Align Armament with Gorum

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

I'm not entirely sure how this level 8 feat works. Would I be able to align my weapons to be Good with Gorum as my deity?

From the sounds of it I can make my weapons Lawful aligned only?

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Seems pretty clear to me:

"When you select this feat, choose chaotic, evil, good, or lawful."

Seems clear enough, pick one of four things.

"Your choice must match one of your deity’s alignments."

So Asmodeans can pick Lawful or Evil, Desnans can pick Chaotic or Good, but Norgorberites can only pick Evil, Shelynites can only pick Good, Abadarians can only pick Lawful, and Gorumites can only pick Chaotic. If you worship Gozreh, don't take the feat. Aligned as such you do extra damage to the opposite alignment- so Shelyn clerics would do extra damage to Evil, and Gorumite clerics would do extra damage to Lawful.

Ya nice post thank you sir. Would this feat be worth it for a Gorum follower? Are there a good chunk of lawful monsters?

PossibleCabbage wrote:

Seems pretty clear to me:

"When you select this feat, choose chaotic, evil, good, or lawful."

Seems clear enough, pick one of four things.

"Your choice must match one of your deity’s alignments."

So Asmodeans can pick Lawful or Evil, Desnans can pick Chaotic or Good, but Norgorberites can only pick Evil, Shelynites can only pick Good, Abadarians can only pick Lawful, and Gorumites can only pick Chaotic. If you worship Gozreh, don't take the feat. Aligned as such you do extra damage to the opposite alignment- so Shelyn clerics would do extra damage to Evil, and Gorumite clerics would do extra damage to Lawful.

Technically Gorum folowers can pick Chaotic, Good or Evil. Just not Lawful.

But yes that does seem a bit strange.

I don't think so, the feat clearly says "your choice must match one of your deity's alignments", which for Gorum is Chaotic and Neutral, so picking Lawful, Evil, or Good would not be valid choices. No one has more than two choices with this feat, and deities with a neutral component to their alignment force you to choose the non-neutral component (or in the case of true neutral gods, have no valid choices.)

Ya I agree Cabbage, so would it be worth Aligning the weapon Chaotic?

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Atalius wrote:
Ya I agree Cabbage, so would it be worth Aligning the weapon Chaotic?

Depends on the campaign. Doomsday Dawn is (intentionally) all over the place (because it's a playtest tool) so I'm iffy about it there, but in a campaign where you're going to fight a bunch of devils? It's solid.

PF2 has generous retraining rules, so feel free to take an option and then just change it later if you don't like it.

Hmm sounds like this would be a good feat for Saranrae as evil exists everywhere.

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Atalius wrote:
Hmm sounds like this would be a good feat for Saranrae as evil exists everywhere.

It's a good feat for clerics of good deities since a lot of what you will fight is going to be evil, and in an evil-campaign I suspect you'll be fighting a lot of good things too. Chaos vs. Law is a much less common theme for a campaign though, so I wouldn't expect to get a ton of use for it unless it's right on the nose.

This feat(and a few spells) are completely unusable for clerics of Pharasma. Hope they remember that some of their own gods are true neutral when the full game is done and give them something to work with.

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