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![]() Quote:
Because this spell has a range of only 5' does that mean that every time you want to target an enemy with this spell you must make a concentration check to cast defensively to avoid an Attack of Opportunity? There is no way to cast then 5' step with this spell as it is not a touch spell right? Or can this spell be cast and then held? ![]()
![]() Page 34 of the Guide to PFSOP wrote:
Above, please find a portion of what the guide has to say about table variation. Only once in the guide is a Play by Post(PBP)/Online game mentioned. It states that Online and home games are an exception to the PFS rule, "Play for no more than 5 hours". My questions for Campaign Staff: #1 Is more table variation allowed in PBP because of the very nature of online play? If so could we get a statement to that effect in the next guide. #2 Is it permissible to remove rules from the Pathfinder RPG when running a PBP PFS session? If so, which ones and why? #3 Is it permissible to remove rules from the Pathfinder RPG when running a face to face PFS session?? If so, which ones and why? ![]()
![]() Is there a way to remove the titles and/or GM stars that appear next to your name when you post in PFSociety forums? I looked through my profile options and didn't see anyway to do that. /edit Should have been more clear. Can we have a way to remove GM stars and titles that appear next to our name on the forums? ![]()
![]() In a different thread a message board user posted that it was legal in PFS for the group to pool their money and buy a scroll of Darkvision, Communal for the party magic user to cast on the party. But the Guide clearly states that the only time party members may pool their resources is: PFS Guide wrote:
Now the issue here is not the fact that someone else is actually using the item you bought. The issue here is that it is not allowed to pool resources to purchase anything but spellcasting services for a party member that has a condition gained over the course of an adventure. I didn't want to derail that thread further so I am posting it here for clarification. ![]()
![]() First Steps Part One: In Service to Lore Greetings. I am going to run In Service to Lore as a play by post campaign. It will begin on roughly August 8th, 2012. A few things about me before I begin grilling you. I've never GM'd a PBP before. I've only played one PBP before. I have GM'd PFS before. I can't rightly say if I'll want to run First Steps Part 2 after I'm done running this scenario. But time will tell. If you are interested in playing email the following things: *Character Sheet (PDF, Google or Link to a readable google document) *If you have any chronicle sheets you must email a scan of ALL chronicle sheets(no exceptions) Questionnaire to follow. Please send me a PM and ask for the email address. ![]()
![]() This guy deadlifts 830lbs off the ground. That's about 60lbs away from a Strength score of 29! ![]()
![]() Totem Transformation wrote: At 2nd level, a saurian shaman may adopt an aspect of the saurian while retaining her normal form If I use a Totem Transformation to give myself an extra 10' of land speed and then use my wildshape to polymorph into an animal... do I get to keep that extra 10' of movement? Or does it go away when I use Wildshape? ![]()
![]() Honor in All Things order power - declare before of after roll? Honor in All Things wrote: At 2nd level, the order of the warrior samurai draws strength from his sense of honor. Whenever the samurai makes a skill check or saving throw, he can call upon his honor as a free action to grant him a +4 morale bonus on the roll. He can use this ability once per day at 2nd level, plus one additional time per day for every four levels beyond 2nd (maximum of five times per day at 18th level). Does this power have to be used before you make your roll or can you use it after the roll is made but before the outcome is determined? The reason I ask is that it seems a little underpowered for a class feature if you have to declare before rolling. And maybe I'm just a bad judge of how powerful a class power should be. ![]()
![]() This is one perception check I would not want to fail. Quote: The 20-pound spiked boulder was rigged to swing at head-level with just a trip of a thin wire — a military-like booby trap set on a popular Utah canyon trail. Look at the spikes on that thing! ![]()
![]() I've created a spreadsheet listing every Pathfinder Society Scenario and Module based on the information found on the Paizo site. The Scenarios are ordered by Tier as well as by Season. I created this as an aid for local organizers to keep track of where and when scenarios are run in their city/area. Players can also use this to keep track of what scenarios they have played and with what characters. I hope you find this helpful and umm lawful? ![]()
![]() What would be the damage dice used in this situation: Medium character holding a medium quarterstaff casts Shillelagh. By RAW the damage for that weapon is now 2d6+1. What happens when this character is transformed into a Large creature using the Enlarge Person spell? Shillelagh wrote: Your own non-magical club or quarterstaff becomes a weapon with a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls. A quarterstaff gains this enhancement for both ends of the weapon. It deals damage as if it were two size categories larger (a Small club or quarterstaff so transmuted deals 1d8 points of damage, a Medium 2d6, and a Large 3d6), +1 for its enhancement bonus. These effects only occur when the weapon is wielded by you. If you do not wield it, the weapon behaves as if unaffected by this spell. 1)Would it simply be 3d6+1 for damage? 2)Would the damage be different if they cast Shillelagh after they are Enlarged? ![]()
![]() Situation: Oracle is uses a wand of Cure Light Wounds on a prone ally in an adjacent square. Question: Does the enemy in an adjacent square get an attack of opportunity as the Oracle bends over their fallen ally to apply a touch spell from a wand? It clearly states in RAW: CRB wrote: Activation: Wands use the spell trigger activation method, so casting a spell from a wand is usually a standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. (If the spell being cast has a longer casting time than 1 action, however, it takes that long to cast the spell from a wand.) But does the fact you have to apply it to a prone ally change that? ![]()
![]() Bard- Inspire Courage wrote: A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard’s performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls.*snip 5th lvl info snip* Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance. Tongues Curse wrote: In times of stress or unease, you speak in tongues. Pick one of the following languages: Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, or Terran. Whenever you are in combat, you can only speak and understand the selected language. Situation: A first level bard uses his voice(Common) to Inspire Courage. A first level Oracle with the Tongues Curse(Celestial) is his ally and can hear and see the Bard. Question: Does the Oracle benefit from Inspire Courage? Or does the fact that he cannot understand the words the Bard is using in his song prevent him from receiving the bonus? ![]()
![]() New to Pathfinder? New to Pathfinder Society? None of the above? Well have I got a deal for you. The Minneapolis/St Paul Pathfinder Society now has a regular game day in the city limits! Saturdays at Tower Games in South Minneapolis. We are kicking off our stint by hosting the First Steps series. Starting February 25th, 2012 from Noon to 5pm. Please check the event listing for more info. Please RSVP at our Meetup site if you plan on attending. Tell your friends! ![]()
![]() Anyone see any conflict with an Order of the Lion Cavalier joining the Andoran Faction of the Pathfinder Society? Order of the Lion wrote: Edicts: The cavalier must protect the life and lands of his sovereign at all costs. He must obey the commands of his sovereign without question. He must strive to expand the power and prestige of his realm. Quote: Andoran: Members of the Andoran faction seek to topple tyrannies from within, aiding dissidents and freedom fighters with equipment, funds, or intelligence. They are fierce foes of slavery and can take extreme measures against those who buy and sell people. Think I can get away with calling the Rulers of the Andoran Nation my Sovereign? ![]()
![]() I just rolled up a Dwarf Inquisitor of the Goddess Bolka. When scouring the world of Golarion for information to aid in my character development I found this interesting tidbit. According to the Dwarven Racial companion wrote:
Emphasis mine. And here I thought nearly 100% of Dwarves were already bearded! /rimshot /edit spelling ![]()
![]() Couple questions about a PFS legal Inquisitor character. I would like to make a melee based, lawful good Inquisitor of Angradd. On page 91 of the APG guide it doesn't list these "minor" deities. My question is, can I choose Angradd as my Deity take a LG Domain and be proficient in Angradd's chosen weapon, the great axe. Or am I limited to taking Torag and using his chosen weapon of the Warhammer? Second question, can multiple subdomains be taken. Can I take Protection/Defense/Purity ? Defense subdomain replaces the low level power of Protection while the Purity subdomain replaces the higher level power of Protection. ![]()
I'm having some trouble deciding what Spell I should pick up at level three. Gnome Sorcerer with the Efreeti bloodline. I already know Magic Missile, Color Spray and Enlarge Person. And I have a wand of Shield and a wand of Infernal Healing. I can't decide between Shocking Grasp and Ray of Enfeeblement. As I see it it'd be nice to have an offensive spell like Shocking Grasp. I can change it to "Firey" Grasp because of my bloodline if I want. So there's some versatility there. Downside being I'd have to get in close to do damage. Obviously as a Caster I tend to stay away from the front lines so this may be more of a panic button spell. Which I consider Color Spray to be anyway. Ray of Enfeeblement on the other hand I can use from a safe distance. Losing 1d6+1 points of strength is a pretty decent debuff but it doesn't scale as well as Shocking Grasp. What would you do? Any other spells you'd suggest? Charm Person? Something I missed? ![]()
![]() What happens in this situation: Mounted enemy is hit with a Magic Missile spell under the meta-magic effect of Toppling Spell. What happens then? What defenses does the rider apply to avoid being tripped? Does it effect him at all? Mechanically if the spell has enough force to knock someone off their feet it seems that the force of the spell should have some sort of negative effect on the rider. I've read thru this discussion about physically tripping a mounted foe but I think it begs some more clarification. ![]()
![]() At third level my Efreeti Sorcerer gets the Spell "Enlarge Person" as a bonus spell known. Since this is a first level Wiz/Sorc spell I assume that I am free to cast it as many times a day as I am normally allowed to cast any other first level spell I have. This may be a case of asked and answered but just checking. ![]()
![]() OK so I just played my first PFS session with a new build. You can see all his stats and feats at the above link but here are his basic stats. Strength 14
Feats at first level - Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot My question being, what feat would you suggest at third level? If you can't already tell I am focusing on archery. Would you suggest that I get an Archery feat such as Weapon focus or Rapid Shot? My to hit, with a masterwork weapon, at third level would be +3 DEX, +1 masterwork, +2 BAB bonus for a total of +6. Would it be kind of pointless to take Rapid Shot because I would be missing so often with only a +4 adjusted to attack bonus? Figuring a +6 base and -2 from the rapid shot feat. I assume the Armor Classes I'd be trying to hit at level 3 would benefit from having a +6 to attack instead of a +4 x2 a round? Should I wait to take Rapid Shot and instead take a more clerical feat at third level? ![]()
![]() Quick question, I think, on multiclassing. If a second level human cleric were to take Monk-Zen Archer at third level how many feats would he choose? *One general feat for being a Level 3 character *The monk's bonus feat from these choices: Combat Reflexes, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Far Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot Is that right? A total of two? ![]()
![]() Hello all, I'm working on creating my second PFS character. I'd like to make a cleric. If you have any constructive criticism on my first Cleric build I'd love to hear it. I made Einar to be a front lines type of support character. Who isn't afraid to step up and deal some damage when its his turn. Hence taking the Dwarven Waraxe proficiency as his first feat. Give him a look over and let me know if you have any tweaks or outright changes you might make. ![]()
![]() I have a question about the Spell-like ability that gnomes are granted. As stated in the Core rulebook: Gnomes with a Charisma of 11 or higher also gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day — dancing lights, ghost sound, prestidigitation,
My question is does this essentially mean that a Gnome sorcerer could choose 4 Cantrips from his class AND have these extra Cantrips at his disposal once a day as a spell like ability? Or does it mean I need to pick one of these Cantrips and I get an additional 1 use per day of them? ![]()
![]() http://paizo.com/people/YenvenArcanscape Hello all, I have a few questions about my character. First,
I am I correct in assuming that since he is an Elf you would apply his racial +2 spellcasting trait to the DC check? For example a level one spell would be: 10 + 3(CHR) + 1(spell lvl) + 2(elf racial trait) = 16 DC Is that correct? |