sveden's page
Organized Play Member. 672 posts (1,011 including aliases). 3 reviews. 3 lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters. 3 aliases.
Jiggy wrote: sveden wrote: Jiggy wrote: I ask because I played PFS alongside a summoner not too long ago who had, if memory serves, a +26 to diplomacy at 5th level. Someone needs to do a full audit on "that" person's PC.
I've only seen uproar like this once before in society play. Who said anything about an "uproar"? Not you, as far as I know.
The people who are sick of playing a table where they aren't needed made the uproar.
Jiggy wrote: I ask because I played PFS alongside a summoner not too long ago who had, if memory serves, a +26 to diplomacy at 5th level. Someone needs to do a full audit on "that" person's PC.
I've only seen uproar like this once before in society play.
One year ago today I played my first PFS scenario with my Son. Quest for Perfection Pt 1 if I remember correctly.
Thanks to the Paizo for making such a fun game I can share with my son.
Thanks to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Pathfinder Society for helping me learn the ropes.
And finally thanks to all the players and GMs I've spent many hours with this past year.
Here's to another great year!
Suzaku wrote: Are you allowed to hold off buying gear until you actually begin play? Yes.
Suzaku wrote: On the GM credit, is there special gm credit chronical or was I correct in using the sceranio's chronicle? Nope. Just the one version.
But that's the frustrating part! I didn't ask, I just want to know the answer.
Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote: sveden wrote: I'm not sure what you mean by "Careful Sveden".
My avatar is Sveden. So that covers that half of the statement.
I guess I'm just wondering what the careful half means. re-read the rest of his post that you snipped, he explained it. Done and done. I even went back and read it a third time.
And before you say its perfectly clear, just know that to me it isn't perfectly clear. I'm genuinely confused.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Careful Sveden".
My avatar is Sveden. So that covers that half of the statement.
I guess I'm just wondering what the careful half means.
Don Walker wrote: Careful Sveden. Please explain.
What is that you mean because I don't understand. And to be clear I'm honestly not being obtuse. I just don't have any idea what this 5star is saying to me.
When a 5star speaks I listen. Its important to learn things from your betters. And when I get a warning to Be Careful, my ears prick up and my attention turns to problem at hand.
Was under the impression that the APG was under core assumption since 4.2 since its been showing up in season 4 more and more. Guess its not. Memory is telling me I read it on the blog or in a post but its not in the guide.
kinevon wrote: sveden wrote: kinevon wrote: sveden wrote: FAQ
These questions are also answered in the Evoking Day thread itself.
Maybe it would help if you linked to the correct FAQ, or, even better, to the section that is relevant:
Can a character be assigned more than one convention boon, holiday boon, or other special Chronicle sheet or boon?
For holiday boons, a player may only receive one copy of the boon but may assign it to any one of his characters during the dates specified on the boon. How can I find out for sure? Find out what for sure? Whether or not it would help if I linked to a sub page in the FAQ section.
Jiggy wrote: sveden wrote: If it takes you that long to look up Undead traits in Bestiary 1 then you got problems. Not talking about the time to look it up. Talking about the time to convince them that the fact that it doesn't specify whether they're immune or not means they're not. Thankfully illiterate GMs are few and far between.

Jiggy wrote: Kyle Baird wrote: Jiggy wrote: To play devil's advocate here, what's the difference between my playing a PC that needs 15 minutes to explain and my playing a PC that I could explain in 1 minute except that GMs don't believe me and need 15 minutes of convincing? Nothing, it's the 15 minutes. If it literally takes 15 minutes to explain something, you're taking 15 minutes away from the rest of the table. If you're knowingly and willing taking 15 minutes of a 4 hours slot away from the rest of the table just because your character needed to be special (or more likely exploit a gray area in the rules), then you're being a jerk.
The best you can do is show up 15 minutes early and hope the GM doesn't need that time to get the table ready for the rest of the table. Okay, then how about if I happen to mention my rogue's recent exploits against a flanked ghoul, and the GM overhears and says that I can't sneak attack undead? Suppose I spend 15 minutes trying to convince him that in Pathfinder I can sneak attack undead, and keep having to deal with his "nothing in the CRB says you can sneak attack undead" and "there are years of precedent" and "the intent ever since backstab"? Am I still being a jerk by taking up that time? Does the answer change if today's rogue is being played by the now white-faced and wide-eyed player next to me?
And if them being stubborn about a Core Rule is different than me trying to "exploit gray areas", then where exactly is the line? Maybe I came to the table fully expecting that the GM would come to the same conclusion I did with the 90-second spiel I gave him. Maybe the last three GMs all got it in 90 seconds, but now this one is asking me for 15 minutes. Am I still a jerk? If it takes you that long to look up Undead traits in Bestiary 1 then you got problems.
Nice, 13 different scenarios. Good to see you are offering a variety.
These questions are also answered in the Evoking Day thread itself.
Never seen a glitter applicator quite like that before.
Rangerjeff, please refer to the guide to organized play wherein it details the difference between Scenarios and Modules.
A reasonable time for a PFS scenario to wrap up is under 6 hours. Usually closer to the four to four and half hour mark.
Ah I see. Trial by committee. Quite a list of names you have there. Many neato firsts attained in one fell swoop. Congrats.
Michael Brock wrote: Daniel Luckett wrote: What was the last scenario to bump you over 150? The last scenario I GMed, that got me to 149, was 3-EX: Cyphermage Dilemma at Dragon Con. The game that pushed me over the 150 mark was the play test of the first running of Shattered Star AP, part 1 sanctioned play last Friday. Truth be told, it looks like it could take another full session to get fully through it to my satisfaction, though. But who had the dubious task of "judging" your performance. >:]

Fromper wrote: sveden wrote: rangerjeff wrote: Just played Crypt of the Everflame (brutal, that one, at least with just a useless Bard, a ditsy teenage Inquisitor who also had control of Kyra, and my Evoker, all lvl 1), and I'm wondering if what I'm doing now is PFS legal. One player controlling two PCs at the table isn't legal. Kyra should have been controlled by the GM.
GMs have enough to worry about. It's not that uncommon for them to hand off some responsibilities to the players, such as initiative tracking as a common one, so that they can focus on the adventure. Why not control of the pregen used to fill out the table? I've seen this done a few times.
Because its specifically prohibited in the Guide to Organized play.
Page 21 wrote: One Character at a Time
You may only play one character during a specific scenario session. You may have more than one active character in Pathfinder Society Organized Play, but playing more than one during a specific session is considered cheating. GMs are allowed to play one pregenerated character during a session, but only to make a legal table.
rangerjeff wrote: Just played Crypt of the Everflame (brutal, that one, at least with just a useless Bard, a ditsy teenage Inquisitor who also had control of Kyra, and my Evoker, all lvl 1), and I'm wondering if what I'm doing now is PFS legal. One player controlling two PCs at the table isn't legal. Kyra should have been controlled by the GM.
As far as rebuilding when you have 4 XP, personally I'd say no but its a grey area to be sure. One that seems to have been answered by campaign staff.
When did the big dance occur that bumped you to 5?

Ron Lundeen wrote: Arkos wrote: Our general comment during part 1 was "Pay up, and remember that the Aspis are a bunch of jerks who show up and take your stuff. You probably shouldn't do business with us ever again. If I had the Aspis knocking down my door, I might even lead a revolt!" I really played this up with one group: all the NPCs kept seeing the PCs' actions in the best possible light and promising to spread the good name of the Aspis Consortium all over the city. E.g., the rescued husband at the Fishbowl: "You guys are the Aspis Consortium? Huh, never heard of them before, but you guys saved me and my daughters from certain death, so I'll tell everyone I know how great the Aspis Consortium is. Thanks, Aspis Consortium, you're real heroes!!" Delightfully frustrating for them. One of the players at my table thought of the effects of saving the daughters and the father while in the guise of Aspis. As the NPC father I had to get down on my knees and beg for the lives of myself and my daughters not to be sold into slavery by the party. Fun times!
I have a friend in WV who is looking for games.
Where do you guys muster or RSVP? Do you have a website where your players RSVP?
So PFCBG is actually a Boglin. Check.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Of the 59 scenarios I've run I've only received credit for 70% of them.
That's largely because I'm new to this campaign. I expect that percentage to decrease as I continue to GM.
The credit is important but its more important to me that my store's gamedays serve as many people as possible.
Also having problems with user's posts pages.
I just attempted to subscribe to the RSS for a user's posts and I get the Paizo 404 page.
Thanks for responding to my flags Chris. But you forgot a few posts.
sveden wrote: Yiroep wrote: Where is this character death recorded? They wouldn't get a chronicle sheet or reward and therefore bear no risk either as there is no record at all of them playing at the table. When the Event Coordinator or GM enters the session sheet for the game they would mark that player dead. Same way as every other time.
Wow, what is your Strength when you are in bird form?
"Misering of XP and gear"? Why sully your good time feelings with value judgements?
Saint Caleth wrote: sveden wrote: Yiroep wrote: Where is this character death recorded? They wouldn't get a chronicle sheet or reward and therefore bear no risk either as there is no record at all of them playing at the table. When the Event Coordinator or GM enters the session sheet for the game they would mark that player dead. Same way as every other time. Doesn't the reporting system give you an error if you try to report someone as playing a scenario more than once though? No. It just doesn't give them credit.
Netopalis wrote: "You guys" meaning Pathfinder Society people.
And my point was not in response to you, it was in response to Sveden saying that it is unreasonable, as a player, to expect a scenario to conclude within 6 hours.
Ahem! Please show me where I said to not "expect a scenario to conclude within 6 hours". Why do you feel it is OK to make things up?
Ran this on Saturday, two tables at my store.
Amazing, excellent, and so on!
Will be formulating a proper review today. This was one of the most fun scenarios I've run in a while.
Ron's string of great scenarios continues!
Yiroep wrote: Where is this character death recorded? They wouldn't get a chronicle sheet or reward and therefore bear no risk either as there is no record at all of them playing at the table. When the Event Coordinator or GM enters the session sheet for the game they would mark that player dead. Same way as every other time.
Victor Zajic wrote: Getting to start with more "experience" than 0 when your high level character dies is pretty common practice in living RPG campaigns. Thank dog this living campaign is different.
Netopalis wrote: "You guys" meaning Pathfinder Society people.
And my point was not in response to you, it was in response to Sveden saying that it is unreasonable, as a player, to expect a scenario to conclude within 6 hours.
I never said that Netopalis.
I'm trying to be patient with a new enthusiastic user but my patience is wearing thin. Do not misquote me again.

Netopalis wrote: Kyle Baird wrote: Netopalis wrote: I recently had to leave during the middle of a game due to a personal emergency. The table was running rather long, and we were approaching the final encounter anyway. I left my mini and my character sheet, and asked the GM to finish the last encounter (which we were just getting ready to start)with the GM playing my character. Could you have asked this player to do something similar? You would get 1 XP, 1 PP if you completed your faction's mission, 1 PP if somehow the Society's goal had been met w/o the final encounter (it happens), and any treasure you had acquired up to the point where you left. The GM let me have the whole thing, but in part because the scenario that was supposed to last 4 hours had already lasted 6, and because it was basically a done deal. PFS scenarios can run longer than 4 hours. In fact they usually do. Your GM should not have implied or stated it would take only 4 hours.
You should only receive 1 XP and 2PP and full gold if everything was already earned before you left the table. If not, your GM made a mistake. It happens.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Netopalis wrote: I recently had to leave during the middle of a game due to a personal emergency. The table was running rather long, and we were approaching the final encounter anyway. I left my mini and my character sheet, and asked the GM to finish the last encounter (which we were just getting ready to start)with the GM playing my character. Could you have asked this player to do something similar? No because that is not allowed. If you leave you get the credit for what you completed. Having a GM bot your PC isn't allowed.
Netopalis wrote: Kyle -
How would you feel about allowing players whose characters die roll a new character at a similar or reduced level, with the restriction that the must pick a different class, race and name? With reduced access to gold reserves? This might make the higher tier scenarios more accessible to those who don't have the time to play as much as some of the forum-goers, but it would still add in a significant need for caution.
Netopalis wrote: Kyle Baird wrote: Quote Pyramid ** spoiler omitted ** Would you consider deleting your spoiler?
That scenario is really new.
This isn't the GM discussion forums
To top it off your assumption is based on an incorrect assessment of the scenario in question.
Netopalis wrote: sveden wrote: Netopalis wrote: I found GMs bragging about character deaths and criticizing players who are slightly non-optimal.
I found GMs who were callous about the impact that player death has on people, and who feel that high-level play should be restricted to the secret club.
GMs who were apparently of the mind that the casual gamer or the newbie need not apply. Could you please link to the sources for these three statements. If you will note, I later retracted these statements. They were largely based on a particular thread that I read, which I was informed was a joke and was not to be taken seriously. I'm glad you have specifically retracted these statements. That is a good thing.
Netopalis wrote: I found GMs bragging about character deaths and criticizing players who are slightly non-optimal.
I found GMs who were callous about the impact that player death has on people, and who feel that high-level play should be restricted to the secret club.
GMs who were apparently of the mind that the casual gamer or the newbie need not apply.
Could you please link to the sources for these three statements.
Thod wrote: Original Post You went to a convention that had either poor planning or poor usage of tickets by players which resulted in your son not having a table during a slot and... what?
What does this mean to you in regards to your dislike of a phrase(earning the right to play) in a different thread? Please elaborate on the lessons to be learned about your anecdote.
Kristina Wang wrote: I vote yay, I can't think of a time when a level 7 pregen has ever been played at any of the games I have gone to, or at any of the games I have helped organize. We are playing mid to high tier levels, and everyone already has a character in those tiers. We have at least one table set aside for lower level characters and we play the level one and the level four pregens. I know a player who once his PC reaches level 7 he will jump to level 9 because of all the level 7 pregen credit he has racked up. Food for thought.