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We've also posted the first installment of our weekly serialized Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction, beginning with the first chapter of Dave Gross's four-part story, "The Lost Pathfinder." Look for new Pathfinder Tales each Wednesday!
Web fiction!?! OH MY!

Zaister |
MerrikCale wrote:like the cover, kind of old school Forgotten Realms to meIt does have that kind of feel, like a TSR-era novel from the late 80's/early 90's.
To me, that's not a good thing at all. Those novels were ... not good.

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I can't wait to read these! One thing that I recall back in my heydays of rpg gaming was reading the Dragonlance & FR novels. Now granted they weren't the most imaginative books nor the greatest examples of writing but what they did was open up & make the worlds of the games I loved to play seem more real, which in turn allowed me to focus more on the settings.
Thank you Paizo for going with a novel line.

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One of the folks who got a preview copy at Book Expo America has posted a review—check it out!

Mordicai |

One of the folks who got a preview copy at Book Expo America has posted a review—check it out!
& I stand by it! It was a heck of a read & I'm still recommending it to anyone who might be interested-- & some who might not realize they are.

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Too bad I can't have this in time for my over night shift coming up in mid-July. Basically, I've got to baby sit the store while it's getting the floor's wax stripped and redone (ten hours of nothing to do), so I'll need reading material. Maybe the first July shipment will keep me busy there. I'm sure this book will be great.

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MerrikCale wrote:like the cover, kind of old school Forgotten Realms to meIt does have that kind of feel, like a TSR-era novel from the late 80's/early 90's.
Mine's turning up today. I hope that the cover feel is the only thing similar to TSR's fiction offerings. I liked his fiction in Council of Thieves.
Plan to start reading with all available spare time...

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GeraintElberion wrote:Great opening page, consider this the most ill-informed review possible.Thanks, Geraint. Are you going to post 349 more updates? Because that would be awesome. :)
I actually gave up after one page because I can't read a novel on my laptop. It's okay for news articles and adventures but I'm waiting for the dead-tree version to arrive.
I will review the novel, but probably just one more after I've finished it.

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I actually gave up after one page because I can't read a novel on my laptop. It's okay for news articles and adventures but I'm waiting for the dead-tree version to arrive.
I will review the novel, but probably just one more after I've finished it.
Understandable. I still haven't read an entire novel on a handheld, and I've never tried it on the notebook. Most of my "reading" these days listening to audio books while walking the dog.

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Has anyone tried the pdf on an iphone/handheld yet? I'd like to get the pdf but I'm affraid it won't resize on my iphone and I'd have to read with my magnifying glass.
I have the file on my Iphone, old 3Gs model, and it is readable on it, but it is a bit small. But much easier to read than the normal Paizo books as the format on the pages is single column. For your information I have been reading it using GoodReader...

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My heartfelt thanks go out to those who posted these early reviews. More than anyone except myself, you are the folks for whom I wrote this story.
You might have heard the news that Radovan and the Count are returning next year in a Tian Xia novel, so if you'd like to spread the word, please paste those reviews all over Amazon and other sites where you can reach more readers who haven't already discovered Golarion. Let's make this club even bigger.

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Also, will Dave be signing the copy of the first subscriber? ;)
If I can manage to be at Paizo when the books arrive, I'd be more than happy to do this, but I think the logistics might be challenging. That said, at Gen Con I signed 96 books for Jeff for the web store, so I'm thinking those will be available soonish.

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I probably would've bought it if it was about Radovan and Pavanna instead of Radovan and Jeggare....-_-
While a Radovan & Pavanna book would be problematic, there are several strong and more mysterious women in Prince of Wolves, at least in my biased opinion.
* Apologies for the flurry of posts, but I've only just noticed I missed a few months worth of updates to this thread.

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Hmmm, It's got Ustalav, but someone had to go use the 'crime-solving duo' descriptor. I find myself at an impasse.
"Crime-solving duo" isn't the phrase I'd use to describe them, but it's certainly something they've been in past. It's only marginally apropos for the events of Prince of Wolves. There is a mystery element, but it's much more complicated than that.

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I reviewed it, gave it four stars; didn't give five because I hope the whole line has high standards and we'd want to leave some room up top.
By the standards of WotC/TSR rpg fiction, out of five stars it'd get ten.
EDIT: I would also add that Dave Gross would now be a name likely to encourage me to purchase a book with him as author. In case publishers are listening!
EDIT2: Well, publishers other than Paizo, who are always listening.

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I reviewed it, gave it four stars; didn't give five because I hope the whole line has high standards and we'd want to leave some room up top.
EDIT: I would also add that Dave Gross would now be a name likely to encourage me to purchase a book with him as author. In case publishers are listening!
Thanks for the kind review. It's a delight to come back from Gen Con to see such positive responses, and it gives me that much more energy to recover from this con crud and keep expanding the outline for the next one.

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Another avatar change, and this one quite apropos. Now if I can just find you to ask you some spoilerific questions, I'll be all set.
For the next two days, at least, I'll be popping into the chat room often as I expand the outline for the next novel and convalesce from this con crud. Chances are good you can catch me there sometime.

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Dark_Mistress wrote:Meh wish I would have known much of this was written in first person.Um, it's all in first person - just like loads of great novels. Or did you dislike the two-handed approach, or was it the epistolary bits that were meh?
Actually the beginning part with whats his name in ... that wooden thing(trying not to spoil) was in 3rd person.
But no i just don't like any novel in 1st person. Never have. I find them jarring to read I did this or I did that. Since I would never do the vast majority of that stuff.
Nothing wrong with it, i know it is popular and a lot of people like 1st person view of novels. I just happen not to, I find it distracting and makes it impossible for me to get into the novel.*shrug*

Sean K Reynolds Contributor |

But no i just don't like any novel in 1st person. Never have. I find them jarring to read I did this or I did that. Since I would never do the vast majority of that stuff.
Nothing wrong with it, i know it is popular and a lot of people like 1st person view of novels. I just happen not to, I find it distracting and makes it impossible for me to get into the novel.*shrug*
What about stuff written as diary entries or as letters, like much of Lovecraft's work?

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GeraintElberion wrote:Dark_Mistress wrote:Meh wish I would have known much of this was written in first person.Um, it's all in first person - just like loads of great novels. Or did you dislike the two-handed approach, or was it the epistolary bits that were meh?Actually the beginning part with whats his name in ... that wooden thing(trying not to spoil) was in 3rd person.
But no i just don't like any novel in 1st person. Never have. I find them jarring to read I did this or I did that. Since I would never do the vast majority of that stuff.
Nothing wrong with it, i know it is popular and a lot of people like 1st person view of novels. I just happen not to, I find it distracting and makes it impossible for me to get into the novel.*shrug*
I wasn't used to the first person when I started reading this book because it seems like most authors don't use it but I really liked it a lot. It kept the mystery of everything more intense for me.

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Has anyone tried the pdf on an iphone/handheld yet? I'd like to get the pdf but I'm affraid it won't resize on my iphone and I'd have to read with my magnifying glass.
I read the entire novel on my iPod Touch. I used iBooks and held it "landscape" (and zoomed in so the text filled the entire width) to make sure the text was large enough to be comfortable. Other than that caveat, it worked quite well for me.

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Dark_Mistress wrote:What about stuff written as diary entries or as letters, like much of Lovecraft's work?But no i just don't like any novel in 1st person. Never have. I find them jarring to read I did this or I did that. Since I would never do the vast majority of that stuff.
Nothing wrong with it, i know it is popular and a lot of people like 1st person view of novels. I just happen not to, I find it distracting and makes it impossible for me to get into the novel.*shrug*
If it is 1st person I don't care for it. Now if say someone in the novel you are reading in 3rd person finds something written like that in 1st person and reads it. Aka you are reading it like they would. Then I don't find it as jarring. It is just when i am reading a story about character X and I keep saying, I said to her... etc. I just find that jarring cause I think of myself then and I wouldn't do that. Which forces my mind out of the immersion of the story, which is jarring for me. If that makes sense.
Never said my view made sense only that it exists. :)

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I wasn't used to the first person when I started reading this book because it seems like most authors don't use it but I really liked it a lot. It kept the mystery of everything more intense for me.
Yeah I have tried forcing myself to read them. There was a book I really really wanted to read many years ago. I forget the book now. Anyways I made it about half way threw and then just put aside, reading it felt like a chore after awhile. Despite the fact I wanted to finish it. I was just never able to immerse myself in they story. Eventually I gave it to one of those book drives.

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Dark_Mistress wrote:If it is 1st person I don't care for it.What about movies where the narrator is the main character, and he's telling you what he's thinking? Fight Club, Blade Runner, etc.?
That doesn't bother me, because someone else is talking. *shrug* I never claimed it made sense, only that for what ever reason 1st person novels break my immersion. I have no idea why. I wish they didn't but they do.

Zaister |
Although, your aversion to first-person narrative is weird, I can somehow relate, as there is something that I really can't stand to read, and that is a novel written in the present tense. There are a few books that I'd really like to read but just can't as they are written like that. One that I can remember off the top of my head, as an example would be Polar City Blues by Katherine Kerr.

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Sean K Reynolds wrote:That doesn't bother me, because someone else is talking. *shrug* I never claimed it made sense, only that for what ever reason 1st person novels break my immersion. I have no idea why. I wish they didn't but they do.Dark_Mistress wrote:If it is 1st person I don't care for it.What about movies where the narrator is the main character, and he's telling you what he's thinking? Fight Club, Blade Runner, etc.?
I guess if it were a book on tape, you'd like it? ;o)

Sneaky |

I really enjoyed the book but I have a question for Dave Gross...

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Dark_Mistress wrote:I guess if it were a book on tape, you'd like it? ;o)Sean K Reynolds wrote:That doesn't bother me, because someone else is talking. *shrug* I never claimed it made sense, only that for what ever reason 1st person novels break my immersion. I have no idea why. I wish they didn't but they do.Dark_Mistress wrote:If it is 1st person I don't care for it.What about movies where the narrator is the main character, and he's telling you what he's thinking? Fight Club, Blade Runner, etc.?
Maybe I have never listened to a audio book before so i have no idea if i would like them or not.