Great job on the show, Rone & Ed: fun intro, solid interviews! Everyone should drop what they doing, listen to the show, and then at some point in the show SUBSCRIBE! I've read them all and they all get the Mairkurion Seal of Approval. The newest one is another proverbial page-turner: Robin Laws is to be congratulated.
Spoiler: And that Dave Gross guy...yeah, he's on fire.
::Cr-ack!:: Read your Prince of Wolves, people! It's there for buying and reading. Discussion may follow after you thank me for whipping you into doing what you already shoulda. (And I guess the author, too, if you must.) Seriously, between PoW, the Advanced Gamemastery Guide, and all those ENnies, the soundtrack at Paizo ought to be Ray Charles' Wonderful World on loop for the next month or four.
Vic Wertz wrote:
Boingy! Boingy! I guess my alias doesn't get updated... So, no tiefling on the cover?
Doug OBrien wrote: Hmmm, It's got Ustalav, but someone had to go use the 'crime-solving duo' descriptor. I find myself at an impasse. Have you read the stories in the Council of Thieves AP? There is no need to be off-put by such a descriptor. Surely Holmes-Watson isn't off-putting? For what it is worth, the two characters get the "Mairkurion Seal of Approval." I might even give them double honors... |