Charles Adams 757's page

Organized Play Member. 6 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


Vic Wertz wrote:

Charles Adams 757 wrote:
Also the theory of the Adventure Deck boxes fitting in the main box is pretty cool; but with no center divide in the deck boxes, cards are just shifting around ramming into each other and getting damaged.
We kind of expect you to leave the cards in each Adventure Deck shrinkwrapped until you open them to put in the main section...

OK. But at some point you need to put them back either going forward or backwards to just the base set.

Are the extra cards more of the same from the base set? all new? a mixture?

If a mixture how many new cards (outside of the character cards) are unique versus the base set?

Are the extra cards more of the same from the base set? all new? a mixture?

If a mixture how many new cards (outside of the character cards) are unique versus the base set?

TClifford wrote:
I think I am doing to do a house rule that at the end of Burnt Offerings, whomever doesn't take the Loot, gets a random pull from whatever boon deck they want. Maybe even only from the cards from that adventure [i.e. with a 1 in the corner] to give a better chance at a good pull.

I guess my main point wasn't that it was only 1 card, but that the reward was so specific and didn't give ANYTHING to the other X # of people doing that scenario.

The end of the Burnt Offering the reward is a specific card: Sihedron Medallion. Of which there is only one in the set. So the end reward is one character gets one reward and everyone else gets nothing.

Side Note: Is that the only Loot card in the entire box set?

Also the theory of the Adventure Deck boxes fitting in the main box is pretty cool; but with no center divide in the deck boxes, cards are just shifting around ramming into each other and getting damaged.

Is this shipping now?