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![]() So either I completely missed the thread or this has not been discussed already (which would blow my mind!!): is there a starships books planned for Starfinder? Every space themed RPG I played in the past had one or more starships books (Babylon 5 2nd edition being the last in that genre). And clearly, I am not the only one who would love to explore Starfinder's space combat more deeply? My dream book would either be 160 or 256-page hardcover book arranged by factions / race (Hellknights, Swarm, Eox fleet, etc.). It would contain several ships for each race / factions such as light fighter, heavy fighter, cruiser, destroyer, dreadnaught, civilian ships, transports, deep space explorers. etc. Each ship would have a full set of stats, flavor text and art. Some important ships and transports would have floor layout so my party could use them. You could also add advanced combat rules, new equipment, weapons, etc. And an ambitious project could also include simplified rules for mass combat... Anyway, am I the only one who'd be over the moon for such a product?? If not, let Paizo know of your interest so they can see the potential profits to such a book! Starfinder is such a great RPG, I just want to see it grow to its full potential. Cheers! ![]()
![]() I am very excited for this upcoming book as it is much needed. However, I would be WAY more excited if I saw somewhere that Paizo is planning a full 160 page starship book which would include stats, text for each ship, and possible 2 page spread for important ship and possible floor plans when relevant. Every space-themed RPG needs a starship book and I would be in heaven if that happened!! Paizo? ![]()
![]() Mr. Jacobs, Back in the days of the Hell's Rebels adventure path publication, I had asked you if Archdevils would be part of the books like Demon Lords were for Wrath of the Righteous. At the time, you said no as no one was really interested in creating them. Although I loved the Demon Lords you designed, especially Nocticula (the encounter between my players and Nocticula in Midnight Isles will remain one of the most powerful roleplay moment of my 30 year rpg "career" as a game master) and Sikfesh, I was disappointed not to feel the love for my personal favorite, the Archdevils. When I saw B6 was coming out and Archdevils were included, I got very excited. Throwing in stats for Charon and Great Old Ones just added to my joy and anticipation for this book. All this long message simply to say thank you, I am grateful. You made an old gamer very happy indeed. ![]()
![]() OK I can't believe that no one asked that already, but will we have Archdevils stat block in this AP, just as you did for demons in Wrath of the Righteous? If not, do you plan to do so somewhere? I dunno why, but our mighty Hell Rulers don't seem to get as much love as demons... no entry in Bestiary 4... :( ![]()
![]() PFW1-K1 wrote:
Thanks a lot!! Really incredible picture in high def with no marking on it!!!![]()
![]() I'm a bit late on the replies, but thanks for the nice and constructive comments. I've added +2 on CHA for a total of 34 just to give a nice looking 40 DC on some abilities. Simply add +1 to all CHA-based abilities and spell-like abilities. This leaves Nocticula as the top CHA-based badass, she the first Succubi after all. The CON-based saves are already awesome at 46 (3 higher than Nocticula) I might raise Int, but that will involve a lot of skills recalculation. Although I do love the idea of a +4 aid another by the other head. For the rot, the Dragon 357 clearly mentions that remove disease with a caster lv check of 30 can remove the rot, but it would be nice for that uber ability to indeed affect creatures immune to diseases. I might add something to that effect. I guess at this point, it just a matter of flavor, depending how badass you want this Demon Prince to be. ![]()
![]() Adam Daigle wrote:
Many thanks Mr. Daigle! You guys are awesome! I will look up this artist with great interest!! ![]()
![]() James Jacobs wrote:
I'm sure you guys have people in your art department who would know the answer to that question. Honestly, I would really like to know. Thanks!! ![]()
![]() Alleran wrote:
True enough that this Demon Lord will challenge players with both DC Fort and Will (Seduction, Dominate and Poison). I guess this compensates for her "lack" of survivability abilities (if you compare with Sifkesh who might be the queen of immunities and gets a free death as a bonus!!!). ![]()
![]() magnuskn wrote: Have fun trying to kill Nocticula. She probably is still going to own everybody just by showing up and uttering a sexy sigh. I wish that were true, but I might have to boost her if she was to fight my party at lv 20/mythic 10. I'd give her a +6 on Cha to raise her DC to 46 and some armor item to boost the AC to 53+ and max her HP. Lets just say your party has a cleric that started with a Wisdom of 16.
I do not even want to imagine a paladin with his crazy save bonus all around!! Of course, you can also make sure your heroes get crappy magic items to not get them to that uber level of power... ![]()
![]() Hi guys, Further to the new Bestiary 4 and the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, I decided to include Demogorgon, an all-time classic, to the Demon Lords roster. I took the 3.5 stats published in Dragon #357 written by James Jacobs and tried my best to figure out the rules used to built the current lords and apply them to Demogorgon. The result is this (see past the stats for rules observations): ---Apologies if I break some copyrights rules, just delete the post--- Demon Lord, Demogorgon (Prince of Demons) The demon towers a full eighteen feet in height, his body at once sinuous like that of a snake and powerful like that of a great ape. Two baleful baboon heads leer from atop his lumbering shoulders, from which writhe two long tentacles. His lower torso is saurian, like some great reptile with an immense forked tail. The air itself around his frame seems to ripple with fear from his proximity. DEMOGORGON - CR 30 Domains: Chaos, Evil, Magic, Water
CE Huge outsider (aquatic, chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
DEFENSE AC 51, touch 23, flat-footed 36 (-2 size, +11 Dex, +24 natural, +4 deflection, +4 armor)
OFFENSE Speed 50 ft., fly 60 ft. (good), swim 50 ft.
STATISTICS Str 42, Dex 32, Con 46, Int 30, Wis 26, Cha 32
ECOLOGY Environment any (Abyss)
SPECIAL ABILITIES Aura of Demonic Command (Su) As the Prince of Demons, Demogorgon exude an aura of demonic command to a radius of 120 feet. With a few exceptions, no demons within this area can take any action without Demogorgon's permission. Demogorgon reflexively grants permission to act on the demon's turn. An affected demon in the area must make a DC 39 Will save whenever he attempts any action that Demogorgon does not permit. Success indicates that he may take the action, while failure means the demon not only loses the action but also takes 2d6 points of Charisma damage as Demogorgon's wrath tears into his mind. Demons within the area that Demogorgon is not aware of may act as they will. Demon lords are not affected by Demogorgon's aura of Demonic Command. The save DC is Charisma-based. Dual Action (Ex) Demogorgon, having two heads with distinct intelligences and personalities, can take two rounds' worth of actions in any given round, as if he were two creatures. This ability functions as the Dual Initiative universal monster rule (q.v.). Gaze (Su) Each of Demogorgon's heads has its own gaze attack. Any creature within 30 feet of the demon lord must make two successful DC 39 Will saving throws each round at the beginning of its turn, the first save against Demogorgon's beguiling gaze and the second one against his insanity gaze. The save DC is Charisma-based. Demogorgon can actively target a foes with his beguiling gaze and insanity gaze, in which case each gaze requires a standard action to activate. As a standard action, he may lock the gazes of both heads on a single target and use a special hypnosis effect. He cannot use his hypnosis gaze during the same round in which he uses his beguiling gaze, his insanity gaze, or both. Beguiling Gaze: The gaze attack of Aameul, Demogorgon's left head, is the equivalent of a charm monster spell. Insanity Gaze: The gaze attack of Hethradiah, Demogorgon's right head, is the equivalent of an insanity spell. Hypnosis Gaze: Only a target with 15 Hit Dice or more is allowed a save to avoid the gaze of both Demogorgon's heads. Those who succomb to this gaze are affected as though by a hypnosis spell. Energy Drain (Su) Any living creature hit by Demogorgon's tail slap gains 1d6 negative levels. For each negative level bestowed, Demogorgon heals 5 points of damage. If the amount of healing is more than the damage he has taken, he gains any excess as temporary hit points. A DC 46 Fortitude save removes these negative levels. The save DC is Constitution-based. Item Master (Ex) Demogorgon can use any magic item, even spell completion items such as wands or scrolls. He can also create any magic item or construct as though he had the necessary feats and prerequisite spells or other requirements. Mage Armor (Su) Demogorgon is constantly surrounded by an aura of force that provides armor protection identical to a mage armor spell that cannot be dispelled. Rot (Su) Any living creature touched by Demogorgon's tentacle must succeed on a DC 46 Fortitude save or its flesh and bones rot away. The creature takes 1d8 points of Constitution damage immediately and 2 points of Constitution damage every hour thereafter until it dies or a remove disease is cast. This spell stops further damage only if the caster makes a DC 30 Caster Level check. The save DC is Constitution-based. Symbol (Sp) Demogorgon may cast any symbol spell once per day as a spell-like ability. ********************* Now a couple of observations. CR 30: I'm not certain Demogorgon with these stats would be CR 30 as the dual action is really really badass and maybe CR 33 as Mr. Jacobs put it was more like it although I did not want to break the CR cap set by Paizo. Domains: made them up but seemed logical unless someone found real domains for him somewhere. AC 51: readjusted the AC to Paizo standards for CR 30 creature. It should be 48, but Baba Yaga has 51, so why not, he's THE Demon Prince after all. Saves: based on the way Nocticula was built with base Fort +12, Ref +20 and Will +20 +stat bonus +4 for unholy aura, but changed the +20 to Fort instead and put the +12 base to Ref Melee: includes greater magic fang. I was not sure how to apply the primary vs secondary attack since the Demon Lord Xoveron was written with all of its attacks as primary with full STR bonus. Took the conservative approach as written in Dragon 357. Spell-like abilities: taken from Dragon 357 and updated with what I saw for the current demon lords. Stats: as Dragon 357 (same goes for HD 37d10 (5.5 average) plus 666 CON bonus) Feats: took some of my liking and some from Dragon 357, gave a total of 17 like Nocticula. Skills: took the same rule as Nocticula which is HD (36 in her case, 37 form Demogorgon) + stat bonus +3 if class (took same class skills as Nocticula). All special abilities exactly as Dragon 357. CMD: Someone tell me how the current demon lords end up with more than 80 for CMD, I have not figured that one out. Demogorgon CMD was calculated as per the basic rules. So that's it. Let me know what you think so I can make the most perfect and Paizo compliant rules possible. Mr. Jacob, I would be honored if you were to let me know what you think of these stat blocks assuming they do not get deleted! Cheers! ![]()
![]() Vexous wrote:
Ya I agree that we should get billed and then allowed the free PDF right away. Looks like I ain't getting any PDF before X-mas.But then again it's my fault for ordering 10 days before X-mas!! :-( ![]()
![]() Sean K Reynolds wrote:
A quick and to the point answer. Thanks! A pity though.So those heralds, what are they? Mortal champions of the gods? Like the Chosen in Forgotten Realms? And so do we have heralds in this book? Thanks. ![]()
![]() Kevin Mack wrote: Also Not to burst anyones bubble but I'm fairly certain it states somewhere that she was the first succubuss to be formed in the abyss. Well her entry in Lords of Chaos starts with "The first succubus is a beautiful but deadly creature". This could indeed mean she was the first succubus or just be a title like the "First Lady". She could also have been a fallen "angel" that became the first succubus. I have not read her entry in this adventure path, but unless something very specific was mentioned, the mystery remains. ![]()
![]() You can tell Nocticula is getting a lot of love by the sheer amount of posts discussing her abilities. I wonder if Paizo staff will have anything to add / clarify about the rules discussed above. Just the fact that the number of posts for that book nearly doubled in one weekend should get their attention!! :-) ![]()
![]() Vexous wrote: Sooooo, I subscribe, it says I've been charged, and I get no download. You guys got to download yours already? What did I miss? I did the same and the answer is this: your pdf download will be available once they process your physical copy order and charge your credit card. So my guess is to give it a couple of days... :( ![]()
![]() Aliasalias wrote:
Wow!!! Spoiler:
Pretty crazy that she can target both Will and Fortitude and with a DC of 43... wow!! Spoiler:
Someone was talking before of the "Profane Ascension ability". What is that about? |