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Is it me or are parts of the Behemoth entry mising?
I don't see a reference for unstoppable, what vulnerability to wish/miracle is, for example.
I was going to ask the same question, then I did a word search for unstoppable and found it in the Behemoth type entry as Gorbacz pointed out.

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not a fan of the undead demilich.
so what other undead is in this book??
no wait don't answer that.
I'll look when it shows up on hte prd.so when does the prd get updated??
now thats the paiso prd not the pfd20prd that I like to go too...
d20pfsrd waits until 2 weeks after the book hits the street to release those pages to the world, they are busy creating those pages right now.
paiszo prd, it will be awhile

Ravingdork |

Ravingdork wrote:As it Hundred hand Attack is a extraordinary ability which takes a standard action, and cleave is a standard action I would have to say no.Can a hekatonkheires combine its hundred-handed whirlwind with cleave and great cleave? If so, that is absolutely terrifying. It moves up and activates cleave as a standard action. As per it hundred-handed whirlwind ability, it makes one attack roll and compares it to everyone within its substantial reach.
So if it hits Joe, it can great cleave into Bob, Billy, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
It then compares its initial attack roll against Bob's AC, which then great cleaves into Joe, Billy, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
It then checks its inital attack roll against Billy's AC, cleaving into Joe, Bob, Gus, Jim, Jim's family, Humpty Dumptee, and all the king's men.
...And so on...
Conceptually, it makes total sense, but d**n! That...that is going to make for a LOT of dice rolls...
Except it doesn't take any action at all. It is part of attacking. It works whenever the monster makes an attack. As written, the Hekatonkheires could even combine it with its Greater Vital Strike and Power Attack in order to deal a whopping 24d6+36 damage to everything within a 90-foot diameter.

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now thats the paiso prd not the pfd20prd that I like to go too...
What chopswil said. We're actively working on this right now but it will be early January at the earliest. In the meantime if you enjoy playing Pathfinder please help ensure that Paizo can continue to create fun stuff by sending them some money and buying the book. You won't regret it. The art alone is worth the price of the book.

Ravingdork |

What do the behemoths look like?
One looks like a colossal vulture with six wings.
Another resembles a giant sperm whale with arms that end in crab-like pincers.
The third appears to be an amalgam of a demonic bull and an ankylosuarus the size of Mount Everest.

J-Spee Lovecraft |

J-Spee Lovecraft wrote:What do the behemoths look like?Well...
One looks like a colossal vulture with six wings.
Another resembles a ginormous sperm whale with arms that end in crab-like pincers.
The third appears to be an amalgam of a demonic bull and an ankylosuarus the size of Mount Everest.
Awesome! Thank you. Unrelated, your avatar looks kinda like Barry Weiss from Storage Wars.

Ashanderai |

What do the catfolk look like? I know they are humanoid, but are they more like people with completely feline heads like the litorians of Arcana Evolved or are they more like people with cat-like eyes, ears, and fur?
Also, can someone tell us more about the Vishkanya? What do they look like? What are their subtype(s)?
Thanks for sharing. :)

Chris Lambertz |

not a fan of the undead demilich.
so what other undead is in this book??
no wait don't answer that.
I'll look when it shows up on hte prd.so when does the prd get updated??
now thats the paiso prd not the pfd20prd that I like to go too...
The PRD will be updated within a month of the book's release date. It should be sometime in early-mid January.

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Steelfiredragon wrote:The PRD will be updated within a month of the book's release date. It should be sometime in early-mid January.not a fan of the undead demilich.
so what other undead is in this book??
no wait don't answer that.
I'll look when it shows up on hte prd.so when does the prd get updated??
now thats the paiso prd not the pfd20prd that I like to go too...
well, then I'll be releasing Bestiary 3 entries in my d20pfsrd monster db around then too

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James Jacobs wrote:Gururamalamaswami wrote:That makes sense. So...about those kuchrima spell-like abilities...That's something I'll be looking at in the weeks to come. I've got a giant printout of all the concerns folks have about all six parts, culled from the Runelords messageboards... but if you have any specific concerns, now is ABSOLUTELY the time to spell them out to me.
The kuchrima, in my mind, is the lowest ranking of the lamia pecking order (even if it's a higher CR monster than the baseline lamia) due to its relatively low mental ability scores, and one way that plays out is "no spell like abilities." If you have a compelling reason to give them spell like abilities, let me know!
By "compelling" I'm assuming you mean something more than "because that's the way the author originally designed them," or "they're lamias!" or "because it would be cool!"
Seriously, don't have my notes around here, can't find my copy of Spires of Xin-Shalast but the author did post a small suite of SLAs somewhere on the RotRL boards that included true strike, feather fall, and maybe a couple of others. Nothing major but enough to say "lamia" and enough to give them enough bling to justify their presence at the level they are tossed in at.
Plus, that would be cool, you know?
Ah, gotcha.
We'll see... although given that there are 5 or so different lamia types out there, having one of those five be a thug who doesn't use any magic at all is pretty cool too.

Ravingdork |

What do the catfolk look like? I know they are humanoid, but are they more like people with completely feline heads like the litorians of Arcana Evolved or are they more like people with cat-like eyes, ears, and fur?
They look more like people with distinctively feline eyes, ears, extremely short patterned fur, slender frames, a tail, and (non-weapon) claws. The one portrayed in the book is *ahem* ...purple.
Also, can someone tell us more about the Vishkanya? What do they look like? What are their subtype(s)?
Vishkanyas look like exotic humanoids. Their flesh is made up of fine scales that looks just like particularly smooth skin from a distance. Said scales are usually a single dark color, though complex patterns can also exist. They have forked tongues and lack pupils (having all white eyes).
Their blood is poisonous and they have a number of poison-related abilities.
Thanks for sharing. :)

Demiurge 1138 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |

Steelfiredragon wrote:not a fan of the undead demilich.Are there other types of demiliches I'm not aware of?
The 3.5 conversion of Tomb of Horrors had the final boss be a "demilich construct", left behind by Acererak as a decoy (since in 3.x, demiliches were an epic level template, and Tomb of Horrors was still aimed at the level 9-12 set).

Ravingdork |

What are valkyries like, AL, CR, type, abilities, etc.?
Valkyries are CR 12 outsiders which favor mounted combat on flying steeds. They have all the traditional mounted feats, a number of clerical spell-like abilities, tough resistances, and a soul-sucking spear.
So is Bigfoot in it? and if so type and CR?
Yes. Humanoid (sasquatch). CR 2.
What are the clockworks like?
They are like very intricate pieces of machines.
What is a Dybbuk?
Incorporeal undead puppeteers that spread fear and misery by possessing people and objects. Similar to ghosts in many respects.
What are the different types of oozes?
Brain ooze (like the one from Iron Giant), carnivorous crystal (my personal favorite), deathtrap ooze, garden ooze, globster, hungry fog, and plasma ooze (yes, plasma ooze, as in that shiny stuff from the friggin' sun).

Dragon78 |

Thank you for the info Ravingdork.
I know the catfolk is a ranger but what are the class choices of the other playable races?
Are the race modifiers the same for the playable races as they were for the Advanced races playtest?
So what is the CR, abilities, apearance, etc. of the Nue?
Are there any new Lyconthropes?
The Thunder Behemoth is the turtle one right, so what do the other behemoths look like?

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Just got the book today. Still digesting. Expanding some entries to two pages was a good move(and absolutely necessary in some cases).
At a glance, front to back:
Adaro is all like :D
Adlets, I love that their values dissonance is played up without making them evil. Like these guys.
Akhlut is also all like :D
Allip - I love this new(ish) art for them.
Alraune - I can't believe they haven't been in the game before this, considering how old they are in literature. Going the Castlevania route with their design is something I definitely don't mind.
Animal Lord - I loved these guys since Planescape, and I remember the art for all four of those being well loved by fans. This one lives up to that, I think. LOVE that awesome design for the new Cat Lord. (and if anyone is looking for a badass avatar for female Mwangi characters to request on the boards, you have a winner) I think this is my new favorite Eric Belisle piece. Really happOH GOD DINOSAUR LORDS
Antlion is all like :|
Harbinger Archon is awesome. I really missed the Moingos, and these guys fill that visual gap nicely. I love these guys. Great example of a completely inhuman celestial.
Asuras do not disappoint. Wanted more of these guys ever since the Beatific Ones showed up. Asurendras...hot damn... Even the least of them looks like hell on legs. Although I have to wonder where that pile of tiny TINY skulls came from.
turns the page
Atomie - Love that "rapier". Like the idea of making these guys sort of the would-be "knights-errant" of the Tiny Fey world.
Final Fantasy fans are going to be all over the Axe Beak.
Azruverda's are good and their designer should feel good. Love having new good aberrations in the game, and these guys make for some really interesting possibilities, especially considering the other races that live in its usual environs.
Baku, there's another member of the Planescape alumni back, if in a different form.
Bandersnatches, death on six legs. The fey origins come across really well in its appearance. And then there's all those alterna...."Frumious Bandersnatches". You guys are having a lot of fun with Lewis Caroll, huh? :)
Baregara...been wondering how these guys relate to the similar-looking Bar-lgura demons. Baregaras are much nastier and lethal, whatever the case.
Baykoks are terrifying, and I wager players are going to hate them, considering what they can do.
Behemoths, for when even good gods accidentally their worshippers. Someone is going to have fun having one or more of these in a throwdown with the Tarrasque, Godzilla style.
Bhutas make for some very nice possibilities, turning traditional revenant scenarios into something resembling The Birds for one.
Think that was a good art design choice for Bogeymen. Freakin' clowns. Also, he's got Tim Curry-as-Pennywise teeth...
Brain Oozes are a great alternate to Intellect Devourers. Heaven help the poor adventurer that mistakes one of their victims as an ID-host because someone saw brain-things scuttling about.
Carbuncle is still best Pokemon.
Like the Carnivorous Crystal. Nice muliplying monster/thing-that-turns-people-into-more-things creature. Also, poor Amiri
Catfolk. Caroline Eade knocked it out of the park with this one. I have to admit when I first heard about this race I was worried that it would go too far in either the "furry" direction or anime-catgirl-hey-she-has-cat-ears-done direction. Just gonna say Thundercats fans are going to be really happy.(now if only there were a playable pony race)
Caulborn are an awesomely hideous neutral race that could fill a lot of roles in a setting.
Love the Cecaelia, A LOT. Love that they're an octopus-related race that isn't evil or Lovecraftian(no offense to Lovecraft fans, but it does get frustrating to see an entire section of the animal kingdom co-opted as belonging to one author). Really dig the notes on how their features and skin color shift to match that of nearby land-dwellers, possible octopi camo reference there.
Ceratioidi, lovely couple. :)
Clockworks are going to make a lot of people happy, I think. And they're easily reskinnable as robots for Numeria adventures. Love the Spy.
People that still haven't gotten the memo that fey most certainly aren't all sunshine and roses are in for a surprise on the next page.
Crabs. You know you're in trouble when the little one is called the Shark-Eating Crab. I'm kind of glad they stopped at Shipwrecker Crab. Just not ready for Tarrasque-Suplexer Crab. Yet.
Giant Cyclops. Someone's a big fan of 7th Voyage of Sinbad. :)
Crucidaemons...I'm really interested in seeing how they and kytons conflict. For the daemon it's just a horrible means to and end, but the kytons might very well see that route as blasphemous, because if the pain ends, you're doing it wrong. Maybe something to play with there.
Cripes the Vulnudaemon is unsettling. Turning page, quickly.
Deathtrap Ooze. looks at what it does Now that's just mean. Someone is going to have a lot of fun with this.
Next page and my arachnophobia is back. Dammit.
Demiliches leave. You're scary, you got a whole blog post to yourself and now IT'S DEMODAND TIME.
Okay, going to have to reread in-depth, but it looks like their mythos, how they're made, and whatnot, have been redesigned from the ground up. And how the tables have turned concerning their pecking order in the Abyss.
Coloxus demons have a nice "coulda stepped right out of an Ars Goetia illustrated edition" look.
Grazzt fans are going to like the incubus.
Schir demons make for great "mook"-type demons for those looking for something sturdier than dretches.
It's old art but the Derhii is still damn awesome looking.
Really glad to see Contract Devils updated.
REALLY glad to see pachycephalosaurs in the game.
Dire Corbies are hitting a little close to home right now after some in-game experience. Gotta say that you'd never think they were ever listed as "misfits" looking at them here.
Aghash Div, awesome design. Pairakas still make me shudder after all this time.
That is the best Faerie Dragon art I've ever seen.
Imperial Dragons. I just love their expressions. They always look so angry even if they're not. I don't think they're capable of not looking angry. Sea Dragon's my favorite.
Love that art for the Desert Drake. Got a nice "nature photo for some alien world's National Geographic" feel.
At first when reading the Dybbuk I was thinking "poltergeist" level threat. Closer look at the CR and abilities later and this is so much worse. You could have a Christine scenario easily with this creature.
Ecorche. Thinking of that scene from the Silent Hill movie after seeing what it can do. Yikes.
Unfettered Eidolons. I'm not sure I like setting anything involving the Eidolon's flavor set down in stone, concerning both their origins and what happens to them when their summoner dies. This is going to be really useful though for GMs that need a quick and easy way to make some up for whatever need they have in their games.
Pig familiars. That'll do.
Fauns are great for Satyr fans that want more sensitivity. Between them and the incubi, female fans probably aren't left wanting for digitigrade-legged fanservice.
That's the cutest frog I've ever seen in an RPG book, and I've seen a lot of Grippli.
Again, the flail snail manages to look a lot less goofy than the original.
Haters gonna hate, but the flumph is adorable.
Foo creatures. Awesome benign creatures that are ugly as sin(which they're likely lacking in).
Garuda's design is crazy awesome. Like an eagle had a baby with the most badass rainbow ever.
Ghorazagh is all like *8:)
Very nice range of designs for the giants.
Love the Girtablilu. Like the Cecaelia, I'm glad to have a non-evil race tied in with an animal usually lumped as evil. Awesome design. Not sure if the chitin-y scorpion-leg-hair is meant to be her actual hair or a headdress, cool either way. Looking at the art more closely, I'm liking the notion of shed-chitin-as-clothing for these and other races.
Globster. I think this is the first time I've seen a creature being preyed upon in their own entry's art. Awesome idea, and definitely evocative of all those gross masses of WHAT you could find on a beach.
Cannon Golem. Oh God. Imagining this thing in motion is beautiful. Out of all the creatures in the book, I think this is the one whose movements I'd most enjoy describing/demonstrating.
Actual work's starting again, will finish ASAP.

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Yep, that's a fun review, Mikazi. Also, I am delighted that the Deathtrap Ooze made it into this book. It was one of the monsters from Kobold Quarterly that just begged to join the core critters.
Also, I am in love with cannon golem. And the caulborn go right into Midgard's Western Wastes. I could go on, there's just so much good stuff here.

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Thanks! May have to finish early tomorrow or later; work is crazy.
Did just want to say that any entries I skip over aren't due to a dislike most likely as it's something I've seen before in another source or it's something that didn't immediately grab me on the first flipthrough, and there's always plenty of good to be found going back for a thorough read. :)
All in all, I feel really positive about this book so far. If I have any complaints, they'd be about things that aren't in the book rather than problems with things that are, like some of Bestiary 2. Good book feels good. :)
Also, to whoever did the Kytons: Holy $#@%.

Sincubus |

I think its kinda sad that scorpionfolk and octopi-folk are good, they are always good or neutral if I recall, so making them evil for once would actually be new, remember the good-based octopus folk from D&D 2nd edition? Wish the octopi folk were evil so they could be used as morkoth replacement.
But oh well, there are enough other cool creatures there!
Did the Fungus Leshy, Antlion, Shadow Mastiff, Ahuizotl and Nuckelavee get new artwork?
PLease tell me Sleipnir, Valkyrie and Bee Females are all evil or neutral and not good.

atheral |

I think its kinda sad that scorpionfolk and octopi-folk are good, they are always good or neutral if I recall, so making them evil for once would actually be new, remember the good-based octopus folk from D&D 2nd edition? Wish the octopi folk were evil so they could be used as morkoth replacement.
But oh well, there are enough other cool creatures there!
Did the Fungus Leshy, Antlion, Shadow Mastiff, Ahuizotl and Nuckelavee get new artwork?
PLease tell me Sleipnir, Valkyrie and Bee Females are all evil or neutral and not good.
Not sure on the artwork but as far as alignments go:
Sleipnir is N, Valkyrie is CN, and by Bee I'm assuming you mean the Thriae and not actual bees, Thriae are all LN

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Okay, so G's...
Fossil Golem - Awesome stony dinosaur bone golems, with a very fitting attack.
Gorynych - King Ghidorah fans are going to LOVE this guy. :)
I can't remember if this is the first full appearance of the Graveknight beyond its chapter in Undead Reviseted, but it should be noted that this is a damn solid undead. Fans of the old Death Knight should find a lot to like here, and it has plenty of its own style as well. Love the way their armor works.
Graven Guardians had me at "Egyptian-style fantasy armor + Anubis-lookalike". Seriously, quick aside, I would love to see Osirion explored further for new art of fantastical Egyptian-themed clothing/armor alone. Stylin'. Really good guardian figures for necropoli and otherwise, and heavily modifiable too. A bit like divine golems.
Turned the page to see Gremlin. Wanted to punch the book on principle. Realized "Unluck" and "pugwampi" weren't on the page. One day the flashbacks will stop. This new guy works really well with the classic gremlin theme of sabotage and mischief, except with more drowning.
Oh man I have got to get some players interacting with a Grodair one day. Great way to work comedy and non-sequitor adventure hooks into one package.
Grootslang is a really fun word. Say it. Visualizing this thing with its mouth shut leads to some weirdness. Did a double take when I realized the thing was big enough for its rear portion to actually fade into the mists in the background... It's one of those things that looks goofy from certain angles, and then you see what it does and suddenly you're taking it dead serious.
Anyone remember Ghouls'n'Ghosts? First level, where the earth of the graveyard was constantly shifting violently? I think that's exactly the sort of scene I'd want to use the Guecubu to enable.
Hollow Serpents are cool, and raise some interesting questions about just what can be made undead. Instead of a snake's corpse, it's just a shed skin, albiet with some teeth.
Fans of The Fog need to check out page 152. Interesting questions left open too.
Jellyfish are in, available in Small and Huge flavors. This book is turning out really good for aquatic-heavy settings. I'm going to get a lot of use out of these guys in my homebrew.
Jorogumos are cool. Seducer types with spider legs sprouting from their back. Guys, trust me when I say you're better off pursuing romance with mantis-flavored seducer-types. It'll be a lot easier that way.
Jubjub Bird - Can't decide whether its face is hilarious or intimidating, which is probably what the artist was shooting for. It's goofy, owing to its origins, but it's deadly too. Actually, they make for an even more badass "Chocobo" option than Axebeaks in some ways.
Kami are great. Wide range of appearances, both alien and familiar and everything in-between. Anyone wanting to pull off a Miyazaki-ish Asian-flavored setting needs to give these guys a look. You can get a nice Swamp Thing vibe out of the Jinushigami. Princess Mononoke fans are going to love the Kodama. Toshigami just look really, really cool. I love that they took the kami with the most apparent romantic leanings and made it one of the most alien of the lot.
The Kappa's flavor is perfect for what they are: a great comic relief foe that could easily become an ally. This is one of those creatures that are going to be gold for certain groups.
Hairless monkeys are creepy looking. Thanks for teaching me that, Kech.
The Kirin presented here probably has my favorite design I've seen yet for this creature. You will believe a dragon-deer most certainly can be badass. Honestly, first thought upon seeing it was "I want that as a paladin mount/buddy". And it turns out that's accounted for in the flavor. They're on to us.
Kongamato - I really love this design. Pteranodon-headed dragon just works. Appearance alone sold me on it, but combined with it taking a page from the yrthak's book and doing sonic damage woven into its hunting methods? Oh yes.
Oh man...Kytons.
I've been looking forward to more Kytons for a long time. Been sold on the notion of them seeing themselves as executors of divine punishment for a long time. Then the Hellraiser-ish sense-freak angle came in with Pathfinder. Then they just kept getting more unsettling, horrifying, and interesting with Zon-Kuthon and all of his conflicting themes backing them up. I like 'em. They stand out from devils and the also-LE asuras, and they have an interesting potential position in the game's cosmology as unlikely defenders of existence in settings with daemons in them. After all, these guys are all about the sensations of being. The notes on how the cities of kyton demagouges are constructed matched up exactly with what I imagined. A little troubled by that. ;)
Admittedly gamers that are also part of the BDSM subculture and tired of always being portrayed as badguys in fantasy settings might not be too happy about these guys, though they do move beyond the superficial "bondage" themes with some of their variants.
Augurs are genuinely horrifying, not so much for what they do but for what they are and how they were made. Real fate-worse-than-death/I-have-no-mouth-and-I-must-scream stuff here. There's just something really pathetic(in a good way) about that lone eye. Also, can't help but think they sound like Silent Hill 3's Pendulums.
Eremites are scary as hell. The notes on how improperly(or is it?) they use what they take from their victims just makes them that much worse. When you can imagine PCs contemplating suicide before one of these catches up with them, you know they're bad news.
Interlocutors, the surgeon masters of the kytons, make for some really interesting possible uses. Love the idea of one possibly needing to be sought out for their services, regardless of the terrible cost. Rocking a high Heal score there. Then again, Eremites have a higher one. Then again again, you don't want to meet an Eremite.
Leshys kick ass. Love the way their spirits work and the instructions for growing bodies for them. Also love how the art suddenly goes from OH GOD to D'AWWwWWW. Seriously, it's LittleBigPlanet levels of cute in the chapter. Excepting the Fungus Leshy. Who probably needs a hug.
Man, there's no such thing as a mid-CR Linnorm is there? These guys are all high up there.
Maftet - There's some real fun potential here to be had tying them in with sphinxes. Players are very much going to want those tattoos as soon as they see them.
Magmin shove the harsh facts of lava front and center as soon as melee starts. With weapons of course. It seems you're better off hitting them barehanded, strangely enough.
Manananggal sure got a nasty makeover since their first appearance in Pathfinder back in the original Campaign Setting. It's interesting to see extremely specific weapon weaknesses making a comeback with them, kind of like the old RAKSHASA DISLIKE BOLT one. I really like that they have an alternate form that can blend in well amongst the living. That's something that seemed to fall a bit to the side with the legions of more obvious undead that have come out lately. The fact that their transformation into their true forms is so gruesome is a big plus too.
Kangaroos can potentially kill some 1st-levels with a lucky kick. Good, those guys are seriously underestimated in both toughness and lethality in the real world, except maybe within Australia itself. As for the Thylacine....still a bit sore over some run-ins with them as a player. Run-ins, plural. >:( (which means job well done, I suppose!)
One other thing I've been liking in the Bestiaries is that gigantic prehistoric animals that aren't dinosaurs have been getting love too. Megafauna sections are appreciated.
Moonbeasts are just nasty looking. And may have put me off marshmellows for a while. Dimension of Dreams isn't sounding like a very nice place so far...
Oh man this guy. Kierran Yanner's art for the Myceloid is awesome. The totally inhuman face featuring a very human expression and doing a very human thing with that bit of straw just gives that creature a lot of personality. I'm reminded a bit of some of the designs and styles featured in Star Control and the Oddysey games, in a very good way. While the picture is darkly humorous, the description is anything but. It's another videogame comparison, but to all the X-Com vets out there, think slow Chrysalids. I think a lot of folks are going to get caught off guard taking this guy less seriously than they should be, particularly thanks to the art.
Nagas. Always liked nagas.
Lunar naga has an interesting new approach to their appearance. Dig it. It makes them just a little bit more humanoid, but not too much. Love what these naga are about too. Love the flavor about the sort of folks that gather around them. Already have a place for one in my Nirmathas. Just realized this is the first naga I can think of in Pathfinder that has had hair. Wonder if that means anything.
Royal nagas are something else too. A bit surprised to see what seems to be "High" Nagas actually looking more animalistic than their "lesser" kin, but the explanation in the flavor is nice. Also a bit thrown to see that they don't have any poison, but they get quite a bit to make up for it. Like with the Maftet and Sphinxes, can't help but wonder at any possibly links between these nagas and hydras, what with the multiheaded serpentineness.
Water nagas bring back the classic naga design, a really nice, solid one too. Seriously, Pathfinder nagas as a whole have just been cool looking. Previous editions kind of fell flat sometimes because they just slapped a human head on a snake and called it a day, but these guys have all looked like well-formed creatures rather than a mishmash. Again, love the flavor and focus on how they interact with other races. I love these "dangerous but possibly beneficial" types and the kind of societies you can build around them.
And just realized I've seen the water naga's art before in the Bonus Bestiary. Doesn't matter, still cool!
Well, close to two thirds done... Almost there.

YawarFiesta |

Catfolk. Caroline Eade knocked it out of the park with this one. I have to admit when I first heard about this race I was worried that it would go too far in either the "furry" direction or anime-catgirl-hey-she-has-cat-ears-done direction. Just gonna say Thundercats fans are going to be really happy.(now if only there were a playable pony race)
I feel your pain.

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Mikaze wrote:Catfolk. Caroline Eade knocked it out of the park with this one. I have to admit when I first heard about this race I was worried that it would go too far in either the "furry" direction or anime-catgirl-hey-she-has-cat-ears-done direction. Just gonna say Thundercats fans are going to be really happy.(now if only there were a playable pony race)I feel your pain.
I'd play an Earth Pony Monk with the Marid Style and ice-based Qinggong powers! Her name would be Winter Mint! With a snowflake cutie mark! :)
Looking back at the Catfolk, just realized which mental stat they get a bonus to and which one they get a penalty on.
Whoever wrote those stats really understands cats. Yeah, Pratchett had 'em figured right.

Dragon78 |

Man I get my book today so I can stop bothering everyone with questions abot it. I get so bad when I am waiting for monster type books like this one.
Unfortunitly for legal reasons "Ponyfinder" will more then likely be a fan made thing only.
Thank you Mikaze for your reviews for this book have been very informative.

Kelsey Arwen MacAilbert |

Devastation Bob wrote:What about new animal companions?There's 16 in all, the list includes a number of dinos & animals from the book, and the two marsupials, Thylacine (previously in a Kingmaker book,) and Kangaroo
YES. This pleases me. Now I really can't wait for Christmas. I want me an Aussie druid with a 'roo.