Within the pages of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide you will find everything you need to bring your own character to life. Whether you are new to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, or a pen & paper roleplaying game veteran, the answers to your questions about the Roleplaying Guild are right here!
I wanted to address some comments from prior reviews, but then I realized that most are for the older versions (1 through 5) of the document. So, yeah, I guess maybe the older versions were not printer friendly, but I just printed the new season 6 document on a black & white laser printer and it seems fine, and readable. The PDF displays on my tablet OK, too, though my tablet is new and fast. I guess older ones might struggle with it.
Regarding the removal of tieflings as a playable race, I believe that's just fallout from season 5. That is, we just played through a huge story arc about a demon invasion, and I believe that all outsiders and otherworldly/extraplanar types are now on "the outs" with Pathfinder Society. That will change for story reasons I'm sure in another season or two, but for now at least it makes thematic sense.
As for the quality of the modules for season 6, that probably needs to go into the reviews of each individual module, but I have to admit that I really like it so far. The fights in 6-01 were much harder than I expected, and a PC died. I thought that was cool for it to be so dangerous, though I understand some will hate that. In 6-02 I loved the social interactions with previously-unknown Technic League. And the big boss fight was very scary and had a secondary fight that really surprised us. I again found it fun, though I understand a table full of players who have zero adamantine weapons will find it too hard and probably all die. Also, regarding 6-02, we had a hugely fun time with our skills, but see the next paragraph for why it was fun for us and not for others.
The only thing I don't like about season 6 is the introduction of a new feat, without which you cannot use your skills to interact with technology. It's basically a "feat tax" to be good at all the season 6 modules. Nobody in PFS near me is following that rule, even though it's mandatory and even though anyone not following it is in danger of being ousted. Doesn't seem to matter; everyone from top to bottom hates it, so it's completely gone. If any official employee from Paizo were to ask, we'd nod and say it's there. At the table? We don't even *ask* if a player has the feat. Does that upset management? Oh well, they introduced something bad, and the community rejected it while they weren't looking.
So overall season 6 has been great and the season 6 guide seems fine. But we killed the bad stuff, and we like brutally hard fights, so your mileage may vary.
The fact that it's not only not printer friendly, but looks like it's going to waste even more ink than the previous one is not good.
Personally, while I do like some aspects of the theme, I'm not digging the art at all, especially in regards to how disappointing Season 6 play has been so far.
Like the other Season 6 products so far, the layering and graphics look like they are messed up somehow, which makes the loading time on my tablet wonky and take too long for some reason. Granted, it's free, but still, I just don't think the quality is there.
So far, the only real improvement I do like is the added line that states a group can decide to play up or down if they fall exactly in the middle of two sub-tiers. But other than that, not really impressed.
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This is just a request. Please don't watermark the Quick Start Guide. I want to print those out to hand to new players without giving them my paizo.com email account. I use different email accounts for different things for security reasons.
Will there be an update guide like last year, or is this the final deal? I want to print it. I printed out the guide last year and then the next day a revised version was released.
One thing that I really like is that GM Stars aren't called out as being "bragging rights." Now they're specifically called out as being "GM Star Rewards," and all of the benefits of having one or more GM Stars is listed in the guide itself.
There's also an amazingly detailed appendix of PFS terms, which includes important things like adventure vs. scenario, as well as more subtle rulings like the difference between veneration and worship.
GMs now get 1 reroll per star instead of a bonus to a roll.
There is now a specific list of languages you can take with Linguistics. Elemental languages are not on it. Presumably a typo.
Non Humans can now take regional languages in place of racial ones during creation.
I believe there is an error on page 25 under skills. Investigators should get to use the Craft (Alchemy) instead of Craft (Gunsmithing), as the latter is best used by Gunslingers.
Pathfinder Society is an inclusive community with a
diverse membership. We are committed to fostering a safe
environment for everyone, regardless of gender identity
or gender expression, sexual orientation, nationality
or ethnicity, religious beliefs or background, age,
neurotypicality, physical ability, physical appearance,
body size, or other differences. We also wish to give
room for players to develop a wide variety of characters,
trusting our players to regulate their actions in a public
setting and to treat each other with respect. When
participating in public Pathfinder Society events, be
mindful of any controversial or edgy concepts in your
character and consider limiting them to bylines or dice
rolls. Dysfunctional or uncooperative play will not be
tolerated. Behaving in a hateful or disruptive fashion
simply because “It’s what your character would do” means
you’ve probably lost sight of the purpose of organized
play and may be asked to amend your behavior or leave
the table. Extreme or repetitive cases of inappropriate
behavior will be resolved by asking the offender to leave
the table or venue.
The full Pathfinder Society Community Standards
policy may be found paizo.com/pathfindersociety/
policies. Roleplaying Guild games that take place on
paizo.com are also subject to the Community Guidelines
that exist for the forums in addition to the Community
Standards policy, and may be subject to moderation as
I'm very glad to see this addition, right at the start.
The new guide lists the half-elemental races as available choices, but the Additional Resources, updated 8/2/2016, still list them as requiring a Boon to create. Is this an oversight or intentional?
Liking the new guide. One question so far which I can't yet see the answer to:-
With GM Star rerolls - is it one reroll per star per scenario or one reroll per star which when used are then gone? Also I assume you can never reroll the same roll more than once?
Liking the new guide. One question so far which I can't yet see the answer to:-
With GM Star rerolls - is it one reroll per star per scenario or one reroll per star which when used are then gone? Also I assume you can never reroll the same roll more than once?
Surely it's one per star total. I've only got two stars, nearly three, and I can already see it being really hard to deal with a PC who can reroll even thrice per session. Imagine dealing with a character who can reroll six bad saves or confirmation rolls or whatnot every scenario!
I see the "Determining Average Party Level" section clears up whether you add one for 6 players (you don't), by giving the calculation to use rather than referencing the standard rules.
Also, it appears that the new rules for playing a pregen have removed the option of applying a pregen death to a new character number, and you have to treat it the same as if the character that the chronicle would be applied to (decided at the start of the session) had died. Not sure how I feel about that one yet.
Liking the new guide. One question so far which I can't yet see the answer to:-
With GM Star rerolls - is it one reroll per star per scenario or one reroll per star which when used are then gone? Also I assume you can never reroll the same roll more than once?
Surely it's one per star total. I've only got two stars, nearly three, and I can already see it being really hard to deal with a PC who can reroll even thrice per session. Imagine dealing with a character who can reroll six bad saves or confirmation rolls or whatnot every scenario!
Since Re-rolls are given at the scenario level, I would think the bonus GM ones would be so as well. (liking the 4 total for being a 3 star GM) When I GM from now on, I plan to ask people to show their re-roll item, and PFS card at the start of a game, and hand out tokens for the number of re-rolls. Also makes it easier to track when someone gives a re-roll to someone else.
I'm sure I've seen it confirmed elsewhere that the GM reroll thing is a typo, and the web page is correctly stating that nothings changed (GM's just get a bonus on their one reroll, if they've got something else that grants one)
Nothing wrong with checking who's got something that gives a reroll before things get going though
I don't like the change that afflictions carry over to a roleplaying guild character when playing a pregen. It keeps me from playing some of the older and weaker build pregens.
Should Vudrani humans get Vudrani as a bonus language, as the other ethnic groups do in section 7 of the Character Creation guidelines?
It was missing in the Season 8 version, and hasn't been added in the draft for Season 9 (I'm looking at page 26). Vudrani are in the Inner Sea World Guide, so I hope they also get their native language for free.
Might wanna have another look at the bookmarks. ^_^
I've seen similar comments coming from folks—can you clarify what you mean by this? Which PDF reader is being used/what version? This is how they look in our environment: Dropbox Link
Might wanna have another look at the bookmarks. ^_^
I've seen similar comments coming from folks—can you clarify what you mean by this? Which PDF reader is being used/what version? This is how they look in our environment: Dropbox Link
This is how it looks to me in Document Viewer on Ubuntu linux 17.04 Google Drive - note the "h.<some-qurious-value>" entries. At some point they stop and the "normal" entries are shown.
Might wanna have another look at the bookmarks. ^_^
I've seen similar comments coming from folks—can you clarify what you mean by this? Which PDF reader is being used/what version? This is how they look in our environment: Dropbox Link
This is how it looks to me in Document Viewer on Ubuntu linux 17.04 Google Drive - note the "h.<some-qurious-value>" entries. At some point they stop and the "normal" entries are shown.
Yeah, that's how it looks in mine too. Like a bunch of a broken links.
I use Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
Also, my lodge is panicking because of the new pregen rules. I've said that there's no paying out for having a pregen in the group when there's only three players, but the "The Roleplaying Guild character must contribute a minimum amount of gold to cover the costs before using any of the pregenerated character’s wealth, depending on the pregenerated character’s level: 0 gp for a 1st-level pregenerated character, 1,000 gp for 4th-level, and 2,000 gp for 7th-level." is being fixated upon. Can you please clarify in an FAQ or pdf update that a group of three people who need to have a pregen to make the table legal DOES NOT have to pay out this gold amount? That'd be appreciated.
That only applies when you're playing a pregen instead of your own character. It's in the 'playing a pregen' section, not the 'making a legal table' section.