Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL)

4.10/5 (based on 29 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Equipment (OGL)
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Choose your weapon and stride boldly into battle with Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment! Within this handy, all-in-one reference, you'll find 400 jam-packed pages of magic items and adventuring gear, from simple camping equipment and weapons up to the most earth-shaking artifacts. Included as well are handy rules references, convenient price lists, and extensive random treasure generation tables, all organized to help you find what you need, when you need it. With this vast catalog of tools and treasures, the days of boring dragon hoards are over, and your hero will never be caught unprepared again.

Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds on more than 10 years of system development and open playtests featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment includes:

  • Thousands of items both magical and mundane, including the best weapons, armors, magic items, and gear from the Pathfinder RPG hardcover line and select other Pathfinder sources, as well as hundreds of never-before-seen items.
  • Tons of special materials and magical abilities to help you create exactly the magic item you've been looking for.
  • A wealth of specific magic items, organized by type to ensure your character is always wearing as much magic as possible.
  • An innovative new treasure generation system, designed to help GMs roll up exactly what they need, every time.
  • New alchemical weapons, tools, and poisons.
  • Kits to help your character get the most out of her skills or profession, plus new mounts, animal companions, and retainers.
  • Descriptions of every item, plus hundreds of full-color illustrations to aid in window-shopping.
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-449-8

Last Updated - 5/19/2016

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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4.10/5 (based on 29 ratings)

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If It's Not Here, You Probably Don't Need It


Ultimate Equipment is a whopping, 400-page collection of stuff to kit out your Pathfinder character. With stats and prices included for everything, the book is a shopper’s dream. It compiles, occasionally revises, and significantly expands the gear options from previous Pathfinder hardcovers as well as various other Paizo products. The book doesn’t have *everything*, of course—new books continued to be published after it, containing new items—but it does have a wealth of gear for the vast majority of characters and builds. The lists of items and their descriptions is broken up with a lot of illustrations, and the book is in full-colour. Structurally, the book is sectioned into an introduction, six chapters, and three appendices (plus an index, crucial for a book like this).

The book’s introduction is just two pages long. It starts by going over where the items in the book are drawn from, noting that there are also several new ones (it’s great to see several contributions from the RPG Superstar contests). Each chapter then gets a paragraph or two of description, but the structure of the book is pretty self-explanatory.

Chapter 1 is Arms & Armor, surely the most visited part of the book. The 46 pages of material here cover all of the well-known weapons and armor in the game, but also includes a *lot* of fairly obscure ones. There are good descriptions of the equipment and helpful, clearly-written refresher on rules elements related to them (so you don’t have to switch to the Core Rulebook to remember what Armor Check Penalty affects, for example). There’s an extensive overview of the firearms rules, an organisation of the fighter weapon groups, a section on special materials (including some really interesting ones!), and a section for gear made of primitive material like bone or stone.

Chapter 2 is Gear and comes in at 56 pages. Everything from general adventuring gear (like rope) to mounts to clothing to lodging and services are covered here. Alchemical items receive several pages of coverage (a lot of the alchemical remedies are as good as spellcasting, and much cheaper), and there’s a couple of pages on poisons (with a good, clear explanation of how they work). I’ve always found particular value from the section on services—the book has costs for things like hiring a lawyer, a doctor, or a scribe. A lot of players (i.e., those not as interested in equipment) will appreciate the expanded list of class kits to get things done quickly.

Chapter 3 is Magic Arms and Armor and is 38 pages long. This chapter has weapon and armor special abilities as well as specific named weapons and armor. Some of the named weapons are really cool because they can do some things you just can’t do with the generic list of special abilities. Other items I noticed were things like folding plate (a brooch that instantly covers or removes a suit of full plate mail—like Iron Man in the movies!) and burrowing bullets (staggers living creatures as it burrows through their body).

Chapter 4 is Rings, Rods, and Staves (28 pages). I find most of the items in this chapter too expensive with effects easily duplicated more cheaply elsewhere. Most staffs, for example, just aren’t worth it apart from the few with one-of-a-kind abilities. On the other hand, the metamagic rods are surprisingly cheap for the instant versatility they give spellcasters, and probably should have been priced higher.

Chapter 5 is Wondrous Items and is the longest in the book at 122 pages! The chapter is broken down into body slots, so it’s easy to find something to fill an empty slot on your inventory sheet. There’s a ton of fun things that one hardly ever sees because folks are too busy with optimising every +1 they can out of the game. Neat things I noticed include the belt of the weasel, the shirt of immolation, the cloak of fiery vanishing, the bracelet of friends (in case you *do* split the party), and abjurant salt (could be a real life-saver!).

Chapter 6 is the shortest chapter (26 pages) and covers Artifacts and Other Items. The “Other” category referred to consists of cursed and intelligent items. I’m not a fan of intelligent items--they require the GM to role-play an omnipresent NPC and their ability to cast spells makes the action economy of the game too unbalanced. On the other hand, I am the evil type of GM who likes cursed items, and wishes we saw more of them--classics like the berserker sword and innovations like the dust of sneezing and choking really twist things around! Artifacts aren’t something I’ve ever had much opportunity to use.

The three appendices contain *extensive* random tables to generate various types of treasure, gems, and art objects. If you want a random level 1 potion or level 4 wand, this is the place to come.

Everything in Ultimate Equipment is setting-neutral, so you don’t have to worry about adventure spoilers (unlike those naughty players who just start googling stuff!). The items are also better vetted, and I wish more tables just limited available options to this book. If you can’t find what you want here, you probably don’t really need it!

By far my favorite PF book


I didnt realize how much I would be using this book when I picked it up. It is by far one of the most valuable PF books available. Get it to add all the right contexts to your partys equipment.


I'm rather disappointed with Ultimate Equipment overall. It reminds me an awful lot of the 3.5 Magic Item Compendium, with insanely cheap items and an overabundance of swift actions.

I find UE nearly useless for treasure generation since "common" Core items end up being so rare, and 80% of what else it generates are broken (too powerful), over-exotically flavored, or too niche. The Treasure Tables themselves, while useful for certain situations, seem turn every NPC into a Christmas Tree of items, half of which I would have to look up to even know what they do.

There aren't quite so many over-powered/dirt-cheap items as the MIC, although the exceptions are pretty exceptional (e.g. the PFS-banned Quick Runner's Shirt and Bracers of the Falcon). At least it fixed the APG staff prices though, and yes, the layout is useful, though I find it encourages metagamy "fill every slot" mentality

excellent book


This is a great book for finding equipment when cashing out your loot in the game.

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RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

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Antimony wrote:
Ross Byers wrote:
Chest: Endless bandoleer, poisoner's jacket (greater and lesser), shirt of immolation, unfettered shirt, spectral shroud (I cannot recall why hide from undead is in the requirements and gaseous form is not, but it was like that in my turnover too.)

*perk* Poisoner's Jacket?

You just sold a pdf. Like, for seriously.


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Cojonuda wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

But I'm a bit baffled as to why suddenly people are outraged by grammar and typos when...

We are in a time of computers and technology in which typos are uneccusable and a simple spel shceck is at your finger tips.

PAIZO have editros and publishers who are not doing there job right and yet we get charged for it.
When in College, would you like to buy a text book w/ typos. Would you like to by a hardcover novel w/ typos. I gues not. So, why are you baffled when people are outraged by typos.

Paizo, you better get your act together and start having those editos do their job right.

BTW: my typos were on purpose.

Where is your evidence to back up the "inexcusable" nature of typos in books made recently? You mention text books. I would venture to say that you will not find a text book without errors, anywhere. Same with novels.

Typos are part of the very nature of book publishing. Once you give that truism, then we can have a meaningful discussion abut the % of typos that we, as customers, are comfortable with.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cojonuda wrote:
So, why are you baffled when people are outraged by typos.

I supposed I personally am baffled by the degree of intent which you read into the presence of some mistakes.


These are mistakes, and when they get through no one at Paizo is happy about it. Everyone in the process feels frustrated and embarrassed about them. They don't prostrate themselves on the ground and engage in self-flagellating apologies or histrionics—but no one likes having a typo slip get by into the final product. They don't wander around weeping, or talk about it on the board, but they hate typos. But they have to remain professionals, and they still need to sell the book. Which, by the way, is still a great book typographical errors notwithstanding.

Yet, to read your perception of it, you seem to think they could care less.

How you got that impression is what actually baffles me.

These people work their assess off and make a fair wage. It's a labor of love. They very much care about quality.

Yes, there are some typos. If they bother you, you're entitled to feel the way that you do. But don't read apathy into it, or that they somehow are taking you for granted as a customer. They're not.

Shadow Lodge

I was disappointed that with all the new weapon abilities, the one I was looking wasn't there.

Price: +2,000 gp
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC 17) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Several studs texture this weapon, as do numerous hinges and slots, though none seems to impede its effectiveness.
When activated, a hideaway weapon folds up into a bundle two size categories smaller than you, making it easy to conceal. You gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a hideaway weapon when it’s folded up (as if it were a dagger).
A second command word (also a swift action) causes the weapon to
unfold to its normal shape.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, shrink item.
Cost to Create: 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Jim Groves wrote:
prostrate themselves on the ground and engage in self-flagellating apologies


The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Just to be clear.... there might be self flagellation, but not about missed semi-colons.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Zon-Kuthon wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:
prostrate themselves on the ground and engage in self-flagellating apologies


My words were probably too strong. I'm just sayin' that no wants there to be errors. The editorial staff works every bit as hard as the designers and the developers. It was an ambitious book with a tight deadline, and sometimes I just have my fill of finger-pointing.

As I said, if you're unhappy about some mistakes, fine. But I'm sure everyone worked really hard and did their best.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Jacob Saltband wrote:

I was disappointed that with all the new weapon abilities, the one I was looking wasn't there.

Price: +2,000 gp
Property: Weapon
Caster Level: 5th
Aura: Faint; (DC 17) transmutation
Activation: Swift (command)
Several studs texture this weapon, as do numerous hinges and slots, though none seems to impede its effectiveness.
When activated, a hideaway weapon folds up into a bundle two size categories smaller than you, making it easy to conceal. You gain a +2 bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal a hideaway weapon when it’s folded up (as if it were a dagger).
A second command word (also a swift action) causes the weapon to
unfold to its normal shape.
Prerequisites: Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, shrink item.
Cost to Create: 1,000 gp, 80 XP, 2 days.

Good news! I found it in your post.

So far (as I'm still reading the book) the only minor gripe I have is there wasn't any new mundane weapons or armor. Everything featured has been in a Pathfinder book before. But at least some of the more obscure weapons got some drawings.

Jim Groves wrote:
Zon-Kuthon wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:
prostrate themselves on the ground and engage in self-flagellating apologies


My words were probably too strong. I'm just sayin' that no wants there to be errors. The editorial staff works every bit as hard as the designers and the developers. It was an ambitious book with a tight deadline, and sometimes I just have my fill of finger-pointing.

As I said, if you're unhappy about some mistakes, fine. But I'm sure everyone worked really hard and did their best.

But, but...this is the internet. The natural home of grammar nazis. How else can we keep them contained?

Spiral_Ninja wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:
Zon-Kuthon wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:
prostrate themselves on the ground and engage in self-flagellating apologies


My words were probably too strong. I'm just sayin' that no wants there to be errors. The editorial staff works every bit as hard as the designers and the developers. It was an ambitious book with a tight deadline, and sometimes I just have my fill of finger-pointing.

As I said, if you're unhappy about some mistakes, fine. But I'm sure everyone worked really hard and did their best.

But, but...this is the internet. The natural home of grammar nazis. How else can we keep them contained?

staples and nails and the finest thread with which to sew

DeathQuaker wrote:

Baroth, what IS in the book is anything that was in the Pathfinder RPG line, and a lot of stuff from the Adventurer's Armory.

Otherwise, I think items were cherrypicked from various campaign setting books and APs, or are brand new.

It's impossible to list what's NOT in the book unless one has an eidetic memory and a copy of every book Paizo has ever published. That person is not me.

If there's a specific item you are hoping is in there, it would be better to ask for it and have people look it up.

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

Or check on d20PFSRD for equipment, if you see it in there, and it has a PAIZO tag, and it's not in the book, there you go.

No Wand In a game that has firearms and added firearms, that should have made it in. It's one of my favorite items.

Thanks for the answers. I was not looking for a specific item. I had the, apparently false, impression that UE contains almost all items and thus, a list of the things that one has to search for somewhere else would be rather short. It would have made browsing the available items easier for my players. :-)

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Baroth wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:

Baroth, what IS in the book is anything that was in the Pathfinder RPG line, and a lot of stuff from the Adventurer's Armory.

Otherwise, I think items were cherrypicked from various campaign setting books and APs, or are brand new.

It's impossible to list what's NOT in the book unless one has an eidetic memory and a copy of every book Paizo has ever published. That person is not me.

If there's a specific item you are hoping is in there, it would be better to ask for it and have people look it up.

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

Or check on d20PFSRD for equipment, if you see it in there, and it has a PAIZO tag, and it's not in the book, there you go.

No Wand In a game that has firearms and added firearms, that should have made it in. It's one of my favorite items.

Thanks for the answers. I was not looking for a specific item. I had the, apparently false, impression that UE contains almost all items and thus, a list of the things that one has to search for somewhere else would be rather short. It would have made browsing the available items easier for my players. :-)

Unless I am mistaken, it contains ALL items from the RPG line. As it is itself an RPG line book.

If you use a lot of extra materials on top of the RPG line, then you will likely need to still have those books available, with a few exceptions (AA).

Liberty's Edge

I just got my copy of Ultimate Equipment. I ordered it through an online store I've never had an issue with.

After page 128, the page right after it is page 161. These continue until page 192. Then the page after 192, its back to page 161.

I am missing pages 129 through 160, and have pages 161 through 192 twice.

Hear of anyone else with this issue?

I also posted this in customer service. I'm not happy.

I was really looking forward to this. Very dissapointed. I know it will get fixed, but it should not have been an issue to start. I can't accept "well it happens' with this, just the way I am. I want it FIXED NOW. I paid for a complete book and did not get it.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
CapeCodRPGer wrote:

I just got my copy of Ultimate Equipment. I ordered it through an online store I've never had an issue with.

After page 128, the page right after it is page 161. These continue until page 192. Then the page after 192, its back to page 161.

I am missing pages 129 through 160, and have pages 161 through 192 twice.

Hear of anyone else with this issue?

I also posted this in customer service. I'm not happy.

I was really looking forward to this. Very dissapointed. I know it will get fixed, but it should not have been an issue to start. I can't accept "well it happens' with this, just the way I am. I want it FIXED NOW. I paid for a complete book and did not get it.

Shouldn't you be contacting the customer service of that online store?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

OK, I've bumped my review up one star after running today's Skull 'n' Shackles game. My players got a screaming bolt and suddenly I realized what a miracle UE's index of magic items is.

Also, kits.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Publishing flubs happen.

Call the shop you bought it from and they should exchange it for you.

Liberty's Edge

Gorbacz wrote:

Shouldn't you be contacting the customer service of that online store?

Thats what Paizo customer service told me to do, so I'll contact the online guys tomorrow. See what happens.

But I'm really not happy. Was looking forward to this. Now I have to wait longer for my complete copy. I hate it when God screws me like this. The one thing I was looking forward to getting after a long week, the one thing that will help me relax, and God screws with it.

Grand Lodge

I just had a chance to skim it but the aldori dueling saber is missing.Poor sad duelists have nothing to fight with :(


CapeCodRPGer, that is a printing error. It happens--when you print thousands of copies of something, sometimes the printing and binding machines goof up and pages get assembled in the wrong order.

Unfortunately, there's no way on our end to make sure those don't get sent into distribution except to open up every box of books and flip through them to make sure the pages are all in the right order and orientation. That would add a BIG delay to the distribution process (because we send out thousands of books to distribution, and checking them takes time).

Fortunately, retailers know this happens and they should be able to get you a replacement book. I'm sorry that this means a delay until you getting it. :(

Liberty's Edge

Someone here helped me out. I don't know who it is, but thanks alot. Means alot, and I will want to pay them back sometime.

I know it not Paizo, or the place i got it from fault, just frustrating.

But it may be that whole batch they have is bad, I'll let them know tomorrow.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
It may be that whole batch they have is bad, I'll let them know tomorrow.

not all that likely. This sort of error is common in the printing industry, and most of the time it's an isolated problem. Note that the number of pages in error (the missing ones, or the duplicated ones) is thirty-two. The way a book is put together is that large pieces of paper are printed, and then folded in half several times and bound together into a unit called a signature (which has a number of pages which is a power of two; thirty-two is the most common number for books of around this size). Then a whole bunch of signatures are bound together to make up the book, trimmed to size, and finally bound into a cover.

What happened to your book is that the machine handling the signatures somehow sent two identical ones on to the next stage of the process.

Jim Groves wrote:
Yet, to read your perception of it, you seem to think they could care less.

Don't you mean "couldn't care less?"

*runs and hides*

JohnF wrote:
...signature...which has a number of pages which is a power of two...

Ok, and now for a non-smart @ss post: Doesn't a signature consist of a number of pages divisible by four? Otherwise, 2 pages (2^1) would be a signature.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

CapeCodRPGer wrote:

Someone here helped me out. I don't know who it is, but thanks alot. Means alot, and I will want to pay them back sometime.

I know it not Paizo, or the place i got it from fault, just frustrating.

I sympathize, dealing with returns is frustrating, particularly when it's something you've been anticipating a lot.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Maps, Rulebook Subscriber
bugleyman wrote:
JohnF wrote:
...signature...which has a number of pages which is a power of two...
Ok, and now for a non-smart @ss post: Doesn't a signature consist of a number of pages divisible by four? Otherwise, 2 pages (2^1) would be a signature.

And what's wrong with that? That would be individual (double-sided) pages. It's a pathological case, admittedly - a signature consisting of just a single folio (sheet). But it does fit into the overall pattern.

Signature sizes will usually be a multiple of at least 8 (for large page sizes) or 16, not just a multiple of four. In any case, I didn't say every power of two was a possible signature size; all I said was that signature sizes were powers of two. And that's true; 8, 16, 32 and 64 are all powers of two.

So, for that matter, is 1. But it's a bit hard to come up with a sheet of paper with only one side.

JohnF wrote:

And what's wrong with that? That would be individual (double-sided) pages. It's a pathological case, admittedly - a signature consisting of just a single folio (sheet). But it does fit into the overall pattern.

Signature sizes will usually be a multiple of at least 8 (for large page sizes) or 16, not just a multiple of four. In any case, I didn't say every power of two was a possible signature size; all I said was that signature sizes were powers of two. And that's true; 8, 16, 32 and 64 are all powers of two.

So, for that matter, is 1. But it's a bit hard to come up with a sheet of paper with only one side.

Nothing's "wrong" with it -- I was just under the impression that it was incorrect. That is, the minimum possible number of pages was four (one "double-sided" sheet of paper, folded over, makes four pages).

I was trying to validate my conceptual model, not critique your math.

Just got mine in the mail and it looks awesome! Thanks Paizo for another sweet book :)

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Cheapy wrote:

I'd be curious if anyone who worked on this book would be willing to mention what they did.

Adventuring Gear: Bell Net, Mock Armor

Magic Armor Properties: Adhesive, Benevolent, Creeping, Hosteling

Magic Weapon Properties: Benevolent, Repositioning, Stalking

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ryan. Costello wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

I'd be curious if anyone who worked on this book would be willing to mention what they did.

Adventuring Gear: Bell Net, Mock Armor

Magic Armor Properties: Adhesive, Benevolent, Creeping, Hosteling

Magic Weapon Properties: Benevolent, Repositioning, Stalking

I am seeing a weird creepy stalker, duct tape you and stick you in the trunk theme there... just saying...

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Dark_Mistress wrote:
Ryan. Costello wrote:
Cheapy wrote:

I'd be curious if anyone who worked on this book would be willing to mention what they did.

Adventuring Gear: Bell Net, Mock Armor

Magic Armor Properties: Adhesive, Benevolent, Creeping, Hosteling

Magic Weapon Properties: Benevolent, Repositioning, Stalking

I am seeing a weird creepy stalker, duct tape you and stick you in the trunk theme there... just saying...

Imagine if my flirtatious weapon property made the cut.

Bought one at my FLGS on Saturday. Where's the Unholy Reaver? And I'm a stickler about illustrations. The scimitar illustration is, well, it's a joke. The Elven Curve Blade looks like a scimitar. I was also expecting new poisons, especially ones with higher saves. I'm trying to decide whether or not I want to take it back and exchange it for the Advanced Race Guide.

And despite the fact there is plenty of new stuff in it, I can just wait until it appears on

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

bugleyman wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:
Yet, to read your perception of it, you seem to think they could care less.

Don't you mean "couldn't care less?"

*runs and hides*

No need to hide!

Today's my birthday. Pardons all round.

I completely agree with the review stating that UE is mostly a compiled list of reprints with little originality. The people who are always singing the praises of Paizo are starting to sound more like a cult than free thinking individuals judging each book objectively. If this continues I may have to go with my feeling when I heard about the creation of 4th ed. That my roleplaying game-book buying days are over.

Liberty's Edge

Jim Groves wrote:
bugleyman wrote:
Jim Groves wrote:
Yet, to read your perception of it, you seem to think they could care less.

Don't you mean "couldn't care less?"

*runs and hides*

No need to hide!

Today's my birthday. Pardons all round.

Bippy Harthday

I'm wondering if this would be a fun book for me to pick up.

The following situational modifiers apply:

1) I play 3.5, not Pathfinder
2) I play E6 aka "epic 6th" wherein spells top out pretty much at 3rd level, with a few 4th level effects available with "work" from multiple casters. PCs stop leveling at 6th and gain only feats thereafter.

3) I own no previous Pathfinder books.

Would there be enough goodies in this book for me to be interested? I LOVE low-level magic items, potions, alchemical stuff, weapons, etc... but I don't love "gonzo" or very weird stuff, and I don't use gunpowder/firearms.

Liberty's Edge

I have the PDF and intend to purchase the hardcover. The reason is my players seem to hate hunting through all of my books for the one item they saw. Also it will be handy for me when they ask what their item does when I give them a specific item or need to tell them what the property allows or what the material grants to the item.

This will expedite the process at the table, before the game or after the game. I truly enjoy the idea of having all of the items in one place. That I get some new items in the process is simply a bonus to me.

In addition the treasure generators at the back made me very happy. My mother has played D&D for a long while and she was very pleased by how the charts were done. She said it was very likely putting together treasure in 2nd edition for her, but also a little different in a good way.

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Niztael wrote:
I completely agree with the review stating that UE is mostly a compiled list of reprints with little originality. The people who are always singing the praises of Paizo are starting to sound more like a cult than free thinking individuals judging each book objectively. If this continues I may have to go with my feeling when I heard about the creation of 4th ed. That my roleplaying game-book buying days are over.

So what you are basically saying is that the people that like having everything in one book as compared to several and the chance to get about 25-35% more new things, including mundane and magical are all part of the Paizo cult and not free thinkers for themselves??

You talk about people that tout the Pathfinder Product not being able to think for themselves and you are the one to point that out as if your opinion was fact and that you are a free thinker because they disagree with your opinion.

Good to know. Glad that your cool aid was different then someone else's as I would MUCh rather give my own opinion regardless if it was for the product or against it... at least I know I can give it without your opinionated drivel would make me part of a cult.

You stereo type a lot of people in a sweeping statement and yet your way of thinking is such that I would rather be part of the non free thinkers then be associated with your way of thinking.

Can someone tell me if monk unarmed attacks are considered 'light'? Specifically, can I add the Impact weapon ability to an Amulet of Mighty Fists?

Unarmed strikes and natural weapons are considered light weapons.

Now that someone has given me the answer, I found the two places where it's explicitly stated in the core rulebook. D'oh!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I notice that Staff of the Master said there is one type for every school. However, the one in the book is only of the necromatic school. Did the other school staffs appear elsewhere?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The pistol of infinate skies is great. Especially for players who's characters want to use firearms as a backup weapon. (like rogues) however would suggest to not let players have more than one or two at most due to its infinate ammo and quick reloading.

Is there an update for weapon proficiencies anywhere? Those classes that have specific lists of weapons they are proficient in can't make much use of seemingly appropriate items in this book otherwise. For example, the kerambit states that "it is a favorite weapon of ninja and assassins" but neither would be proficient in it since its a martial weapon not on their list (nor the rogue's).

Peter Chen wrote:
I notice that Staff of the Master said there is one type for every school. However, the one in the book is only of the necromatic school. Did the other school staffs appear elsewhere?

To my knowledge, no, they have not appeared anywhere.

The Staff of the Master (Necromancy) is an updated item from a module, in which only the Necromancer version appeared. The text is pretty much identical; it appears that only the Caster Level, Price, and Construction Cost were changed in the update.

Dark Archive


I would have trouble giving this out with a straight face.

I keep thinking about Back to the Future with the "Under the Sea" prom theme.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

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I finally got my copy!

Here's the list of stuff I worked on, more or less.

Alchemical Tools: Buoyant Balloon, Blackfire Clay, Chill Cream, Impact Foam

Alchemical Weapons: Bottled Lightning, Liguid Blade, Pellet Grenade, Shard Gel

Belts: Belt of Thunderous Charging, Monkey Belt, Plague Rat Belt

Body: Eidolon Anchoring Harness, Gunman's Duster, Robe of Components, Robe of Gates

Head: Howling Helm, Maw of the Wyrm, Steel-mind Cap

Headbands: Headband of Mental Resilience, Headband of Ponderous Recollection, Headband of Unshakable Resolve

Neck: Amulet of Elemental Strife, Swarmbane Clasp, Symbol of Sanguine Protection

Shoulders: Cocoon Cloak, Gunfighter's Poncho, Jellyfish Cape, Mantle of Spores, Quickchange Cloak

Slotless: Balm of Impish Grace, Bottled Misfortune, Cautionary Creance, Drinking Horn of Bottomless Valor, Drum of Advance ad Retreat, Drums of Haste, Dust of Acid Consumption, Elixer of Dragon Breath, Enmity Fetish, Exorcist's Aspergillum, Grave Salt, Loathsome Mirror, Mirror of Guarding Reflection, Naga-scale Bindi, Ornament of Healing Light, Page of Spell Knowledge, Polymorphic Pouch, Prayer Wheel of Ethical Strength, Singing Bowl of Striking, Void Pennant, Word Bottle

Silver Crusade

Does anyone know when it will be on the srd? I am waiting to see if I will need to buy it for PFS

Grand Lodge

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Niztael wrote:
The people who are always singing the praises of Paizo are starting to sound more like a cult than free thinking individuals judging each book objectively. If this continues I may have to go with my feeling when I heard about the creation of 4th ed. That my roleplaying game-book buying days are over.

Uh, yeah. I think you pretty much have to concede that you've lost the argument when your main point is "anyone who disagrees with me must be in a cult of non-free thinkers." Oh, and +1 for the over-the-top "my book buying days are over." Here's a tissue.

I know someone on here is more of a bean counter than I am, so what is the approximate ratio of new stuff in the UEG to reprinted stuff?

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