in the first place, but having the maps come out at around the same time as the first part of the adventure path might be more useful for DMs.

I imagine it's a case of not being able to figure out the proper voltage and/or other parts of power generation that I don't understand! Probably the same reasons we don't try to power things with lightning bolts and such.

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Certainly an intriguing look into the Iron Gods AP, now my anticipation for the actual first adventure is even higher!

...I also really want to know who that android is on the front of it! She's gorgeous!

Wait, does this mean that the third ink-and-parchment style map is going to be like the Savage Tide AP one from a long while back of the Isle of Dread that just screamed 'Here be Monsters' and was a good map to give to the players to use?

Kirth Gersen wrote:

My gripe with the new one was the unwritten "bring a lot of 2-handed power attack grunts with adamantine weapons to guard your main rogue, or TPK on every encounter on the lower level occurs." Did anyone else find the 3.5E Tzolo's Guardian way too much for any party that wasted a character on anything else? Wiz/Sor: useless; SR too high. All warrior-types: useless, no adamantine weapons. They can't even flee, because the thing follows them.

I have no gripe with a straight dungeon crawl; I grew up with the 1st ed. But, realistically, the 3.5-E version only works if you have multiple waves of invaders that can somehow pass on what they learn to the next group before they get knocked off (and in that case I could see it being VERY cool).

I have to disagree with that, you don't even need to fight Tzolo's Guardian in the first place. If your going for that one last tomb with the big angry elephant thing standing on the lid and glaring balefully at you, after the rest of the place that you went through, without thinking and planning ahead, then you deserve what's coming to you since you can completely go around it and still survive the adventure.

I'm a happy Paizo customer...usually. I don't ocmplain since I get lots of awesome content with each magazine but now I've reason to complain. My subscription has yet to run out. I've still got a good 6 issues left. But one of them has gone missing. 146. The newest one has not yet arrived and its been a good 14-16 business days since it was sent out to suscribers. Should I be worried? Should I contact someone? And if I should, how do I do it? Give me some help here please cause I need my Paizo fix.