Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)

4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 (OGL)
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Untold Horrors!

Confront the creatures that go bump in the night! Bestiary 4 presents hundreds of new monsters for use in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Within this tome of terrors you'll find pitiless psychopomps and blood-drinking nosferatu, insectile formians and faceless nightgaunts, and even unique mythological horrors like Spring- Heeled Jack and Grendel himself. Yet not every creature need be an enemy, as mighty empyreal lords, primeval outer dragons, and valorous swan maidens enlist you in their epic battles!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 4 is the fourth indispensable volume of monsters for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and serves as a companion to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4 includes:

  • More than 300 different monsters
  • Creatures from classic horror literature and monster films, including the colour out of space, elder things, and kaiju
  • New player-friendly races like changelings, kitsune, and nagaji
  • Entities of mythic might, from despotic demon lords and alien elohim to terrifying Great Old Ones—including Cthulhu!
  • New creatures you can construct, like clockworks and juggernauts
  • New familiars, animal companions, and other allies
  • New templates to help you get more life out of classic monsters
  • Appendices to help you find the right monster, including lists by Challenge Rating, monster type, and habitat
  • Expanded universal monster rules to simplify combat
  • Challenges for every adventure and every level of play
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-575-4

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.60/5 (based on 15 ratings)

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The Horror Takes Center Stage....


This edition of the Bestiary series brings all the worst nightmares, not found in a traditional fantasy setting alive! Despite the horror feel, they work in any genre you might be playing. By far my favorite of the Bestiary series! The sheer creativity of the Paizo team explodes in this awesome collection of crazy!

An RPG Resource Review


Herein is a fine and fascinating array of monsters, most with supernatural aspects and worthy of songs and legends... indeed it is suggested that to make the most of them you should be also using the Mythic Adventures rules. Fitting adversaries for those who fancy themselves as such legendary heroes, perhaps...

The Introduction is mainly explanation of how each monster entry is presented, complete with handy icons used to enable you to tell at a glance the creature type and the terrain and climate that it favours. These are supplemented by appendices that list them by CR, terrain and so on thus enabling you to populate a chosen area with ease. Other appendices deal with special abilities and other details, including a fascinating section on monster creation, another on monster advancement and one on monsters as player-characters.

The main bulk of the book is composed of an alphabetical listing of the monsters. Each comes with a colour illustration and stat block, with plenty of detail and description to enable you to work out suitable uses for it and how it will behave when encountered by the party.

Beginning with the abaia, an eel with a strong regard for the environment which acts as guardian to a body of water... and turns quite nasty if you do not respect the lake it inhabits (it doesn't mind people who take only what they need, it is those who abuse nature that upsets them), there follows a fascinating array of creatures.

The almiraj, for example, looks like a cross between a rabbit and a unicorn, but it's no fluffy bunny! If nothing else, anything slain by its horn is turned to stone so if the poor almiraj wants to eat whatever it has attacked (it's apparently a carnivore), it has to eat its prey alive.

One of the weirdest is the colour out of space. This is an eerie radient incorporeal ooze that leaches life out of its surroundings until it reaches maturity, at which time it departs into the interstellar depths from which it came. If that's not enough for you, the Great Old Ones are here, so if you wish to combat Cthulhu or Hastur or the like, now you can... if you dare. Most have cults associated with them, details of which are also given.

If it's monsters out of legend that you want, there are beings such as Grendel, if you prefer more mundane ones there are gremlins or even giraffes! Undead too, and an alchemist's error called a hungry flesh, a giant ooze. To cap it all, how about an immortal ichor, which is an intelligent mass of blood from a dead evil deity...

This is indeed a collection of monsters rich and strange, ones whose very being deserve a song or story, never mind those that will be written when heroes defeat them in battle!

Lots of fun new monsters!


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

Bestiary 4 contains over 300 new monsters. All the monster types are represented, although some more than others. There are many of the standards found in every Bestiary—new dinosaurs, devils, dragons—but also many unusual and bizarre creatures. It has provided me with lots of new options to throw at my players, and that’s always a good thing.


The Bestiary 4 for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game has been one of the more favorites of the Bestiary series for me and I'd like to take a moment to tell you why.

To start, the Bestiary 4 has added everything from new types of fey to additional golems as well as the more prominent and popular Kaiju, Great Old Ones, and Empyreal Lords. Paizo's inclusion of these creatures that've gone on to become pop culture legends in their own right is a direct result of the designer's dedication to getting their monsters right. The Bestiary 4 is an awesome sourcebook and stands right up there with the Bestiary 3 in terms of 'fantasy verisimilitude,' hardening gamers resolve against such villainous foes as Cthulhu himself.

Not every book is a perfect image of idolatry however and the Bestiary 4 is no exception. While it's true that this book is littered with new baddies for your players to chase and new races for their characters to face, it is also bogged down with what seems to be an over-saturation of multiple page monsters. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does seem as if several of these creatures could've used a proverbial trimming before being posted.

If you don't mind a bit of length though and you want more vile beasts for your players to square off against then the Bestiary 4 is yet another wonderful book to add to your collection and one that comes Five-Star recommended by your Severed Ronin.

Robert Beasley
"The Severed Ronin"

You probably know if you need this


This is a good Bestiary. I'd personally put it up with Bestiary 3, with both having a good mix of classic, mythological, and completely new monsters.

There's a bit of a horror them and a bit of a mythic theme, but neither is overwhelming. If you're looking for a whole book of mythic monsters, this isn't it. If you're worried the whole book is mythic monsters, there aren't that many in practice.

For me, the evocative flavor on the high CR creatures pushes it over the top. The demon lords, empyreals, and great old ones really feel like epic creatures.

If you're sure you don't need any more monsters... don't buy this book. That said, I wasn't sure if I needed any more monsters and was definitely impressed by this.

Short Version: These are sweet monsters, but only you know whether you want more monsters.

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Tome of Horrors is a bit different, since it's third party, and I think all the really high CR threats are probably updates of monsters that were statted up with epic rules in mind for 3.0/3.5

I thought I remember a reference from James Jacob that the only 25+ CR monsters would be the 3 great old ones, 3 demon lords, 3 empyreal lords, and 3 Kaiju. None of which are beyond CR 30

Paizo Employee Developer

CR 30 is Pathfinder's "cap". You won't find us doing statblocks that go beyond CR 30. Though, now with Mythic rules, you will see many more statblocks in the CR 20–30 range.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
137ben wrote:
Official CR 31+ monsters have appeared in Tome of Horrors Complete (and I think in ToH 4 as well, though I haven't gotten my copy yet so I'm not sure), as well as in several planned releases that have been talked about in other threads (see the "what is secret project X" thread, for example).

I don't know what "official" means for you, but I think it means released by Paizo. The Tomes, good as they are, are not Paizo products, and it is very well possible that their creators were unaware of any unwritten rules that Paizo uses to cap levels/CRs.

I don't even like those CR30+ monsters. They are just bland monsters pumped up with bigger numbers with the same kind of spell lists and spell-like abilities.

137ben wrote:

As far as I know, there are no official CR 31+ monsters in PF, nor are any planned, as they are outside the scope of what Paizo are doing concerning Golarion, Mythic, etc.

Also, not sure if you were aware, but every 2 mythic tiers equals +1 CR. So 10 tiers equals +5 CR.

Official CR 31+ monsters have appeared in Tome of Horrors Complete (and I think in ToH 4 as well, though I haven't gotten my copy yet so I'm not sure), as well as in several planned releases that have been talked about in other threads (see the "what is secret project X" thread, for example).

And yes, I know how the mythic rules work--I don't know why you would assume I didn't.


Yeah according to JJ and The Bullman, this bestiary will have many more high CR threats (including some 21+ threats like demon lords and Great Old Ones) than in previous bestiaries, and a lot of original mythic monsters of all levels, not just the higher ones. As far as I know, I believe they said that Kaiju are also 20+ threats. Not to mention that Colossi sound amazing (high level massive transforming golems). One of them sounds like Alexander/Giant of Babil from Final Fantasy IV. Which, to me, a giant tower golem sounds awesome.

I think (don't quote me) someone mentioned tooth fairies as being a low level mythic creature. So yeah, it looks like they have A and B covered for you.

Well that's definitely encouraging:) I'm still going to wait to see what monsters are in it before getting it, but if it is like what you just described, there is now a pretty good chance of me getting it.

Thanks, that helped.

When I say official monsters, I'm talking by Paizo proper, not other publishers. That's why I mentioned their vision with Golarion and Mythic.

PF and Mythic are not meant to support monsters over CR 30. This has been said by JJ many times. Obviously you can use other rulesets (like the ELH 3.0) to help facilitate that, but again, that's not official.

Odraude wrote:
Yeah. I'm already running a game loosely using the Moon from FF4 as a point of reference, so this made me a happy camper.

Hmmmm I'm planning on running a campaign loosely based on FF4 as a whole, so I'm right there with ya.

That said, the way Mythic is set up, there is little need to continue past CR 30. Mythic covers much of what the ELH allows you to do without the need for inflated numbers and complicated abilities. I'd like to think of the power of 25+ creatures as exponential, with each one significantly more powerful than the last.

The exception that Mythic can't do is allow fighting gods. Which, I guess, to me, it is difficult to quantify gods without it becoming a game of Extreme Rocket Tag. But I've personally preferred the "use magic to bring gods to CR 30" method of killing them. Though I suppose you can have something more akin to Greek or Norse mythology, where the gods aren't necessarily omniscient or omnipotent.

I'm rambling now...

Shadow Lodge

Zaister wrote:
I don't know what "official" means for you, but I think it means released by Paizo. The Tomes, good as they are, are not Paizo products, and it is very well possible that their creators were unaware of any unwritten rules that Paizo uses to cap levels/CRs.

Or they just don't care. Paizo might not want to do them, but I think there's room in the game for CR 31+ monsters. After all, ignoring Paizo's unwritten rules about psionics being Vancian, not point based, has been pretty good to Dreamscarred Press.

Shadow Lodge

Odraude wrote:
Though I suppose you can have something more akin to Greek or Norse mythology, where the gods aren't necessarily omniscient or omnipotent.

I don't know of any D&D/Pathfinder/etc setting where the gods are supposed to be omniscient or omnipotent. The very least, other gods are capable of hiding things from them/undoing what they have done. In fact, in any setting with more than one god, it's kind of impossible for more than one to be omniscient/omnipotent.

You have a good point there Kthulhu. Perhaps there is room for that then. And hell, I really liked how Mythic turned out so if the demand is high for Deific Adventures, then bully for them, I hope they make it! Though I wonder what a deific bestiary would have, aside from gods and how to make your own god?

I've long said that I'm down for all the mythic and epic rules Paizo wants to make, and that includes deific rules. I don't think it'll happen in this edition of PF since they already have a hard cap they want to abide by, but maybe in PF 2.0.

I just hope that they do not give any mythic tiers/ratings for the monsters in this book. I look at mythic as an optional rule and do not want it forced on me in my bestiaries. I like that the mythic rules allow the stats for powerful story characters and creatures from the setting I just want those stats in different books.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:
I just hope that they do not give any mythic tiers/ratings for the monsters in this book. I look at mythic as an optional rule and do not want it forced on me in my bestiaries. I like that the mythic rules allow the stats for powerful story characters and creatures from the setting I just want those stats in different books.

Well, I have bad news... they've countlessly said that there will be original mythic monsters in this Bestiary. Grendel, for example, is an original mythic creature. Personally, I'd rather they actually support their rules rather than let them languish like WotC did.

I hated the mythic creatures they stated up in the Mythic Adventures book and the thought of seeing Grendel with Mythic tier 4 or something like that next to there CR really turns me off to this product. I was very disappointed with the creatures in Mythic Adventures and was hoping for stats for new creatures, some of the few good ones from the Epic Handbook like the Abomination or Prismatic dragon, or even some unique high CR creatures or characters. Anyway back to what I was saying, I do not mind high CR creatures, I just do like the idea of some random creatures in this book having mythic abilities, mythic tiers, and/or other such rules especially if you don't care for them or do not own those rule books.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Well, the mythic creatures are going to be a bit different than the ones in Mythic Adventures. They will be original creatures, not "Mythic X", and after seeing the statblock of the demon lord in Wrath of the Righteous, which doesn't list any ranks, it is possible there won't be a listing. However, I'm really glad they are supporting the rules for those of us that do have the rulesbook. I really want to see more original mythic monsters, not just mythic versions of existing ones. Just because some people may not like Mythic Adventures or not have it (despite it being on the SRD) doesn't mean we need to completely block it from those that do.

Besides, there will be plenty of non-mythic creatures in here. Especially since non-mythic monsters outnumber mythic ones by, oh say, three bestiaries.

I would reserve judgement on Mythic monsters like Grendel until the mythic campaign setting book comes out. I am sure the Oliphaunt will give a good idea how they will tackle mythic monsters.

And I am glad they didn't load the mythic book with new mythic monsters. I would much rather have a mythic hydra in that book than taking up room in Bestiary 4.

Dragon78 wrote:
I hated the mythic creatures they stated up in the Mythic Adventures book and the thought of seeing Grendel with Mythic tier 4 or something like that next to there CR really turns me off to this product. I was very disappointed with the creatures in Mythic Adventures and was hoping for stats for new creatures, some of the few good ones from the Epic Handbook like the Abomination or Prismatic dragon, or even some unique high CR creatures or characters. Anyway back to what I was saying, I do not mind high CR creatures, I just do like the idea of some random creatures in this book having mythic abilities, mythic tiers, and/or other such rules especially if you don't care for them or do not own those rule books.

You really won't need the Mythic Adventures book to run Mythic creatures.

Mythic creature'a abilities will probably be repeated in the back...the surge ability is really simple...and most of the mythic creature special abilities will be described in the stat block. That is all you really need. So you probably won't need to own the Mythic Adventures to use the Mythic monsters from the book.

As to not liking them...shrug I don't have any use for the Mythos crap stuff we are getting...but can accept the fact that never EVERYTHING in any given book I have to like or use.

Zaister wrote:
137ben wrote:
Official CR 31+ monsters have appeared in Tome of Horrors Complete (and I think in ToH 4 as well, though I haven't gotten my copy yet so I'm not sure), as well as in several planned releases that have been talked about in other threads (see the "what is secret project X" thread, for example).
I don't know what "official" means for you, but I think it means released by Paizo. The Tomes, good as they are, are not Paizo products, and it is very well possible that their creators were unaware of any unwritten rules that Paizo uses to cap levels/CRs.
I don't really know what "official" means in the context of a completely customizable, modular game with hundreds of "optional" products in which the #1 rule is
PRD wrote:
Remember that these rules are yours. You can change them to fit your needs.

I suppose you could argue that PF is "not official", and is just an "unofficial" update to 3.5...

on the other hand, you could argue that PF is an official update to 3.0, while 3.5 was not, because Monte Cooke endorsed PF in the intro to the CRB, making it "official", while Monte and Skip had both left WotC before 3.5 came out. But at the end of the day, which one is more "official" is a pretty silly debate. ToHC is "officially" licensed as a Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Compatible Product, so its about as "official" as it gets.

As to the possibility of Paizo creating divine rules in the future: yes, I would really like that. And, more importantly, I'd really like Paizo (or any other publisher, really) to do it better than WotC did! The 3.0 Deities and Demigods book was...a disappointment to me. Most of the abilities in it were either bland (higher numbers!) or far to vague to be used. That was 10 years ago, and people have a lot more experience writing for the game than they did then, so I'd expect that if Paizo decided to create a system for divine characters, they would do a much better job. And if Paizo doesn't want to? Well....hopefully in that case another publisher would fill the void.

Finally, MMCJawa, I agree: MA laid out the core foundation for the mythic system, and the monsters in it were examples of how you can add mythic tiers. Really complex and interesting monsters deserve their own books, and that is what the Bestiaries are for:)

I will even buy an entire monster manual with only mythic creatures that are made from already used pathfinder monsters, such as Mythic Siren, Mythic Goreweaver, Mythic Alraune, Mythic Adaro ect ect.

I really love the new pictures and I love the extra abilities, the Bone Devil is SOO much better with his power over bones.

But in bestiaries I rather not see them, if they do it make it into a entire manual of its own without new stuff in it just old remythic stuff.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I dunno. the Mythic Minotaur is pretty amazing. if I can take variant monsters in a normal bestiary (like winter wolves) I can take a few Incredibly awesome Mythic Monsters.

That said, i wouldn't want to see them even reach a third of the bestiary
maybe around 1/10th of the book would be fine, maybe less. And they'd have to be super awesome. Like the Mythic Dragons. I want rules to Build my own Mythic Dragons.

Stratagemini wrote:

I dunno. the Mythic Minotaur is pretty amazing. if I can take variant monsters in a normal bestiary (like winter wolves) I can take a few Incredibly awesome Mythic Monsters.

That said, i wouldn't want to see them even reach a third of the bestiary
maybe around 1/10th of the book would be fine, maybe less. And they'd have to be super awesome. Like the Mythic Dragons. I want rules to Build my own Mythic Dragons.

Agreed on the Mythic Dragons bit. A campaign I know of has a Sea Dragon emperor, and I think it would be awesome if it were mythic.

Other then the mythic stuff I am disappointed about all the 0HD races are reprints, no new celestials(not including the Empyreal Lords), no new Proteans, no new Oni, no new Aeons, and likely no new Inevitables. They haven't mention if there will be any new Azura, Rakshasa, Qlippoths, Titans, Kytons, or Divs. I know were getting Psychopomps but I do not care much for them anyway.

I'd have to search for it, but I think they said no new Qlippoths. I am also disappointed in no new celestials or fiends, as well as reprints of 0 HD races from the ARG essentially taking space that could've been done for new monsters. With the exception of the original races that were used as examples (the two armed race, the fey race, etc). Those definitely deserve a section in the bestiary and luckily they are in there, according to Jason Buhlman on the Know Direction Podcast. But yeah, lack of celestials and fiends (except demons because they are the pet fiendish race of Paizo) makes me pretty disappointed, especially since I'm looking to run a devil-driven adventure and could always use more devils.

Still, everything else I've heard sounds awesome. Elohim could be a new high CR celestial outsider group, and the Colossi are probably my new favorite creatures. So I will definitely be enjoying this Bestiary.

I hope we don't get Rakshasa, so far I only like the normal Rakshasa (I love it so much and that is probably the reason I don't like the others) and the very different looking Raktavarna, but the others are doing nothing to me.

Never cared for Aeons.

Oni's are fine as long as they aren't like the *fill-in-any-elemental-here* Yai and Oni's based on giants, I kinda like the Tengu, Kitsune and other such Oni tho, and the Ogre Mage is a classic, so if there are oni, I hope they are NON-giants.
The Earth and Wind Yai would be waste of precious pages for me personally, if they use stuff from the Jade's Regent, I hope its not them, especially when they use them instead of Bakekujira, Gashadokuro, Jinmenju, Rokurokubi and Raiju.

I like more Titans like the Hekantoncheires, LOVE more Kytons and Divs, I don't really care for Azura but wouldn't mind them eighter.

I would actually really like to see new Proteans in the future, much awesome stuff can be done with them, so with Qlippoths. Inevitables? Never use such stuff, but I don't mind them that much.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Odraude wrote:
Colossi are probably my new favorite creatures.

<insert evil laugh here />

Ross Byers wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Colossi are probably my new favorite creatures.
<insert evil laugh here />

Why? Did you make them?

Ross Byers wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Colossi are probably my new favorite creatures.
<insert evil laugh here />

Oh man, given the description of the Colossus that turns into a castle, I will be making a Final Fantasy 4 themed game and have that as the Giant of Babil/Alexander.

The outsiders subtypes I've liked so far (only those in PF, I'm not counting 3.5/3.0/other stuff) are daemons, inevitables, formions, rashaka, and aeons. So I'm glad we're getting more formions, but I'm worried that Paizo doesn't like aeons:(
I guess I'll keep begging Jason Nelson to do a "Mythic Aeons" supplement...

Formions are not outsiders in Pathfinder, they will be monstrous humanoid or magical beast.

I would like to know what the Elohim will be in pathfinder.

I wouldn't mind some more types of CN, LN, or N(non-psychpomps) outsiders.

I hope we will get some more types Gigas and not just Abyssal and/or Infernal.

I wonder if the Colossi is the new name for Juggernaut or that they are different creatures all together.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Gancanagh wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Odraude wrote:
Colossi are probably my new favorite creatures.
<insert evil laugh here />
Why? Did you make them?

Well, I wrote things for them. I'm as exited as anyone else to see what came out the other side of editorial.

Dragon78 wrote:

Formions are not outsiders in Pathfinder, they will be monstrous humanoid or magical beast.

I would like to know what the Elohim will be in pathfinder.

I wouldn't mind some more types of CN, LN, or N(non-psychpomps) outsiders.

I hope we will get some more types Gigas and not just Abyssal and/or Infernal.

I wonder if the Colossi is the new name for Juggernaut or that they are different creatures all together.

Pretty sure colossi and juggernauts are separate entities. They were listed as separate in the podcast.

Spawn of Yog-Sothoth! From the "Ask JJ everything" thread.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Personally, I'd prefer (more) psychopomps to aeons. Aeons looked a bit silly to me.

One or two more asuras and kytons would be nice. Daemons need to catch up to demons :P

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I like the way Aeons look. Just a bit sad they have Mordenkainen Neutrality Syndrome.

DeciusNero wrote:

Personally, I'd prefer (more) psychopomps to aeons. Aeons looked a bit silly to me.

One or two more asuras and kytons would be nice. Daemons need to catch up to demons :P

I agree with you, the one ones I liked a little bit are the Pleroma and the time-controlling thing. But they already said there won't be Aeons in this one.

Its almost September! Let the blogs start now!

MMCJawa wrote:
There is suppose to be an outer dragon in the mythic themed campaign setting book (or at least a reference to one?)

That must be The Dark Comet mentioned in the blog. Crap, I was hoping it was a Dark Tapestry entity, not a space dragon. Oh well. Space dragon is pretty cool too. I guess.

Space Dragons are always nice to have.

It is almost September, so let the previews begin.

I also like the ways Aeons look and do not care much for Psychopomps or the way they look.

I like it that normal mythology creatures (such as the Kere)can be Psychopomps, they can't be Aeons, so that's why I like Psychopomps more than Aeons.

Generic Villain wrote:
MMCJawa wrote:
There is suppose to be an outer dragon in the mythic themed campaign setting book (or at least a reference to one?)
That must be The Dark Comet mentioned in the blog. Crap, I was hoping it was a Dark Tapestry entity, not a space dragon. Oh well. Space dragon is pretty cool too. I guess.

Well, there are still four monsters left unaccounted for in Mythic Realms, so it might be one of those.

Odraude wrote:
Well, there are still four monsters left unaccounted for in Mythic Realms, so it might be one of those.

Alas, only three now. Six of the nine have been revealed. Four (Tar-Baphon, Arazni, Kortash Kain, and Jatembe) are humanoid, and two (Oliphaunt and the Dark Comet) are monstrous. I'm so very hoping at least one of the last two are monstrous as well. And from the Dark Tapestry.

Archaeopteryx was just said by JJ to be in the bestiary 4.

Would this be a Dinosaur, Megafauna or just a animal or even a familiar animal?

I hope it isn't one of the (probably) 4 dinosaurs in the book! Never really cared for the Archaeopteryx, even as a Dino-addicted child I always skipped the pages and artwork of this creature.

So I hope its a Familiar.

Gancanagh wrote:

Archaeopteryx was just said by JJ to be in the bestiary 4.

Would this be a Dinosaur, Megafauna or just a animal or even a familiar animal?

I hope it isn't one of the (probably) 4 dinosaurs in the book! Never really cared for the Archaeopteryx, even as a Dino-addicted child I always skipped the pages and artwork of this creature.

So I hope its a Familiar.


Generic Villain wrote:
Spawn of Yog-Sothoth! From the "Ask JJ everything" thread.

It's about time we had some monsters with refinement and taste! ;)

I thought the spawn of Yog-sothoth was one of lovecraftian creatures they can't reprint because of legal reasons.

Dragon78 wrote:
I thought the spawn of Yog-sothoth was one of lovecraftian creatures they can't reprint because of legal reasons.

Nope. It's from The Dunwich Horror, written by Lovecraft himself. All of his material in the Mythos is open AFAIK.

Dragon78 wrote:

Formions are not outsiders in Pathfinder, they will be monstrous humanoid or magical beast.

They are according to the pfsrd...

I like it that normal mythology creatures (such as the Kere)can be Psychopomps, they can't be Aeons, so that's why I like Psychopomps more than Aeons.

Oops, I left psychopomps of my list of favorite outsider subtypes. I still like aeons more, but I'd be fine with more of either.

I said for pathfinder they are not outsiders they were outsiders for 3.5. What your looking at is from forgotten foes.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The formians are the ant-people right?

Yes and mostly found on Castrovel in Pathfinder, though I am sure there some colonies on Golarion somewhere.

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