Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

4.80/5 (based on 48 ratings)
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)
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Take your Game to the Next Level!

Explore new and uncharted depths of roleplaying with the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide! Empower your existing characters with expanded rules for all 11 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game core classes and seven core races, or build a new one from the ground up with one of six brand-new, 20-level base classes. Whether you're designing your own monstrous helpers as an enigmatic summoner, brewing up trouble with a grimy urban alchemist, or simply teaching an old rogue a new trick, this book has everything you need to make your heroes more heroic.

The Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide is a must-have companion volume to the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. This imaginative tabletop game builds upon more than 10 years of system development and an Open Playtest featuring more than 50,000 gamers to create a cutting-edge RPG experience that brings the all-time best-selling set of fantasy rules into the new millennium.

The 336-page Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide includes:

  • Six new base classes: the monster-hunting inquisitor, the explosive alchemist, the noble cavalier, the prophecy-haunted oracle, the monster-crafting summoner, and the hex-weaving witch
  • More than a hundred innovative new feats and combat abilities for characters of all classes, including Steal, Point-Blank Master, and Bouncing Spell
  • Variant class abilities, rules subsystems, and thematic archetypes for all 11 core classes, such as the antipaladin, the hungry ghost monk, and the urban ranger
  • Hundreds of new spells and magic items, from phantasmal revenge to the Storm King's Cloud Castle
  • A wealth of fantastic equipment, such as fireblast rods and fortune-tellers' cards
  • New prestige classes like the Master Chymist and the Battle Herald
  • ... and much, much more!

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-246-3


Looking for more? Check out the Resources and Free Downloads available for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

Last Updated - 12/01/2010

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Hero Lab Online
Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Archives of Nethys

Note: This product is part of the Pathfinder Rulebook Subscription.

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If this has been discussed in the thread already, I apologize. But I wonder what the ability/feat “Steal” entails? As we already have a Sleight of Hand skill.

I'm speculating that "Steal" allows in-combat theft? Or makes it easier?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Steal is a new Combat Maneuver that allows you to snatch stuff from the enemy during combat.

Interesting. I wonder what the limits on that is. Like could they just open up your Bag of Holding/Handy Haversack and grab whatever is in there? Or does it have to be something exposed?

I guess we will find out in a couple of weeks.

Liberty's Edge

I would think because its used in combat it could only be used for stuff in reach/ visable. Nothing in packs, pouches, bags of holding, ect.. But you should be able to try and grab a bag or pouch if you can see it.

Any word on combat maneuvers other than "steal"?

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
LoreKeeper wrote:
Any word on combat maneuvers other than "steal"?

Dirty Trick, Reposition, Drag :)

Gorbacz wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:
Any word on combat maneuvers other than "steal"?
Dirty Trick, Reposition, Drag :)

Okay, any word on what these do? Also, do any/all of them require a different "base" feat compared to the current ones? (i.e. not PowerAttack or CombatExpertise)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
LoreKeeper wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:
Any word on combat maneuvers other than "steal"?
Dirty Trick, Reposition, Drag :)

Okay, any word on what these do? Also, do any/all of them require a different "base" feat compared to the current ones? (i.e. not PowerAttack or CombatExpertise)

Dirty trick is throwing sand in someone's eyes etc, so probably some sort of penalty. Drag is Anti-Bullrush.

LoreKeeper wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Dirty Trick, Reposition, Drag :)
Okay, any word on what these do?

I assume Drag, Dirty Trick, and Reposition all have to do with hiring a transvestite prostitute. At least that's what Eddie Murphy suggested when I asked him.

Actually, Steal might be related, too.

Oh, yes... just got my "next week or so" mail...

Me too !!! Yay !!!

evilash wrote:
Oh, yes... just got my "next week or so" mail...

evilash wrote:
Oh, yes... just got my "next week or so" mail...

No fair! My "next week or so" email message shows the last chapter of Kingmaker AP and the first of the Serpent Skull but doesn't include my Advanced Player's Guide! ...double checked, still shows my preorder included in my order history. Hmmmmm.....

Papa-DRB wrote:

Me too !!! Yay !!!

evilash wrote:
Oh, yes... just got my "next week or so" mail...

Hopefully we'll start seeing them ship Monday! please oh please Monday!

I'd post this in the customer service thread and ask Cos or Sara Marie to look into it.

-- david

ps. You must be ordering not under teh RPG subscriber...

Maveric28 wrote:
evilash wrote:
Oh, yes... just got my "next week or so" mail...

No fair! My "next week or so" email message shows the last chapter of Kingmaker AP and the first of the Serpent Skull but doesn't include my Advanced Player's Guide! ...double checked, still shows my preorder included in my order history. Hmmmmm.....

Liberty's Edge

I pre ordered my copy. I hope to get a email soon. :)

Hmm, Sleight of Hand already allows you to steal during combat, though you provoke an AoO. In fact, there's a feat in Dragon Compendium called Cutpurse that lets you use Sleight of Hand to steal during combat without provoking one.

There's also Master Pickpocket in City of Stormreach that does the same thing (except you get +4 bonus if grappling and take -10 and not -20 penalty when pickpocketing as a free action). Cutpurse has no Dex requirement (but requires Improved Unarmed Strike), so it's easier to qualify while Master Pickpocket needed more ranks in Sleight of Hand and Dex 15+ (and is clearly better).

So I wonder how "Steal" works and whether I should forfeit yet MORE feats from my games, or ignore this new CM? Hmm....

E-mail the waiting begins

Maveric28 wrote:
No fair! My "next week or so" email message shows the last chapter of Kingmaker AP and the first of the Serpent Skull but doesn't include my Advanced Player's Guide! ...double checked, still shows my preorder included in my order history. Hmmmmm.....

I think they begin with the subscribers, and since you're not a subscriber to the RPG line your preorder of the APG will probably be processed separately after the subscriber copies has gone out.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hm, I received the e-mail for the my adventure path suscription but not for the RPG suscription. Now I'm worried the APG will be available later for me than the AP's. ^^

Liberty's Edge

magnuskn wrote:
Hm, I received the e-mail for the my adventure path suscription but not for the RPG suscription. Now I'm worried the APG will be available later for me than the AP's. ^^

Same here. But I just sub. to the AP not the core Pathfinder RPG. But I did pre order the Players Guide.

evilash wrote:
Maveric28 wrote:
No fair! My "next week or so" email message shows the last chapter of Kingmaker AP and the first of the Serpent Skull but doesn't include my Advanced Player's Guide! ...double checked, still shows my preorder included in my order history. Hmmmmm.....
I think they begin with the subscribers, and since you're not a subscriber to the RPG line your preorder of the APG will probably be processed separately after the subscriber copies has gone out.

Nope, same story for email, and I subscribe to the RPG only, at that.

EDIT: Hopefully, it's just that the emails are slowly trickling out over the week.

Got my email! (awaits anxiously!)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I think I may be more excited about the APG's release than I was about the core book itself. Ship them already, dang it, or else just bill me and unlock the PDFs!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Paizo, please take my money ! Now !

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Got my 'standby' to 'standby' email last night and I only subscribe to the RPG line currently. The only other thing I have ordered are the miniatures for the new class iconics, but I have not received an email of any sort regarding them. Nor were they mentioned in the 'Standby for the APG' email I got; they will apparently be shipped separately, which is fine by me. I don't want the minis to slow down the book getting to me.

Maybe if we ask nice and send cookies or cupcakes, (one of my friend's is a would class baker so think about it) Paizo would would on lock the pdfs. I don't mind being waiting a little longer like say monday. Let me know what kind of Cupcakes/ Cookies you would like.

Well I know Josh likes Oreos...

magnuskn wrote:
Well, I'm getting to be 35 tomorrow, so I fear it's 1975. <sigh> Where did the years go? :p

I've got eleven years up on don't complain about feeling old.

Still it's funny how many of us have the same birth date.

WOO! Got my e-mail and there's a pre-note on my account... Maybe tomorrow then?

*fidgets in his chair, hitting refresh on his e-mail page*

So, if the preorders ship with a day or two, when will it be available for the general population?

My boss is going to be stepping down from his job at the end of next week and we're wondering for a going away present for him?

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Pathos wrote:

So, if the preorders ship with a day or two, when will it be available for the general population?

My boss is going to be stepping down from his job at the end of next week and we're wondering for a going away present for him?

Preorders tend to ship within a week of the notice rather than a day or two. The book and PDF will be on sale to the general public on the first day of GenCon. The only people who might get it earlier (and might get it later, especially if they're international) are subscrivbers and pre-orders.

Liberty's Edge

Razz wrote:

Hmm, Sleight of Hand already allows you to steal during combat, though you provoke an AoO. In fact, there's a feat in Dragon Compendium called Cutpurse that lets you use Sleight of Hand to steal during combat without provoking one.

So I wonder how "Steal" works and whether I should forfeit yet MORE feats from my games, or ignore this new CM? Hmm....

I think Steal is another move anyone can try to do, not a feat. Another thing you can do with CMB and CMD. Sorry to get off topic.

CapeCodRPGer wrote:

I think Steal is another move anyone can try to do, not a feat. Another thing you can do with CMB and CMD. Sorry to get off topic.

There's a feat called Master Pickpocket that lets you grab items off an enemy with Sleight of Hand. I know it's an official PFRPG feat, but I don't remember where it came from. (I tend to copy/paste feats I like into a Word file so I can access them quickly without looking through umpteen books).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Illithar wrote:
WOO! Got my e-mail and there's a pre-note on my account... Maybe tomorrow then?

Hm, I'm getting concerned... I got my e-mail for the adventure path books, but none so far for the APG. I hope it will be ready for early next week and not delayed. I've been waiting so much for the book. :-(

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
magnuskn wrote:
Illithar wrote:
WOO! Got my e-mail and there's a pre-note on my account... Maybe tomorrow then?
Hm, I'm getting concerned... I got my e-mail for the adventure path books, but none so far for the APG. I hope it will be ready for early next week and not delayed. I've been waiting so much for the book. :-(

I had something similar a month or two ago with the Gamemastery Guide, for what ever reason it wasn't in my confirmation e-mail, but it was in the shipment when it went out.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Justin Franklin wrote:
magnuskn wrote:
Illithar wrote:
WOO! Got my e-mail and there's a pre-note on my account... Maybe tomorrow then?
Hm, I'm getting concerned... I got my e-mail for the adventure path books, but none so far for the APG. I hope it will be ready for early next week and not delayed. I've been waiting so much for the book. :-(
I had something similar a month or two ago with the Gamemastery Guide, for what ever reason it wasn't in my confirmation e-mail, but it was in the shipment when it went out.

I hope so, otherwise I'll have to get out the heavy guns. :p

Gorbacz wrote:
LoreKeeper wrote:
Any word on combat maneuvers other than "steal"?
Dirty Trick, Reposition, Drag :)

So Drag isn't a new option Bardic Performance? ;)

Liberty's Edge

Molly Dingle wrote:
So Drag isn't a new option Bardic Performance? ;)

Looking fabulous is never an option; its a requirement.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
CapeCodRPGer wrote:
Razz wrote:

Hmm, Sleight of Hand already allows you to steal during combat, though you provoke an AoO. In fact, there's a feat in Dragon Compendium called Cutpurse that lets you use Sleight of Hand to steal during combat without provoking one.

So I wonder how "Steal" works and whether I should forfeit yet MORE feats from my games, or ignore this new CM? Hmm....

I think Steal is another move anyone can try to do, not a feat. Another thing you can do with CMB and CMD. Sorry to get off topic.

Sorry to continue on the off topic. I think Razz is refering to having to get theoretical Improved Steal/Greater Steal feats to make the manoeuvre effective.

Greedy player here... seeing as the book's already been leaked (greaat) any chance on an earlier release of the PDF to subscribers? It certainly didn't give me a warm fuzzy when I saw that.

nathan blackmer wrote:
Greedy player here... seeing as the book's already been leaked (greaat) any chance on an earlier release of the PDF to subscribers? It certainly didn't give me a warm fuzzy when I saw that.

I would think that it is quite unlikely that Paizo will, because a store broke the release date, move up their timetable for releasing the book.

Blazej wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Greedy player here... seeing as the book's already been leaked (greaat) any chance on an earlier release of the PDF to subscribers? It certainly didn't give me a warm fuzzy when I saw that.
I would think that it is quite unlikely that Paizo will, because a store broke the release date, move up their timetable for releasing the book.

Yeah me too, but it never hurts to ask, right? I mean we are subscribers and the advantage of that is getting it first. I certainly won't have any hard feelings if I dont, its a great company and I love the product, but its still worth asking.

Someone released early?

That's it...everyone light up your torches and sharpen your pitchforks.

They must be punished.

drkfathr1 wrote:

Someone released early?

That's it...everyone light up your torches and sharpen your pitchforks.

They must be punished.

*rabble rabble rabble*

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
nathan blackmer wrote:
Blazej wrote:
nathan blackmer wrote:
Greedy player here... seeing as the book's already been leaked (greaat) any chance on an earlier release of the PDF to subscribers? It certainly didn't give me a warm fuzzy when I saw that.
I would think that it is quite unlikely that Paizo will, because a store broke the release date, move up their timetable for releasing the book.
Yeah me too, but it never hurts to ask, right? I mean we are subscribers and the advantage of that is getting it first. I certainly won't have any hard feelings if I dont, its a great company and I love the product, but its still worth asking.

Well, I'd love to have the book to read over the weekend... ^^

Liberty's Edge

I don't care if it's leaking already, but a solid date as to when subscribers will have access to the PDF would be nice.

Even if you don't have one, just lie.

For subscribers to get their PDFs early, I imagine that the relevant staff would need to come in over the whole weekend to ensure that the relevant subscribers were all billed correctly, and the PDFs enabled.

I expect that they'd rather have their weekend off! So continue to be patient... it's only a few more days!

anyone else thing corporate espionage, I just really excited about every thing happening. Paizo must be doing something right for other corporation to step in and muck thing up. I thinking BP is trying to systematically throw every one off the trail of the mess. Starting with Paizo and there fans I wonder who is next.

"Yes now the gamer geeks are of out trail next, Dog owners." you watch there is going to be some kind of crazy dog scandal next.

any way the cupcake or cookie offer is still on the table, just need an address and how many you want.

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