Cult of Cinders - Age of Ashes #2 (Inactive)

Game Master Kittenmancer

Inventory and stat tracker
Roll20 Link
Administering Citadel Altaerein

Hi all, this is a closed recruitment for the Age of Ashes AP.

About me:
I have been playing TTRPGs since before D&D had a third edition, and my passion and my strengths lie in storytelling, character building and roleplaying, rather than knowing the minutiae of rules by heart. I have GM'ed a couple of live campaigns (Pathfinder and D&D 5E), and I'm currently GM'ing War for the Crown on these boards. Both as a player and as a GM I enjoy collaborative storytelling and in-depth roleplay.
In real life I'm a video game developer and live in the Netherlands.

As a note, this will be my first foray into Second Edition, so help with the rules from more experienced players is appreciated.

What you can expect from me:
- I generally put a lot of effort into my campaigns - from research into what can be tweaked or improved to handcrafting handouts for my live campaigns. I will do my best to make this campaign an enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
- I am quite active and check the forums often, but in the event that I am unable to post for a few days I will let you know in advance.
- I'm not into rules lawyering. If a rule is standing in the way of something cool, or interesting, or fun, I prefer to reward creativity than to stick to RAW - especially in situations where the result does not have momentous impact.
- I am very receptive to feedback, so if you have any please let me now in the Discussion thread, in a PM or on Discord. I may not always act on it, but I will always listen to it.
- PC death: this is something I will actively avoid. I find it very demotivating as both a player and a GM, so I *will* pull my punches. Yes, I'm a softie. Sorry, not sorry.

What I expect from my players:
- I am recruiting players first and characters second. I am looking for people who enjoy similar aspects of the game as I do - roleplaying, building compelling characters, and storytelling.
- I like players to help me drive the game, rather than wait for me to push things along - reacting to other characters, NPCs or things in the world in a way that creates interesting moments and provides hooks for other players to respond to, or even creating new threads outside of the main story.
- If you are unable to post for a few days, please let me know. If a longer absence is anticipated, we can work together on how to handle that for your character. I fully understand that life happens, so if you have to drop off without warning I won't hold it against you.
- In terms of post frequency, once a day during the week would be desired, or more frequent if you can manage and the events of the game warrant it. However, if there is nothing for your character to do or react to, you don't have to force a post - but if you haven't posted anything for a week I will give you a nudge.
- I prefer quality of posting over quantity, so I appreciate making an effort to write descriptive and engaging posts. If most of your posts tend to be one-liners and dice rolls, I'm afraid that we won't get along very well.
- Use the Discussion thread or Discord for questions. Keep the OOC commentary to a minimum in gameplay posts.
- And last, but not least - be kind. Please be respectful and considerate when engaging with me or with other players. The last year has been hard enough on all of us, let's try to support each other and show empathy to one another.

Game outline:
- Looking for 5-6 players
- As noted above, roleplay over rollplay!
- Themes: ancient evils, arcane mysteries, dragons, moral choices, personal freedom, conspiracies, redemption
- There will be a lot of downtime in this AP, so plan accordingly
- Milestone leveling
- I will make some of the PC rolls to keep things moving, namely initiative, saves, and whenever there is something to be found/perceived/recalled. This is open to discussion, however, if some don't feel comfortable with me rolling on their behalf.
- For maps, we can either use Roll20 or Google slides, up to player preference
- We'll have a channel on Discord for quick strategizing, OOC chat, questions etc.
- I'd like to use the decks of critical hits and critical fumbles for additional spice, but that is also open for discussion
- Please note that this campaign contains significant spoilers for the Hell's Rebels AP!

Character creation:

- We start at Level 1
- Ancestries: core only (but I'm flexible if you have a really awesome concept for a non-core ancestry)
- Alignment: no restrictions, but your character should be motivated to work with others (also keep in mind the relevant section in the Player's Guide)
- Sources for classes, backgrounds, archetypes: any 2nd edition published Paizo source (I reserve the right to make doubtful noises about some of them though)
- Abilities: standard generation method
- Backgrounds: two – one of your choice (for ability boosts, trained skills, feats etc.), and one from the Age of Ashes Player's Guide (for the flavour text and the Lore skill)
- Character concept/backstory should include a few people who are significant to your character, and your character's motivation for adventuring.
- I love plot hooks in character backgrounds, and ties with the AP :)
- Full crunch not needed yet, just a few notes about the roles that your character is intended to fill, in and out of combat.

Required reading:
- This post, in its entirety
- The AP Player's Guide (available as a free download from Paizo)
- Optionally: the Old Cheliax section in The Lost Omens World guide

Recruitment info:
Recruitment will be open until March 2nd, 23:59 CET, although I might close it earlier if we get loads of great apps.
When applying, please tell me a little about yourself and your play preferences/style, as well as expectations/wishes from this campaign. Also let me know if there are any themes, topics, creatures etc. that you don't want to encounter in the campaign (I'm already deleting a bunch of spiders :)).

Any questions or suggestions, let me know!

Silver Crusade

I have two concepts that are foremost in my mind: a Lastwall paladin who communicates primarily through books she’s read, or a tiefling sorceress based on Cio from Kill Six Billion Demons. I’ve played versions of both of them in PFS and think I would be happy playing them for a whole AP

EDIT: Wow, I'm looking at the player's guide and my paladin's story hooks already fit really well into it. I think that puts in me in the "definitely leaning to her" category

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Here’s Karana! I’ll need to think of a background in addition to the approved Feral Child.

I think you might have seen where I’m a team player, especially in our recent SF game where I held back a character’s action because it would have gone against at least one party member. But for the benefit of others...

I try to RP my character’s heart out. An example of how far I might take this happened just last night when my Kitsune Bard made an arrangement so an NPC child would have an NPC nurse as her stepmother. This was a deal made in real-life July 2020, and it was my character’s payment for risking her life doing jobs for the sleepless detectives in a Strange Aeons game. My character gains nothing from it, but they way her relationship with the child and the Desnan nurse started and built up over an entire year (irl) made this the right move for my character. NPCs are people too, y’know!

Karana is the first character I will play that comes from a book, Island of the Blue Dolphins (Scott O’Dell, 1960). I had already obtained GM approval on Feral Child because the character actually spent 18 years isolated from society in the wilderness. Her skills are based on what she could do in the book, and her backstory is similar, but Galorionized (example: replacing the Aleut tribe with goblins, for those familiar with the book). Her beliefs will be Desnan faith, since that works for a Druidic elf huntress, but really, the main character’s beliefs in O’Dell’s novel will be my Karana’s bible.

I guess things I don’t enjoy in an RP are mostly things a GM asking about triggers wouldn’t do anyway. I’ll take my chances with Kittenmancer.

For those triggered by tragedy befalling a child, are you okay with that being in Karana’s backstory? It’s a part of her story from O’Dell’s book, and her brother’s fate and how she deals with it are a rather important piece of backstory. That said, I don’t want to ruin anyone’s experience over this.

I try to be respectful to other players both IC and OoC. Hopefully, that shows in my past games and will in this one, if I’m in the party.

Thanks for considering me!
~Legendary Sidekick
• Vermilion Vixen, the red-haired vigilante
• Hanako, the kitsune bard
• Nissa van Donk, the Subatomic Bombshell
• The Sapphire Bullet, pro wrestler
• Pocky, the halfling warrior-nun

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@GM This is Hrothdane. I forgot to mention you would know me as Kseniya/Asuka/Marya from our other games together, GM :D I feel like my performance in those other games speaks for itself, but if you would like me to add any more, I absolutely can. I'm all about the roleplaying and making and playing interesting characters. That's what I come to the game for!

This is the character that I would like to use. I'll obviously have to rebuild her as level one, but I made a couple of small tweaks to her backstory and it's done. I may add some more to it, but I'm pretty happy with what's there so far. I play her as autistic, putting a lot of myself into that aspect of her. Her "special interest" is reading, and she reads anything and everything. She tends to incorporate quotes from books she's read into her speech. I usually make up the books because I like developing the woefully-underdeveloped world of Golarion literary history. Here's an example of that in practice

I would really, really like to make her a human aasimar if at all possible. I want her be marked as different and for her difference to have been why she was picked out by the Hellknight that trained/tortured her for most of her life.

@Karana I love using existing materials as inspiration for characters! I have not read that book but I've heard of it. I also really appreciate the openness and checking in! I have triggers, but that is not one of them. As you can see with Kyrie, she has had qutie a lot of abuse in her backstory as well. They are generally rare enough that they don't come up most of the time.

Here is Sir Longears character. I have tied him to Rorsk Axebane, making Gofran his cousin, recently arrived in Breach Creek.

For the campaign background, I went with "Truth Seeker".

Gofran's background is not really developed or big, since lately I have preferred to keep them rather vague in order to actually discover the character as I play him, instead to tying myself to a hard concept. The most important aspects of Gofran so far is that he always honors his word and his deals and that he can't stand those who break the laws. He isn't properly a "judge", since he'd not completely support laws that are unfair. While LN, I can see him lean either to NG or LG.

As a player, I like developing my characters. I like to play relevant PCs in terms of power-level, but all my decisions regarding build are more aimed towards fun and fitting to the character than merely for power.

I hope you enjoy Gofran. If you have any doubt, please let me know!

Just curious: What makes this a closed recruitment?

Mitch wrote:
Just curious: What makes this a closed recruitment?

Should have specified this in the opening post, apologies.

I am only considering players who I am playing/have played with, or are members of specific Discord communities. However, if interest is insufficient I will open up the recruitment to the larger community.

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I think I have my character’s crunch right, aside from not knowing whether to add my level to d20 rolls (attacks) or spell DC. I’m not big on thinking about what spells to prep, so I just picked spells that I think are interesting and will prep those normally.

Default Prep’d:

Lv.0: Know Direction, Light, Produce Flame, Stabilize, Tanglefoot
Lv.1: Heal, Summon Fey


I also downloaded the AoA Player’s Guide through this site.

If there’s anything else I feel I want to add, it’s more about how Karana fares as a ward of the church (based not on O’Dell’s Karana but her real-life counterpart). I might, at some point before March, write a short scene that perhaps leads up to meeting Kyrie Breakspear.

The only other thing I want to say now is that Karana is by no means going to be the ultimate druid. I hope she’ll prove to be reliable and endearing.

Horizon Hunters

OH MAN. This is the game I have been waiting for! (2e, right AP, good fit for GM.) However, I don't think we've played together. Your description of being a game developer in the Netherlands sounds very familiar to me, but I checked out your alias's and I don't think I've played with any of those characters. So, I will respectfully withhold my application and wait to see if you end up opening it up to others.


I’d like to happily apply with a gnome sorcerer. I’m John/carrotness/Magda. I’ve never played a gnome before or a sorcerer before OR second edition so might completely stink at all of it. But I’ve been reading the rules (and the assigned reading) since you posted. For good or for bad, I got a cold (covid test negative!!) so have been relegated to the couch for the last couple of days, and that has given me PLENTY of time to fiddle, read, dream, rewrite and reject many ideas.

Ultimately, it was great and Thank you for giving me something to think about other than snot.

Me? What do I like? Story and narrative, oh and BANTER. I love banter, yep. Dislike… tofu and sticky things. (and anything violent against kids) but I can deal with them in a game (other than the kids thing)

I can post at least once a day, nearly always, some days much more. Sometimes I get lazy and make posts that don’t do much other than take my turn (especially in combat), but if I am doing so too much I am happy to get that pointed out and will do my best to make it better.

All her stats, parts of her history, and probably her name are still up in the air and can change to mesh well with any others. Thanks again for letting me apply :)

her life:

Your drink, sir” a bright voice broke through rowdy laughter, helped by the full mug of ale floating to the ‘Sir’ in question. “Huh, oh ya” the gruff adventurer looked down at the pretty little gnome “What’s your name again, lov?” holding out the coppers for the drink.

Beatrix Mortimire-EbonGray” she gave a quick smile, grabbed the coins from his meaty palm and slipped away through the busy crowd at the Pickled Ear before he would suggest that she should sit in his lap and tell him her story...for the third time tonight. He was drunk, so kept forgetting he had already asked.

This was most nights at the Ear. Crowds, drunks, offers to sit a bit and talk. Roxie, the owner, encouraged a little fraternizing with the customers, keeping them coming here instead of the nicer places in Breachill. Encouraged especially to the three pretty magically inclined gnome sisters newly in town.

Bea caught sight of Whim, teasing a young rogue, with the beckoning curve of her lips, then retreating with a laugh and a slight bop on the man’s nose as his hands tried to be too friendly for a public space. Peppercorn was probably snogging her heart out somewhere already ignoring the actual work waitresses were supposed to do.

Bea doubled up on the work part since she had no interest in Fraternizing. She did have to tell their story though, now and again, to appease the red-headed proprietor of the Ear.

My sisters and I, sir?” she asked with a glance to Roxie, who nodded, as a handsome lad at the bar asked the question. Sighing, she climbed up on the human-sized bar stool, with slight help and irritatingly lingering hands to help steady her “Well, we’re from a big family, seven of us, all daughters, and our Father. We lived in a tower in Kilargo where he did great things for the glorious Chelixia empire, to keep the well established and needed peace.” at the darkening of the man’s face she hurried to the next part “We know now, it was all lies. Every bit. Even the Father part. He was a wizard who had decided the easiest way to keep slaves with minimal worry of rebellion and without turning them into mindless drooling slugs, was to turn them into his family. He rewrote our minds, inserting an idyllic childhood full of love and devotion from him to us, while also blocking all we knew of our lives before Him.

She shifted uncomfortable in her stool, moving his hand away and adjusting at her jet black braid, laced with violet streaks thanks to the flowers blooming outside the boarding house the sisters shared. “The Silver Ravens killed him, which granted us our freedom, but it didn’t undo the rewriting. The blocks were gone, letting the memories that didn’t get overwritten return, but the happy warm memories of our 'family' didn’t go. So all of us still love him to some degree, though all of us hate him to a greater one.” Peppercorn did the hate part the best so far.

Lin, Tolly, MIramil, and Bobbin all decided to try and go back to their original families. While Whim, Pepper, and myself had too many holes to remember where ours were, so we came here to start a new life. And that’s all sir, so if you would excuse me.

But the young lad had gotten too lost in the soft creamy skin and bright violet eyes of the very pretty young lady, and his heart had fallen to her sad tale, so he felt the moment was right to lean in for a kiss. To console her of course.

It wasn't the right time. It would never be the right time. And he was an idiot...

Bea was lost in memories he couldn’t see, so didn’t anticipate the lip attack, so she panicked and recoiled back, tipping her precarious stool in the process. Reaching for anything to keep her from flopping with a thud to the hard floor, her horrid magic manifested to turn her left arm into a large slimy tentacle with puckered suckers and a rather gross odor of dead fish, which wrapped around the young lad’s neck bringing out a gurgled scream from him.

Unfortunately, it didn’t stop the fall, just brought him with her to thud on that hard floor. Him on top looking horrified to a degree that sickened her and made her do yet another dumb thing. Her pretty face darkened in every recess, drained of all color. Her violet eyes became vivid bruises. Her lovely bright voice dripped into a cold from the depths where no light was ever seen, “GET OFF ME” spoken in a whisper that shook the man’s bones and emptied his bladder.

He ran.

Luckily the bar was packed and most were drunk so only a few noticed, and those hurried away to another part of the bar. “You have to stop doing that, bumblebee” Whim, her older ‘sister’ was there helping her up with sympathetic eyes. “I think he peed on you.
I can’t help it. I’m not like you or Pepper, not anymore. You didn’t have to...” the bitterness in her voice hurt both of them. Bea had been the hardest worker, the most patient, the prettiest, His... favorite… she shuddered.

The memories that had been blocked in her mind were not all from before coming to the tower. She wished more than anything those had not returned to her.

Also, she also had helped in his lab, during his obsessive experiments in catching whispers from the dark places in the night sky. That had warped her fey magic tainted it with Aberration, or maybe it was always like that. She didn’t know.

I can’t live this life anymore, Whim. I’m sorry. I’m… I’m going to try to join the next Call. Maybe doing good will help with this inside me.

Bae is going to try and become a Hero.


Baetrix Mortimiacegrey, aka Bae
Female gnome sorcerer 1
CG, Small, Fey, Gnome, Humanoid
Perception +4; low-light vision
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnomish, Goblin, Sylvan
Skills Arcana +6, Crafting +6, Deception +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidation +7, Kintargo Lore +6, Occultism +6, Performance +7, Society +6
Str 8 (-1), Dex 12 (+1), Con 12 (+1), Int 16 (+3), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 18 (+4)
Other Items dagger, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalks (10), fine clothing, flint and steel, flute, hooded lantern, oil (pint)s (2), rations (1 week), sheath, soap, waterskin, writing set, purse (9 gp; 5 sp; 9 cp)
AC 14; Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +6
HP 15 Focus Points 1 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +4 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4-1 P
Ranged [1] dagger +4 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4-1 P
Primal First World Magic DC 14, attack +4; Cantrips (1st) prestidigitation
Occult Sorcerer Spellcasting DC 17, attack +7; 1st (3 slots) fear, grim tendrils, spider sting Cantrips (1st) chill touch, daze, detect magic, forbidding ward, mage hand, read aura
Occult Wellspring Gnome DC 17, attack +7; Cantrips (1st) ghost sound
Focus Spells 1 Focus Point, DC 17; 0th Tentacular Limbs
Feats First World Magic, Streetwise
Other Abilities aberrant, blood magic (aberrant), bloodline, cantrip connection, component substitution, ravounel, sorcerer spellcasting, spell repertoire

Oh, I built her using the demo version of pathfinder 2e on hero lab online. It wouldn't let me choose an occult cantrip for her First World Magic ancestry feat even though wellspring gnome says I'm supposed to instead of primal. So I choose one both spell lists have. but that is why the values are wrong.

Also, the output doesn't seem to put background. Emancipated was the age of ashes one I choose for her and paired that up with Chelish Rebel thinking she spent time studying (and idolizing) the Ravens that were the reason for her freedom. The lore was the same and Charisma allowed, just took society and streetwise over stealth and terrain stalker.

:) Thanks again.

Me again sorry. As I am reading the posts above, want to point out my avoidance of child violence in games doesn't mean I can't play in a game with backstories involving them or have them as a backdrop for certain events.

I can gloss over parts I'm not comfortable reading (having kids made me a mush puddle in this regard). Never has been much of an issue on the boards so I don't think it is much of a problem.

Also, Bae was an adult when she became the daughter of the wizard in her backstory, as well all the others.

Hey guys!

Was chatting with GM Meowngkare via Discord, and I think I’m gonna but my hat in the ring. I’m familiar with the AoA AP (in that I’m currently running 3 different tables) but I have no problem keeping it to myself. I originally was going to apply, but I suddenly had the need to play an Oracle, so that’s what I’m going to do.

With the arrival of the new Ancestors Guide, Meown gave approval to play a human/Undine Tempest Oracle. Not sure if the Bacground yet, but I may go with the Haunting Vision background. (Seems custom fit for an Oracle).

I’m not sure if I’ve played with anyone here, but I’m @Henric/Thyra in Dakk’s Discord.

I’ll get some basics going when I get gone from work.

I actually made Ramo an older brother. The age he dies in the book my character is based on is already younger than my own daughters, but considering elves age a bit slower I thought I’d add a decade.

I don't know they had oracles yet! Hmmm... that means I am missing books, which is always sad. Undines are awesome :)

I found this on Roxie Denn, to explain why I called her a red head in the backstory.

Yeah. Advanced Player's Guide introduced the Investigator, Oracle, Swashbuckler and Witch.

As always, Archives of Nethys is a great (and now official!) resource.

So, while it's not 100% complete just yet, here is a spattering of a character for Amaya Abendego, undine Oracle of the Tempest.

Let me know what you think. It was a little thrown together, so hopefully my intention comes across.


Amaya Abendego
Female human oracle 1
NG, Medium, Human, Humanoid
Perception +5
Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +5, Dahak Lore +4, Diplomacy +6, Medicine +5, Nature +5, Religion +5, Society +4, Survival +5
Str 10 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 12 (+1), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 16 (+3)
Other Items leather, daggers (2), heavy crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouchs (2), bolts (10), flint and steel, healer's tools, ordinary clothing, rope (foot)s (50), purse (2 gp; 6 sp; 6 cp)
AC 16; Fort +4; Ref +5; Will +7
HP 17 Focus Points 2 Hero Points 1
Speed 25 feet
Melee [1] dagger +5 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Ranged [1] dagger +5 (versatile S, thrown 10 ft., agile, finesse), Damage 1d4 P
Ranged [1] heavy crossbow +5 (range increment 120 feet, reload 2), Damage 1d10 P
Divine Oracle Spellcasting DC 16; 1st (2 slots) heal Cantrips (1st) disrupt undead, electric arc, forbidding ward, read aura, shield, stabilize
Focus Spells 2 Focus Points, DC 16; 0th Tempest Touch, Tidal Surge
Feats Student Of The Canon
Other Abilities andoran, component substitution, curse of the perpetual storm, tempest, water

Amaya Abendego:
From her earliest memories, Amaya had been treated as different from others merely because of her appearance, but as she grew up, she was both awed from a distance and shunned in person. She would pay it little mind, though, as no one would threaten her directly.

The young undine grew up in Andoran to a fisherman and his wife. She would often look out on the ocean from their little village on the shores, feeling like something was calling out to her, but she had never set foot on a boat. Men of the sea were, after all, a very suspicious lot. Letting a young girl onto a boat was tantamount to suicide. So for most of her life, the pull to answer this unknown call went unanswered.

One dark, stormy night, after the fishing had been called off to tie down all the boats, Amaya heard the call stronger than ever before. It was like there was a voice hidden deep within the winds and the thunder in the storm, calling to her in a very deep and meaningful way. So much so that she found herself moving unbidden. Her body moved on it's own, and she just seemed to be along for the ride.

In almost a dream-like state, Amaya walked out into the storm where she found a boat ready in the water, sitting in the water unphased by violent wind and waves. After climbing to the boat, it moves on it's own into the storm. For what seems like hours, the boat moves in a straight line, the storm raging around her, growing stronger the longer that she traveled. Inwardly, she felt like she should be afraid of what was happening, but instead she felt only fascination.

Eventually, the boat seems to settle, with nothing but her senses to tell her as much. The roaring of the wind, the thrumming of the waves, and the crashing of the thunder all fighting with one another to drown the other out. She know that no one should be able to survive such a storm, and she suddenly knows that she is sitting in the middle of the infamous Eye of Abednego, though how that is possible is simply beyond her.

Within moments, she feels four very distinct presences nearby, though she can't see anything or anyone in the storm, she knows instinctively that they are there. To decipher the war of words that went on in her mind would be impossible to put to paper, but it can best be simplified as a binding. The four beings literally fought for dominance over the young girl, two on one side, and two on the other. These beings were the elemental lords, Lysianassa, Empress of the Torrent; Ranginori, Zephyrous Prince; Kelizandri, The Brackish Emperor; Hshurha, Duchess of All Winds. For reasons known only to them, they fought for dominance within the girl, but none could over power the other. So instead they took up equal occupation, leaving Amaya nearly bursting with power, which she fought to contain for so long that the sun was starting to come up.

By the time the power seemed to final be under control, Amaya opened her eyes and found herself in her own bed at home. She knew that it was far more than a dream. Whatever had happened to her, whatever the reason that they called out to her, these beings of elemental might had bestowed something of themselves within her. It was up to her to find out what she wanted to do with it. She started by learning what she could of the four lords, and found that she was attracted more to the edicts of Lysianassa. This caused a minor shift in her power, but not enough to cause her power to overwhelm her.

It wasn't long before she started having other dreams, though these ones were much different. Fire, an unknown town, and the visage of a mighty dragon of destruction. She knew that the vision was one from the lords that inhabit her, but unsure as to why, or what town she was seeing. She decided to travel, and find her answers on the road. Eventually, found the town of Breachill in Isgar to be the one inhabiting her dreams, and for some reason the draconic god, Dahak, the one causing the fire and destruction. She has only to answer the question of why.

With her days on the road having begun, she decided to take up the name Amaya Abednego, in honor of the powers that called to her.

Here's an image that I'll probably use for her.

I added the Reliant Book Company to my story and also established the Great Dreamhouse as the place Karana stays. I guess she earns her keep crafting. (Also tacked on an opening paragraph that shows the conversation happens on a coach ride from Vague Iomedaen Place to Isger.)

With 32 sp, could I afford a Taldan-Goblin dictionary? I’ll buy a useless item for RP if I can afford it. A basic crafting book costs 1 sp… so maybe I should buy that?

For images (of Karana), I love THIS even though Druid Karana can’t use a bow.

Ha i played with you as well^^
This setup looks really good and i like it overall.
Since i just started playing this with Blaydsong i'm gonna refrain here though and recommend them instead :P

What really makes me wonder though, are there secret PbP discord channels and how can i join there?

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There are super-secret discord channels for EVERYTHING <insert evil laugh>... maybe? Ignore me, just looking for ways to insert evil laughter. My kids tell me I need to keep working at it.

The one in question isn't much of a mystery, it was set up by Dak a long time ago as a companion to pbp games he ran here. They pair up nicely, forum and discord. You can hold a discussion quickly there instead of over a week here. Or more. Ever try to plan a complex attack on the forums... ugh.

I think you have to be invited into the server by an admin or a GM with certain privileges. Generally, with the idea that you are being added to their game and into one of their private channels.

Hope that helps sir.

Karana Wonapalei wrote:
With 32 sp, could I afford a Taldan-Goblin dictionary? I’ll buy a useless item for RP if I can afford it. A basic crafting book costs 1 sp… so maybe I should buy that?

A religious text is 10 sp, so I'd say a dictionary would be around there.

10sp spent on the dictionary, just because Karana was reading it in her backstory.

In PF1, I actually have a character who started with a courtesan kit—not because she was ever a courtesan, but because the kit comes with books. Lingerie and perfume too, of course, but it was the books that sold me on the kit. I worked in a spy-romance novel called The Bellflower Innuendo as the in-character inspiration for her Lv.3 vigilante talent, Bellflower Innuendo.

Oooh, tell me more about this book and the author. I like incorporating other peoples' homebrewed books and authors into the shared Golarion canon.

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I found a post that tells all AND gives you five rules for making stuff up to add to the story in a way that author Jane Bond would.
• Fair warning: It’s the kind of book that would be in a courtesan’s kit.
• Disclaimer: Apologies in advance to everyone I offend.
• Bonus: Bond’s husband is an author, so I added a bit about him too!

Addison Lane Kavinka, a Bond Girl?:
My character, Addison Lane became the Vermilion Vixen after her best friend Vikki was murdered on her own wedding night by her husband. Addy had a romantic interest in the friend, and part of her vigilante costume is a vermilion red qipao she crafted for Vikki as a wedding gift. By the time she appears in-game, she has had four years to stew over how to move forward in life… or not.

One of her clients (Addy ran a boutique) was author Jane Bond, wife of Clancy Thompson. Jane is bisexual, and often appeared in Addy’s boutique with an entourage. She is about 15-20 years older than Addy and her girlfriends were closer to Addy’s age than hers. Addison was invited to her place, but between her discomfort with the idea of being involved with an older woman in an open marriage and carrying a torch for her dead straight BFF, Addy kept the relationship professional but happily accepted an autographed book.

The PC is now Addison Kavinka, married to an NPC female soldier on Crystalhue.

The Name is Bond… Jane Bond:
Jane Bond is the feminine side of a power couple, both of whom are famous authors. Clancy Thompson writes about Ryan Jackson, and his books are full of military lingo, politics, and realistic battle tactics and espionage.

Jane Bond, not so much.

I think between the aforementioned backstory-relationship with Addy and what you’ll learn of her work in the following link, you’ll know all you need to about the author.

The Bellflower Innuendo, by Jane Bond

Well it being super gay definitely explains why Kyrie would have read it haha

I definitely had fun talking about the book in-character.

This {LINK} leads to a post that takes a bit of a lighthearted dig at George Martin. In other posts, my character complains about critics who apply the terms “self-insert” and “Mary Sue” to Bond’s protagonist.

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Dotting. This is Reb/Estian from ze Discord. I'm working on a rogue (or investigator?! details!) and I hope to post something more substantial later this week.

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Alright. I think I've got the character sheet finally squared away for our Oracle. :)

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Here is Bae's alias. She is toying with idea of adding a familiar and would have arrived in town with her two sisters on 2nd of Sarenith, 4719.

Just bumping the thread, so it's easier to find. :)

Hi I'd like to submit Kedikara a Catfolk Maestro Bard with the Hellknight historian background.

I enjoy a balance between combat and social encounters. I like to build my characters' personalities as I go along because so many times the PC that develops is miles away from the initial conception.

@Sha'ir - thank you for your interest, but this is a closed recruitment and the party is already full.

Which reminds me: Recruitment is now closed, thanks all!

Hi all, we are about to wrap up Book 1 of this campaign and are looking for a fifth player to join the existing group. It would be best if you are already familiar with the events of the first book, but it's alright if not.

The current party:
- Beatrix, gnome sorcerer
- Beau, human rogue
- Gofran, dwarf ranger
- Karana, elf druid

The party would benefit most from a melee/frontliner character, or a support character like a cleric or bard, but don't let that constrain you! We'll adapt to almost any build, as long as the character concept and backstory are interesting and fit well with the AP.

Starting level: 5

See the first post in this thread for other character creation notes. I'll keep recruitment open for a couple of weeks.

Worth noting that the group tends to talk their way past combat encounters, so this campaign has been more about RP and exploration rather than fighting, a trend which I expect to continue.

We do like chatting, and conversing, with some banter here and there, questioning of course, maybe to the point of babbling... um, I think I was going toward a point but lost it somewhere.

Oh, yeah, Hi. That was it.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

So, a perhaps obvious question for the GM: contrary to the subject of the recruitment thread, this is no longer closed?

Yes, just reopened after a year. And we just hit Lv.5 today!

Verdant Wheel

I'd like to submit Hammid for application - a Desert Elf Reputation Seeker Cleric / Archeologist!

Mechanically, Hammid should play like a Scholarly Cleric with a fully-intact Font using Minions as a shield to the front-line and with an emphasis on rogue-ish skills, leaning fully into the Ancestral Longevity chain of elven feats. As I see GM will be using the Downtime mode of play(!), Hammid will likely dabble in the art of Poisoncraft as a side-passion. Personality wise, he will probably start off as guarded, being over a century old, but will have heeded the "Call for Heroes" as a means to satisfy doubly an unquenchable curiosity coupled with a deep-seated desire for knowledge and power, and will warm up to the party slowly as mutually we prove our loyalty to eachother. Will probably stick with Ng as a deity unless GM strongly objects. I will immediately advance him from 4th to 5th (with minor tweaks) if selected!

Why you should pick me
As there are no secrets in PbP, check out my Campaigns, both in which I GM and in which I play. I can soft-recommend clicking on my "Favorited by Others" tab to see when my writer's voice really shines through. You might like what you see!

Why you shouldn't pick me
I have already played books 1, 2, and I think 4 piecemail (but looking for a more coherent, story-driven experience). Also, I will be traveling for a week in June and a two in July, and will likely have to hang up my PbP spurs during that time. Finally although you said "Sorry. Not Sorry" about being a Softie GM, I am personally inclined towards the opposite style myself, but willing to try out something new. Better upfront and honest, no?

Best of luck to all that apply. And cheers!

Ancestral Longevity is pretty cool. Gnomes have something similar but only for lore skills, though they can shift it easier than daily I think... need to look that up again.

Great submission, sir!

Hi, I'm eager to play in a group that solves problems by talking to people. I'm submitting a Champion redeemer of Sarenae/divine sorcerer. I've got armor and protection, good talking skills, Healing, and the truth domain lets me show people that I'm telling the truth. I have little experience with age of ashes. I'm comfortable at the front of a fight or a social encounter.

Sarah Summer Champion 5
NG Medium Human Skilled Heritage Humanoid
Perception +9;
Languages Common
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +13, Crafting +7, Deception +10, Diplomacy +13, Intimidation +10, Lore: Specific Place +7, Medicine +9, Performance +10, Religion +9, Society +7
Str +4, Dex +0, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +3
Items Full Plate, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Religious Symbol (Silver), Religious Text, Repair Kit, Glasses of Sociability, Flaming Star, Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10)
AC 23 (+25 with shield raised), Fort +12, Ref +7 (+3 with Bulwark), Will +11
HP 73
Shield Block
Glimpse of Redemption Trigger An enemy damages your ally, and both are within 15 feet of you. Your foe hesitates under the weight of sin as visions of redemption play in their mind’s eye. The foe must choose one of the following options: - The ally is unharmed by the triggering damage. - The ally gains resistance to all damage against the triggering damage equal to 2 + your level. After the damaging effect is applied, the enemy becomes enfeebled 2 until the end of its next turn.
Speed 20 feet
Melee +1 Striking Scimitar +14 (Forceful, Sweep, Magical), Damage 2d6+4 (S)
Ranged Longbow +9 (Deadly d10, Volley 30 ft.), Damage 1d8 (P)
Glasses of Sociability (Divination, Invested, Magical) Activate envision; Effect You stare at another creature and instantly remember their name if you've met and exchanged names. The glasses rely on your latent memories, so if the creature is disguising their identity, the glasses don't penetrate the disguise. If a doppelganger was disguised as an innkeeper you met, the glasses would give you the innkeeper's name, and if a noble you met before was in disguise as a masked vigilante, the glasses wouldn't reveal their name.
Divine Known Spells DC 20, attack +10 1st Echoing Weapon (1 slots); Cantrips Electric Arc, Light
Focus Spells (1 points) Lay on Hands Range touch; Targets 1 willing living creature or 1 undead creature Your hands become infused with positive energy, healing a living creature or damaging an undead creature with a touch. If you use lay on hands on a willing living target, you restore 6 Hit Points; if the target is one of your allies, they also gain a +2 status bonus to AC for 1 round. Against an undead target, you deal 1d6 damage and it must attempt a basic Fortitude save; if it fails, it also takes a -2 status penalty to AC for 1 round. Heightened (+1) The amount of healing increases by 6, and the damage to an undead target increases by 1d6.
Word of Truth Duration sustained up to 1 minute You speak a statement you believe to be true and that is free of any attempt to deceive through twisting words, omission, and so on. The statement must be 25 words or fewer. A symbol of your deity glows above your head, and anyone who sees you and hears your statement knows that you believe it to be true. Each time you Sustain this Spell, you can repeat this effect.
Additional Feats Adapted Cantrip, Basic Sorcerer Spellcasting, Deity's Domain, Natural Skill, Quick Repair, Skilled Heritage, Sorcerer Dedication, Student of the Canon, Titan Wrestler, Weight of Guilt
Additional Specials Bloodline (Angelic), Champion's Code (Tenets of Good), Deific Weapon, Deity and Cause (Redeemer Cause), Deity's Domain (Truth), Devotion Spells, Divine Ally (Divine Ally (Blade)), Skilled (Acrobatics), Skilled (Society), Skilled Heritage (Diplomacy)

Sarah Summer was born in Absalom as the seventh child to poor laborers. Unable to care for her, they gave her up to the church of Sarenrae. The church blessed the child, and raised her to forgive and redeem. But as a youth, Sarah was cursed with nightmares of a dragon slaughtering innocents. Walking in the market one day, she encountered an old woman, selling trinkets. The woman knew of Sarah’s visions somehow. Sarah believed the woman was a dragon in disguise and attacked her. One punch killed the old woman, who was not a dragon at all. Wanted by the Absalom guard, Sarah returned to the church. The head priest believed her sorrow and regret, and offered her an honest chance at redemption. He smuggled her out of the city and to an adventuring group.

For a while, Sarah adventured with the knights of Sarenrae, seeking peaceful solutions to dangerous problems. Her nightmares disappeared for five years. Sarah felt fulfilled in this life, and enjoyed her time with the knights. In addition to her champion abilities, she learned to master some divine magic. Then, her nightmares returned. This time, they were focused on Dahak and the city of Breachill burning. Knowing her vision had only brought trouble before, Sarah ignored this vision, continuing to quest with the knights of Sarenrae. It was only when word reached her that Breachill was the site of some attack that Sarah decided that she could no longer ignore her vision. She has travelled to Breachill to find the trail of those responsible for the attack.

Liberty's Edge

Character creation question: You expressed a strong preference for Core ancestries, but what about versatile heritages (tiefling, ganzi, etc.)?

@Losonti - if there's a good IC explanation for such a choice, I'm open to it. The preference for Core ancestries is because each of the books is loosely themed around one of them.

Here's my submission: Ambriel, printer fighter. I'm still working on the equipment, but I think the background and stats are fine.

Elf Printer Fighter 5
Senses Perception +11
AC 22Fort +9, Ref +11, Will +11
Hit Points 56/56
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Scimitar +15 1d6+4 S Forceful, Sweep
Ranged Longbow +11 1d8 P Deadly d10, Volley 30'
Str +4, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +3, Wis +2, Cha +1
Height 5’ 11” Weight 192 lbs. Age 126
General Feats Ancestral Paragon (Ancestral Linguistics)
Skill Feats Cat Fall, Glean Contents
Skills Expert Athletics +13, Society +12 Trained Acrobatics +9, Arcana +10, Diplomacy +8, Lore (Scribing) +10, Nature +9, Occultism +10, Religion +9, Stealth +9
Languages Elven, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Halfling, Infernal, Varisian
Equipment Scimitar, Longbow, Scale Male
HP 6
Size Medium
Speed 30 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Int, Str
Ability Flaws Con
Languages Elven, Common
Traits Elf, humanoid
Heritage Ancient Elf (Investigator Dedication)
Feats Know Your Own, Ancestral Suspicion
Printer Ability Boosts: Int or Cha, and one free. Trained Society and Scribing Lore. Multilingual skill feat.
Key Ability Str
Hit Points 10 (+Con mod)/level
Expert in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Trained in Will saving throw
Trained in Athletics, and 3 + Int mod skills
Expert in simple and martial weapons
Expert in unarmed attacks
Trained in all amors
Trained in unarmored defenses
Fighter Weapon Mastery Sword group
Feats Combat Assessment, Dueling Parry, Investigator's Stratagem (archetype)
Ambriel is grew up in Kintargo. There was a printing press with wide glass windows so people could watch the creation of broadsheets and pamphlets. The printers setting the type, inking the blocks, and then pressed onto the paper to form a readable mirror image was mundane yet magical to Ambriel. He decided to do that for a living. For a few decades he created a weekly 32 page digest of city events and information, especially scandals of the powerful and well connected. Usually two or three times per month, someone would be offended by what was printed. Ambriel became quite adept at fighting in self-defense. In time he changed the name of his company to "The Sweeping Scimitar" in honor of the scimitar that had saved his life numerous times.

Occasionally he would print books as well. Usually non-fiction but he enjoyed supporting playwrights and bards with books of their work.

Ambriel arrives in Breachill unrelated to the Call for Heroes. He is looking for some ancient tomes and heard the Reliant Book Company may have what he's looking for. He's also interested in seeing if they want to sell some of the books he's published.

Instead of Ambriel, I'd like to submit Yamlu instead. He is a halfling monk with the Dandy archetype. The idea of a monk wearing fine clothes and enjoying the theater and museums while gossiping about rumors is appealing to me at the moment.


Halfling Street Urchin Monk 5 Dandy Archetype
Lawful Neutral
Senses Perception +11
AC 23 Fort +10, Ref +13, Will +11
Hit Points 61
Speed 35 ft.
Melee Unarmed +13 1d6+4 B Agile, finesse, nonlethal, unarmed
Str +4 Dex +4 Con +1 Int +0 Wis +2 Cha +2
Height 2’10” Weight 41 lbs. Age 23
Skills Expert Athletics +13, Society +9 Trained Acrobatics +11, Deception +9, Diplomacy +9, Lore (Almas) +7, Performance +9, Society +9, Thievery +11
Skill Feats Pickpocket, Titan Wrestler, Cat Fall
General Feats Breath Control
Languages Common, Halfling
HP 6
Size Small
Speed 25 feet
Ability Boosts Dex, Wis, Free
Ability Flaw Str
Languages Common, Halfling
Traits halfling, humanoid
Keen Eyes
Heritage Gutsy Halfling
Feats Sure Feet, Step Lively
Street Urchin Ability Boosts: Dex or Con, plus one free; Trained Thievery and Lore for the city you lived as a street urchin; Pickpocket skill feat.
Key Ability Str
Hit Points 10 (+Con mod)/level
Trained in Perception
Expert in Fortitude saving throw
Expert in Reflex saving throw
Expert in Will saving throw
Trained in 4+Int mod skills
Trained in simple weapons
Trained in unarmed attacks
Untrained in all armor
Trained in unarmored defenses
Trained in Class DC
Flurry of Blows
Powerful Fist
Incredible Movement
Mystic Strikes
Feats: Ki Strike, Archetype: Dandy Dedication allows Diplomacy to be used for special downtime activity: Influence Rumor; become Trained in Deception and Society, if already trained, become Expert instead), Gossip Lore
Yamlu is from Krese and is a follower of the prophecies. While a child his mother was injured so she couldn't work which brought down the family's standard of living. His father, a traveling merchant, began taking longer and riskier jobs to get more profit. One day Yamlu realized his father had been gone for such a long time, he probably wasn't coming back.

He started stealing in order to eat. In time he was making a good deal of money. He started dressing well in order to impress others and gain access to better thievery targets. His fine clothes also made him a target to other thieves. Thus, he learned self-defense at a local Kalistrade school. Beyond that, the classes on enlightenment were inspiring and rewarding. The more he aligned his behavior with the dictates of the prophecies, the better his life became. The deeper he developed his ki, the more he found success in life.

Yamlu hasn't seen his father in over ten years. The prophets and diviners he has questioned insist he is still alive, but where he is and why he hasn't returned is unknown to them.

After consulting a prophet recently, he has traveled to Breachill, convinced it is part of his destiny.

Appearance: Silk slippers with durable soles. A velvet sash knotted around his waist. A white silk shirt. A white lace ascot. A beret. A blue surcoat with embroidered triangular patterns along the lapels. His gray and white striped pants are satin. He has a variety of colognes he rotates through, as well as oils for his hair.

Thank you everyone for the submissions, great stuff all around!

@Hammid, please hop into the discussion thread and we'll work together on how best to introduce your character.

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